753 research outputs found

    Length-dependent translocation of polymers through nanochannels

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    We consider the flow-driven translocation of single polymer chains through nanochannels. Using analytical calculations based on the de Gennes blob model and mesoscopic numerical simulations, we estimate the threshold flux for the translocation of chains of different number of monomers. The translocation of the chains is controlled by the competition between entropic and hydrodynamic effects, which set a critical penetration length for the chain before it can translocate through the channel. We demonstrate that the polymers show two different translocation regimes depending on how their length under confinement compares to the critical penetration length. For polymer chains longer than the threshold, the translocation process is insensitive to the number of monomers in the chain as predicted in Sakaue {\it et al.}, {\it Euro. Phys. Lett.}, {\bf 72} 83 (2005). However, for chains shorter than the critical length we show that the translocation process is strongly dependent on the length of the chain. We discuss the possible relevance of our results to biological transport.Comment: To appear in Soft Matter. 10 pages 9 Figure

    Extended mixed integer quadratic programming for simultaneous distributed generation location and network reconfiguration

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    Introduction. To minimise power loss, maintain the voltage within the acceptable range, and improve power quality in power distribution networks, reconfiguration and optimal distributed generation placement are presented. Power flow analysis and advanced optimization techniques that can handle significant combinatorial problems must be used in distribution network reconfiguration investigations. The optimization approach to be used depends on the size of the distribution network. Our methodology simultaneously addresses two nonlinear discrete optimization problems to construct an intelligent algorithm to identify the best solution. The proposed work is novel in that it the Extended Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming (EMIQP) technique, a deterministic approach for determining the topology that will effectively minimize power losses in the distribution system by strategically sizing and positioning Distributed Generation (DG) while taking network reconfiguration into account. Using an efficient Quadratic Mixed Integer Programming (QMIP) solver (IBM ®), the resulting optimization problem has a quadratic form. To ascertain the range and impact of various variables, our methodology outperforms cutting-edge algorithms described in the literature in terms of the obtained power loss reduction, according to extensive numerical validation carried out on typical IEEE 33- and 69-bus systems at three different load factors. Practical value. Examining the effectiveness of concurrent reconfiguration and DG allocation versus sole reconfiguration is done using test cases. According to the findings, network reconfiguration along with the installation of a distributed generator in the proper location, at the proper size, with the proper loss level, and with a higher profile, is effective.  Вступ. Для мінімізації втрат потужності, підтримки напруги в допустимому діапазоні та покращення якості електроенергії у розподільчих мережах представлена реконфігурація та оптимальне розміщення розподіленої генерації. При дослідженнях реконфігурації розподільної мережі необхідно використовувати аналіз потоку потужності та передові методи оптимізації, які можуть вирішувати серйозні комбінаторні проблеми. Підхід до оптимізації, що використовується, залежить від розміру розподільної мережі. Наша методологія одночасно вирішує дві задачі нелінійної дискретної оптимізації, щоби побудувати інтелектуальний алгоритм для визначення найкращого рішення. Пропонована робота є новою, оскільки вона використовує метод розширеного змішано-цілочисельного квадратичного програмування (EMIQP), детермінований підхід до визначення топології, що ефективно мінімізує втрати потужності в системі розподілу за рахунок стратегічного визначення розмірів та позиціонування розподіленої генерації (DG) з урахуванням реконфігурації мережі. При використанні ефективного солвера Quadratic Mixed Integer Programming (QMIP) (IBM®) результуюча задача оптимізації має квадратичну форму. Щоб з'ясувати діапазон та вплив різних змінних, наша методологія перевершує передові алгоритми, описані в літературі, з точки зору одержаного зниження втрат потужності, згідно з великою числовою перевіркою, проведеною на типових системах з шинами IEEE 33 і 69 при трьох різних коефіцієнтах навантаження. Практична цінність. Вивчення ефективності одночасної реконфігурації та розподілу DG у порівнянні з єдиною реконфігурацією проводиться з використанням тестових прикладів. Відповідно до результатів, реконфігурація мережі разом із установкою розподіленого генератора в потрібному місці, належного розміру, з належним рівнем втрат і з більш високим профілем є ефективною


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    Objective: Cancer represents the second leading cause of death after stroke and heart diseases. Plant extracts have long been used in traditional medicine for the prevention and treatment of many illnesses, including some types of cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiproliferative effects of ethyl acetate fractions of two Lebanese herbs: Inula viscosa (I. vis) and Inula vulgaris (I. vul).Methods: Plants were extracted with ethanol followed by ethyl acetate, then dried and tested on three cell lines including CaCO2, HepG2, and MCF7, to check for their viability and antiproliferative activity, using trypan blue exclusion and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assays. Proton (1H) and carbon (13C) nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (NMR) were used to identify the compounds that have been isolated from both Inula species.Results: The current findings were consistent for both trypan blue and MTT assays. The results showed that the most potent effect for I. vul was HepG2 (IC50 20 µg/ml, 27 µg/ml), and for I. vis on MCF7 (9 µg/ml, 15 µg/ml) and CaCO2 (12 µg/ml, 22 µg/ml) in the two mentioned assays respectively. However, insignificant differences were observed among the studied plants for each of the evaluated cells indicating comparable potencies. Quercetin, quercetin glycoside, and epicatechin derivatives were isolated by fractionation on column chromatography and identified using NMR spectroscopy.Conclusion: The antiproliferative activities of the two plants could be related to their content that is significant for high levels of secondary metabolites. The identification of those compounds is necessary to establish a relationship between their chemical structures and their activities

    Studies on Parameters Influencing the Performance of Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) in Detecting Prunus Necrotic Ringpot Virus (PNRSV)

