51 research outputs found

    Impact of multiple sclerosis risk loci in postinfectious neurological syndromes

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    Background: The genetic component of multiple sclerosis (MS) is now set to 200 autosomal common variants. However, it is unclear how genetic knowledge be clinically used in the differential diagnosis between MS and other inflammatory conditions like adult-onset postinfectious neurological syndromes (PINS). The aim of this study was to investigate whether PINS and MS have a shared genetic background using an updated polygenic risk scores. / Methods: Eighty-eight PINS patients have been consecutively recruited between 1996 and 2016 at Mondino Foundation of Pavia, diagnosed according to clinical, MRI and CSF findings and followed-up for several years. Patients were typed using Illumina array, and genotypes imputed using the 1000 Genomes Project reference panel. A weighted genetic risk score (wGRS) has been calculated based on autosomal MS risk loci derived from large-scale studies, and an HLA genetic burden (HLAGB) was also calculated on loci associated to MS. / Results: PINS occurred as an episode of myelitis in 44% of patients, encephalomyelitis in 44%, and encephalitis in remaining cases, with an involvement of peripheral nervous system in 41% of patients. Mean age of onset was 50.1 years, and female:male ratio was 1.4. Patients were followed-up for a mean of 7.2 years, and at last visit 55% had a low disability grade (mRS 0–1). Disease was monophasic in 67% of patients, relapsing in 18% and chronic-progressive in 15%. The wGRS of PINS cases was comparable to 370 healthy controls, while significantly lower compared to 907 bout-onset MS (BOMS) cases (wGRS= 20.9 vs 21.2; p<0.0001). The difference was even larger for PINS with peripheral nervous system involvement (wGRS=20.6) vs BOMS. / Conclusion: The distinction between MS and PINS is not easy to make in clinical practice. However, our study shows that the new set of MS risk alleles does not confer increased susceptibility to PINS. These data support the importance to discriminate these cases from MS with pathophysiological and therapeutic implications

    Extracellular proteasome-osteopontin circuit regulates cell migration with implications in multiple sclerosis

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    Osteopontin is a pleiotropic cytokine that is involved in several diseases including multiple sclerosis. Secreted osteopontin is cleaved by few known proteases, modulating its pro-inflammatory activities. Here we show by in vitro experiments that secreted osteopontin can be processed by extracellular proteasomes, thereby producing fragments with novel chemotactic activity. Furthermore, osteopontin reduces the release of proteasomes in the extracellular space. The latter phenomenon seems to occur in vivo in multiple sclerosis, where it reflects the remission/relapse alternation. The extracellular proteasome-mediated inflammatory pathway may represent a general mechanism to control inflammation in inflammatory diseases

    NLRP3 polymorphisms and response to interferon-beta in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Evidence exists for a potential modulation of inflammasome activity by interferon beta. Here, we investigated the roles of inflammasomes [absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2); NLR family, CARD domain containing 4 (NLRC4); NLR family, pyrin domain containing 1 and 3 (NLRP1 and NLRP3)] and related cytokines (IL1B, IL10, IL18) in the response to interferon beta in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Ninety-seven patients treated with interferon beta were classified into responders and non-responders according to clinical criteria after 24 months and clinical-radiological criteria after 12 months of treatment. Messenger RNA expression levels of inflammasomes and cytokines were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction in peripheral blood mononuclear cells collected before treatment with interferon beta. In a subgroup of patients, NLRP3 and IL1B expression was also determined after 3 months (n = 32) and 12 months (n = 20) of interferon beta treatment. A polymorphism located in the NLRP3 gene, rs35829419, was genotyped in 789 multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon beta. Baseline mRNA expression levels for NLRP3 and IL1B were increased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from non-responders compared to responders classified according to clinical criteria after 24 months (P = 0.02 and P = 0.001, respectively). No significant differences were observed for other inflammasomes and related cytokines. Differences in NLRP3 and IL1B expression remained significant following a clinical-radiological classification after 12 months (P = 0.007 and P = 0.02, respectively). After treatment with interferon beta, NLRP3 and IL1B expression was increased in responders but unchanged in non-responders. A trend for association was observed between rs35829419 and interferon beta response (pM-H = 0.08). These results point to a role of the NLRP3 inflammasome and its related cytokine IL1B in the response to interferon beta in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

    Contribution of Rare and Low-Frequency Variants to Multiple Sclerosis Susceptibility in the Italian Continental Population

