1,466 research outputs found

    Folding and cytoplasm viscoelasticity contribute jointly to chromosome dynamics

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    The chromosome is a key player of cell physiology, and its dynamics provides valuable information about its physical organization. In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the short-time motion of chromosomal loci has been described as a Rouse model in a simple or viscoelastic medium. However, little emphasis has been put on the role played by the folded organization of chromosomes on the local dynamics. Clearly, stress-propagation, and thus dynamics, must be affected by such organization, but a theory allowing to extract such information from data, e.g.\ of two-point correlations, is lacking. Here, we describe a theoretical framework able to answer this general polymer dynamics question, and we provide a general scaling analysis of the stress-propagation time between two loci at a given arclength distance along the chromosomal coordinate. The results suggest a precise way to detect folding information from the dynamical coupling of chromosome segments. Additionally, we realize this framework in a specific theoretical model of a polymer with variable-range interactions in a viscoelastic medium characterized by a tunable scaling exponent, where we derive analytical estimates of the correlation functions.Comment: 14 pages including supplementary material

    Lamplighter model of a random copolymer adsorption on a line

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    We present a model of an AB-diblock random copolymer sequential self-packaging with local quenched interactions on a one-dimensional infinite sticky substrate. It is assumed that the A-A and B-B contacts are favorable, while A-B are not. The position of a newly added monomer is selected in view of the local contact energy minimization. The model demonstrates a self-organization behavior with the nontrivial dependence of the total energy, EE (the number of unfavorable contacts), on the number of chain monomers, NN: EN3/4E\sim N^{3/4} for quenched random equally probable distribution of A- and B-monomers along the chain. The model is treated by mapping it onto the "lamplighter" random walk and the diffusion-controlled chemical reaction of X+X0X+X\to 0 type with the subdiffusive motion of reagents.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Statistics of randomly branched polymers in a semi-space

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    We investigate the statistical properties of a randomly branched 3--functional NN--link polymer chain without excluded volume, whose one point is fixed at the distance dd from the impenetrable surface in a 3--dimensional space. Exactly solving the Dyson-type equation for the partition function Z(N,d)=NθeγNZ(N,d)=N^{-\theta} e^{\gamma N} in 3D, we find the "surface" critical exponent θ=5/2\theta={5/2}, as well as the density profiles of 3--functional units and of dead ends. Our approach enables to compute also the pairwise correlation function of a randomly branched polymer in a 3D semi-space.Comment: 15 pages 7 figsures; section VII is slightly reorganized, discussion is revise

    Necklace-Cloverleaf Transition in Associating RNA-like Diblock Copolymers

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    We consider a AmBn{\rm A}_m{\rm B}_n diblock copolymer, whose links are capable of forming local reversible bonds with each other. We assume that the resulting structure of the bonds is RNA--like, i.e. topologically isomorphic to a tree. We show that, depending on the relative strengths of A--A, A--B and B--B contacts, such a polymer can be in one of two different states. Namely, if a self--association is preferable (i.e., A--A and B--B bonds are comparatively stronger than A--B contacts) then the polymer forms a typical randomly branched cloverleaf structure. On the contrary, if alternating association is preferable (i.e. A--B bonds are stronger than A--A and B--B contacts) then the polymer tends to form a generally linear necklace structure (with, probably, some rear side branches and loops, which do not influence the overall characteristics of the chain). The transition between cloverleaf and necklace states is studied in details and it is shown that it is a 2nd order phase transition.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure