136 research outputs found

    Effect of rain-shield cultivation system on biological and production characteristics and fruit quality of blackberry cv. Ź¼ÄŒačanska bestrnaŹ¼ (Rubus subg. Rubus Watson)

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    Istraživanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitan je uticaj polutunelskog sistema gajenja na najznačajnije fenoloÅ”ke osobine (vreme cvetanja i zrenja), parametre vegetativnog (broj izdanaka po žbunu, visina i prečnik izdanka) i generativnog (broj rodnih grančica, cvasti i plodova po izdanku, prinos) potencijala, pomoloÅ”ke osobine (morfometrija ploda, hemijski sastav i organoleptička ocena ploda), kao i na pojavu sive truleži ploda sorte kupine ā€˜ÄŒačanska bestrnaā€™. Analizirana je i korelacija između količine Å”ećera u plodu i stepena depigmentacije tokom čuvanja zamrznutih plodova, uporednim proučavanjima sa sortama kupine ā€˜Loch Nessā€™ i ā€˜Chester Thornlessā€™. Istraživanja su obavljena u proizvodnom zasadu kupine od 2011. do 2013. godine u ekoloÅ”kim uslovima Čačka po standardnoj metodologiji. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je najveći broj analiziranih parametara bio uslovljen sistemom gajenja i ekoloÅ”kim uslovima u periodu ispitivanja, kao i njihovom interakcijom. Ispitivani sistem gajenja nije uticao na odstupanja u početku fenofaza cvetanja i zrenja dvogodiÅ”njih izdanaka u odnosu na standardni sistem. U pogledu parametara vegetativnog potencijala, veći broj i dužina izdanaka utvrđeni su kod kupine gajene u polutunelskom, a veći prečnik izdanka u standardnom sistemu gajenja. Poređenjem dobijenih rezultata svih ispitivanih parametara generativnog potencijala kupine, veće vrednosti su dobijene kod polutunelskog sistema gajenja. Morfometrijske osobine ploda kupine, izuzev mase ploda, bile su uslovljene značajnim uticajem sistema gajenja i veće vrednosti svih pomenutih osobina utvrđene su u uslovima polutunelskog sistema gajenja kupine. U uslovima polutunelskog sistema gajenja kupine dobijene su veće vrednosti za sve parametre biohemijskog sastava ploda, izuzev za sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i sadržaj vanilinske kiseline. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili prisustvo flavonola kvercetina i dominantno prisustvo antocijana cijanidin-3-glukozida u plodu kupine. Među detektovanim fenolnim jedinjenjima, u plodu ispitivane sorte, utvrđena je visoka koncentracija galne i elaginske kiseline...This doctoral dissertation research examined the effect of rain-shield cultivation system on major phenological traits (flowering and ripening time), vegetative potential parameters (number of canes per bush, cane height, cane diameter), generative potential parameters (number of fruiting laterals, inflorescences and berries per cane, yield), pomological properties (fruit morphometry, chemical composition and organoleptic scores of the fruit) and the incidence of gray mold in blackberry cv. ā€˜ÄŒačanska Bestrnaā€™. Moreover, the correlation between the sugar content of the fruit and the rate of pigment degradation during frozen storage was analyzed and compared with the blackberry cvs. ā€˜Loch Nessā€™ and ā€˜Chester Thornlessā€™. The research was conducted in a commercial blackberry planting during 2011-2013 under the environmental conditions of Čačak using the standard methodology. The results showed that most of the tested parameters were affected by production system and environmental conditions during the research, as well as by their interaction. The rain-shield system did not cause any deviation in the onset of flowering and ripening in floricanes compared to open-field cultivation. In terms of the vegetative potential parameters, number of canes and cane length were greater in blackberries under rain shields, whereas cane diameter was higher under open-field cultivation. When comparing the results obtained for the generative potential parameters, higher values were found under rain-shield cultivation. Pomological properties of blackberry, except fruit weight, were significantly affected by production system, with higher values for all pomological traits obtained under rain shields. The rain-shield system resulted in higher values for all parameters of the biochemical composition of the blackberry fruit, except the contents of total acids and vanillic acid. The results confirmed the presence of the flavonol quercetin and the dominant presence of the anthocyanin cyanidin-3-glucoside. Among the phenolic compounds detected in the fruit of the tested cultivar, gallic acid and ellagic acid were found in high concentrations..

