2,241 research outputs found

    Further Results on Geometric Properties of a Family of Relative Entropies

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    This paper extends some geometric properties of a one-parameter family of relative entropies. These arise as redundancies when cumulants of compressed lengths are considered instead of expected compressed lengths. These parametric relative entropies are a generalization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. They satisfy the Pythagorean property and behave like squared distances. This property, which was known for finite alphabet spaces, is now extended for general measure spaces. Existence of projections onto convex and certain closed sets is also established. Our results may have applications in the R\'enyi entropy maximization rule of statistical physics.Comment: 7 pages, Prop. 5 modified, in Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    Indian cash for Maritime University

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    Can a gravitational wave and a magnetic monopole coexist?

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    We investigate the behavior of small perturbations around the Kaluza-Klein monopole in the five dimensional space-time. We find that the even parity gravitational wave does not propagate in the five dimensional space-time with Kaluza-Klein monopole provided that the gravitational wave is constant in the fifth direction. We conclude that a gravitational wave and a U(1) magnetic monopole do not coexist in five dimensional Kaluza-Klein spacetime.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX. To appear in Modern Physics Letters

    Generalized Shifts on Cartesian Products

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    It is proved that if E, F are infinite dimensional strictly convex Banach spaces totally incomparable in a restricted sense, then the Cartesian product E×F with the sum or sup norm does not admit a forward shift. As a corollary it is deduced that there are no backward or forward shifts on the Cartesian product`p1×`p2,1\u3c p16=p2\u3c∞, with the supremum norm thus settling a problem left open in Rajagopalan and Sundaresan in J. Analysis 7 (1999(, 75-81 and also a problem stated as unsolved in Rassias and Sundaresan

    A case for adaptive sub-carrier level power allocation in OFDMA networks

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    In today's OFDMA networks, the transmission power is typically fixed and the same for all the sub-carriers that compose a channel. The sub-carriers though, experience different degrees of fading and thus, the received power is different for different sub-carriers; while some frequencies experience deep fades, others are relatively unaffected. In this paper, we make a case of redistributing the power across the sub-carriers (subject to a fixed power budget constraint) to better cope with this frequency selectivity. Specifically, we design a joint power and rate adaptation scheme (called JPRA for short) wherein power redistribution is combined with sub-carrier level rate adaptation to yield significant throughput benefits. We further consider two variants of JPRA: (a) JPRA-CR where, the power is redistributed across sub-carriers so as to support a maximum common rate (CR) across sub-carriers and (b) JPRA-MT where, the goal is to redistribute power such that the transmission time of a packet is minimized. While the first variant decreases transceiver complexity and is simpler, the second is geared towards achieving the maximum throughput possible. We implement both variants of JPRA on our WARP radio testbed. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our scheme provides a 35% improvement in total network throughput in testbed experiments compared to FARA, a scheme where only sub-carrier level rate adaptation is used. We also perform simulations to demonstrate the efficacy of JPRA in larger scale networks. © 2012 ACM

    Interacting Qubit-Photon Bound States with Superconducting Circuits

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    Qubits strongly coupled to a photonic crystal give rise to many exotic physical scenarios, beginning with single and multi-excitation qubit-photon dressed bound states comprising induced spatially localized photonic modes, centered around the qubits, and the qubits themselves. The localization of these states changes with qubit detuning from the band-edge, offering an avenue of in situ control of bound state interaction. Here, we present experimental results from a device with two qubits coupled to a superconducting microwave photonic crystal and realize tunable on-site and inter-bound state interactions. We observe a fourth-order two photon virtual process between bound states indicating strong coupling between the photonic crystal and qubits. Due to their localization-dependent interaction, these states offer the ability to create one-dimensional chains of bound states with tunable and potentially long-range interactions that preserve the qubits' spatial organization, a key criterion for realization of certain quantum many-body models. The widely tunable, strong and robust interactions demonstrated with this system are promising benchmarks towards realizing larger, more complex systems of bound states

    Minimization Problems Based on Relative α\alpha-Entropy II: Reverse Projection

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    In part I of this two-part work, certain minimization problems based on a parametric family of relative entropies (denoted Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}) were studied. Such minimizers were called forward Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}-projections. Here, a complementary class of minimization problems leading to the so-called reverse Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}-projections are studied. Reverse Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}-projections, particularly on log-convex or power-law families, are of interest in robust estimation problems (α>1\alpha >1) and in constrained compression settings (α<1\alpha <1). Orthogonality of the power-law family with an associated linear family is first established and is then exploited to turn a reverse Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}-projection into a forward Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}-projection. The transformed problem is a simpler quasiconvex minimization subject to linear constraints.Comment: 20 pages; 3 figures; minor change in the title; revised manuscript. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Minimization Problems Based on Relative α\alpha-Entropy I: Forward Projection

