183 research outputs found

    Influence of pions on the hadron-quark phase transition

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    In this work we present the features of the hadron-quark phase transition diagrams in which the pions are included in the system. To construct such diagrams we use two different models in the description of the hadronic and quark sectors. At the quark level, we consider two distinct parametrizations of the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) models. In the hadronic side, we use a well known relativistic mean-field (RMF) nonlinear Walecka model. We show that the effect of the pions on the hadron-quark phase diagrams is to move the critical end point (CEP) of the transitions lines. Such an effect also depends on the value of the critical temperature (T_0) in the pure gauge sector used to parametrize the PNJL models. Here we treat the phase transitions using two values for T_0, namely, T_0 = 270 MeV and T_0 = 190 MeV. The last value is used to reproduce lattice QCD data for the transition temperature at zero chemical potential.Comment: 3 pages. Proceedings of XXXV Reuni\~ao de Trabalhos sobre F\'isica Nuclear no Brasil 201

    Nucleon Sigma Term and In-medium Quark Condensate in the Modified Quark-Meson Coupling Model

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    We evaluate the nucleon sigma term and in-medium quark condensate in the modified quark-meson coupling model which features a density-dependent bag constant. We obtain a nucleon sigma term consistent with its empirical value, which requires a significant reduction of the bag constant in the nuclear medium similar to those found in the previous works. The resulting in-medium quark condensate at low densities agrees well with the model independent linear order result. At higher densities, the magnitude of the in-medium quark condensate tends to increase, indicating no tendency toward chiral symmetry restoration.Comment: 9 pages, modified version to be publishe

    Determination of the neutron star mass-radii relation using narrow-band gravitational wave detector

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    The direct detection of gravitational waves will provide valuable astrophysical information about many celestial objects. The most promising sources of gravitational waves are neutron stars and black holes. These objects emit waves in a very wide spectrum of frequencies determined by their quasi-normal modes oscillations. In this work we are concerned with the information we can extract from f and pI_I-modes when a candidate leaves its signature in the resonant mass detectors ALLEGRO, EXPLORER, NAUTILUS, MiniGrail and SCHENBERG. Using the empirical equations, that relate the gravitational wave frequency and damping time with the mass and radii of the source, we have calculated the radii of the stars for a given interval of masses MM in the range of frequencies that include the bandwidth of all resonant mass detectors. With these values we obtain diagrams of mass-radii for different frequencies that allowed to determine the better candidates to future detection taking in account the compactness of the source. Finally, to determine which are the models of compact stars that emit gravitational waves in the frequency band of the mass resonant detectors, we compare the mass-radii diagrams obtained by different neutron stars sequences from several relativistic hadronic equations of state (GM1, GM3, TM1, NL3) and quark matter equations of state (NJL, MTI bag model). We verify that quark stars obtained from MIT bag model with bag constant equal to 170 MeV and quark of matter in color-superconductivity phase are the best candidates for mass resonant detectors.Comment: 10 pages and 3 figure

    Behaviour of cementitious matrices subjected to the combined action of chloride ions and carbonation

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    Carbonation and chloride action are the two leading causes of degradation in reinforced concrete structures. Despite the combined action of these two mechanisms being a reality, there is little research on the effect of this combination in cementitious matrices. Furthermore, the incorporation of fly ash in cementitious matrices has been frequently used in order to make the matrix more resistant to the action of chlorides. On the other hand, it is known that Ca(OH)2 existing in the matrix is consumed by the pozzolanic reactions, which makes easier the carbonation front advance. Therefore, this paper presents a study of the behavior of cementitious matrices, with and without fly ash, subjected to the combined action of chlorides and carbonation. Two different kinds of mortars were produced: reference (only cement CEM I 42.5R) and fly ash mortar (40% replacement of cement). After curing, the specimens were subjected to three different wetting-drying cycles, considering NaCl solutions and CO2 atmospheres. Afterwards, chloride profiles and carbonation front were measured. Results show that carbonation has a direct influence on chloride penetration, decreasing it for cement mortars with 0% fly ash and increasing it for mortars with 40% cement replacement by fly ash. Moreover, the evolution of carbonation is also influenced by chloride presence, which decreases under the combined action.The authors thank the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for supporting this research. The authors also thank the SECIL for making available cement used in this research and the CIMENTEIRA DO LOURO for providing the aggregates used. This work is co-financed by FEDER funds through the Competitively Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER007136.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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