    Osobine i sastav trupa junadi domaće Å”arene rase različitih težina pred klanje

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    Objective of this research was to determine the slaughter properties and carcass composition of carcass sides derived from young cattle of Domestic Spotted breed, of pre-slaughter weights of 500 (group A) and 600 kg (group B). Heavier cattle had higher share of kidney fat in carcass, whereas the share of offals showed no significant differences. Statistically significant difference was registered only in share of toungue (P lt 0.05), that was higher in cattle of group A. Share of extra/premium (tenderloin), I category (round) and II category (loin, back, shoulder) showed no significant differences between groups of cattle. Statistically significant difference (P lt 0.05) was established in the share of III category carcass parts. Share of forearm and chest was significantly higher in lighter cattle (3.55% and 7.95%) compared to heavier animals (2.89% and 6.33%), whereas the share of subshoulder was considerably lower in group A (6.89%) compared to cattle of group B (9.73%). Data obtained by dissection of main carcass side parts differed significantly in regard to the share of muscle tissue in round and belly, that was significantly higher in cattle of group A (P lt 0.05). Share of fat tissue (subcutaneous and intermuscular) was higher in cattle of group B in almost all carcass side parts, however, statistically significant difference between groups was determined only in round, back, neck and subshoulder. Also, share of bones in chest differed statistically significantly (P lt 0.05) and it was higher in group A (20.09%) compared to cattle of group B (15.52%).Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde klanične osobine i sastav polutki junadi domaće Å”arene rase, zaklanih pri dostizanju prosečne težine od 500 (grupa A) i 600 kg (grupa B). Teža junad su imala veći udeo bubrežnog loja u trupu, dok se udeo iznutrica nije značajno razlikovao. Statistički značajna razlika je pronađena samo u udelu jezika (P lt 0.05), koji je bio veći kod junadi grupe A. Udeo delova ekstra (biftek), I kategorije (but) i II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) nisu se značajno razlikovali između grupa junadi. Statistički značajna razlika (P lt 0.05) je pronađena u udelu delova III kategorije. Udeo podlaktice i grudi bio je značajno veći kod lakÅ”ih (3.55% i 7.95%) u odnosu na težu junad (2.89% i 6.33%), dok je udeo potplećke bio znatno niži kod junadi grupe A (6.89%) u odnosu na junad grupe B (9.73%). Podaci dobijeni disekcijom osnovnih delova polutke su se statistički značajno razlikovali u udelu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u butu i potrbuÅ”ini, koji je bio značajno veći kod junadi grupe A (P lt 0.05). Udeo masnog tkiva (potkožnog i intermuskularnog) je bio veći kod junadi grupe B kod gotovo svih delova polutke, međutim, statistički značajna razlika između grupa je pronađena samo kod buta, leđa, vrata i potplećke. Takođe, udeo kostiju grudi se statistički značajno razlikovao (P lt 0.05) i bio je veći kod junadi grupe A (20.09%) u poređenju sa junadima grupe B (15.52%)


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    In this study, design of lab scale device for determination of separation properties of membranes is presented and analyzed. Device operates with different gas pressure between chambers, whereby gas streams perpendicular to the membrane. Using appropriate acquisition system and applying mathematical formulas, mechanism for gas transfer through the membrane is determinate. Polymer membranes based on zeolite are synthesized and tested by lab scale device. The membranes with various content of zeolite are tested with CO 2  gas until optimal composition of membrane components is established. Beside good mechanical and structural properties of applied membrane, suitable values of permeability with good agreement with the literature data are obtained

