25 research outputs found

    Validation of the Polish language version of the SF-36 Health Survey in patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis

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    [b]introduction and objective[/b]. Patient-reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires have become the standard measure for treatment effectiveness after spinal surgery. One of the most widely used generic PROs is the SF-36 Health Survey. The aim of this study was to specifically focus on validating the SF-36 Health Survey to confirm that the tool is an acceptable and psychometrically robust measure to collect HRQoL data in Polish patients with spinal stenosis. [b]materials and methods[/b]. Patients were eligible if they were above 18 years of age and had been qualified for spine surgery of the lumbar region due to either discopathy or non-traumatic spinal stenosis. All patients filled-in the Polish version of the SF-36 and a demographic questionnaire. Standard validity and reliability analyses were performed. [b]results.[/b] 192 patients (83 women – 43.2%) agreed to take part in the study (mean age: 57.5±11.4 years). In 47 patients (24.5%), using MRI, ossification of the ligamenta flava were found. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients showed positive internal consistency (0.70–0.92). Interclass correlations for the SF-36 ranged from 0.72 – 0.86 and proved appropriate test-retest reliability. Satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity in multi-trait scaling analyses was seen. [b]conclusions.[/b] The Polish version of the SF-36 is a reliable and valid tool for measuring HRQoL in patients with spinal stenosis. It can be recommended for use in clinical and epidemiological settings in the Polish population. However, caution is warranted when interpreting the results of the ‘role limitations due to physical health problems’ and the ‘role limitations due to emotional problems’ scales because of floor and ceiling effects

    Development of the EORTC QLQ-CAX24, a questionnaire for cancer patients with cachexia

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    Context Cachexia is commonly found in cancer patients and has profound consequences; yet there is only one questionnaire that examines the patient's perspective. Objective To report a rigorously developed module for patient self-reported impact of cancer cachexia. Methods Module development followed published guidelines. Patients from across the cancer cachexia trajectory were included. In Phase 1, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) issues were generated from a literature review and interviews with patients in four countries. The issues were revised based on patient and health care professional (HCP) input. In Phase 2, questionnaire items were formulated and translated into the languages required for Phase 3, the pilot phase, in which patients from eight countries scored the relevance and importance of each item, and provided qualitative feedback. Results A total of 39 patients and 12 HCPs took part in Phase 1. The literature review produced 68 HRQOL issues, with 22 new issues arising from the patient interviews. After patient and HCP input, 44 issues were formulated into questionnaire items in Phase 2. One hundred ten patients took part in Phase 3. One item was reworded, and 20 items were deleted as a consequence of patient feedback. Conclusions The QLQ-CAX24 is a cancer cachexia-specific questionnaire, comprising 24 items, for HRQOL assessment in clinical trials and practice. It contains five multi-item scales (food aversion, eating and weight-loss worry, eating difficulties, loss of control, and physical decline) and four single items

    La comunicación entre el paciente oncológico y los profesionales. El cuestionario de comunicación de la EORTC

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    The aims of the present work are to introduce to the field of communication between the cancer patient and the professionals, to remark the positive influence communication may have on the patient, and to present the EORTC communication questionnaire. Communication between patient and professional is a key element in the support that is offered to cancer patients. It is important to consider different professionals communicate with cancer patients. There is a need of research in communication between patients and professionals. Two main models of patient care are presented: Paternalistic and Patient-Centered Cancer Care. Patient-Centered Care includes Patient- Centered Communication - PCC. The relation between communication and other PROs - Quality of Life, Information and Satisfaction with Care - is presented. There are cross-cultural differences in communication that could be related to the model of patient care. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group is developing a questionnaire to assess communication between cancer patient and the professionals. This Communication questionnaire mainly assesses professionals’ behaviors. Cultural aspects have a key role in the development of the EORTC questionnaire. This instrument is based on the Patient- Centered Communication – PCC model. The EORTC QLQ-COMU26 is presented. It includes six scales and four individual items. The three phases of the questionnaire development process are described. At the present moment the EORTC QLQ-COMU26 is being field-tested in a larger international study (phase IV), to ensure it is an appropriate and psychometrically valid instrument.Este trabajo pretende introducir el área de la comunicación entre el paciente oncológico y los profesionales, y destacar el impacto que tiene en el paciente. Además, se presenta el cuestionario de comunicación de la EORTC. La comunicación entre el paciente y los profesionales es uno de los elementos claves del soporte que se ofrece a dichos pacientes. En dicha comunicación participan un rango importante de profesionales. Hay una necesidad de realizar más investigación sobre la comunicación. Se presentan dos modelos principales de atención al paciente: el Paternalista y el de Atención Centrada en el Paciente con cáncer. Este último lleva asociada la Comunicación Centrada en el Paciente - CCP. Se revisa la relación entre comunicación y otros PRO: Calidad de Vida, información, y Satisfacción con los Cuidados. Existen diferencias culturales en comunicación que pueden estar relacionadas con el modelo de atención al paciente. El Grupo de Calidad de Vida de la Organización Europea para la Investigación y Tratamiento del Cáncer-EORTC está desarrollando una escala de comunicación entre el paciente oncológico y los profesionales. La mayoría del contenido de dicho cuestionario se centra en las conductas de los profesionales. Los aspectos culturales tienen un papel fundamental en el desarrollo del instrumento. El cuestionario se basa en el modelo de Comunicación Centrada en el Paciente – CCP. Se presenta el cuestionario EORTC QLQ-COMU26, que consta de seis escalas y cuatro ítems individuales. Se describen las tres primeras fases que se han dado en su creación. En la actualidad su funcionamiento psicométrico se está valorando en un estudio internacional

