126 research outputs found

    Quadratic exponential in modified discrete Fourier transform and shifted Gaussian series

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    In this paper we consider quadratic exponential in two main constructions: as finite Gauss sums and in connection with modified discrete Fourier transforms and also as basis of series in shifted Gaussians. We study spectral properties of modified Fourier discrete transforms, its eigenspaces and eigenvector

    Russian market of oil and fat products in a competitive environment

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    The effective development of the Russian market of oil and fat products, as part of the food market, food security is an essential factor. Russia as a whole is fully self-sufficient in oil and it is a major exporter. Russia has the advantage that, in fact, all of its territory is suitable for cultivation of oilseed crops. In fact, in every region can grow oilseeds, which are in demand on the world market. Products include oil and fat industry for products deep processing and multi-functional. The peculiarity of the Russian market of oilseeds is the diversity of its constituent markets. The Russian market is represented by a different range of fat and oil products domestic and foreign manufacturers. In this market, working as large agricultural holdings and small manufacturers, and processors. The purpose of the study is to study on the basis of indicators that characterize the current state of the Russian market of oil and fat products, a comparison of the situation and of the experience of large processors, identify measures to further the efficient and competitive development of the market for the long term. The study used the abstract logic, monographic, economic and statistical methods. In a competitive environment, to stay on the market, Fat organizations form its structure in the form of vertical integration of multidisciplinary groups, in addition to processing plants that include agribusiness organization, logistics units – transportation, elevators, trading houses. For the development of the market of oil and fat products necessary to improve the competitiveness of domestic products, to revive production of traditional domestic oilseeds led to crop rotation, new, high-tech, innovative use of technology, to develop export, search for new markets. The results can then be used to develop long-term programs of development of regions. Conclusions and recommendations will contribute to a competitive mechanism of functioning and development of the domestic market of oil and fat products

    Development of the it sector in Russia: drivers and stimulation methods

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    The development of the digital economy is directly linked to advances in the information technology sector. The information technology sector refers to a set of high-tech computer services. The article shows the place of this sector in the provision of high-tech services according to international and Russian statistical methodology. It has been substantiated that the information technology sector has a significant cumulative development effect. The IT sector refers to a set of high-tech computer services. The drivers of the information technology sector development have been identified and the government’s methods of stimulating it have been analysed. Particular attention has been paid to global external shocks to the industry, namely sanctions and the COVID-19 pandemic. The short term specifics of the information technology sector drivers have been highlighted. The role of the state as a facilitator of methods to stimulate industry development has been shown

    Цифровизация финансовой деятельности платформенных компаний: конкурентный потенциал и социальные последствия

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    The aim of the article is to define the characteristics of platform companies and their digital platforms as new mechanisms of competition and social transformation in the global economy. The relevance of the article is due to the demand for theexperience of foreign platform companies as the main business models for the competitive development of the economy. The authors apply methods such as theoretical analysis of scientific publications (analysis, synthesis, generalization); deduction as a procedure for the transition from the general to the particular; analysis of the structure of the influence of platform companies on the strategies of competition, highlighting the differences between the platform and linear business models; determining the influence of platform companies on competition among offline partners; identification of competition between platform companies and within them; highlighting aspects of the social impact of the functioning of platforms and platform companies. The study is based on the works of domestic and foreign authors devoted to the analysis of the development of platform companies and the assessment of the social impact of these processes, as well as the interaction between the authors and developers of digital platforms. The scientific novelty of the article is provided by the analysis of a wide range of competition tools, which favorably distinguish the platform approach to modern business from the linear one. The results of the analysis make it possible to form a model of the competition ecosystem in the platform economy. The authors conclude that the basis of the competitive success of platform companies is their ability to expand the scale of activities (as a result of optimizing various types of assets), to minimize costs by involving external users in the process of creating added value, and cross-platform cooperation. The authors recommend that Russian business entities use the experience of foreign platform companies to gain competitive advantages not only in the Russian IT sector but also outside of it. Particularly important are: decentralization of quality control procedures, creation of new sales markets, collection, and processing of large amounts of data, development of strategies for entering markets as suppliers and contractors, diversification of activities at the stage of attracting investments, a social construction.Цель исследования — выявление характеристик платформенных компаний и входящих в них цифровых платформ как новых механизмов конкуренции и социальных трансформаций в мировой экономике. Актуальность статьи определена востребованностью опыта зарубежных платформенных компаний как основных бизнес-моделей конкурентного развития экономики. Использованы методы: теоретического анализа научных публикаций (анализ, синтез, обобщение); дедукции как процедуры перехода от общего к частному; анализа структуры влияния платформенных компаний на стратегии конкурентной борьбы с выделением различий между платформенной и линейной моделями ведения бизнеса; определения влияния платформенных компаний на конкуренцию в среде оффлайн-партнеров; выявления конкуренции между платформенными компаниями и внутри них; выделения аспектов социальных последствий функционирования платформ и платформенных компаний. Базой исследования являются работы отечественных и зарубежных авторов, посвященные анализу развития платформенных компаний и оценке социальных последствий данных процессов, а также опыт взаимодействия авторов статьи с разработчиками цифровых платформ. Научная новизна статьи: проанализирован широкий спектр инструментов конкурентной борьбы, выгодно отличающих платформенный подход к ведению современного бизнеса от линейного. Результаты анализа позволили сформировать модель экосистемы конкуренции в платформенной экономике. Сделан вывод, что основой конкурентного успеха платформенных компаний является их способность к масштабированию деятельности (как следствия оптимизации разного рода активов), минимизации издержек с помощью вовлечения внешних пользователей в процесс создания добавленной стоимости, межплатформенная кооперация. Авторы рекомендуют российским хозяйствующим субъектам использовать опыт зарубежных платформенных компаний для получения конкурентных преимуществ не только в российском IT-секторе, но и за его пределами. Особенно важными являются: децентрализация процедур контроля качества, создание новых рынков сбыта, сбор и обработка больших массивов данных, разработка стратегий выхода на рынки в качестве поставщиков и подрядчиков, диверсификация деятельности на этапе привлечения инвестиций, социальное конструирование