    Methods of characterization of multiphase Nd-Fe-B melt-spun alloys

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    Nanocomposite permanent magnetic materials based on Nd-Fe-B alloys with a low Nd content are a new type of permanent magnetic material. The microstructure of these nanocomposite permanent magnets is composed of a mixture of magnetically soft and hard phases providing the so called exchange coupling effect. Beside the optimization process parameters, methods of characterization have a very important role in the design of an optimal magnetic matrix of multiphase melt-spun Nd-Fe-B alloys. Different methods and techniques of characterization were used for observation and study of the microstructure evolution during crystallization. A summary results of measurements using different methods of characterization are presented to enable a better insight into relations between the microstructure and magnetic properties of the investigated melt-spun Nd-Fe-B alloys. .Nanokompozitni permanentni magnetni materijali zasnovani na Nd-Fe B legurama sa niskim sadržajem neodijuma predstavljaju novi tip permanentnih magnetnih materijala. Mikrostruktura ovih nanokompozitnih permanentnih magneta sastoji se iz smeÅ”e magnetno meke i magnetno tvrde faze između kojih se javlja "exchange coupling" efekat. Osim optimizacije procesnih parametara, metode karakterizacije imaju veoma veliku ulogu u dizajniranju optimalnog magnetnog matriksa viÅ”efaznih melt-spun Nd-Fe-B legura. Različite metode i tehnike karakterizacije koriŔćene su za posmatranje i proučavanje evolucije miktrostrukture tokom kristalizacije. Sumarni rezultati merenja, dobijeni primenom različitih metoda karakterizacije, prikazani su radi boljeg uvida u povezanost između miktrostrukture i magnetnih svojstava istraživane melt-spun Nd-Fe-B legure.

    Effect of cultivation conditions on ligninolytic enzyme production by Ganoderma carnosum

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    Ganoderma carnosum has been found in Europe only, at coniferous trees and it is difficult to distinguish it morphologically from G. lucidum. Since G. carnosum has not been studied biochemically yet, the aim of this study was to analyse its ability to produce Mn-dependent peroxidase (MnP), versatile peroxidase (VP) and laccase (Lac) under conditions of solid-state fermentation of selected plant raw materials as carbon sources, in the presence of different nitrogen concentrations in the medium. Wheat straw, corn stem, oak and grapevine sawdust were the analysed plant raw materials. Nitrogen source in synthetic medium was NH4NO3 and its concentrations were: 10mM N and 20 mM N. Enzyme activity was determined spectrophotometrically, using ABTS and phenol red, as the substrates for Lac and Mn-oxidizing peroxidases, respectively. Maximum level of MnP activity (56.82 U/l) was obtained in the medium with wheat straw and nitrogen concentration of 10 mM. Best carbon source for VP production was grapevine sawdust at nitrogen concentration of 10 mM (80.80 U/l). The obtained Lac activity was very low in the medium with wheat straw (1.80 U/l), while it was not detected in the presence of other three analyzed plant raw materials. Maximum of total protein content (0.06 mgml-1) was noted in the medium where oak sawdust was carbon source and nitrogen concentration was 20 mM.Vrste roda Ganoderma su producenti mnogih bioloÅ”ki aktivnih supstanci pa su objekti proučavanja mnogih medicinskih i farmaceutskih studija. U novije vreme se sve viÅ”e pažnje poklanja upoznavanju njihovog ligninolitičkog enzimskog sistema, u cilju uspeÅ”ne primene u različitim biotehnoloÅ”kim procesima. Za razliku od G. lucidum, čiji je ligninolitički sistem intenzivno proučavan, ostale vrste ovog roda su retko bile objekti istraživanja. G. carnosum se teÅ”ko morfoloÅ”ki razlikuje od G. lucidum. i joÅ” uvek nije biohemijski proučena, pa je cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja bio analiza produkcije Mn-oksidujućih peroksidaza i lakaza u uslovima čvrste kultivacije, na različitim biljnim ostacima (pÅ”enična slama, stabljike kukuruza, piljevina hrasta i vinove loze) u prisustvu azota u obliku NH4NO3 i u koncentracijama od 10 mM, odnosno 20 mM. Maksimum produkcije Mn-zavisne peroksidaze dobijen je na pÅ”eničnoj slami pri koncentraciji azota od 10 mM (56.82 U/l). Piljevina vinove loze i koncentracija azota od 10 mM bili su optimalni za sintezu verzatil peroksidaze (80.80 U/l). Dobijena aktivnost lakaza je bila izuzetno niska u medijumu sa pÅ”eničnom slamom (1.80 U/l), dok na ostalim biljnim ostacima nije zabeležena. Maksimalni sadržaj ukupnih proteina je bio najveći u medijumu sa piljevinom hrasta kao izvorom ugljenika i koncentracijom azota od 10 mM.Projekat ministarstva br. 14304

