144 research outputs found

    Маркетинговые методы в работе медицинской библиотеки

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    Application of marketing approaches in the Scientific Medical Library of the SSMU. The use of additional financial assets for library development. Informational and promotional activities. Library work on the formation and perfection of the image.Внедрение маркетинговых подходов в научно-медицинской библиотеке Сибирского государственного медицинского университета (НМБ СГМУ). Привлечение дополнительных финансовых средств на развитие библиотеки. Информационная и рекламная деятельность. Работа библиотеки по формированию и совершенствованию имиджа

    The Concept of a Research Reactor of Small Power for Isotope Processing

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    The concept of a low-power research reactor for the production of radioisotopes is proposed, the results of calculations of the neutron-physical parameters of the core are presented, which can be used to substantiate the claimed reactor characteristics. In this article, the characteristics of the core of a research reactor of low power is substantiated, the main purpose of which is the production of radioisotope products for medical purposes. Nuclear medicine is one of the most advanced and demanded in the world of modern high-tech medicine, based on the using of atomic nucleus properties. As a rule, atoms with unstable nuclei are radionuclides. The reactor method of radionuclide production allows obtaining large quantities of radioisotope products at a relatively low price, but the reactor base is currently rather limited.     Keywords: radioisotope products, research reactors, neutron-physical characteristic

    Role of cytokines, IL1-β and IL-10, in the development of endocrine ophthalmopathy in Graves’ disease

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    Background: Endocrine ophthalmopathy (EO) is a disease which is characterized by progressive autoimmune inflammation of extraocular muscles and retrobulbar adipose tissue, and is accompanied by infiltration, edema and proliferation of retrobulbar adipose tissue, muscles and connective tissue, leading to worsened quality of life, limited capacity for work and even ocular atrophy. It has been demonstrated that cytokines are involved in the development of autoimmune ophthalmopathy in Graves’ disease (GD). Thus, the secretion of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and TNFα were increased several dozenfold in active ophthalmopathy, but the specificity of cytokines in EO is still a subject of discussion among researchers. Purpose: To assess the levels of proinflammtory cytokines (IL-1β) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10) in Graves’ disease complicated by endocrine ophthalmopathy. Material and Methods: Forty-three patients with Graves’ disease (33 women and 10 men; age, 18 to 71 years) underwent an examination. They were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of EO: GD plus EO (24 patients) and GD only (19 patients). Disease duration was 2.2±0.4 years for patients with GD plus EO versus 3.98±0.74 years for patients with GD only (р<0.05). All patients were treated with antithyroid drugs (mercazolil and thyrozol) and were classified as having compensated thyroid disease at the time of the study. All patients with GD plus AO had a CAS score exceeding 3 (the active stage of EO). Patients underwent an examination including ultrasonic assessment of thyroid gland volume, hormonal examination (serum TSH, free T4 (fT4), and free T3 (fT3)), assessment of serum antithyroid antibodies (anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies and TSHR-Ab) and serum IL-1β and IL-10 levels. Results: Serum IL-1β levels were significantly increased in patients with Graves’ disease compared to healthy controls. Serum IL-1β levels for patients with GD plus EO were significantly higher than for patients with GD only (45.48 ± 16.19 pg/ml versus 10.44±5.17 pg/ml; р 0.05)

    Assessing the efficacy of various treatment regimens for patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy associated with Graves’ disease

