141 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Kreativitas Menggambar Melalui Metode Bercerita Pada Anak Kelompok B Semester I TK Kemala Bhayangkari 53 Ngawen Kecamatan Ngawen Kabupaten Blora Tahun 2015/2016

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    This study aims to improve the ability to draw children's creativity through storytelling. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles and each cycle outsmart conducted two meetings. The subjects of this study are Group B kindergarten children Kemala Bhayangkari 53 Ngawen District of Ngawen Blora totaling 13 children as recipients of actions, researcher and teacher colleagues as giving action. The data collected in this study is data about the ability of children's creative drawing and data on teacher learning through storytelling. Both of these data were collected through observation. Data's ability to draw a child's creativity analyzed by comparative analysis and data on teacher learning through storytelling method were analyzed by interactive analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the average prasiklus creative ability to draw the child reaches 47% means that the ability to draw new children's creativity began to flourish. After the first cycle measures the average ability of creativity to draw the child reaches 67%, which means that the child's ability to creatively draw already increased to evolve as expected. After the second cycle measures the average child's ability to creatively draw increased 82% means the ability of developing children's creativity draw very good. Main of this study is that through storytelling methods can enhance children's ability to creatively draw in Group B TK Kemala Bhayangkari 53 Ngawen District of Ngawen District Blora

    Peran Pemerintah Kabupaten Jepara Dalam Rangka Fasilitasi Terhadap Industri Mebel Dalam Perdagangan Bebas (Studi Kasus Berlangsungnya ACFTA)

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    The purpose of this research is to 1) know the role of the district government Jepara in facilitate for entrepreneurs furniture in Jepara after agreement ACFTA; and 2) know what factors to becoming an obstacle in facilitate entrepreneurs furniture in Jepara. This research inclined to descriptive qualitative, so that excavation data obtained off the subject research through technique interview deep, among others with the Head of Disperindag Jepara regency, Head Of Industry Disperindag Jepara regency. The results of the study shows the role of the district government Jepara in facilitate for entrepreneurs furniture in Jepara after agreement ACFTA done through a strategic approach, both through regulations and institutionalization. Approach regulations done to issue by law of Jepara regency number 2/ 2014 on the protection, empowerment, guidance industry furniture. While institutionalization and empowerment available resources be conducted by: a) an increase in quality of human resources , activities through training upon related government agencies; b ) the district government Jepara do specialised training for skilled craftsmen furniture , in which this institution specializes in handling about furniture designs .Factors that becomes obstacle to facilitate entrepreneurs furniture in Jepara among other: a )Limited raw materials. Needs raw materials wood to work a small scale and micro in Jepara regency is less than 99,27 m3 per year; b) Overall the the facility of the local government is help industry furniture, but in the facility in the form of capital there are certain conditions who makes IKM more choose not to take or receive capital assistance given by the government regional because they are considered convoluted; c) The appearance of competitors new: springing competitors, good in the domestic market and global; d) Certification And HaKI: provisions relating to the raw materials that environmentally friendly from certification institution International and lack of protection bar, resulting in a few items products furniture rejected some countries; e) Regeneration Human Resources, In terms of improving the quality of human resources skilled is very weak; and f) Marketing: access marketing both through products exhibition as well as through online media is very weak

    Pangsa Pasar Dana Pihak Ketiga dan Return On Assets Bank Umum di Indonesia

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    Succesfull bank mostly have a huge amount of market share deposits which is notonly indicating bank competitiveness but also influencing their profitability. Manybanks compete to reach a big percentage of market share deposits since it is oneof the important assets to conduct their role as financial intermediaries in businesssector. Thus, market share deposits became a crucial factor in banking sector.This research purposed to study the impact of market share deposits to return onassets at commercial bank from 2003-2005 in Indonesia with capital adequacyratio (CAR), loan to deposits ratio (LDR), size, and ownership (OWNER) as controlvariables. There is a 100 bank observed in this research. The result of this researchis market share deposits has a negatif significant effect to return on assets, becausethe dominant percentage of market share deposits is time deposits which has thehighest interest rate.Keywords : Market share deposits, return on assets, commercial bank

    Evaluasi Lelang Jabatan Di Lingkungan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2013-2014 (Studi Penelitian Pada Eselon III Dan IV Di Dinas Bina Marga Dan Dinas Pemuda Dan Olahraga)