    An overstoichiometric Ndā€“Feā€“B hard magnetic material

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    A commercial Nd-rich Ndā€“Feā€“B-based hard magnetic material was studied. The obtained results were compared before and after recording of the thermomagnetic curve up to 800 Ā°C. The curve itself showed clearly besides Curie points of the Nd2Fe14B phase and Ī±-Fe also another critical temperature. Mƶssbauer spectroscopic (MS) phase analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) showed in addition to the commonly known phases Nd2Fe14B and NdFe4B4 also some paramagnetic and ferromagnetic iron atoms (MS) and Fe17Nd2 intermetallics (XRD). During the exerted thermal treatment, the content of the Nd2Fe14B and NdFe4B4 phases remained almost unchanged, while iron atoms from remnant minor phases built a separate Ī±-Fe phase. The XRD pattern also showed the presence of some minor Nd phase. The results of Squid magnetic measurements suggest a nanocrystalline decoupled structure of the Nd-rich alloy in the optimized magnetic state. Measurement of the magnetization loop showed, in spite of small changes in the phase composition, that magnetic properties of the quality material deteriorated during the thermal treatment

    Promene hemijskih i fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika tokom proizvodnje tradicionalne Sremske kobasice

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    The aim of this trial was to investigate changes in chemical and physic-chemical parameters during the production of traditional Sremska sausage (dry fermented sausage) from pork of three pig breeds: Mangalitsa (MA), Moravka (MO) and Swedish Landrace (SL). Analyses of all variants of sausages were carried out after stuffing (day 0) and on production days 3, 7, 14 and 21. The reduction in moisture during production caused the increase in protein, fat and ash contents (p lt 0.001) in all three variants of sausages, were found to be within the range for this type of sausages. Higher fat content in MA and MO sausages compared to SL variant was most likely a result of the different chemical composition of the meat from pigs of autochthonous breeds. All three sausage variants had a similar final pH value, but the mildest drop of pH was determined in MA sausages. Pig breed significantly affected (p lt 0.05) all three indicators of oxidative changes (thiobarbituric acid value, peroxide value and free fatty acid content). It was found that they were higher in SL compared with MA and MO sausages and to significantly increase during the production process.Cilj ovog ogleda bio je da se ispitaju promene tokom proizvodnje Sremske kobasice (suva fermentisana kobasica) na tradicionalan način od mesa tri rase svinja: Mangulica (MA), Moravka (MO) i Švedski Landras (SL). Analize svih varijanti kobasica su rađene nakon punjenja (dan 0) i nakon 3-, 7-, 14- i 21-og dana proizvodnje. Smanjenje udela vode tokom proizvodnje imalo je za posledicu povećanje udela proteina, masti i pepela u svim grupama (p lt 0,001), i bilo je karakteristično za ovaj tip kobasica. Utvrđen veći udeo masti kod MA i MO kobasica u poređenju sa SL varijantom, verovatno je posledica različitog hemijskog sastava mesa autohtonih rasa svinja. Sve tri varijante kobasica su imale sličnu finalnu pH vrednost, međutim, najblaži pad pH vrednosti tokom proizvodnje utvrđen je kod MA kobasica. Rasa svinja je imala značajan uticaj na parametre oksidativnih promena (broj tiobarbiturne kiseline, peroksidni broj i sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina). Utvrđeno je da su bili veći kod SL u odnosu na MA i MO grupu kobasica i da se značajno povećavaju tokom procesa proizvodnje

