2,418 research outputs found

    Diffusion-based method for producing density equalizing maps

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    Map makers have long searched for a way to construct cartograms -- maps in which the sizes of geographic regions such as countries or provinces appear in proportion to their population or some other analogous property. Such maps are invaluable for the representation of census results, election returns, disease incidence, and many other kinds of human data. Unfortunately, in order to scale regions and still have them fit together, one is normally forced to distort the regions' shapes, potentially resulting in maps that are difficult to read. Many methods for making cartograms have been proposed, some of them extremely complex, but all suffer either from this lack of readability or from other pathologies, like overlapping regions or strong dependence on the choice of coordinate axes. Here we present a new technique based on ideas borrowed from elementary physics that suffers none of these drawbacks. Our method is conceptually simple and produces useful, elegant, and easily readable maps. We illustrate the method with applications to the results of the 2000 US presidential election, lung cancer cases in the State of New York, and the geographical distribution of stories appearing in the news.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure


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    This study analyses the mRNA and protein production and their regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), IL-8 and IL-6 by synovial fibroblasts obtained from patients with RA and OA. M-CSF was found to be produced constitutively as opposed to other cytokines. Stimulation of the cells with IL-1β caused a marked increase of GM-CSF, IL-8, IL-6 and as well as of M-CSF mRNA levels. In parallel, a time-dependent increase of M-CSF, GM-CSF, IL-8 and IL-6 protein production was observed. Among the cytokine mRNAs examined only that of M-CSF exhibited a pronounced stability in unstimulated synovial fibroblasts, whereas the other cytokines displayed short mRNA half-lives of 1-2 h. Induction by IL-1β markedly prolonged IL-8, IL-6 and GM-CSF mRNA half-lives to >8 h which indicates increased mRNA stability. These findings suggest that among the cytokines that are produced in the inflamed synovium M-CSF may be particularly important for sustaining long-term influx, activation and survival of mononuclear phagocytes. GM-CSF, IL-8 and IL-6, by contrast, may be more involved in more acute cellular response

    Effects of serum and serum heat-inactivation on human bone derived osteoblast progenitor cells

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    Generally, heat inactivated foetal calf serum (FCS) containing media are used for the cultivation of animal and human cells. The role of serum source and serum treatment on the behaviour of cells has long been neglected. The present study was performed to investigate the effects of serum heat inactivation and serum source on trabecular bone derived progenitor cells (HBC). Furthermore, it was investigated in how far these reactions differed from those seen in bone marrow derived mesenchymal progenitor cells (HBMC) cultures. We found that HBC cultures performed differently in the presence of FCS and HS with or without heat inactivation. The reactions similar to some degree those observed in HBMC cultures. The implications of the results on cell-implant surface interaction studies are discusse

    Herding in Financial Behaviour: A Behavioural and Neuroeconomic Analysis of Individual Differences

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    Experimental analyses have identified significant tendencies for individuals to follow herd decisions, a finding which has been explained using Bayesian principles. This paper outlines the results from a herding task designed to extend these analyses using evidence from a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Empirically, we estimate logistic functions using panel estimation techniques to quantify the impact of herd decisions on individuals' financial decisions. We confirm that there are statistically significant propensities to herd and that social information about others' decisions has an impact on individuals' decisions. We extend these findings by identifying associations between herding propensities and individual characteristics including gender, age and various personality traits. In addition fMRI evidence shows that individual differences correlate strongly with activations in the amygdala – an area of the brain commonly associated with social decision-making. Individual differences also correlate strongly with amygdala activations during herding decisions. These findings are used to construct a two stage least squares model of financial herding which confirms that individual differences and neural responses play a role in modulating the propensity to herd.amygdal

    Impacts of Personality on Herding in Financial Decision-Making

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    It is well known that rational bubbles can be sustained in balanced growth path of a deterministic economy when the return to capital r is equal to the growth rate g. When there is a lack of stores of value, bubbles can implement an efficient allocation. This paper considers a world where r fluctuates over time due to shocks to the marginal productivity of capital. Then, bubbles further efficiency, though they cannot implement first best. While bubbles can only be sustained when r = g in a deterministic economy, r > g "on average" in a stochastic economy. Fiscal policy improves welfare by adding an extra asset. Where only the elderly contribute to shifting resources between investment and consumption in a bubbly economy, fiscal policy allows part of that burden to be shifted to the young. Contrary to common wisdom, trade in bubbly assets implements intergenerational transfers, while fiscal policy implements intragenerational transfers. Hence, while bubbles and fiscal policy are perfect substitutes in the deterministic economy, fiscal policy dominates bubbles in a stochastic economy. For plausible parameter values, a higher degree of dynamic inefficiency should lead to a higher sovereign debt

    Partial Adaptation of Obtained and Observed Value Signals Preserves Information about Gains and Losses.