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    In order to have a more detailed understanding of the various factors influencing a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), a number of important parameters such as Mg+2, primer, enzyme concentration and others were optimized for the detection of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV). Using a PNRSV isolate with a pair of primers, complementary DNA of viral genome as template, and an appropriate enzyme together with magnesium chloride, the following optimal conditions were identified: primer concentration between 0.2 and 0.0002 pmol µl-1 and 0.06–2 units µl-1 for Taq DNA polymerase enzyme for a 50 µl reaction volume when other parameters were optimum; magnesium chloride concentration less than 2.5 mM; dNTP concentration between 1 and 10 mM. The optimum cDNA amount should be ~360 ng for a 50 µl reaction mixture. When these optimized concentrations and/or values of the main PCR parameters were brought together for a new RT-PCR, a clear and a reliable PNRSV detection having no background was performed from both growth-chamber and field-grown PNRSV-infected plants

    Characterization of a ballistic supermirror neutron guide

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    We describe the beam characteristics of the first ballistic supermirror neutron guide H113 that feeds the neutron user facility for particle physics PF1B of the Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble (ILL). At present, the neutron capture flux density of H113 at its 20x6cm2 exit window is 1.35x10^10/cm^2/s, and will soon be raised to above 2x10^10/cm^2/s. Beam divergence is no larger than beam divergence from a conventional Ni coated guide. A model is developed that permits rapid calculation of beam profiles and absolute event rates from such a beam. We propose a procedure that permits inter-comparability of the main features of beams emitted from ballistic or conventional neutron guides.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, to be submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods


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    Bu araştırma farklı özelliklere sahip topraklar ın bor adsorpsiyon izotermlerini incelemek üzere yürütülmüştür. Langmuir ve Freundlich adsorpsiyon izotermi modellerine göre değerlendirilen B adsorpsiyonunda, Langmuir modelinin düşük B konsantrasyonlan için geçerli oldu ğu, Freundlich modelinin ise hem düşük, hem de yüksek konsantrasyonlarda geçerli oldu ğu saptanmıştır. Langmuir b ve Freundlich k sabitleri ile kil kapsam ı ve kalyon değişim kapasitesi aras ında sırasıyla; % 1 ve % 5 düzeyinde önemli bir ili şki bulunmuştur. Langmuir K sabiti ile organik madde aras ında % 1 düzeyinde önemli bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Langmuir b ve Freundlich k de ğerleri ile pH arasında % 1, Langmuir K değeri ile ise % 5 düzeyinde negatif bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Coaxial Jets with Disparate Viscosity: Mixing and Laminarization Characteristics

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    Mixing of fluids in a coaxial jet is studied under four distinct viscosity ratios, m = 1, 10, 20 and 40, using highly resolved large-eddy simulations (LES), particle image velocimetry and planar laser-induced fluorescence. The accuracy of predictions is tested against data obtained by the simultaneous experimental measurements of velocity and concentration fields. For the highest and lowest viscosity ratios, standard RANS models with unclosed terms pertaining to viscosity variations are employed. We show that the standard Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach with no explicit modelling for variable-viscosity terms is not applicable whereas dynamic LES models provide high-quality agreement with the measurements. To identify the underlying mixing physics and sources of discrepancy in RANS predictions, two distinct mixing modes are defined based on the viscosity ratio. Then, for each mode, the evolution of mixing structures, momentum budget analysis with emphasis on variable-viscosity terms, analysis of the turbulent activity and decay of turbulence are investigated using highly resolved LES data. The mixing dynamics is found to be quite distinct in each mixing mode. Variable viscosity manifests multiple effects that are working against each other. Viscosity gradients induce additional instabilities while increasing overall viscosity decreases the effective Reynolds number leading to laminarization of the turbulent jet, explaining the lack of dispersion and turbulent diffusion. Momentum budget analysis reveals that variable-viscosity terms are significant to be neglected. The scaling of the energy spectrum cascade suggests that in the TLL mode the unsteady laminar shedding is responsible for the eddies observed

    Amorphus globosus in a white galloway cattle

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    The challenge to verify ceramide's role of apoptosis induction in human cardiomyocytes - a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardioplegia and reperfusion of the myocardium may be associated with cardiomyocyte apoptosis and subsequent myocardial injury. In order to establish a pharmacological strategy for the prevention of these events, this study aimed to verify the reliability of our human cardiac model and to evaluate the pro-apoptotic properties of the sphingolipid second messenger ceramide and the anti-apoptotic properties of the acid sphingomyelinase inhibitor amitryptiline during simulated cardioplegia and reperfusion ex vivo.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cardiac biopsies were retrieved from the right auricle of patients undergoing elective CABG before induction of cardiopulmonary bypass. Biopsies were exposed to <it>ex vivo </it>conditions of varying periods of cp/rep (30/10, 60/20, 120/40 min). Groups: I (untreated control, n = 10), II (treated control cp/rep, n = 10), III (cp/rep + ceramide, n = 10), IV (cp/rep + amitryptiline, n = 10) and V (cp/rep + ceramide + amitryptiline, n = 10). For detection of apoptosis anti-activated-caspase-3 and PARP-1 cleavage immunostaining were employed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In group I the percentage of apoptotic cardiomyocytes was significantly (p < 0.05) low if compared to group II revealing a time-dependent increase. In group III ceramid increased and in group IV amitryptiline inhibited apoptosis significantly (p < 0.05). In contrast in group V, under the influence of ceramide and amitryptiline the induction of apoptosis was partially suppressed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ceramid induces and amitryptiline suppresses apoptosis significantly in our ex vivo setting. This finding warrants further studies aiming to evaluate potential beneficial effects of selective inhibition of apoptosis inducing mediators on the suppression of ischemia/reperfusion injury in clinical settings.</p