1,715 research outputs found

    Endocrine system dysfunction and chronic heart failure: a clinical perspective

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    Chronic heart failure (CHF) leads to an excess of urgent ambulatory visits, recurrent hospital admissions, morbidity, and mortality regardless of medical and non-medical management of the disease. This excess of risk may be attributable, at least in part, to comorbid conditions influencing the development and progression of CHF. In this perspective, the authors examined and described the most common endocrine disorders observed in patients with CHF, particularly in individuals with reduced ejection fraction, aiming to qualify the risks, quantify the epidemiological burden and discuss about the potential role of endocrine treatment. Thyroid dysfunction is commonly observed in patients with CHF, and sometimes it could be the consequence of certain medications (e.g., amiodarone). Male and female hypogonadism may also coexist in this clinical context, contributing to deteriorating the prognosis of these patients. Furthermore, growth hormone deficiency may affect the development of adult myocardium and predispose to CHF. Limited recommendation suggests to screen endocrine disorders in CHF patients, but it could be interesting to evaluate possible endocrine dysfunction in this setting, especially when a high suspicion coexists. Data referring to long-term safety and effectiveness of endocrine treatments in patients with CHF are limited, and their impact on several “hard” endpoints (such as hospital admission, all-cause, and cardiovascular mortality) are still poorly understood

    COVID 19: a clue from innate immunity

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    The recent COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our lives and has rapidly expanded to reach more than 4 million cases worldwide by May 2020. These cases are characterized by extreme variability, from a mild or asymptomatic form lasting for a few days up to severe forms of interstitial pneumonia that may require ventilatory therapy and can lead to patient death. Several hypotheses have been drawn up to understand the role of the interaction between the infectious agent and the immune system in the development of the disease and the most severe forms; the role of the cytokine storm seems important. Innate immunity, as one of the first elements of guest interaction with different infectious agents, could play an important role in the development of the cytokine storm and be responsible for boosting more severe forms. Therefore, it seems important to study also this important arm of the immune system to adequately understand the pathogenesis of the disease. Research on this topic is also needed to develop therapeutic strategies for treatment of this disease

    Adding liraglutide to lifestyle changes, metformin and testosterone therapy boosts erectile function in diabetic obese men with overt hypogonadism

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    The aim of this retrospective observational study was to evaluate whether adding liraglutide to lifestyle changes, metformin (Met) and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), by means of improving weight and glycaemic control, could boost erectile function in type 2 diabetic obese men with overt hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction (ED) in a 'real-life setting'. Forty-three obese, diabetic and hypogonadal men (aged 45-59 years) were evaluated because of complaining about the recent onset of ED. They were subdivided into two groups according to whether hypogonadism occurred after puberty (G1; n = 30: 25 with dysfunctional hypogonadism and 5 with acquired hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) or before puberty (G2; n = 13: 10 with Klinefelter's syndrome and 3 with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism). Both G1 and G2 patients were given a combination of testosterone (T) [testosterone undecanoate (TU) 1000 mg/every 12 weeks] and Met (2000-3000 mg/day) for 1 year. In the poor responders (N) to this therapy in terms of glycaemic target (G1N: n = 16; G2N: n = 10), liraglutide (L) (1.2 ÎŒg/day) was added for a second year, while the good responders (Y) to T + Met (G1Y: 14/30 and G2Y: 3/13) continued this two drugs regimen therapy for another year. All patients were asked to fill in the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF 15) questionnaire before starting TU plus Met (T1) and after 12 months (T2) and 24 months (T3) of treatment. Patients underwent a clinical examination and a determination of serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), total testosterone (T) and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) at T1, T2 and T3. At T2, each patient obtained an improvement of ED (p < 0.01) and of the metabolic parameters without reaching, however, the glycaemic goals [HbA1c = >7.5% (>58 mmol/mol)], while T turned out to be within the range of young men. L added to TU and Met regimen in G1N and G2N allowed these patients to reach not only the glycaemic target [HbA1c = <7.5% (<58 nmol/mol)] and a significant reduction in body weight (p < 0.01), but also a further increase in SHBG (p < 0.05) and T (p < 0.01) plasma levels as well as a significant increment of IIEF score (T3). Conversely, at T3 G1Y and G2Y, who received the combined therapy with TRT and Met for the second year, showed a partial failure of that treatment given that there was no improvement of the IIEF score and they showed a significant rise in serum HbA1c (p < 0.05) and weight (p < 0.04) compared with the assessments at T2. These results suggest that TRT could improve clinical and metabolic parameters in obese, type 2 diabetic men with ED and overt hypogonadism (independently of when T deficit occurred). Furthermore, in case of insufficient metabolic control the addition of L to TRT and Met regimen allows to achieve serum T levels in the range of healthy men, as well as to reach glycaemic target and to lower weight, leading to a considerable improvement of ED

    Signal transduction of mineralocorticoid and angiotensin ii receptors in the central control of sodium appetite: A narrative review

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    Sodium appetite is an innate behavior occurring in response to sodium depletion that induces homeostatic responses such as the secretion of the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone from the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex and the stimulation of the peptide hormone angiotensin II (ANG II). The synergistic action of these hormones signals to the brain the sodium appetite that represents the increased palatability for salt intake. This narrative review summarizes the main data dealing with the role of mineralocorticoid and ANG II receptors in the central control of sodium appetite. Appropriate keywords and MeSH terms were identified and searched in PubMed. References to original articles and reviews were examined, selected, and discussed. Several brain areas control sodium appetite, including the nucleus of the solitary tract, which contains aldosterone‐sensitive HSD2 neurons, and the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis (OVLT) that contains ANG II‐sensitive neurons. Furthermore, sodium appetite is under the control of signaling proteins such as mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) and inositol 1,4,5‐thriphosphate (IP3). ANG II stimulates salt intake via MAPK, while combined ANG II and aldosterone action induce sodium intake via the IP3 signaling pathway. Finally, aldosterone and ANG II stimulate OVLT neurons and suppress oxytocin secretion inhibiting the neuronal activity of the paraventricular nucleus, thus disinhibiting the OVLT activity to aldosterone and ANG II stimulation

    Trends in coffee and tea consumption during the covid-19 pandemic

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    Over the last two years, many countries have enforced confinement to limit both the spread of COVID-19 and the demand for medical care. Confinement has resulted in a disruption of work routines, boredom, depression, and changes in eating habits, among them consumption of coffee and tea. Following six databases, we examined articles tracking consumption of these beverages. Out of 472 articles, including 23 beverage entries, 13 matched our criteria. While no clear trend in coffee consumption during the coronavirus pandemic emerged (7 of 13 studies indicated an increase, accounting for 53.8%), tea consumption clearly increased (70% versus 30%). Considering the global health emergency continuum, more research is needed to better understand the paths underlying food choices and the ways those changes may influence health outcomes, including those related to COVID-19 disease
