168 research outputs found

    Novi prilog flori PožeŔke kotline i okolnoga gorja

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    121 taxa of vascular plants are reported as having been discovered in the area of the Požega Valley and the surrounding mountains, the total number of taxa in the area now coming to 1588. The chorological spectrum shows 25% of Eurasian elements, 15.74% consist of widespread plants, 14.74 % South European and 3.72% of the Mediterranean element, 7.19% of the European and 4.59% of the Central European element, and 3.65% of the East European-Pontic floral element. According to life forms, vascular plants were represented in the following numbers: Hemicryptophyta (H) ā€“ 711, Therophyta (T) ā€“ 383, Geophyta (G) ā€“ 162, Phanerophyta (P) ā€“ 220, Chamaephyta (CH) ā€“ 77 and Hydrophyta (Hy) ā€“ 35. The most common families: Asteraceae ā€“ 146 taxa, Poaceae ā€“ 125, Fabaceae ā€“ 102, Rosaceae ā€“ 76 plant taxa. Some rare and interesting taxa are: Orlaya grandiflora (L.) Hoffm., Senecio thapsoides DC. subsp. visianianus (Papaf ex Vis.) Vandas, Dianthus giganteus Dā€™Urv subsp. croaticus (Borb.) Tutin, Scorzonera austriaca Willd., Trifolium glomeratum L., Cotoneaster integerrimus Medik, Spiraea cana Walld. et Kit., Iris croatica I. Horvat et M. Horvat, Iris variegata L.Na području PožeÅ”ke kotline i okolnoga gorja otkrivena je 121 nova svojta vaskularne flore čiji broj sada iznosi 1588 biljnih svojti. KoroloÅ”ki spektar pokazuje 25% euroazijskog elementa, 15,74% biljaka Å”iroke rasprostranjenosti, 14,74% južnoeuropskog i 3,72% mediteranskog elementa, 7,19% europskog i 4,59% srednjoeuropskog elementa, te 3,65% istočnoeuropsko-pontskog elementa. Prema životnom obliku vaskularne biljke su zastupljene u sljedećem broju: Hemicryptophyta (H) ā€“ 711, Therophyta (T) ā€“ 383, Geophyta (G) ā€“ 162, Phanerophyta (P) ā€“ 220, Chamaephyta (CH) ā€“ 77 i Hydrophyta (Hy) ā€“ 35. Najzastupljenije biljne porodice su: Asteraceae ā€“ 146 svojti, Poaceae ā€“ 125, Fabaceae ā€“ 102, Rosaceae ā€“ 76 biljnih svojti. Neke nove rijetke i interesantne svojte su: Orlaya grandiflora (L.) Hoffm., Senecio thapsoides DC. subsp. visianianus (Papaf ex Vis.) Vandas, Dianthus giganteus Dā€™Urv subsp. croaticus (Borb.) Tutin, Scorzonera austriaca Willd., Trifolium glomeratum L., Cotoneaster integerrimus Medik, Spiraea cana Walld. et Kit., Iris croatica I. Horvat i M. Horvat, Iris variegata L

    Limb evolution in crested newts (Triturus cristatus complex, Salamandridae, Caudata)

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    Integracija, modularnost i razvojna ograničenja predstavljaju važne komponente fenotipske varijabilnosti. U ovoj tezi analiziran je uticaj ovih komponenti na morfoloÅ”ku evoluciju ekstremiteta pet vrsta velikih krestatih mrmoljaka. Veliki krestasti mrmoljci predstavljaju važne model organizme za istraživanja u oblasti morfoloÅ”ke integracije i razvojnih ograničenja, posebno ako se analiziraju ekstremiteti. To je grupa blisko srodnih vrsta sa poznatim filogenetskim odnosima, i izraženom vezom izmedju morfoloÅ”ke forme/tipa (oblika tela i dužine ekstremiteta) i preference prema akvatičnoj/terestričnoj sredini. Akvatične vrste se odlikuju izduženim telom i kratkim nogama, dok su vrste sa viÅ”e terestričnim životnim stilom snažnije i robusnije građe sa dugim nogama. Takođe, kao grupa sa složenim životnim ciklusom, gde larveni, juvenilni i adultni stupanj imaju različite morfologije, ekoloÅ”ke sredine i preference, načine ishrane i lokomocije, veliki krestasti mrmoljci imaju posebno mesto u izučavanju ontogenetskih putanja tokom razvića. Ontogenetska promena niÅ”e i tranzicija između akvatične i terestrične sredine je povezana sa procesom metamorfoze. Iako ekstremiteti mrmoljaka ne prolaze kroz drastične promene strukture tokom tog procesa, funkcionalni zahtevi za efikasnom lokomocijom u te dve sredine su bitno različiti. Pretpostavka je da razlike između vrsta u pogledu stepena koriŔćenja akvatične tj. terestrične lokomocije, može biti faktor koji doprinosi razlikama u dužinama skeletnih elemenata i različitim obrascima korelacija između elemenata ekstremiteta, oslikavajući adaptacije na različite uslove sredine i način života (viÅ”e ili manje akvatičan-terestričan)...Integration, modularity and developmental constraints are three related components of phenotypic variability. Their impacts on morphological evolution on limbs in five species of crested newts were analyzed in this thesis. Crested newts are valuable model or ganisms in studies of morphological integration and developmental constraints, especially when concern limbs. They are closely related group of species with known phylogenetic relations, and each characterized by a specific body-to-limb conformation associated with their respective ecologies. Aquatic species of newts have small, elongate bodies and small limbs while more terrestrial species are with large, stocky bodies and robust limbs. Also, as group with complex life cycle, where larval, juvenile and adult stage have different morphologies, ecol ogies and different diet and locomotor preferences, crested newts have special pl ace in studies of changes in ontogenetic trajectories. Ontogenetic niche change and transition between aquatic and terrestrial environment is connected with process of metamorphosis. Although limbs in newts do not undergo drastic chan ges in structure during that process, functional demands for high efficient loco motion in both environments are quit different. It is assumed that the differenc es between species in degree of aquatic and terrestrial locomotion may be the fa ctor which can attribute to changes in length of skeletal elements and differe nt patterns of correlations between limb elements, reflecting adaptations on diffe rent environments and life styles of analyzed species of crested newts..