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    Minimization problems with respect to a one-parameter family of generalized relative entropies are studied. These relative entropies, which we term relative α\alpha-entropies (denoted Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}), arise as redundancies under mismatched compression when cumulants of compressed lengths are considered instead of expected compressed lengths. These parametric relative entropies are a generalization of the usual relative entropy (Kullback-Leibler divergence). Just like relative entropy, these relative α\alpha-entropies behave like squared Euclidean distance and satisfy the Pythagorean property. Minimizers of these relative α\alpha-entropies on closed and convex sets are shown to exist. Such minimizations generalize the maximum R\'{e}nyi or Tsallis entropy principle. The minimizing probability distribution (termed forward Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}-projection) for a linear family is shown to obey a power-law. Other results in connection with statistical inference, namely subspace transitivity and iterated projections, are also established. In a companion paper, a related minimization problem of interest in robust statistics that leads to a reverse Iα\mathscr{I}_{\alpha}-projection is studied.Comment: 24 pages; 4 figures; minor change in title; revised version. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Observation of a dissipative phase transition in a one-dimensional circuit QED lattice

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    Condensed matter physics has been driven forward by significant experimental and theoretical progress in the study and understanding of equilibrium phase transitions based on symmetry and topology. However, nonequilibrium phase transitions have remained a challenge, in part due to their complexity in theoretical descriptions and the additional experimental difficulties in systematically controlling systems out of equilibrium. Here, we study a one-dimensional chain of 72 microwave cavities, each coupled to a superconducting qubit, and coherently drive the system into a nonequilibrium steady state. We find experimental evidence for a dissipative phase transition in the system in which the steady state changes dramatically as the mean photon number is increased. Near the boundary between the two observed phases, the system demonstrates bistability, with characteristic switching times as long as 60 ms -- far longer than any of the intrinsic rates known for the system. This experiment demonstrates the power of circuit QED systems for studying nonequilibrium condensed matter physics and paves the way for future experiments exploring nonequilbrium physics with many-body quantum optics

    Drought Stress Results in a Compartment-Specific Restructuring of the Rice Root-Associated Microbiomes.

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    Plant roots support complex microbial communities that can influence plant growth, nutrition, and health. While extensive characterizations of the composition and spatial compartmentalization of these communities have been performed in different plant species, there is relatively little known about the impact of abiotic stresses on the root microbiota. Here, we have used rice as a model to explore the responses of root microbiomes to drought stress. Using four distinct genotypes, grown in soils from three different fields, we tracked the drought-induced changes in microbial composition in the rhizosphere (the soil immediately surrounding the root), the endosphere (the root interior), and unplanted soils. Drought significantly altered the overall bacterial and fungal compositions of all three communities, with the endosphere and rhizosphere compartments showing the greatest divergence from well-watered controls. The overall response of the bacterial microbiota to drought stress was taxonomically consistent across soils and cultivars and was primarily driven by an enrichment of multiple Actinobacteria and Chloroflexi, as well as a depletion of several Acidobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria While there was some overlap in the changes observed in the rhizosphere and endosphere communities, several drought-responsive taxa were compartment specific, a pattern likely arising from preexisting compositional differences, as well as plant-mediated processes affecting individual compartments. These results reveal that drought stress, in addition to its well-characterized effects on plant physiology, also results in restructuring of root microbial communities and suggest the possibility that constituents of the altered plant microbiota might contribute to plant survival under extreme environmental conditions.IMPORTANCE With the likelihood that changes in global climate will adversely affect crop yields, the potential role of microbial communities in enhancing plant performance makes it important to elucidate the responses of plant microbiomes to environmental variation. By detailed characterization of the effect of drought stress on the root-associated microbiota of the crop plant rice, we show that the rhizosphere and endosphere communities undergo major compositional changes that involve shifts in the relative abundances of a taxonomically diverse set of bacteria in response to drought. These drought-responsive microbes, in particular those enriched under water deficit conditions, could potentially benefit the plant as they could contribute to tolerance to drought and other abiotic stresses, as well as provide protection from opportunistic infection by pathogenic microbes. The identification and future isolation of microbes that promote plant tolerance to drought could potentially be used to mitigate crop losses arising from adverse shifts in climate