26 research outputs found

    Violation of Labour Rights in the Context of Compulsory Vaccination Against Covid-19

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    The aim of the article is to conduct research on the issue of whether compulsory vaccination, enshrined in international and national legal acts, violates labour rights. The main research method was a comparison method, which helped to compare the experience of different countries in restricting labour rights in the context of compulsory vaccination against COVID-19. Moreover, the main characteristics of restrictions on labour rights during the COVID-19 period were highlighted using the method of system analysis. The evolution of compulsory vaccination was analysed using a historical-logical method. A formal legal method was applied to generalise, classify, and systematize research results, as well as to present these results. The current outbreak of COVID-19 has provoked trends in discriminatory behaviour in the workplace. Therefore, the restrictions on labour rights must comply with international human rights standards, which, however, largely reflect a position that does not support compulsory vaccination

    Peculiarities of Labour Rights Protection in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights

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    The practice of defence of labour disputes is quite dynamic. That is why the analysis of labour rights protection in the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) is quite relevant. The purpose of the study is to analyse the current case law of the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of labour rights; to analyse the ECtHR's interpretation of the concept of forced labour and the right to form trade unions; to summarise the problematic issues of the ECtHR's case law in the field of labour rights protection and ways to resolve them. The methodological basis of the study is general and special methods and techniques of cognition. The article substantiates that one cannot complain directly to the ECtHR about deprivation of the opportunity to work, denial of access to the workplace, or refusal to hire. The European Convention explicitly states only 2 rights: the right to form and join trade unions and the prohibition of forced and compulsory labour. The author explains the concepts of forced labour and the right to form trade unions and outlines the problematic issues of the European Court of Human Rights case law in the field of labour rights protection and ways to resolve them

    Influence of critical hypotension on the development of postoperative hepatic failure

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    The article is devoted to the study of influence of critical hypotension on the development of postoperative hepatic failure. The results of treatment of 54 patients who had. anatomical and advanced anatomical resections of a liver were analyzed. Also the causes that lead to the postoperative hepatic failure such as volume of intraoperative blood loss, duration of intraoperative hypotension were analyzed. As the result of the analysis of obtained data on the influence of studied parameters (volume of blood loss, duration. of vascular isolation and presence of intraoperative hypotension) on the development of hepatic failure in postoperative period we supposed that the most unfavorable prognostic sign of its appearance is an episode of critical decrease of arterial pressure during the operation. Thus even at massive blood loss hepatic failure doesn't always appear, whereas critical intraoperative hypotension causes its development. Taking into consideration data on the state of central hemodynamics at the performing of anatomic resections of liver we determined main approaches to the infusion-transfusion therapy during excluding of liver from blood circulation for the prophylactics of its reperfusion injuries. It was established that prophylactics and timely correction of critical intraoperative hypotenstion that is the main factor of development of postoperative hepatic failure should be considered as the key moments of intraoperative protection of hepatocytes

    Новая мутация в гене TRIP4, ассоциированная с фенотипом врожденной мышечной дистрофии типа Давиньон–Шове (клинический случай)

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    Congenital muscular dystrophies are heterogeneous groups of neuromuscular diseases leading to hypotonia, progressive muscle weakness and dystrophic or structural signs in muscle biopsy. At the present time, 34 genes associated with congenital muscular dystrophy have been described. The clinical case of a rare form of congenital muscular dystrophia associated with a homozygous mutation in the TRIP4 gene in a patient with respiratory failure requiring respiratory support, neurological symptoms, muscular hypotonia, and multiple congenital malformations of skeletal system is presented for the first time in Russia. The undescribed pathogenic homozygous variant of the nucleotide sequence in the TRIP4 gene (chr15:64686179, c.136C>T, p.Arg46Ter, 2 exon, NM_016213.4) was detected by whole exome sequencing. The mutation in the TRIP4 gene was validated by Sanger sequencing in a child and its origin was investigated. The mother and father of the girl are carriers of the heterozygous variant in the TRIP4 gene. Identification of the genetic cause of a rare form of neuromuscular disease is important for determining the tactics of patient management and medical and genetic counseling of the family, as well as clarifying the pathogenesis of a rare pathology. Врожденные мышечные дистрофии и врожденные миопатии представляют собой гетерогенную группу нервно-мышечных заболеваний, приводящих к гипотонии, прогрессирующей мышечной слабости и дистрофическим или структурным признакам при мышечной биопсии. В настоящее время описано 34 гена, связанных с врожденной мышечной дистрофией. Впервые в России представляется клинический случай редкой формы врожденной мышечной дистрофии, обусловленной гомозиготной мутацией в гене TRIP4, у пациента с дыхательной недостаточностью, требующей респираторной поддержки, неврологической симптоматикой, мышечной гипотонией, множественными врожденными пороками развития опорно-двигательной системы. В результате проведенного полноэкзомного секвенирования выявлен ранее не описанный патогенный вариант нуклеотидной последовательности в гене TRIP4 в гомозиготном состоянии, приводящий к остановке синтеза полнофункционального белка (chr15:64686179, c.136C>T, p.Arg46Ter, 2 й экзон, NM_016213.4). Мутация в гене TRIP4 была валидирована методом секвенирования по Сэнгеру у ребенка, и исследовано ее происхождение. Мать и отец девочки являются носителями гетерозиготного варианта в гене TRIP4. Выявление генетической причины редкой формы нервно-мышечного заболевания важно для определения тактики ведения пациента и медико-генетического консультирования семьи, а также уточнения патогенеза редкой патологии

