696 research outputs found

    Futuring: The Implementation of Anticipatory Excellence

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    In the 21st century, futuring, the use of techniques to anticipate potential public issues, will give Extension the time needed to address emerging real-world issues before crises occur. Where do our current efforts fall short? We excel in planning, yet futuring can provide us options for change using anticipatory techniques to inform continual improvement. Futuring, timely and proactive planning tied to meaningful engagement with the people in each state, will result in Extension becoming the catalyst for connecting people to the wealth of relevant knowledge and research residing within various colleges and disciplines of the university

    Essential Components for Successful Virtual Learning Communities

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    Cooperative Extension and engaged universities can build on use of social learning through implementation of virtual communities of practice. This article identifies essential components of online communities of practice and the critical building blocks needed for social learning to develop. The article is part two of a three-part series on virtual communities of practice

    Marq De Villiers, Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource

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    Becker v. Pieper, 32 P.3d 912 (Ore. App. 2001)

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    The Steps for Futuring

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    Futuring has the potential of providing Extension with options for viable change using the anticipatory techniques of: 1) scanning and monitoring the environment; 2) analyzing internal and external assumptions; 3) creating multiple scenarios around emerging issue areas; 4) developing forecasts; 5) writing issue briefs; 6) assuring program champions, faculty and staff are ready to address predicted changes; and, 7) using the results of futuring to inform continual improvement. Let\u27s have the courage and ambition to change yesterday\u27s logic and take a look at the steps needed to adopt anticipatory techniques for Extension

    On pyroglycerin

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    Virtual Communities of Practice: A 21st Century Method for Learning, Programming, and Developing Professionally

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    Cooperative Extension can build on use of virtual Communities of Practice (CoP) to enhance educational programs and professional development. This article examines the way virtual CoPs can support the Extension mission and build on our heritage of integrity and innovation. Literature about virtual CoPs reports on successful implementation of these communities by the volunteer sector, eXtension, and by formal education to support professional development and content and program development. Cooperative Extension may benefit from the study of virtual communities of practice and their applications across the national system

    Raconter des histoires est une chose sérieuse : L’Afrique fantôme de Michel Leiris

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    Raconter des histoires est une chose sérieuse ; dès notre naissance et jusqu’à notre mort, nous ne faisons que raconter, nous sommes obsédés par le besoin de chercher du regard, avec les mots, le sens de ce qui arrive en nous et hors de nous, par le besoin de reconnaître le monde. Nous ne pouvons faire autrement. Les philosophes ont défini une telle disposition de la manière la plus neutre qui soit : in alium tendere, intentionnalité. Ils n’ont pas parlé de pensée, parce que l’acte de penser ..
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