    The use of WebQuests in foreign language training of students of nonlinguistic specialties

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    The purpose of this study is to establish the advantages of using WebQuests in foreign language training of students of non-linguistic specialtie


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    The article is devoted to the development of marketing activities in the institutions of further training. The paper points out the role of marketing activities in terms of reforming the education system. The issues of development of further training moves to implementation of the marketing instruments in institution management. The authors suppose the choice of marketing activities as a development strategy allows responding efficiently the changes occurred at the labour market, and therefore the market of educational services. The publication describes specific procedure of marketing service to transfer to the new strategy. The departments responsible for marketing in institutions of further training are to develop the programmes of institution promotion and promotion of its services at the market. The departments are to focus on communication, informing the prospective consumers and making the image of additional professional education institutions. The publication points out the tasks on ensuring the marketing philosophy in each process, activity and a client in further training institution. They are keeping clients, customers satisfaction and their loyalty, developing the clients motivation to system applying of educational services.Статья посвящена вопросам развития маркетинговой деятельности в учреждениях дополнительного профессионального образования. Отмечается роль маркетинговой деятельности в условиях реформирования системы образования. Решение вопросов развития дополнительного профессионального образования переходит в плоскость внедрения рычагов маркетинга в управление образовательным учреждением. Выбор маркетинговой деятельности как стратегии развития позволит своевременно и качественно реагировать на изменения рынка труда, а соответственно, и рынка образовательных услуг. Описаны конкретные шаги работы службы маркетинга для перехода к новой стратегии. Подразделениям, отвечающим за маркетинговую деятельность в учреждениях ДПО, необходимо разрабатывать программы продвижения образовательного учреждения и его услуг на рынке и сосредоточивать усилия в области коммуникаций, главной целью которых должны быть повышение информированности потенциальных потребителей и формирование имиджа учреждений дополнительного профессионального образования. В статье обозначены задачи по обеспечению формирования философии маркетинга на каждый процесс, вид деятельности и клиента в учреждении дополнительного профессионального образования. Это удержание клиентов, повышение удовлетворенности потребителей и их лояльности, выработка у клиентов мотивации к системному пользованию образовательными услугами

    Socio-cultural dominants of higher school innovation mission

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    The article deals with the value backgrounds to ensure the innovative potential of the Russian higher school. Based on the methodology of socio-cultural determination, the authors propose to apply largescale civilizational dimension for understanding the higher school's innovative missio

    Axiological dimension of the higher school innovative potential

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    The article deals with the value backgrounds to ensure the innovative potential of the higher school. Based on the methodology of socio-cultural determination, the authors propose to apply large-scale axiological dimension for understanding the higher school's innovative mission. This dimension encompasses a number of central ideas in the history of the development of higher school within the bosom of major socio-cultural domains, such as: social-focused, theology-focused, anthropocentric, profession-focused, scientific-focused, ideology-focused and market-focuse

    The use of modern ICT to provide students' self-realization in russian higher school

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    This article examines the psychological and educational role of information-communication technologies (ICT) in teaching students in Russian higher school. It establishes resources of these technologies in the possibility to stimulate the manifestation of various forms of students’ selfrealization in the educational process. The authors reveal a subjective-significant conditions of successful self-realization in university learnin

    Development of technical and design skills of schoolchildren

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    Paper issues the possibility of using the project method for development of technical and design skills of junior schoolchildrenРассматривается применение метода проектов для развития технико-конструкторских умений младших школьнико