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    Purpose: To assess the efficacy of various treatment regimens for patients with EO associated with Graves’ disease based on the retrospective analysis of clinical data, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor autoantibodies (TSHR-Ab) titers and orbital ultrasound imaging findings. Material and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records (including clinical and laboratory data and findings of ultrasound imaging of retrobulbar adipose tissue) of 155 patients with EO associated with Graves’ disease and either euthyroidism (in the presence of antithyroid therapy) or postoperative compensated hypothyroidism that underwent treatment at Komisarenko Institute for Endocrinology and Metabolism between 2009 and 2019. The duration of EO ranged from 8 months to 36 months. Patients with EO associated with Graves’ disease were medically treated in the presence of stable euthyroidism. Patients were divided into 4 groups based on the glucocorticoid treatment scheme. Group 1 of 15 patients received prednisolone tablets per os; group 2 of 68 patients, intravenous methylprednisolone (MP) pulse therapy only; group 3 of 32 patients, intravenous MP pulse therapy plus vitamin D3; and group 4 of 40 patients, intravenous MP pulse therapy 8 to 12 months after thyroidectomy. Results: As soon as 3 months after treatment initiation, there was an improvement in condition of patients in all groups as assessed by clinical examination, followed by further improvement by 6 months and 12 months. The best results were obtained in patients of group 4, with a statistically significant improvement in clinical condition (p < 0.05). Retrobulbar adipose tissue thickness as assessed by orbital ultrasound at baseline and at 6 months and 12 months was statistically significantly greater in patients of all the four groups than controls (p < 0.05). At 6 months, serum TSHR-Ab levels in groups 1, 2 and 3 significantly decreased compared to baseline, with no significant difference between these groups, whereas serum TSHR-Ab level in group 4 was significantly higher than in other groups both at baseline and at 6 months. At 12 months, serum TSHR-Ab level in group 4 was significantly lower (р < 0.05) than in other groups (2.41 ± 0.81 mU/L versus 5.97 ± 1.71 mU/L for group 1, 5.49 ± 1.27 mU/L for group 2, and 6.17 ± 1.18 mU/L for group 3). Conclusion: Patients with EO associated with Graves’ disease in group 4 (intravenous MP pulse therapy after thyroidectomy) showed a significantly better (р < 0.05) treatment outcome than patients in other groups. Ultrasound imaging of retrobulbar adipose tissue thickness is inadequately informative for assessing treatment efficacy

    Разработка элементов технологии выращивания рассады лука порея для открытого грунта Нечерноземной зоны

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    Relevance and methods. Leek is one of the most promising onion crops for industrial cultivation in the Non-Chernozem zone, which has medicinal properties and high nutritional value. The results of studying the technological features of leek cultivation in the open ground of the Moscow region are presented. The studies were carried out in 2019-2020 on the territory of the “Vegetable Experimental Station named after V.I. Edelstein". We studied the influence of the feeding area of leek seedlings on the biometric parameters of plants and the quality of products. The object of the study is the variety Karantansky, experimental options: 1) seedling feeding area – 6 cm2 (control), 2) seedling feeding area – 8 cm2 , 3) seedling feeding area – 10 cm2 . The objects of research to study the content of ascorbic acid were leek varieties: late-ripening – Karantansky (standard), Bandit, Dobry Molodets, mid-ripening – Columbus, Hobot slona.Results. It is noted that the feeding area during the seedling period does not significantly affect the biometric parameters of leek plants: leaf area, plant weight, leek pseudostems diameter. Therefore, during the period of growing seedlings, from the point of view of rational use of the area in the seedling department, it is recommended to use the minimum feeding area – 6 cm2 . It was also found that the studied varieties accumulate ascorbic acid in different ways in various plant organs. The maximum content of ascorbic acid was noted in the leek pseudostems of the control late-ripening variety Karantanskiy – 23.6 mg%. The minimum values are for Dobry Molodets (11.8 mg%) and Hobot Slona (11.9 mg%).Актуальность. Лук порей – одна из наиболее перспективных луковых культур для промышленного выращивания в условиях Нечерноземной зоны, обладающая лечебными свойствами и высокой питательной ценностью.Материал и методы. Представлены результаты изучения технологических особенностей культивирования лука порея в условиях открытого грунта Московской области. Исследования проводили в 2019-2020 годах на территории УНПЦ «Овощная опытная станция имени В.И. Эдельштейна». Изучали влияние площади питания рассады лука порея на биометрические показатели растений и качество продукции. Объект исследования – сорт Карантанский, варианты опыта: 1) площадь питания рассады – 6 см2 (контроль), 2) площадь питания рассады – 8 см2 , 3) площадь питания рассады – 10 см2 . Объектами исследований по изучению содержания аскорбиновой кислоты являлись сорта лука порея: позднеспелые – Карантанский (стандарт), Бандит, Добрый молодец, среднеспелые – Коламбус, Хобот слона.Результаты. Отмечено, что площадь питания в рассадный период не оказывает существенного влияния на биометрические показатели растений лука порея: площадь листьев, масса растения, диаметр ложного стебля. Поэтому в период выращивания рассады, с точки зрения рационального использования площади в рассадном отделении, рекомендуется использовать минимальную площадь питания – 6 см2. Также установлено, что изучаемые сорта по-разному накапливают аскорбиновую кислоту в различных органах растения. Максимальное содержание отмечено в ложном стебле растений контрольного позднеспелого сорта Карантанский – 23,6 мг%. Минимальными значениями у сортов Добрый Молодец (11,8 мг%) и Хобот слона (11,9 мг%)


