246 research outputs found

    Penetration Problem for Infrastructe Stability in Conditions of Offshore Fields Development

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    The paper is generally devoted to the problem of offshore oil and gas fields' development. The main focus of the study is mechanical behavior of seafloor sediments and stability of infrastructure objects' supporting constructions. We study the problem of estimating the effective mechanic properties of seafloor sediments. To solve the problem, we propose the usage of gravity corer of bottom sediments. These corers make it possible to study dynamic elastic properties at the ship laboratory conditions. We study the sampling process itself as a tool to estimate the rheological properties of seafloor sediments. In the current study, we propose a specific analysis of the samples and sampling process. The sampling corer is equipped with tools providing an opportunity to measure its acceleration at each moment during the sampling process. This acceleration depends on controllable sampling process conditions and mechanical properties of seafloor sediments being sampled. A corresponding contact problem is considered using the finite-element method. It is shown that there is an opportunity to evaluate some (but not all) parameters for visco-elasto-plastic rheology of the sediments from a known acceleration of the sampling tube. The obtained results make it possible to improve the quality of model of mechanical properties of the seafloor sediments. This improvement provides the corresponding increase in mechanical modeling of infrastructure stability and decreases the risks accompanying offshore field development

    Post-Pandemic Education: Falling or Preparing for a Jump?

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    Abstract. Relevance. The article provides an overview and analysis of the consequences of changes in the global educational space during the period of action of measures to counter the spread of the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection.The aim of the work was to understand the current state and identify possible trajectories of developmentof educational systems in the “post-pandemic” era. Research methodology and methods. The main methods used in the preparation of the work were methods of analysis and synthesis. The review and understanding of various standpoints on the educational organizations functioning in the situation of emergency introduction of quarantine measures and the uncertainty of their consequences allowed us to summarize the main challenges facing the education system today. The forecasting method was used to systematize the capabilities of universities in overcoming crisis phenomena and determine the strengths that can be used as the basis for the transformation of University management.Results. The analysis of the trajectories of the prospective organization of the educational process at the University of “post-pandemic” time is carried out. The article highlights the main ways of the educational system adaptation to work in the conditions of an unpredictable crisis consequences and presents the authors’ vision of the future of higher education in Russia, which is inextricably linked with the country’s attractiveness in the global educational space.Scientific novelty. The authors systematize the impact of the pandemic on various sectors of the economy, including the education sector. The results of the analysis of the practical experience of educational systems in  the new conditions are presented. Scenarios of educational organizations development in an unfavorable dynamic uncertain environment are shown.Practical significance. The results obtained will be useful in adjusting University management systems and developing strategies for universities to overcome the crisis caused by COVID-19 and its consequences

    Drug Policy in Hungary: Current Trends and Future Prospects

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    The authors consider the theoretical and applied problems of preventing illicit traffic in drugs and psychotropic substances in Hungary in the legal and criminological aspects. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the Hungary's third drug strategy expires in 2020 (2013-2020), so a new strategy needs to be developed, but it is not yet known what guidelines it will have, what priorities will be offered to set in it.The study was conducted with a view to considering the legal framework for the prevention of illicit traffic of drugs and psychotropic substances and the problem of its improvement in Hungary. To achieve this goal, the authors analysed statistics on drug use, types and quantity of drugs seized by law enforcement agencies for the last five years. The authors give a description of the drug situation, territorial features of drug use and a multilevel system of measures to counter illegal traffic in drugs and psychotropic substances at the national level. The authors pay special attention to the age and gender characteristics of drug use, which makes it possible to identify the most vulnerable groups, which should be supported by state preventive programs. The authors also analysed data on mortality from drug use and concluded that from 2010 onwards methadone and other non-opiate drugs predominated in death.Based on the results of the study, current trends in drug use in Hungary were summarized. The results obtained are important for the development of an anti-drug strategy and the improvement of legislation, as well as for the prevention of law enforcement agencies, both Hungary and other European countries

    Ore-forming Сonditions of the Blagodat Gold Deposit in the Riphean Metamorphic Rocks of the Yenisey Ridge According to Geochemical and Isotopic Data