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    Genome-wide association studies identified over 200 risk loci for multiple sclerosis (MS) focusing on common variants, which account for about 50% of disease heritability. The goal of this study was to investigate whether low-frequency and rare functional variants, located in MS-established associated loci, may contribute to disease risk in a relatively homogeneous population, testing their cumulative effect (burden) with gene-wise tests. We sequenced 98 genes in 588 Italian patients with MS and 408 matched healthy controls (HCs). Variants were selected using different filtering criteria based on allelic frequency and in silico functional impacts. Genes showing a significant burden (n = 17) were sequenced in an independent cohort of 504 MS and 504 HC. The highest signal in both cohorts was observed for the disruptive variants (stop-gain, stop-loss, or splicing variants) located in EFCAB13, a gene coding for a protein of an unknown function (p &lt; 10–4). Among these variants, the minor allele of a stop-gain variant showed a significantly higher frequency in MS versus HC in both sequenced cohorts (p = 0.0093 and p = 0.025), confirmed by a meta-analysis on a third independent cohort of 1298 MS and 1430 HC (p = 0.001) assayed with an SNP array. Real-time PCR on 14 heterozygous individuals for this variant did not evidence the presence of the stop-gain allele, suggesting a transcript degradation by non-sense mediated decay, supported by the evidence that the carriers of the stop-gain variant had a lower expression of this gene (p = 0.0184). In conclusion, we identified a novel low-frequency functional variant associated with MS susceptibility, suggesting the possible role of rare/low-frequency variants in MS as reported for other complex diseases

    Next generation sequencing of pooled samples : guideline for variants&apos; filtering

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    Sequencing large number of individuals, which is often needed for population genetics studies, is still economically challenging despite falling costs of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Pool-seq is an alternative cost- and time-effective option in which DNA from several individuals is pooled for sequencing. However, pooling of DNA creates new problems and challenges for accurate variant call and allele frequency (AF) estimation. In particular, sequencing errors confound with the alleles present at low frequency in the pools possibly giving rise to false positive variants. We sequenced 996 individuals in 83 pools (12 individuals/pool) in a targeted re-sequencing experiment. We show that Pool-seq AFs are robust and reliable by comparing them with public variant databases and in-house SNP-genotyping data of individual subjects of pools. Furthermore, we propose a simple filtering guideline for the removal of spurious variants based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test. We experimentally validated our filters by comparing Pool-seq to individual sequencing data showing that the filters remove most of the false variants while retaining majority of true variants. The proposed guideline is fairly generic in nature and could be easily applied in other Pool-seq experiments

    Multiple sclerosis genomic map implicates peripheral immune cells and microglia in susceptibility

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    We analyzed genetic data of 47,429 multiple sclerosis (MS) and 68,374 control subjects and established a reference map of the genetic architecture of MS that includes 200 autosomal susceptibility variants outside the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), one chromosome X variant, and 32 variants within the extended MHC. We used an ensemble of methods to prioritize 551 putative susceptibility genes that implicate multiple innate and adaptive pathways distributed across the cellular components of the immune system. Using expression profiles from purified human microglia, we observed enrichment for MS genes in these brain-resident immune cells, suggesting that these may have a role in targeting an autoimmune process to the central nervous system, although MS is most likely initially triggered by perturbation of peripheral immune responses

    Locus for severity implicates CNS resilience in progression of multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that results in significant neurodegeneration in the majority of those affected and is a common cause of chronic neurological disability in young adults(1,2). Here, to provide insight into the potential mechanisms involved in progression, we conducted a genome-wide association study of the age-related MS severity score in 12,584 cases and replicated our findings in a further 9,805 cases. We identified a significant association with rs10191329 in the DYSF-ZNF638 locus, the risk allele of which is associated with a shortening in the median time to requiring a walking aid of a median of 3.7 years in homozygous carriers and with increased brainstem and cortical pathology in brain tissue. We also identified suggestive association with rs149097173 in the DNM3-PIGC locus and significant heritability enrichment in CNS tissues. Mendelian randomization analyses suggested a potential protective role for higher educational attainment. In contrast to immune-driven susceptibility(3), these findings suggest a key role for CNS resilience and potentially neurocognitive reserve in determining outcome in MS

    Multiple sclerosis genomic map implicates peripheral immune cells and microglia in susceptibility

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    Voltage-dependent ionic channels in differentiating neural precursor cells collected from adult mouse brains six hours post-mortem

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    A novel type of adult neural precursor cells (NPCs) has been isolated from the subventricular zone of the mouse 6 hr after animal death (T6-NPCs). This condition is supposed to select hypoxia-resistant cells of scientific and clinical interest. Ionic channels are ultimately the expression of the functional maturation of neurons, so the aim of this research was to characterize the pattern of the main voltage-dependent ionic channels in T6-NPCs differentiating to a neuronal phenotype, comparing it with NPCs isolated soon after death (T0-NPCs). T6- and T0-NPCs grow in medium containing epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Differentiation was performed in small wells without the addition of growth factors, in the presence of adhesion molecules, fetal bovine serum, and leukemia inhibitory factor. Ionic currents, recorded by means of whole-cell patch-clamp, namely, I(Ca2+) HVA, both L- and non-L-type, I(K+) delayed rectifying, I(K+) inward rectifier, transient I(K+A) , and TTX-sensitive I(Na+) have been found, although Na(+) currents were found in only a small percentage of cells and after the fifth week of differentiation. No significant differences in current types, density, orcell capacitance were observed between T6-NPCs and T0-NPCs. The sequence in which the markers appear in new neural cells is not necessarily a fixed program, but the discrepancies in morphological, biochemical, and electrophysiological maturation of mouse NPCs to neurons, possibly different in vivo, suggest that the various steps of the differentiation are independently regulated. Therefore, in addition to morphological and biochemical data, functional tests should be considered for characterizing the maturation of neurons. \ua9 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc
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