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    The aim of this study was to investigate efficacy and safety of inhalational treatment with Ruzam in 63 adult patients with persistent mild to moderate atopic bronchial asthma (BA). In this placebo controlled trial, clinical, functional and laboratory parameters were assessed at the end of 2-week treatment with Ruzam and in 6 months after the treatment. All patients also received inhaled corticosteroids. In patients treated with Ruzam, asthma symptoms, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and nitric oxide in the exhaled air decreased and morning PEF increased when compared to patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids plus placebo. During 6 months after the treatment, there were no asthma exacerbations in the Ruzam group and asthma was well-controlled in these patients. The patients treated with Ruzam significantly decreased a frequency of acute respiratory infections. In the control group (n = 32), exacerbation frequency and asthma control level remained unchanged compared to baseline. Achieving clinical control of asthma in Ruzam group was accompanied by a significant reduction in concentrations of inflammatory markers (IFN-γ, ECP) in serum and in the induced sputum that could be used as a measure of systemic anti-inflammatory effect of Ruzam.Проведено плацебо-контролируемое исследование по изучению эффективности и безопасности терапии с применением ингаляционной формы препарата Рузам у взрослых больных атопической бронхиальной астмой (БА) персистирующего легкого и среднетяжелого течения. Клиникоункциональные и лабораторные параметры эффективности оценивались сразу и через 6 мес. после окончания 2-недельного курса иммунотерапии Рузамом у взрослых больных (n = 63). Выявлено уменьшение симптомов БА, повышение утренней пиковой скорости выдоха и порога бронхиальной гиперреактивности, снижение уровня оксида азота в выдыхаемом воздухе (NОex) у больных, получавших ингаляционную терапию Рузамом в комплексе с базисной терапией ингаляционными глюкокортикостероидами (иГКС), по сравнению с контрольной группой больных, получавших только базисную терапию иГКС + плацебо. В течение 6 мес. после окончания курса лечения Рузамом у больных (n = 30) не наблюдалось обострений и сохранялся клинико-функциональный контроль над БА. Отмечено, что у пациентов, получавших Рузам, значимо снизилась частота острых респираторных инфекций. В контрольной группе (n = 32) частота обострений и уровень контроля над БА остались прежними. Достижение клинического контроля над БА у больных, лечившихся Рузамом, сопровождалось достоверной положительной динамикой маркеров воспаления (интерферон (IFN)-γ, эозинофильный катионный протеин) в сыворотке крови и в супернатанте индуцированной мокроты, что может свидетельствовать о системном противовоспалительном влиянии Рузама

    Оценка влияния комплекса биопрепаратов на рост, развитие и урожайность огурца в условиях светокультуры