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    Bureaucratic reform is an important thing in order to reach national development. The realization of bureaucratic reform in Indonesian government is the implementation of Open Biding which focuses to filling the positions of echelon III and IV in Department of Highways and the Department of Youth and Sports of Central Java province. In organizing the auction policy positions, there is some evaluation on every implementation of its selection process. Therefore the formulation of problem in this research is “How the realization of open biding is implemented in Department of Highways and the Department of Youth and Sports of Central Java province in order to fill the positions of echelon III and IV, what is the problem happened in the process of open biding, and how is the process of open biding evaluation implemented. The direction of this research is to obtain some information detailly about the mechanisms of implementation of the open biding that focuses on filling the post of echelon III and IV in the Department of Highways and the Department of Youth and Sports of Central Java and knowing the problems that happen in the implementation of the open biding selection. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Primary source data retrieved from interview and secondary data from document, archieve, and the other source which it is still connect with research. Analysis technique using qualitative data with analyst in form essay, depiction, and drawing the conclusion of indication research. From the result of research, showing that implementation of open biding that focuses on filling the positions of echelon III and IV in Department of Highways and the Department of Youth and Sports of Central Java province uses the concept of talent scouting to find talent pool who is worthy occupying some structural positions in the Government of Central Java Province.. In addition, the concept of talent scouting that is used in the post auction also impact on effectiveness and appropriate of the necessary of provincial government officials will be able to occupy technical positions are supported by the specification of skills and capabilities. The Regional Employment Board as the organizer of this policy should be able to monitor the performance of assessment center team more objective in doing the assessment of managerial competence. In addition, the Regional Employment Board should be more transparent in disseminating the results of the assessment to every department in Central Java in order to provide explanation detailly related to how the results of the selection which is followed by the entire of government employees from each SKPD and any indicator about criteria of participants who qualify and do not qualify to be will be an evaluation for all employe of government

    Pengembangan Mobile Learning Berbasis Android Pada Mata Pelajaran Produk Kreatif Dan Kewirausahaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Tujuan penelitian dari pengembangan ini yaitu untuk mengeksplorasi pengembangan dan kelayakan media mobile learning berbasis android pada pelajaran produk kreatif dan kewirausahaan BDP kelas XI di SMKN 1 Surabaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah Research And Development dengan metode pengembangannya menggunakan 4D yang memiliki empat tahap yaitu tahap mendefinisikan, tahap merancang, tahap mengembangkan, dan tahap penyebaran. Dalam penelitian ini instrumen atau peralatan yang digunakan terdiri dari lembar penilaian pakar materi 1 dan 2, lembar telaah pakar media, dan angket respon siswa SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya. Penelitian dilakukan di SMKN1 Surabaya dalam uji percobaan kelompok kecil yang terdiri dari 10 siswa kelas XI BDP 1 dilanjutkan dengan uji lapangan sebanyak 35 siswa dengan menggunakan kelas XI BDP 2. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan hasil dari validasi pakar materi 1 yang persentase mencapai 92%, validasi pakar materi 2 sebesar 98%, validasi pakar media sebanyak 80%, dan uji coba kelompok kecil memperoleh 80% serta uji coba lapangan memperoleh sebesar 87%

    Preventing Capital Market Violations and Crimes in the Context of the Self­regulatory Organization Function

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    This study examines the preventive measures that can be taken by the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) in their capacity as an SRO in response to capital market infractions. The main role of IDX is as a provider of facilities and infrastructure in capital market activities. Nonetheless, as a self- regulatory organization (SRO) IDX has additional role as regulator of the capital markets with limited authority. This study found that IDX was quite consistent in upholding the legislation in the field of capital markets. However, compliance level of the exchange members is still quite low. Penelitian ini meneliti langkah-langkah pencegahan pelanggaran dan kejahatan pasar modal yang dapat diambil oleh BEI dalam kapasitasnya sebagai SRO. Peran utama BEI adalah sebagai penyedia sarana dan prasarana dalam kegiatan kepasarmodalan. Meskipun demikian, sebagai self-regulatory organization(SRO) BEI mempunyai peran tambahan sebagai regulator pasar modal dengan kewenangan terbatas dalam menetapkan peraturan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa BEI telah cukup konsisten dalam menegakkan peraturan Perundang-undangan di bidang pasar modal. Akan tetapi tingkat kepatuhan anggota bursa dapat dikatakan masih cukup rendah