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    Neodymium and strontium isotopic composition and rare earth elements (REE) distribution pattern have been determined in whole rocks and minerals were separated from host metamorphic rocks and disseminated sulfide ores of the Blagodat gold deposit. Isotopic data are given to construct few isochrones that could be reflected an age of main stages of metamorphic and metasomatic alteration in rocks varieties during a successive accumulation of gold in structural traps. The significant temporal range in the forming of the studied rocks can be interpreted as an evidence of multi-stage tectonic destruction accompanying with trust-folding processes, shear deformations and development of local fracture zones that had place from the Late Riphean to Middle Paleozoic time. According to isotopic data basic ore-forming processes were realized in the relatively narrow interval from 690 to 750 Ma that correspond to a beginning of continental rifting on the western margin of Siberian craton. Chemistry and trace element distribution are closed for host and auriferous schists and mainly showed differences in the composition initial sedimentary units. The middle negative value εNd (from -14 to -16) and very high positive value εSr (from +570 to +725) are mostly corresponded to that of upper continental crust matter. The role of synchronic granite intrusions in the studied area can be only estimated due to a generation of thermal energy and crustal fluids

    Genesis of precious metal mineralization in intrusions of ultramafic, alkaline rocks and carbonatites in the north of the Siberian platform

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    The gold and platinum-group elements (PGE) mineralization of the Guli and Kresty intrusions was formed in the process of polyphase magmatism of the central type during the Permian and Triassic age. It is suggested that native osmium and iridium crystal nuclei were formed in the mantle at earlier high-temperature events of magma generation of the mantle substratum in the interval of 765–545 Ma and were brought by meimechite melts to the area of development of magmatic bodies. The pulsating magmatism of the later phases assisted in particle enlargement. Native gold was crystallized at a temperature of 415–200◦C at the hydrothermal-metasomatic stages of the meimechite, melilite, foidolite and carbonatite magmatism. The association of minerals of precious metals with oily, resinous and asphaltene bitumen testifies to the genetic relation of the mineralization to carbonaceous metasomatism. Identifying the carbonaceous gold and platinoid ore formation associated genetically with the parental formation of ultramafic, alkaline rocks and carbonatites is suggested

    Application of continuous oil-gas in heat and electric power, as the way of its disposal

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    In this paper, the perspectives and problems of using APG in heat and power engineering are considered. Among the main problems of the development of the oil complex include the problem of utilization. One of the solutions to this problem is its use as fuel in power plants to generate electricity and heat, or for further processing. It is proposed to modernize the convective design of the boiler, which will work with such a complex coolant as associated petroleum gas.В данной работе рассматриваются перспективы и проблемы использования ПНГ в тепло и электроэнергетике. К числу основных проблем развития нефтяного комплекса относят проблему утилизации. Одним из решений данной проблемы предлагается его использование в качестве топлива на электростанциях для получения электрической и тепловой энергии, либо для дальнейшей переработки. Предлагается модернизация конвективной конструкции котла, который будет работать с таким сложным теплоносителем как попутный нефтяной газ

    Polymorphism of renin — angiotensin system genes in progression of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C

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    Aim of investigation. To estimate relation of polymorphism of genes encoding reninangiotensin system components (AGT G-6A, AGT M235T and ATR1 A1166C) with rate of liver fibrosis progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC).Material and methods. Overall 109 patients with CHC and liver cirrhosis C with established stage of fibrosis and duration of disease have been divided into group of «rapidly progressing fibrosis» (55 patients, ≥0,130 fibrosis points/year) and «slowly progressing fibrosis» (54 persons, <0,130 fibrosis units/year). Assessment of polymorphism of studied genes was carried out by molecular genetic methods.Results. In CHC patients of «rapidly progressing fibrosis» group in comparison to «slowly progressing fibrosis» group minor A-allele (50,0 and 33,3% respectively, p=0,0126) and «mutant» АА-genotype (27,3 and 11,1%, р=0,0324; OR АА=3,00; 95% CI 1,07-8,45), AGT gene on locus G-6A, as well as minor T-allele (р=0,0407) of AGT gene in M235T locus were significantly more common while MM genotype of M235T polymorphism of AGT gene (20,8 and 44,4%, respectively, p=0,0090; OR MM=0,33; 95%-CI 0,15–0,73) were significant less frequent. No significant differences between groups in distribution of alternative alleles and genotypes of ATR1 gene on A1166C locus have been revealed.Conclusion. Carriage of mutant alleles of angiotensinogen gene on any of loci (G-6A or M235T) is the factor predicting more rapid progression of disease. As chronic hepatitis C is multifactorial disease, it is rational to use testing of allelic variants of angiotensinogen gene in patient-specific approach at CHC management


