17 research outputs found

    OT Modeling: The Enterprise Beyond IT

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    Enterprises are composed of an enormous number of elements (e.g., organizational units, human resources, production processes, and IT systems) typically classified in the business or the IT domain. However, some crucial elements do not belong in either group: they are directly responsible for producing and delivering the company’s goods and services and include all the elements that support day to day operations. Collectively, these elements have been called operational technologies (OT) and have been conspicuously excluded from enterprise modeling (EM) approaches which traditionally have focused on the business and IT dimensions. Evidence of this is the absence of OT elements in languages and metamodels for EM. This is in line with the historical division between IT and OT in organizations that has led to information silos, independent teams, and disparate tech- nologies that only recently have started to be reconciled. Considering that OT is critical to most productive organi- zations, and the benefits that EM brings to its understand- ing and improvement, it makes sense to expand EM to include OT. For that purpose, this paper proposes an extension to ArchiMate 3.0 which includes crucial OT elements. On top of that, this paper also proposes an approach to further expand ArchiMate to address specific industries where more specific OT elements are required. This is illustrated in the paper with an extension for the Oil and Gas case that was validated with experts belonging to five companies in the sector

    The importance of business culture, social responsibility in improving business performance

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    В статье рассмотрены основные особенности организации предпринимательской деятельности в сфере обслуживания; требования, предъявляемые к профессиональной подготовке менеджмента и сотрудников, указанных предприятий; отмечена важная роль в организации предпринимательской деятельности социальной ответственности, культуры и философии. Особо подчеркивается, что специалист в области организации, управления производством должен владеть навыками и приемами делового общения; анализа конфликтных ситуаций; уметь с помощью слова убеждать, аргументировать, достигать согласия; осуществлять "психологическую терапию". Умение говорить, быть правильно понятым, слушать и понимать, ненавязчиво убеждать, создавать доверительные отношения, искренне сочувствовать – все это важнейшие характеристики делового общения. Удовлетворять таким требованиям может только тот руководитель, который постоянно совершенствует свои знания, умения, никогда не останавливается на достигнутом.In the article the basic features of organization of entrepreneurial activity are considered in the field of service; requirements, produced to professional preparation of management and employees, indicated enterprises; an important role is marked in organization of entrepreneurial activity of social responsibility, culture and philosophy. It is especially underlined that a specialist is in area of organization, managements must own a production by skills and receptions of business commonunication; analysis of conflict situations; able by means of word to convince, argue, arrive at a consent; to carry out "psychological therapy". Ability to talk, being is correct to understood, to listen and understand, unobtrusively to convince, create confidence relations, sincerely to sympathize are all major descriptions of business commonunication. A that leader, that perfects the knowledge, abilities constantly, never decides on attained, can satisfy to such requirements only. In this regard, in modern conditions, a specialist in the field of organization and management of the restaurant business must have the skills and techniques of business communication; analysis of conflict situations; to be able to convince, argue, reach agreement with the help of the word; to carry out "psychological therapy". Ability to speak, be correctly understood, listen and understand, gently convince, create trusting relationships, sincerely sympathize – all these are the most important characteristics of business communication

    The automotive CASE

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    The increasing functionality and complexity of modern automotive embedded systems demand new ways of mastering their intricacies. The standard response to this challenge is the use of abstractions, of appropriate structuring concepts, and, related, but less important, of suitable description techniques. Such ideas materialize in CASE tools. We shed light on CASE in the context of complex embedded systems, taking into account the different activities and phases of a development process. Clearly, integrated tool support is desirable for issues as different as requirements engineering, deployment, code generation, and validation. However, this is far from being simple since different levels of abstraction need to be interrelated. For instance, the embedding of generated code into its context of models and an actual environment. We give our assessment of current and future CASE tools.

    Towards a Semantics of Activity Diagrams with Semantic Variation Points

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    Abstract. UML activity diagrams have become an established notation to model control and data flow on various levels of abstraction, ranging from fine-grained descriptions of algorithms to high-level workflow models in business applications. A formal semantics has to capture the flexibility of the interpretation of activity diagrams in real systems, which makes it inappropriate to define a fixed formal semantics. In this paper, we define a semantics with semantic variation points that allow for a customizable, application-specific interpretation of activity diagrams. We examine concrete variants of the activity diagram semantics which may also entail variants of the syntax reflecting the intended use at hand.

    Telework management and work practices: The case of an Australian telecentre

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    The contemporary practice of employees working from an alternative location using information and communication technologies to maintain links with the usual workplace, termed telework, creates management and work practice challenges. The case of an Australian public sector organisation's telecentre highlights such issues and the importance of management to telework's success. Despite a range of positive outcomes for employees and their employer, such as a better quality of working life, improved work-life balance and the pioneering of innovative and productive work practices, this experiment in post-Fordist flexibility was ultimately defeated by the lack of leadership skill displayed by an influential senior manager. Copyrigh

    Towards OCL/RT

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    An extension of the “Object Constraint Language” (OCL) for modeling real-time and reactive systems in the “Unified Modeling Language” (UML) is proposed, called OCL/RT. A general notion of events that may carry time stamps is introduced providing means to describe the detailed dynamic and timing behaviour of UML software models. OCL is enriched by satisfaction operators @η for referring to the value in the history of an expression at the instant when event η occurred, as well as the modalities always and sometime. The approach is illustrated by several examples. Finally, an operational semantics of OCL/RT is given