    The feasibility of pulsed light processing in the meat industry

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    Today, the increasing demand for minimally processed foods that are nutritious, sensorially acceptable, and free from microbial, chemical and physical hazards, challenges research and development to establish alternative methods to reduce the level of bacterial contamination. As one of the newly developing non-thermal methods, pulsed light is a technology for the fast, mild, and residue-free surface decontamination of meat and meat contact materials in the meat processing environment. This review provides specific information on pulsed light technology and the feasibility of its application for unpackaged and packaged meat and meat products as well as meat contact materials. The advantages, limitations and achieved effects of pulsed light on microbial inactivation, lipid peroxidation, sensory quality and color of meat, seafood and meat products are illustrated and discussed in relation to its implementation on the industrial level

    Relationships among hygiene indicators in take-away foodservice establishments and the impact of climatic conditions

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    AimsThis paper examined the relationships among hygiene indicators in take-away foodservice establishments and the impact of climatic conditions. Methods and ResultsA total of 7545 samples were collected encompassing 2050 from food handlers' (HF) hands, 3991 from stainless steel food contact surfaces (FCS) and 1504 samples from plastic FCS. The study covered a period of 43months. Hygiene-indicator bacteria (total plate count, Enterobacteriaceae Staphylococcus) were determined from the samples collected from 559 different take-away establishments. Climatic conditions were evaluated in respect to the outside temperature, pressure, humidity and precipitation. Logistic regression confirmed that the presence of precipitation was associated with an increased likelihood of exhibiting both Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus on HF' hands as well as exhibiting Enterobacteriaceae on both types of FCS. Numerable Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus levels on HF' hands were detected when higher outside temperatures and higher precipitations occurred. Higher outside temperatures were observed when Enterobacteriaceae were detected on both plastics (P lt 005) and stainless steel (P>005). Higher precipitation was observed when Enterobacteriaceae was detected on stainless steel while in contrast, this indicator was detected on plastics in periods with lower precipitation. ConclusionsThis research confirms relationships between hygiene indicators in take-aways and climatic conditions, mostly temperature and precipitation. Significance and Impact of the StudyThis study provides another perspective into the possible nature of cross-contamination and foodborne outbreaks originating in foodservice establishments and brings to attention the necessity of analysing various climatic conditions

    Phenotypic selection in common toad (Bufo bufo)

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    One of the most important problems for evolutionary biologists is to investigate the patterns and strength of phenotypic selection acting on quantitative traits in natural populations. Measurement of selection is complicated by the presence of correlations between characters; selection on a particular trait produces not only a direct effect, but indirect effects as well. Despite the growing body of phenotypic selection studies in a variety of taxa, studies on amphibians are still sparse. The aim of this study was to estimate patterns and strength of selection acting on a set of correlated characters in a natural population of Bufo bufo from the vicinity of Belgrade, Serbia. Morphological traits (body length, fore- and hind leg length) were measured, while fitness was assayed as fecundity and gonad weight for females and males, respecĀ­tively. The regression approach was used to estimate selection differentials and gradients. Selection patterns differed between the sexes - linear selection differentials showed significant total directional selection for body size in females, but not in males. In males, differentials were significant for both fore- and hind leg lengths. Sample size did not permit identification of significant nonlinear (quadratic) selection.Jedan od najvažnijih problema za evolucione biologe je procena obrazaca i intenziteta fenotipske selekcije koja deluje na kvantitativne osobine u prirodnim populacijama. Procenu selekcije komplikuje i prisustvo korelacije između osobina; selekcija koja deluje na datu osobinu ima ne samo direktan efekat na tu osobinu, već i indirektan na raspodelu korelisanih osobina. Uprkos rastućoj količini informacija o fenotipskoj selekciji kod različitih taksona, studije na vodozemcima su joÅ” uvek vrlo retke. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se procene obrasci i intenzitet selekcije koja je delovala na skup korelisanih osobina u prirodnoj populaciji Bufo bufo iz okoline Beograda. Merene su morfoloÅ”ke osobine(dužina tela, dužina prednjih i zadnjih ekstremiteta); fitnes je procenjen preko fekunditeta kod ženki, odnosno težine gonada kod mužjaka. Regresioni metod je primenjen za procenu selekcionih diferencijala i gradijenata. Obrasci selekcije su se razlikovali među polovima - linearni selekcionih Diferencijali ukazuju na značajnu ukupnu direkcionu selekciju za veličinu tela kod ženki, ali ne i kod mužjaka. Kod mužjaka, diferencijali su bili značajni i za prednje i za zadnje ekstremitete. Zbog veličine uzorka nije bilo moguće naći značajnu nelinearnu(kvadratnu) selekciju.nul