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    During recent years the harmfulness of greenbug for rice crops has significantly increased. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study insect resistance of 200 accessions from the collection of the Donskoy Agrarian Scientific Center. The overwhelming majority of the studied forms were heterogeneous in their resistance. Twelve forms (5.5%) with the resistance score 2.2-3.0 were identified. The accessions NSH-1 (Hungary), ‘Musa Karem’ (Iran) and Zlatyi х Strelets (Russia) do not contain susceptible components and can be recommended as sources of aphid resistance for breeding rice varieties

    Effect of Phytopreparations Based on Bioreactor-Grown Cell Biomass of Dioscorea Deltoidea, Tribulus Terrestris and Panax Japonicus on Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    In the present study, we explored the therapeutic potential of bioreactor-grown cell cultures of the medicinal plant species Dioscorea deltoidea, Tribulus terrestris and Panax japonicus to treat carbohydrate metabolism disorders (CMDs) in laboratory rats. In the adrenaline model of hyperglycemia, aqueous suspensions of cell biomass pre-administered at a dose of 100 mg dry biomass/kg significantly reduced glucose level in animal blood 1–2.5 h (D. deltoidea and T. terrestris) or 1 h (P. japonicus) after adrenaline hydrochloride administration. In a streptozotocin-induced model of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the cell biomass of D. deltoidea and T. terrestris acted towards normalization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as evidenced by a significant reduction of daily diuresis (by 39– 57%), blood-glucose level (by 46–51%), blood content in urine (by 78–80%) and total cholesterol (25– 36%) compared to animals without treatment. Bioactive secondary metabolites identified in the cell cultures and potentially responsible for their actions were deltoside, 25(S)-protodioscin and protodioscin in D. deltoidea; furostanol-type steroidal glycosides and quinic acid derivatives in T. terrestris; and ginsenosides and malonyl-ginsenosides in P. japonicus. These results evidenced for high potential of bioreactor-grown cell suspensions of these species for prevention and treatment of CMD, which requires further investigation. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This.Funding: Bioreactor cultivation of plant cell suspensions and their biochemical analysis were financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation through Megagrant project no. 075-15-2019-1882 and performed by using the equipment of the large-scale research facilities “Experimental biotechnological facility” and “All-Russian Collection of cell cultures of higher plants” of the IPPRAS (EBF IPPRAS and ARCCC HP IPPRAS). Hypoglycemic activity evaluation of the cell biomass was performed with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation project no. 19-14-00387. The results of the hypoglycemic activity evaluation were obtained by using the equipment of the Center for Collective Use “Analytical Center of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU) of the Ministry of Health of Russia”, equipped with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

    ICT-enabled Refugee Integration: A Research Agenda

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    The recent phenomenon that has become known as the European refugee crisis is, in reality, a global problem. Accordingly, issues regarding refugee integration have become a central debate topic worldwide. In this paper, we examine how refugees use information and communication technology (ICT) in different regions across the world to understand how ICT supports their desperate journey to safety, their stay in temporary settlement camps, and their post-settlement inclusion in host countries. We conducted a series of interviews with Syrian refugees in Berlin, Germany, to collect preliminary insights. Then, we organized panel discussions at two key information systems conferences (ICIS 2016 and ECIS 2017) that involved participants from various countries. The panel discussions revealed seven key research themes: accessibility to information, availability of education and linguistic resources, admissibility to labor markets and entrepreneurship opportunities, communicability with home country, connectedness with local population, interactivity with host government, and volunteer coordination. We discuss how ICT might help to address issues related to each theme, present research questions relevant to each theme, and supply an illustration of how ICT has been employed to address an aspect of each theme. Insights gathered lead to theoretical implications and future opportunities for research in the information systems field, practical implications for different stakeholders interested in refugee integration to consider, and social implications related to refugee crisis that we cannot ignore