    Effect of Mechanical Stimuli and Zoledronic Acid on the Femoral Bone Morphology in Rats with Obesity and Limited Mobility

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    Our study aimed to compare the impact of zoledronic acid and whole-body vibration (WBV) as a non-pharmacological method of treatment for early obesity/immobility-related osteoporosis in male rat models. In total, 36 male Wistar rats were assigned to the following groups: obese control with immobility (Control, n = 12) and two experimental groups (n = 12 each), including obese and immobile rats subjected to whole-body vibration with an acceleration level of 3 m/s2 g (obesity and immobility + WBV) and obese and immobile rats that received an intramuscular injection of zoledronic acid at a dose of 0.025 mg/kg (obesity and immobility + ZOL). After the 8th and 16th week of treatment, n = 6 rats from each group were euthanized and isolated femora were subjected to a histological examination of bone, and analysis of the expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG) and the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) involved in bone turnover and the amount of thin collagen fibers (PSR stain). The obtained results showed that short-term vibrotherapy (up to 8 weeks) can lead to improvement in bone remodeling in rat models with obesity and limited mobility

    Aluminum Nanoparticles Affect Human Platelet Function In Vitro

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    Endoprostheses are prone to tribological wear and biological processes that lead to the release of particles, including aluminum nanoparticles (Al NPs). Those particles can diffuse into circulation. However, the toxic effects of NPs on platelets have not been comprehensively analyzed. The aim of our work was to investigate the impact of Al NPs on human platelet function using a novel quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) methodology. Moreover, a suite of assays, including light transmission aggregometry, flow cytometry, optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, were utilized. All Al NPs caused a significant increase in dissipation (D) and frequency (F), indicating platelet aggregation even at the lowest tested concentration (0.5 µg/mL), except for the largest (80 nm) Al NPs. A size-dependent effect on platelet aggregation was observed for the 5–20 nm NPs and the 30–50 nm NPs, with the larger Al NPs causing smaller increases in D and F; however, this was not observed for the 20–30 nm NPs. In conclusion, our study showed that small (5–50 nm) Al NPs caused platelet aggregation, and larger (80 nm) caused a bridging–penetrating effect in entering platelets, resulting in the formation of heterologous platelet–Al NPs structures. Therefore, physicians should consider monitoring NP serum levels and platelet activation indices in patients with orthopedic implants

    Anatomical study of the palatine aponeurosis: application to posterior palatal seal of the complete maxillary denture.

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    The palatine aponeurosis is a thin, fibrous lamella comprising the extended tendons of the tensor veli palatini muscles, attached to the posterior border and inferior surface of the palatine bone. In dentistry, the relationship between the vibrating line and the border of the hard and soft palate has long been discussed. However, to our knowledge, there has been no discussion of the relationship between the palatine aponeurosis and the vibrating line(s). Twenty sides from ten fresh frozen White cadaveric heads (seven males and three females) whose mean age at death was 79 years) were used in this study. The thickness of the mucosa including the submucosal tissue was measured. The maximum length of the palatine aponeurosis on each side and the distance from the posterior nasal spine to the posterior border of the palatine aponeurosis in the midline were also measured. The relationship between the marked borderlines and the posterior border of the palatine bone was observed. The thickness of the mucosa and submucosal tissue on the posterior nasal spine and the maximum length of the palatine aponeurosis were 3.4 mm, and 12.2 mm on right side and 12.8 mm on left, respectively. The length of the palatine aponeurosis in the midline was 4.9 mm. In all specimens, the borderline between the compressible and incompressible parts corresponded to the posterior border of the palatine bone