    Effect of the direction of m. psoas major fibres on the results of tensile test - can we model meat as a material?

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    The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of tensile-test application at three strain rates (0.01/s and 0.001/s and 0.001/s) on suitable samples of grilled pork meat (musculus psoas major). Differences in the stress-strain curves were observed between the two directions of the muscle fibres (i.e. strain parallel to and transverse to the fibres). However, the strain rate of 0.001/s resulted in the most linear stress-strain curves for strain in both muscle fibre directions. Also, results confirmed that specimens tested transversally to the muscle fibre direction required less stress to fracture. We also concluded that specimens stretch more in the direction transverse to the muscle fibre direction for strain rates of 0.01/s and 0.001/s. Gaining knowledge from different methods of empirical mechanical testing of meat should enhance the possibility of forming material constitutive laws to be used as input to finite element simulations of industrial processes of meat such as cutting or of human oral processing

    Aflatoxins in milk and dairy products: Occurrence and exposure assessment for the serbian population

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    The main objective of this study was to assess the exposure associated with aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) of the adult population in Serbia from consumption of milk and dairy products. This assessment was performed using concentration values of AFM1 in raw milk (385 samples) and dairy products (556 samples) based on the analyses conducted in the period between 2015 and 2018. In parallel, a dairy products consumption survey was completed during 2018 based on ā€˜one-dayā€™ and ā€˜seven-dayā€™ recall methods. In order to estimate the intake of AFM1 from the consumption of dairy products for both recall methods, a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted. The study revealed that pasteurized milk and yogurt are dairy products mostly consumed by the Serbian adult population. Estimated daily intake of AFM1 was in the range of 62-74 Ɨ 10-3 ng/kg bw/day, depending on the recall methods and scenarios employed. Although the results show moderate exposure risks compared to similar studies worldwide, climatic conditions and weather extremes that have occurred recently may have negatively influenced the contamination of feed and, consequently, AFM1 contamination of milk. As a result, it is justifiable to promote continuous monitoring in feed and dairy supply chains in Serbia and provide an update of exposure assessment

    Assessment of age and intersexual size differences in Bufo bufo

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    Numerous studies have underlined the complex nature of relationship between age, size, and reproductive traits in anurans. One of the most intriguing problems for evolutionary biologists is intersexual difference in body size (SSD). For testing various hypotheses about SSD, we need reliable estimates of its extent (the important issue being the choice of trait for analysis) as well as the accurate determination of individual age. The measures of SSD may be subject to error if estimated from populations with unknown age distribution; amphibians continue to grow throughout their life and SSD is linked to sex differences in traits such as age at maturity and lifespan. In the present paper, we analyze problems involved in accurate determination of age structure and factors that may lead to under- or overestimation of individual age, as well as the problem of appropriate choice of traits, in the light of our experience and results of investigating populations of common toad (Bufo bufo) in the vicinity of Belgrade.Brojne studije istakle su složenu prirodu odnosa između starosti, veličine tela i reproduktivnih osobina kod bezrepih vodozemaca. Za evolucione biologe jedan od najintrigantnijih problema je interseksualna razlika u veličini tela (SSD). Za testiranje hipoteza koje se tiču SSD, neophodne su tačne procene njene veličine (izuzetno je važno pitanje izbora osobina koje se koriste u toj analizi), kao i precizno određivanje starosti. Procena SSD može biti pogreÅ”na ako nije poznata uzrasna struktura date populacije; vodozemci nastavljaju da rastu tokom života, a SSD je povezana sa interseksualnim razlikama u osobinama kao Å”to su vreme polnog sazrevanja i dužina života. U ovom radu analiziramo probleme vezane za tačnu procenu uzrasne strukture i činioce koji mogu da dovedu do precenjenih ili potcenjenih vrednosti, kao i probleme adekvatnog izbora osobina za analizu, s obzirom na naÅ”a iskustva i rezultate proučavanja populacija Bufo bufo iz okoline Beograda.Projekat ministarstva br. 172
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