582 research outputs found

    Buckling analysis of angle-ply multilayered and sandwich plates using the enhanced Refined Zigzag Theory

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    The recent enhancement of the standard Refined Zigzag Theory (RZT), herein named the enhanced Refined Zigzag Theory (en-RZT), has extended the range of applicability of the RZT to angle-ply multilayered and sandwich plates. The aim of the present investigation is to assess the numerical performances of the en-RZT for the buckling analysis of angle-ply multilayered and sandwich rectangular plates under in-plane normal loads. The linearized stability equations are obtained using the Ritz method in conjunction with the principle of virtual work, by means of Gram–Schmidt orthogonal polynomials. In order to assess the accuracy of the en-RZT, buckling loads of angle-ply laminated and sandwich plates are evaluated and compared with the numerical results available in open literature. The numerical investigation highlights the high accuracy of the en-RZT in predicting buckling loads. The study contains a parametric analysis aimed to investigate the influence of various design parameters, such as plate aspect ratio, thickness, lamina orientations, in-plane load combinations and boundary conditions on the buckling loads

    Dietary modifications for infantile colic

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    Infantile colic can be defined as periods of inconsolable, unexplained, and incessant crying in a seemingly healthy infant that, quite understandably, leads to exhausted, frustrated, and concerned parents seeking to comfort their child (Landgren 2010). The prevalence of excessive crying varies according to the definition used although, most often, it peaks during the second month of life,with a prevalence of 1.5%to 11.9%(Reijneveld 2001).Traditionally, the definition of the condition was based on the rule of three (Wessel 1954): that is, unexplained episodes of paroxysmal crying for more than three hours per day, for three days per week, for at least three weeks. More recently a new definition has been proposed. It refers to a clinical condition of fussing and crying for at least one week in an otherwise healthy infant (Hyman 2006). Colic can be graded as mild, moderate, or severe, though there is no consensus for this classification. Colic can affect up to 10% to 30% of infants worldwide (Clifford 2002; Rosen 2007)

    Static Response and Buckling Loads of Multilayered Composite Beams Using the Refined Zigzag Theory and Higher-Order Haar Wavelet Method

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    The paper presents a review of Haar wavelet methods and an application of the higher-order Haar wavelet method to study the behavior of multilayered composite beams under static and buckling loads. The Refined Zigzag Theory (RZT) is used to formulate the corresponding governing differential equations (equilibrium/stability equations and boundary conditions). To solve these equations numerically, the recently developed Higher-Order Haar Wavelet Method (HOHWM) is used. The results found are compared with those obtained by the widely used Haar Wavelet Method (HWM) and the Generalized Differential Quadrature Method (GDQM). The relative numerical performances of these numerical methods are assessed and validated by comparing them with exact analytical solutions. Furthermore, a detailed convergence study is conducted to analyze the convergence characteristics (absolute errors and the order of convergence) of the method presented. It is concluded that the HOHWM, when applied to RZT beam equilibrium equations in static and linear buckling problems, is capable of predicting, with a good accuracy, the unknown kinematic variables and their derivatives. The HOHWM is also found to be computationally competitive with the other numerical methods considered

    Inclusion of the phytoalexin trans-resveratrol in native cyclodextrins: a thermal, spectroscopic, and X-ray structural study

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    The aim of the study was to determine the feasibility of complexation between the antioxidant trans-resveratrol (RSV) and underivatized cyclodextrins (CDs) using a variety of preparative methods, including physical mixing, kneading, microwave irradiation, co-evaporation, and co-precipitation techniques. Products were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), simultaneous thermogravimetric/DSC analysis (TGA/DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). With alfa-CD and RSV, sample amorphization was revealed by PXRD and FT-IR, but no definitive inclusion complexation was evident. Similar results were obtained in attempts to complex RSV with beta-CD. However, complex formation between gamma-CD and RSV was evident from observation of an endo-/exothermic effect appearing in the DSC trace of the product from kneading and was further corroborated by FT-IR and PXRD methods. The latter technique indicated complexation unequivocally as the diffraction peak profile for the product matched that for known isostructural gamma-CD complexes. Single crystal X-ray analysis followed, confirming the predicted complex between gamma-CD and RSV. A combination of 1H NMR and TGA data yielded the complex formula (g-CD)3(RSV)4(H2O)62. However, severe disorder of the RSV molecules prevented their modeling. In contrast, our previous studies of the inclusion of RSV in methylated CDs yielded crystals with only minor guest disorder

    Essential oil phytocomplex activity, a review with a focus on multivariate analysis for a network pharmacology-informed phytogenomic approach

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    Thanks to omic disciplines and a systems biology approach, the study of essential oils and phytocomplexes has been lately rolling on a faster track. While metabolomic fingerprinting can provide an effective strategy to characterize essential oil contents, network pharmacology is revealing itself as an adequate, holistic platform to study the collective effects of herbal products and their multi-component and multi-target mediated mechanisms. Multivariate analysis can be applied to analyze the effects of essential oils, possibly overcoming the reductionist limits of bioactivity-guided fractionation and purification of single components. Thanks to the fast evolution of bioinformatics and database availability, disease-target networks relevant to a growing number of phytocomplexes are being developed. With the same potential actionability of pharmacogenomic data, phytogenomics could be performed based on relevant disease-target networks to inform and personalize phytocomplex therapeutic application

    Role of the hydrophobic effect in the transfer of chirality from molecules to complex systems. From chiral surfactants to porphyrin/surfactant aggregates

