274 research outputs found

    Exact Drude weight for the one-dimensional Hubbard model at finite temperatures

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    The Drude weight for the one-dimensional Hubbard model is investigated at finite temperatures by using the Bethe ansatz solution. Evaluating finite-size corrections to the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations, we obtain the formula for the Drude weight as the response of the system to an external gauge potential. We perform low-temperature expansions of the Drude weight in the case of half-filling as well as away from half-filling, which clearly distinguish the Mott-insulating state from the metallic state.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, To appear in J. Phys.

    Quantum Clifford-Hopf Algebras for Even Dimensions

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    In this paper we study the quantum Clifford-Hopf algebras CHq(D)^\widehat{CH_q(D)} for even dimensions DD and obtain their intertwiner R−R-matrices, which are elliptic solutions to the Yang- Baxter equation. In the trigonometric limit of these new algebras we find the possibility to connect with extended supersymmetry. We also analyze the corresponding spin chain hamiltonian, which leads to Suzuki's generalized XYXY model.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, IMAFF-12/93 (final version to be published, 2 uuencoded figures added

    Singular responses of spin-incoherent Luttinger liquids

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    When a local potential changes abruptly in time, an electron gas shifts to a new state which at long times is orthogonal to the one in the absence of the local potential. This is known as Anderson's orthogonality catastrophe and it is relevant for the so-called X-ray edge or Fermi edge singularity, and for tunneling into an interacting one dimensional system of fermions. It often happens that the finite frequency response of the photon absorption or the tunneling density of states exhibits a singular behavior as a function of frequency: (ωthω−ωth)αΘ(ω−ωth)(\frac{\omega_{\rm th}}{\omega-\omega_{\rm th}})^\alpha\Theta(\omega-\omega_{\rm th}) where ωth\omega_{\rm th} is a threshold frequency and α\alpha is an exponent characterizing the singular response. In this paper singular responses of spin-incoherent Luttinger liquids are reviewed. Such responses most often do not fall into the familiar form above, but instead typically exhibit logarithmic corrections and display a much higher universality in terms of the microscopic interactions in the theory. Specific predictions are made, the current experimental situation is summarized, and key outstanding theoretical issues related to spin-incoherent Luttinger liquids are highlighted.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. Invited Topical Review Articl

    Correlation Functions of One-Dimensional Lieb-Liniger Anyons

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    We have investigated the properties of a model of 1D anyons interacting through a δ\delta-function repulsive potential. The structure of the quasi-periodic boundary conditions for the anyonic field operators and the many-anyon wavefunctions is clarified. The spectrum of the low-lying excitations including the particle-hole excitations is calculated for periodic and twisted boundary conditions. Using the ideas of the conformal field theory we obtain the large-distance asymptotics of the density and field correlation function at the critical temperature T=0 and at small finite temperatures. Our expression for the field correlation function extends the results in the literature obtained for harmonic quantum anyonic fluids.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX

    Theorie de Lubin-Tate non-abelienne et representations elliptiques

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    Harris and Taylor proved that the supercuspidal part of the cohomology of the Lubin-Tate tower realizes both the local Langlands and Jacquet-Langlands correspondences, as conjectured by Carayol. Recently, Boyer computed the remaining part of the cohomology and exhibited two defects : first, the representations of GL\_d which appear are of a very particular and restrictive form ; second, the Langlands correspondence is not realized anymore. In this paper, we study the cohomology complex in a suitable equivariant derived category, and show how it encodes Langlands correspondance for all elliptic representations. Then we transfer this result to the Drinfeld tower via an enhancement of a theorem of Faltings due to Fargues. We deduce that Deligne's weight-monodromy conjecture is true for varieties uniformized by Drinfeld's coverings of his symmetric spaces.Comment: 54 page

    Modelling the unfolding pathway of biomolecules: theoretical approach and experimental prospect

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    We analyse the unfolding pathway of biomolecules comprising several independent modules in pulling experiments. In a recently proposed model, a critical velocity vcv_{c} has been predicted, such that for pulling speeds v>vcv>v_{c} it is the module at the pulled end that opens first, whereas for v<vcv<v_{c} it is the weakest. Here, we introduce a variant of the model that is closer to the experimental setup, and discuss the robustness of the emergence of the critical velocity and of its dependence on the model parameters. We also propose a possible experiment to test the theoretical predictions of the model, which seems feasible with state-of-art molecular engineering techniques.Comment: Accepted contribution for the Springer Book "Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications" (proceedings of the BIRS CMM16 Workshop held in Banff, Canada, August 2016), 16 pages, 6 figure

    Superposition rules for higher-order systems and their applications

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    Superposition rules form a class of functions that describe general solutions of systems of first-order ordinary differential equations in terms of generic families of particular solutions and certain constants. In this work we extend this notion and other related ones to systems of higher-order differential equations and analyse their properties. Several results concerning the existence of various types of superposition rules for higher-order systems are proved and illustrated with examples extracted from the physics and mathematics literature. In particular, two new superposition rules for second- and third-order Kummer--Schwarz equations are derived.Comment: (v2) 33 pages, some typos corrected, added some references and minor commentarie

    Local height probabilities in a composite Andrews-Baxter-Forrester model

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    We study the local height probabilities in a composite height model, derived from the restricted solid-on-solid model introduced by Andrews, Baxter and Forrester, and their connection with conformal field theory characters. The obtained conformal field theories also describe the critical behavior of the model at two different critical points. In addition, at criticality, the model is equivalent to a one-dimensional chain of anyons, subject to competing two- and three-body interactions. The anyonic-chain interpretation provided the original motivation to introduce the composite height model, and by obtaining the critical behaviour of the composite height model, the critical behaviour of the anyonic chains is established as well. Depending on the overall sign of the hamiltonian, this critical behaviour is described by a diagonal coset-model, generalizing the minimal models for one sign, and by Fateev-Zamolodchikov parafermions for the other.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures; v2: expanded introduction, references added and other minor change

    Macroscopic properties of A-statistics

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    A-statistics is defined in the context of the Lie algebra sl(n+1). Some thermal properties of A-statistics are investigated under the assumption that the particles interact only via statistical interaction imposed by the Pauli principle of A-statistics. Apart from the general case, three particular examples are studied in more detail: (a) the particles have one and the same energy and chemical potential; (b) equidistant energy spectrum; (c) two species of particles with one and the same energy and chemical potential within each class. The grand partition functions and the average number of particles are among the thermodynamical quantities written down explicitly.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures; to be published in J. Phys.

    K-matrices for non-abelian quantum Hall states

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    Two fundamental aspects of so-called non-abelian quantum Hall states (the q-pfaffian states and more general) are a (generalized) pairing of the participating electrons and the non-abelian statistics of the quasi-hole excitations. In this paper, we show that these two aspects are linked by a duality relation, which can be made manifest by considering the K-matrices that describe the exclusion statistics of the fundamental excitations in these systems.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page
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