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    The ecologization of protected soil is currently one of the most important tasks of agricultural production, in this regard, for the vegetable growing of protected soil, the introduction of effective microorganisms into the substrate when growing plants in low-volume technology is of great interest. Biologics can enhance metabolic processes in the nutrient substrate and plants, plant resistance to adverse environmental conditions, increase plant productivity and improve product quality. Therefore, the purpose of our work is to analyze the effect of a complex of biological products on the agrobiological parameters of cucumber hybrids Mewa F1 and Valigora F1 on the 39, 67, 95 and 123 day of cultivation from the appearance of mass shoots. The research was carried out in conditions of high industrial greenhouses of the "Venlo" type, in the winter-spring turns of 2021 and 2022. The preparations were introduced into the tank mixture and fed to the plants through a drip irrigation system. Measurements of economically valuable indicators were noted weekly. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA methods were used for statistical data analysis.Results. When using biological products, a positive effect was noted on the growth and development of cucumber plants, as well as on the increase in leaf plate and leaf surface area (LAI). The dates of the onset of single and mass flowering of plants and single fruiting occurred earlier when using a complex of biological preparations for 1-5 days. When assessing the effect of the complex of biological products on the development of the photosynthetic apparatus, the positive effect of biological products on the area and index of the leaf surface on the 39, 67 and 95 days of cultivation was established. In addition, a significant effect of the complex on the increase in yield per m2 per turnover was revealed. In the conducted studies, the increase in yield was due to an increase in the weight and diameter of fruits. The total height of the plants and the weekly growth of the complex of drugs practically did not affect. A comparative analysis of the growth processes and yield of cucumber hybrids Mewa F1 and Valigora F1 when applying root fertilizing with a complex of biological preparations showed great effectiveness from their use.Экологизация защищенного грунта, на данный момент – одна из важнейших задач сельскохозяйственного производства, в связи с этим, для овощеводства защищенного грунта большой интерес представляет внесение в субстрат при выращивании растений в малообъемной технологии эффективных микроорганизмов. Биопрепараты способны усилить обменные процессы в питательном субстрате и растениях, устойчивость растений к неблагоприятным условиям среды, повысить продуктивность растений и улучшить качество продукции. Поэтому целью нашей работы является анализ влияния комплекса биопрепаратов на агробиологические показатели гибридов огурца Mewa F1 и Valigora F1 на 39, 67, 95 и 123 сутки выращивания от появления массовых всходов. Исследования проводили в условиях высоких промышленных теплиц типа «Venlo», в зимне-весенних оборотах 2021 и 2022 годов. Препараты вносили в баковую смесь и подавали к растениям через систему капельного полива. Измерения хозяйственно ценных показателей отмечали еженедельно. Для статистического анализа данных использовали методы описательных статистик и ANOVA.Результаты. При применении биопрепаратов было отмечено положительное воздействие на рост и развитие растений огурца, а также на увеличение листовой пластинки и площади листовой поверхности (ИПЛ). Даты наступления единичного и массового цветения растений и единичного плодоношения наступали раньше при применении комплекса биопрепаратов на 1-5 суток. При оценке влияния комплекса биопрепаратов на развитие фотосинтетического аппарата установлено положительное влияние биопрепаратов на площадь и индекс листовой поверхности на 39, 67 и 95-е сутки выращивания. Кроме того, выявлено достоверное влияние комплекса на увеличение урожайности с м2 за оборот. В проведенных исследования увеличение урожайности происходило за счет увеличения массы и диаметра плодов. На общую высоту растений и недельный прирост комплекс препаратов практически не повлиял. Сравнительный анализ ростовых процессов и урожайности гибридов огурца Mewa F1 и Valigora F1 при применении корневых подкормок комплексом биопрепаратов показал большую эффективность от их применения

    Results of Modeling Experiments in Designing Immuno-Enzyme Test-System for the Detection of Antibodies to <I>Yersinia pestis</I> F1 (ELISA-Ab-F1 <I>Yersinia pestis</I>)

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    Designed is immuno-enzyme test-system for the detection of antibodies to Yersinia pestis capsular antigen F1 – “ELISA-Ab-F1 Yersinia pestis”. On the model of laboratory mice it is demonstrated that this test-system is highly specific, its diagnostic titer being 1/320.Diagnostic value of the test-system is 83.3–88.9 % as revealed through investigations of sera and blood suspension samples, swabs of thoracic organs of animals, inoculated with live plague vaccine, strains of plague microbe, containing and deprived of pFra, as well as with heterologous bacteria

    To the 50th anniversary of hematology service of the Republic of Tatarstan

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    The article presents an overview of the development of hematology service in the Republic of Tatarstan. The well-known scientist Nikolay Konstantinovich Goryaev (1875-1943), who worked in Kazan for a long time, began to develop this direction and after passing an internship in Germany proposed an improved device for calculating the blood elements known throughout the world. Adherents of Professor Goryaev continued research in the field of hematology, a blood transfusion station was organized. Professor S.I. Sherman proposed new methods of diagnosis and treatment of B12 deficiency anemia. Professor Sh.I. Ratner studied the changes in the blood picture in diseases of the abdominal cavity. The first 15 specialized hematological beds were opened in 1968 in the hospital named “Old Clinic”. The physician who treated such patients was Rakhil Sholomovna Dashevskaya, PhD. At present, hematology service is provided by three hospitals in Kazan, hematological and therapeutical beds in Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk, outpatient hematology service in Zelenodolsk. In recent years, the introduction of stem cell therapy has begun, and modern combined methods of chemotherapy have been introduced