    A life put on pause: an exploration of the health-related quality of life issues relevant to adolescents and young adults with cancer

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    Purpose: in recent years, the assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been recognized as particularly informative to health care providers. For adolescents and young adults (AYAs), the impact of a cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment is likely to be distinct from other age groups given the unique and complex physical and psychosocial challenges of this developmental phase. The objective of this study was to capture the HRQoL issues described by AYAs with cancer using thematic analysis.Methods: semi-structured interviews were carried out with 45 AYAs aged 14-25 years from 6 countries. Results: the most prevalent cancers presented were leukemia (n=12) and lymphoma (n=8). AYAs’ descriptive accounts were analysed and 12 categories identified: Symptoms (i.e., pain, nausea, vomiting) (84% AYAs); activity limitations (education, leisure time activities) (87%); disrupted life plans (29%); social (loss of friends, family life) (91%); emotional (depression, anxiety) (64%); body image (conscious of changed appearance) (36%); self-appraisals (greater maturity, braver) (47%); outlook on life (altered priorities, increased motivation to achieve) (33%); lifestyle (restricted diet, avoidance of infections) (18%), treatment-related (absence of age-appropriate information, treatment burden) (31%); fertility (24%); and financial concerns (13%). Conclusions: a wide spectrum of both negative and positive issues were described. Several of these issues, such as disrupted life plans and difficulty establishing romantic relationships, are likely to be more common to AYAs with cancer and might not be captured by existing HRQoL measures. Recognition of these issues and finding ways of addressing them should be seen as an essential component of AYA-tailored cancer care.<br/

    EORTC QLQ-COMU26 : a questionnaire for the assessment of communication between patients and professionals. Phase III of the module development in ten countries

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    Purpose: Communication between patients and professionals is one major aspect of the support offered to cancer patients. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group (QLG) has developed a cancer-specific instrument for the measurement of different issues related to the communication between cancer patients and their health care professionals. Methods: Questionnaire development followed the EORTC QLG Module Development Guidelines. A provisional questionnaire was pre-tested (phase III) in a multicenter study within ten countries from five cultural areas (Northern and South Europe, UK, Poland and Taiwan). Patients from seven subgroups (before, during and after treatment, for localized and advanced disease each, plus palliative patients) were recruited. Structured interviews were conducted. Qualitative and quantitative analyses have been performed. Results: One hundred forty patients were interviewed. Nine items were deleted and one shortened. Patients' comments had a key role in item selection. No item was deleted due to just quantitative criteria. Consistency was observed in patients' answers across cultural areas. The revised version of the module EORTC QLQ-COMU26 has 26 items, organized in 6 scales and 4 individual items. Conclusions: The EORTC COMU26 questionnaire can be used in daily clinical practice and research, in various patient groups from different cultures. The next step will be an international field test with a large heterogeneous group of cancer patients

    Labor Code : commentary : draft amendments to the Labor Code with commentary

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    Komentarz do Kodeksu pracy uwzględnia wszystkie zmiany ustawy, jakie miały miejsce od czasu ostatniej edycji z 2020 r., w tym: - wynikające z aktów prawnych wydanych w konsekwencji epidemii koronawirusa (np. w zakresie modyfikacji kwot wolnych od potrąceń określonych w art. 87 1 § 1 k.p.), - dotyczące zmienionego katalogu wykroczeń oraz odpowiedzialności za wykroczenia przeciwko prawom pracownika, - mające charakter dostosowujący do przepisów ustawy z 11 marca 2022 r. o obronie Ojczyzny.The Commentary to the Labor Code takes into account all amendments to the law that have taken place since the last edition in 2020, including: - those resulting from legal acts issued as a consequence of the coronavirus epidemic (e.g., regarding the modification of the amounts free of deduction specified in Article 87 1 § 1 of the Labor Code), - pertaining to the amended catalog of offenses and liability for offenses against employee rights, - those of an adaptive nature to the provisions of the Law of March 11, 2022 on Defense of the Homeland