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    The interaction between the achiral sulfonated porphyrin 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin, H2TPPS4, and two chiral cationic surfactants has been studied by optical absorption, fluorescence, and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies. At surfactant concentrations above the critical micellar concentration (cmc) the porphyrin is included in the micellar aggregates, but it is CD silent. Below the cmc at a definite porphyrin/surfactant stoichiometry the formation of heteroaggregates with transfer of chirality to the porphyrin chromophore occurs. The preferred surfactant/porphyrin stoichiometry is 3:1, which suggests a structure driven by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between porphyrin and surfactant and dipolar and ionic interactions with the water solution. At surfactant concentrations above the cmc, depending on the protocol of preparation of the samples, the formation of the two kinds of aggregates can be observed, reversible for the simple surfactant micelles incorporating the porphyrin, but irreversible for the heteroaggregates

    Evaluation of plant derivatives of Meliaceae family as a source of nitrogen for trees

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    Soil application of fresh organic matter is a way to increase soil organic matter and provide nutrients to trees. The effect of application of organic matter depends on the interaction among soil, root and microbial biomass. The aim of this research was to evaluate the potential release of N for hybrid GF677 (P. persica x P. dulcis) uptake, of 6 neemcakes available on the Italian market compared with fresh leaves of Melia azedarach, an ornamental tree that grows in the area of investigation. The release of N, and consequently root uptake was related to C:N ratio, the lower the ratio the higher the N concentration in plant tissues and plant growth. Using the 15N isotope technique, we found that up to 30% of the N applied with fresh Melia leaves, was accumulated in the tree, however the mineral N concentration in soil and plant and plant growth was not affected by the application of plant derivatives

    Pharmacogenomic characterization in bipolar spectrum disorders

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    The holistic approach of personalized medicine, merging clinical and molecular characteristics to tailor the diagnostic and therapeutic path to each individual, is steadily spreading in clinical practice. Psychiatric disorders represent one of the most difficult diagnostic challenges, given their frequent mixed nature and intrinsic variability, as in bipolar disorders and depression. Patients misdiagnosed as depressed are often initially prescribed serotonergic antidepressants, a treatment that can exacerbate a previously unrecognized bipolar condition. Thanks to the use of the patient\u2019s genomic profile, it is possible to recognize such risk and at the same time characterize specific genetic assets specifically associated with bipolar spectrum disorder, as well as with the individual response to the various therapeutic options. This provides the basis for molecular diagnosis and the definition of pharmacogenomic profiles, thus guiding therapeutic choices and allowing a safer and more effective use of psychotropic drugs. Here, we report the pharmacogenomics state of the art in bipolar disorders and suggest an algorithm for therapeutic regimen choice


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    OBJECTIVE: Reports on leptin concentrations in pediatric populations lack reference values for infants in the first months of life. Our study was conducted on healthy full-term infants between 2002 and 2012 to determine serum leptin reference values in subjects less than 18 months old. METHODS: Routine outpatient blood tests for serum leptin were performed on 317 infants using a radioimmunoassay method. The median and 10th-90th percentiles were calculated to obtain reference values using quantile regression. Values established in this study were compared with another independent cohort of 110 infants. RESULTS: The median (IQR) serum leptin concentration in the infants was 2.37 (3.26) ng/ml (n = 317). The median leptin concentration was 2.81 (3.49) ng/ml (n = 202) in infants younger than 6 months of age, 1.44 (2.27) ng/ml (n = 59) in infants between 6-12 months of age and 1.77 (2.05) ng/ml (n = 56) in infants between 12-18 months of age. We obtained leptin reference values based on age by estimating the lower and upper percentiles. In the entire cohort, the median (IQR) leptin concentration was 2.22 (3.11) ng/ml in males (n = 168) and 2.60 (3.32) ng/ml in females (n = 149). According to the type of feeding median serum leptin concentration was higher in breast-fed infants (n = 188) than in formula-fed infants (n = 129) (2.63 (3.34) ng/ml vs. 2.12 (2.77) ng/ml; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our data revealed no gender difference in leptin concentration in early infancy. After 6 months of life, leptin concentrations decreased slightly. We used a large cohort to confirm that breast-fed infants had significantly higher serum leptin levels than formula-fed infants during the first 6 months of life, although this difference disappeared later in life. In this study, we defined the leptin reference range in healthy infants in the first 18 months of life according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)

    Sars‐cov‐2 and public transport in Italy

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    Although direct contact is considered the main mode of transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2, environmental factors play an important role. In this study, we evaluated the presence of SARS‐ CoV‐2 on bus and train surfaces. From the buses, we took samples from the following areas: handrails used to enter or exit the bus, stop request buttons and handles next to the seats. From the trains, the sampled surfaces were handrails used to enter or exit the train, door open/close buttons, handles next to the seats, tables and toilet handles. SARS‐CoV‐2 was detected on 10.7% of the tested surfaces overall, 19.3% of bus surfaces and 2% of train surfaces (p &lt; 0.0001). On the buses, the most contaminated surfaces were the handles near the seats (12.8%), followed by door open/close buttons (12.5%) and handrails (10.5%). Of the five analyzed transport companies, bus companies were the most contaminated, in particular, companies C (40%) and B (23.3%). A greater number of positive samples were found among those taken at 10:00 a.m. and 10:55 a.m. (45% and 40%, respectively). The presence of the virus on many bus surfaces highlights how the sanitation systems on public transport currently in use are not sufficient to limit the spread of SARS‐CoV‐2
