1,633 research outputs found

    Genetic Engineering: Reprise

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    Do 18-month-olds really attribute mental states to others? A critical test

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    In the research reported here, we investigated whether 18-month-olds would use their own past experience of visual access to attribute perception and consequent beliefs to other people. Infants in this study wore either opaque blindfolds (opaque condition) or trick blindfolds that looked opaque but were actually transparent (trick condition). Then both groups of infants observed an actor wearing one of the same blindfolds that they themselves had experienced, while a puppet removed an object from its location. Anticipatory eye movements revealed that infants who had experienced opaque blindfolds expected the actor to behave in accordance with a false belief about the object's location, but that infants who had experienced trick blindfolds did not exhibit that expectation. Our results suggest that 18-month-olds used self-experience with the blindfolds to assess the actor's visual access and to update her belief state accordingly. These data constitute compelling evidence that 18-month-olds infer perceptual access and appreciate its causal role in altering the epistemic states of other people

    Nine-months-old infants do not need to know what the agent prefers in order to reason about its goals: on the role of preference and persistence in infants’ goal-attribution

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    Human infants readily interpret others’ actions as goal-directed and their understanding of previous goals shapes their expectations about an agent’s future goal-directed behavior in a changed situation. According to a recent proposal (Luo & Baillargeon, 2005), infants’ goal-attributions are not sufficient to support such expectations if the situational change involves broadening the set of choice-options available to the agent, and the agent’s preferences among this broadened set are not known. The present study falsifies this claim by showing that 9-month-olds expect the agent to continue acting towards the previous goal even if additional choice-options become available for which there is no preference-related evidence. We conclude that infants do not need to know about the agent’s preferences in order to form expectations about its goal-directed actions. Implications for the role of action persistency and action selectivity are discussed

    On social evil and natural evil: in conversation with Christopher Southgate

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    In this contribution, the author engages in a conversation with Christopher Southgate on the relationship between social evil and what is called natural “evil.” Theologically, this centers around an understanding of creation and fall. It is argued that Southgate typically treats soteriology and eschatology as themes pertaining to an evolutionary theodicy, whereas an adequate ecotheology would discuss the problem of natural suffering under the rubric of the narrative of God’s economy. The question is then how that story is best told

    The Epitheliome: agent-based modelling of the social behaviour of cells

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    We have developed a new computational modelling paradigm for predicting the emergent behaviour resulting from the interaction of cells in epithelial tissue. As proof-of-concept, an agent-based model, in which there is a one-to-one correspondence between biological cells and software agents, has been coupled to a simple physical model. Behaviour of the computational model is compared with the growth characteristics of epithelial cells in monolayer culture, using growth media with low and physiological calcium concentrations. Results show a qualitative fit between the growth characteristics produced by the simulation and the in vitro cell models

    Colloidal Gold - A Powerful Tool in Scanning Electron Microscope Immunocytochemistry: An Overview of Bioapplications

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    Colloidal gold may be conjugated to a wide variety of macromolecules, provides a versatile system for immunocytochemical studies by various types of microscopy (light and fluorescent microscopy, scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy), and is significantly contributing to the development of SEM immunocytochemistry as a routine analytical procedure. A comprehensive overview has been compiled of the literature on SEM bioapplications of colloidal gold. This is illustrated through a selected series of studies focussing on a) cell surface receptor-ligand interactions; b) expression of cell surface lectin-binding sites; c) surface distribution of extracellular matrix components; and d) visualization of gold-labelled cytoskeletal elements with emphasis on the use of backscattered electron imaging as a powerful analytical adjunct in the development of SEM immunocytochemistry

    Investigation of a Portable Real Time Radiation Mapper

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    The naked eye is capable of perceiving electromagnetic radiation in a narrow band of frequencies, known as the optical spectrum. Working with low energy radiation outside the optical spectrum presents distinct difficulties, requiring the use of apparatus to measure invisible and intangible electromagnetic radiation. The apparatus, incorporating a Wiimote, and associated method are presented for a small, easily maintained and operated, low cost system for the characterisation of practical RF radiation sources in the microwave and millimetre-wave frequency bands

    Automated Motion Analysis of Adherent Cells in Monolayer Culture

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    This paper presents a novel method for tracking and characterizing adherent cells in monolayer culture. A system of cell tracking employing computer vision techniques was applied to time-lapse videos of replicate normal human uro-epithelial cell cultures exposed to different concentrations of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), acquired over a 20 h period. Subsequent analysis, comprising feature extraction, demonstrated the ability of the technique to successfully separate the modulated classes of cell

    Trace metal content in sediment cores and seagrass biomass from a tropical southwest Pacific Island

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    A unique feature of seagrass among other ecosystem services is to have high phytoremediation potential that is a cost-effective plant-based approach and environmentally friendly solution for metal contamination in coastal areas. The goal of this study was to assess the phytoremediation prospective of seagrass for Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in Fiji Islands. Heavy metal content was measured in sediments and tissues of the seagrasses Halophila ovalis, Halodule pinifolia and Halodule uninervis to test for local-scale differences. The local study shows that metal concentration in sediment and seagrass tissue was significantly variable, regardless of species and sediment type. Sedimentary concentration of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn obtained in the present study seemed to be lower than that of previous studies. The results support that H. ovalis is a good bioindicator species since it accumulated up to 5-fold more of these metals compared to the Halodule species
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