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    UNLABELLED: Given that the range of rewarding and punishing outcomes of actions is large but neural coding capacity is limited, efficient processing of outcomes by the brain is necessary. One mechanism to increase efficiency is to rescale neural output to the range of outcomes expected in the current context, and process only experienced deviations from this expectation. However, this mechanism comes at the cost of not being able to discriminate between unexpectedly low losses when times are bad versus unexpectedly high gains when times are good. Thus, too much adaptation would result in disregarding information about the nature and absolute magnitude of outcomes, preventing learning about the longer-term value structure of the environment. Here we investigate the degree of adaptation in outcome coding brain regions in humans, for directly experienced outcomes and observed outcomes. We scanned participants while they performed a social learning task in gain and loss blocks. Multivariate pattern analysis showed two distinct networks of brain regions adapt to the most likely outcomes within a block. Frontostriatal areas adapted to directly experienced outcomes, whereas lateral frontal and temporoparietal regions adapted to observed social outcomes. Critically, in both cases, adaptation was incomplete and information about whether the outcomes arose in a gain block or a loss block was retained. Univariate analysis confirmed incomplete adaptive coding in these regions but also detected nonadapting outcome signals. Thus, although neural areas rescale their responses to outcomes for efficient coding, they adapt incompletely and keep track of the longer-term incentives available in the environment. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Optimal value-based choice requires that the brain precisely and efficiently represents positive and negative outcomes. One way to increase efficiency is to adapt responding to the most likely outcomes in a given context. However, too strong adaptation would result in loss of precise representation (e.g., when the avoidance of a loss in a loss-context is coded the same as receipt of a gain in a gain-context). We investigated an intermediate form of adaptation that is efficient while maintaining information about received gains and avoided losses. We found that frontostriatal areas adapted to directly experienced outcomes, whereas lateral frontal and temporoparietal regions adapted to observed social outcomes. Importantly, adaptation was intermediate, in line with influential models of reference dependence in behavioral economics

    Quasi-infra-red fixed points and renormalisation group invariant trajectories for non-holomorphic soft supersymmetry breaking

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    In the MSSM the quasi-infra-red fixed point for the top-quark Yukawa coupling gives rise to specific predictions for the soft-breaking parameters. We discuss the extent to which these predictions are modified by the introduction of additional ``non-holomorphic'' soft-breaking terms. We also show that in a specific class of theories there exists an RG-invariant trajectory for the ``non-holomorphic'' terms, which can be understood using a holomorphic spurion term.Comment: 24 pages, TeX, two figures. Uses Harvmac (big) and epsf. Minor errors corrected, and the RG trajectory explained in terms of a holomorphic spurion ter

    Sexual harassment in live-bearing fishes (Poeciliidae): comparing courting and noncourting species

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    Sexual harassment by males has been reported from several live-bearing fishes (Poeciliidae) and has been shown to inflict costs on females. For example, poeciliid females have reduced feeding opportunities when accompanied by a male because females dedicate attention to avoiding male copulation attempts. Poeciliid species differ considerably in male mating behavior, such as the presence or absence of courtship. Courting males display in front of the females, but males attempting to sneak-copulate approach females from behind, that is, in the blind portion of their visual field, and force copulations, which can be viewed as a male persistence trait. We predicted that poeciliid females need to be more vigilant in the presence of noncourting males, and costs of harassment by noncourting males might be stronger. In a comparative approach we examined the costs of male sexual harassment for females as reduced feeding time in 9 species of live-bearing fishes, including courting (Poecilia latipinna, Poecilia reticulata, Xiphophorus cortezi, Xiphophorus variatus) and noncourting species (Poecilia mexicana [surface- and cave-dwelling form], Poecilia orri, Gambusia affinis, Gambusia geiseri, Heterandria formosa). In all species examined except for the cave form of P. mexicana, focal females spent significantly less time feeding in the presence of a male than when together with another female. The time females spent feeding was found to significantly decline with increasing male mating activity (sum of all sexual behaviors), but there was no support for the idea that females would spend more time feeding in the presence of courting males compared with noncourting one

    A new and morphologically distinct population of cavernicolous Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae: Teleostei)

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    The cave molly, Poecilia mexicana, from the Cueva del Azufre, a sulfur cave in Tabasco, Mexico, ranks among the best-studied cave fishes worldwide, despite being known from a single population only. Here we describe a newly discovered second population of cave-dwelling P. mexicana from a nearby, but mostly non-sulfidic cave (Luna Azufre). Despite apparent similarities between the two populations (such as reduced eye diameter and reduced pigmentation), a geometric morphometric analysis revealed pronounced morphological differentiation between the two cave form