    Properties of some Late Season Plum Hybrids from Fruit Research Institute Čačak

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    Since 1979 to 2012 fifteen plum cultivars were named and released in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak. Some of these cultivars, such as Čačanska Lepotica, Čačanska Rodna and Čačanska Najbolja are grown in most important plum growing countries in Europe. Also, these cultivars are used as parent cultivars in many plum breeding programs. In addition to the cultivars, large number of promising hybrids are created in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak and some of them, in this moment, are candidates for new cultivars. Therefore, in 2014 and 2015, we investigated the most important properties of four promising late season hybrids and standard cultivar ā€˜Stanleyā€™. All four hybrids were harvested since beginning of September (34/41/87) until the beginning of the third decade of September (10/23/87). The earliest flowering time was recorded in hybrid 34/41/87 and the latest in standard cultivar ā€˜Stanleyā€™. Hybrids 10/23/87 and 26/54/87 generally had the highest fruit weight and all three fruit dimensions. Also these hybrids had the highest content of total sugars and sucrose and highest pH value, but poorest total acids content. The highest content of invert sugars and total acids was recorded in hybrid 22/17/87. This hybrid also, had the highest yield per tree and per hectare while the hybrid 34/41/87 had the lowest these values. Standard cultivar ā€˜Stanleyā€™ had the largest stone weight and the highest amount of soluble solids

    Uticaj pola i rase na fizičko-hemijske karakteristike mesa svinja

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    This study was conducted to investigate differences in characteristics of muscles from male and female fatteners from Mangalitsa and Swedish Landrace pig breed. The research was carried out on three muscles: m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum, m. gluteus medius and m. triceps brachii. Compared to the Swedish Landrace, it was found out that the meat of the Mangalitsa had considerably higher intramuscular fat content (p (lt) 0.05). The highest intramuscular fat content was determined in male fatteners of Mangalitsa in m. gluteus medius (6.81%) and the lowest in female fatteners of Landrace pig breed in the longissimus muscle (1.12%). As for technological quality of meat, after cooking, meat from Mangalitsa pig had greater cooking weight loss compared to Landrace and also lower shear force (SF) values for longissimus, but higher SF values for gluteus muscle. Gender had no statistically significant effect on technological meat quality. It can be concluded, on the base of the results, that the Mangalitsa pig, had favourable meat quality traits, which are very desired for production of traditional meat products of high quality.Ovaj ogled je imao za cilj da ispita razlike u fizičko-hemijskim karakteristikama miÅ”ića između muÅ”kih i ženskih tovljenika rase mangulica i Å”vedski landras. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na tri miÅ”ića: longissimus thoracis et lumborum, gluteus medius i triceps brachii. U poređenju sa Å”vedskim landrasom, meso mangulica je imalo znatno veći udeo intramuskularne masti (p (lt) 0,05). Najveći sadržaj intramuskularne masti utvrđen je kod muÅ”kih tovljenika rase mangulica u gluteus medius-u (6,81%), a najniži ko ženskih tovljenika rase Å”vedski landras u longissimus-u (1,12%). Å to se tiče tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta, meso mangulice je imalo veći gubitak mase tokom kuvanja u odnosu na meso landrasa i niže vrednosti sile sečenja (SF) za longissimus, ali veće vrednosti sile sečenja za gluteus miÅ”ić. Pol nije imao statistički značajan uticaj na parametre tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta mesa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da meso mangulice ima veoma dobre parametre kvaliteta, a koji su poželjni pri proizvodnji tradicionalnih proizvoda od mesa


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    The purpose of this study was to resolve the question of whether various nitrogen sources and concentrations affect characteristics of selected G. lucidum ligninolytic enzymes participating in wheat straw fermentation. This is the first study reporting the presence of versatile peroxidase activity in crude extract of G. lucidum culture, as well as isoforms profile of Mn-oxidizing peroxidases. NH4NO3 was the optimum nitrogen source for laccase and Mn-dependent peroxidase activity, while peptone was the optimum one for versatile peroxidase activity. Four bands with laccase activity were obtained by native PAGE and IEF separations from medium enriched with inorganic nitrogen source, and only two bands from medium containing organic source. Medium composition was not shown to affect isoenzyme patterns of Mn-oxidizing peroxidases. Four isoforms of Mn-dependent peroxidase and three of versatile peroxidase were obtained on native PAGE. By IEF separation, five isoforms of Mn-dependent peroxidase and only two of versatile peroxidase were observed. The results demonstrated that G. lucidum has potential for mineralization and transformation of various agricultural residues and should take more significant participation in large-scale biotechnological processes
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