    Kinetics of pressing of paper web in shoe-type press

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    Проаналізовано конструкції башмачних пресів. Запропоновано принципово нову конструкцію. Розроблено математичну модель пресування паперового полотна на башмачному пресі з новими умовам однозначності, що дає можливість розрахувати кількість видаленої вологи та сухість полотна після пресування.Now forging parts papermaking machines uses many different designs presses. Regardless of the type of construction, the water is filtered through paper to canvas cloth in the transverse direction, filtering water from the cloth can occur in the longitudinal direction (simple presses) or in the transverse direction (shaft with blind holes, grooved shaft, suction shaft). Presses of the native papermaking machines provide a dry cloth when pressed, about 35…40 %. That is not enough, as for drying the paper spent a huge amount of thermal energy in the form of steam, so the development of the press, providing a significant increase in dry is relevant. One way of increasing dryness is usage of shoe press, which by increasing the length of the contact area increased while pressing, so dry cloth before drying section increasing to 50…55 %. Work of presses of papermaking machine is measured by the amount of water removed, and uniform moisture content across the width of fabric after the presses. Dehydration capacity of presses depends primarily on the length of the extrusion zone delighted shaft and on the number of these zones. When pressing simultaneously with dehydration of the paper web changing its structure, increases the contact area between the fibers and the coupling strength between them. In the existing literature does not sufficiently covered shoe-type presses calculation that does not allow constructing them because kinetic regularities of the process is unknown. The purpose of this article is to establish the kinetics of the compaction and main parameters shoe-type press needed to develop methods of calculation and design shoe presses. In the conventional two-shaft presses created considerable common pressure gradient and significantly lower hydraulic pressure gradient. In the developed design will increase the hydraulic pressure gradient by summing the camera of the shoe-type heated compressed air. Under the influence of the total pressure break down the cell structure of the paper web from which water is removed that the action of hydraulic pressure filtered in cloth, from cloth in the grooves of the shaft. This article consists of 5 items: problem, purpose of, the physical model of the process, the mathematical model of the process and conclusions. Each item clearly defines the essence of the article

    Possible Methods Recovery of Metals from Flotation Tailings Copper-Molybdenum Ores

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    Для снижения потерь металлов с хвостами коллективного цикла флотации медно- молибденовой руды Сорского месторождения была выполнена предварительная оценка эффективности обогащения хвостов с использованием гравитационного и флотационного методов. Результаты исследований показали перспективность применения обоих методов, однако в случае гравитационного обогащения возможно извлечь ценный компонент без добавления флотационных реагентов, что благоприятно сказывается на процессе селекции коллективного концентрата, а также на окружающей средеIn order to reduce losses of metal with tails cycle of collective flotation of copper-molybdenum ore deposits was performed a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of enrichment tailings using gravity and flotation methods. The results showed the prospect of using both methods, but in the case of gravity separation is possible to extract valuable component without the addition of flotation reagents, which is beneficial to the process of selection of the bulk concentrate, as well as on the environmen


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    The effect of long-term storage of seeds of three leguminous species (Pisum sativum, Lens culinaris, and Cicer arietinum) on physiological (germination) and cytological (mitotic index) parameters of seeds and seedlings derived from them was studied. It was found that after nearly 35 years of storage in permafrost (temperature from –5,5 to –6,0 °C), without seeding, the germination of seeds of varieties of the species studied maintained at the same or slightly lower level than in reference samples (seeds of the same cultivars harvested in 2007–2009), and no significant difference in the growth rate of roots was recorded. The observed number of chromosomal aberrations in root meristem cells did not increase, except P. sativum cv. Latores and L. Culinaris cv. k-2330, and in these cases neither the laboratory germination nor the rates of growth processes decreased. Thus, long-term storage of seeds under permafrost conditions favored the preservation of their viability (germination) and can be offered as a promising method of seed storage

    New data on Upper Carboniferous - Lower Permian deposits of Bol’shevik Island, Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago

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    We present here a detailed study of the Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian stratigraphy of Bol’shevik Island in the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, consisting of the analysis of sedimentary structures and lithostratigraphy, U/Pb detrital zircon dating and structural studies. The preserved sedimentary structures suggest that the studied strata were deposited in a relatively small meandering fluvial system. U/Pb dating of detrital zircons reveals that the Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian sandstones contain a primary age population ranging from 450 to 570 millions of years, with a predominance of Early–Middle Ordovician zircons. This detrital zircon distribution indicates that the studied formations were derived locally from the erosion of Lower Ordovician deposits of Bol’shevik Island or elsewhere in the archipelago. Our structural studies suggest that Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian deposits are deformed into a series of west–north-west verging open asymmetric folds, suggesting a west–north-west direction of tectonic transport and that deformation across the island is post-Early Permian in age.Keywords: Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago; Arctic; detrital zircon; Late Palaeozoic; tectonic.Citation: Polar Research 2015, 34, 24558, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/polar.v34.24558(Published: 7 May 2015)To access the supplementary material for this article, please see supplementary files in the column to the right (under Article Tools)

    Possible Methods Recovery of Metals from Flotation Tailings Copper-Molybdenum Ores

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    Для снижения потерь металлов с хвостами коллективного цикла флотации медно- молибденовой руды Сорского месторождения была выполнена предварительная оценка эффективности обогащения хвостов с использованием гравитационного и флотационного методов. Результаты исследований показали перспективность применения обоих методов, однако в случае гравитационного обогащения возможно извлечь ценный компонент без добавления флотационных реагентов, что благоприятно сказывается на процессе селекции коллективного концентрата, а также на окружающей средеIn order to reduce losses of metal with tails cycle of collective flotation of copper-molybdenum ore deposits was performed a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of enrichment tailings using gravity and flotation methods. The results showed the prospect of using both methods, but in the case of gravity separation is possible to extract valuable component without the addition of flotation reagents, which is beneficial to the process of selection of the bulk concentrate, as well as on the environmen