541 research outputs found

    Нарративное интервью в исследовании катамнеза внутренней картины болезни при шизофрении (клинико-психологический аспект)

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    Представлены особенности проведения клинического нарративного интервью как значимого метода в психодиагностике внутренней картины болезни (ВКБ) в катамнезе у больных шизофренией. Проведено комплексное психоанамнестическое, психодиагностическое, патоперсонологическое обследование больных параноидной шизофренией. Сформулированы стратегии и тактики проведения нарративного интервью с целью выявления особенностей их ВКБ.Наведено особливості проведення клінічного наративного інтерв'ю як визначального методу в психодіагностиці внутрішньої картини хвороби (ВКХ) у катамнезі у хворих на шизофренію. Проведено комплексне психоанамнестичне, психодіагностичне, патоперсонологічне обстеження хворих на параноїдну шизофренію. Сформульовано стратегії і тактики проведення наративного інтерв'ю з метою виявлення особливостей їх ВКХ.The peculiarities of clinical narrative interview as a significant method in psychodagnosis of the disease inner picture (DIP) in the history of patients with schizophrenia are presented. Complex psychoanamnestic, psychodiagnostic, pathopersonological investigation of patients with paranoid schizophrenia was performed. The strategies and tactics of narrative interview with the purpose to reveal DIP peculiarities were formulated

    The conceptualisation of "soft skills" among medical students before and after curriculum reform

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    Objective: This paper reports on the conceptualisation of "soft skills" as part of a study carried out among two groups of undergraduate medical students before and after curriculum reform at the School of Medicine of the University of Pretoria. Congruent with a call from the World Psychiatric Association, the curriculum reform that was undertaken aimed, inter alia, to place more emphasis on soft skills, including professional interpersonal and social skills, communication skills, and professional and ethical attitudes. Methods: Qualitative methods were used to arrive at a descriptive comparison of the conceptualisation of soft skills by final-year medical students of the traditional curriculum with those of final-year students who had followed the reformed curriculum. A purposive-theoretical sampling method was followed; 42 students from the traditional curriculum and 49 from the reformed curriculum were sampled. Data were collected from seven focus groups, 16 individual interviews, and 23 essays (autobiographical sketches). Results: Both groups of students revealed conceptualisations of soft skills that were similar in kind. The themes they pinpointed were the doctor-patient relationship; relationships with other professionals; being a good listener; explaining things to patients; using good communication skills; establishing rapport with patients from different cultural backgrounds; having a professionally correct attitude; being really interested in patients' well being; having empathy; coping with patients, managing difficult situations, and being ethical and professional. However, the traditional curriculum students offered fewer examples and described fewer experiences that exemplified their soft skills. Students following the reformed curriculum gave rich accounts of their conceptualisation in terms of their own experiences and practical examples of how soft skills had been or could be used, particularly in difficult interpersonal situations. Moreover, they came up with helpful ways of dealing with difficult situations, which surpassed the suggestions offered by the students following the traditional curriculum. Conclusion: The educational and training efforts of the reformed curriculum are associated with an adeptness on the part of the students at applying soft skills to the demands of difficult clinical situations. Keywords: soft skills, interpersonal skills, doctor-patient relationship, professional socialisation South African Psychiatry Review Vol. 9(1) 2006: 33-3

    Medical students on the value of role models for developing 'soft skills' - "That's the way you do it

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    Objective: The Soft Skills Project examined the professional development of medical students at the University of Pretoria, especially their doctor-patient interaction skills and professional socialisation. This paper reports on one of the findings of the project, namely the importance that medical students attach to role models in the development of soft skills. Methods: We used a qualitative method with symbolic interactionism and grounded theory as framework. Fourty two final-year students from the last cohort following the traditional curriculum at the University of Pretoria in 2001, and 49 final years from the first cohort following the reformed curriculum in 2002 were recruited. Data were collected by applying focus groups, in-depth, individual interviews, as well as autobiographical sketches. Data were captured by means of audio tape recordings, transcripts of the tapes, researchers' field notes, and written accounts by students, and were analysed by using a general inductive approach. Results: There were no striking differences between the comments of the two groups. Students considered registrars to be the most influential role models in the clinical teaching context, followed by specialist consultants. Their idea of a good role model was a clinically and academically competent doctor that cared about patients, had good interpersonal skills, and who could inspire students. Students needed and appreciated good role models to help them to develop their own soft skills. They expected guidance and behavioural examples from clinical teachers. Although there were competent role models, the students were exposed to poor role models. Poor role models mainly affect students negatively. Students tend to imitate and perpetuate unacceptable behaviour. Furthermore, poor role models have a negative emotional effect on students and are detrimental to their moral and learning environment. Sometimes, poor role models have a paradoxical positive effect in the sense that they inform students how not to behave. Conclusion: Medical schools and medical doctors working with medical students should be consciously aware of the importance of role models both when allocating clinical teachers to students, and while performing duties with students. It is especially necessary to realise that poor role modelling has important detrimental effects on students. Therefore, an attempt should be made to ensure that not only clinical examination skills, but also soft skills, are demonstrated at the bedside. Measures to ensure adequate exposure of students to positive role models could include: staff development; the identification of good role models to guide registrars; and a reallocation of tasks, where possible, to increase the exposure of students to the ‘natural' role models. Keywords: soft skills, role models, medical students, professionalism South African Psychiatry Review Vol. 9(1) 2006: 28-3

    Effective and Efficient Stand Magnifier Use in Visually Impaired Children

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    Contains fulltext : 167758.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)PURPOSE: The main objective of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of magnifier use in children with visual impairment who did not use a low vision aid earlier, in an ecologically valid goal-directed perceptuomotor task. METHODS: Participants were twenty-nine 4- to 8-year-old children with visual impairment and 47 age-matched children with normal vision. After seeing a first symbol (an Lea Hyvarinen [LH] symbol), children were instructed to (1) move the stand magnifier as quickly as possible toward a small target symbol (another LH symbol that could only be seen by using the magnifier), (2) compare the two symbols, and (3) move the magnifier to one of two response areas to indicate whether the two symbols were identical. Performance was measured in terms of accuracy, response time, identification time, and movement time. Viewing distance, as well as hand and eye dominance while using the magnifier was assessed. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the two groups in accuracy, reaction time, and movement time. Contrary to the prediction, children with visual impairment required less time to identify small symbols than children with normal vision. Both within-subject and between-subject variability in viewing distance were smaller in the visually impaired group than in the normally sighted group. In the visually impaired group, a larger viewing distance was associated with shorter identification time, which in turn was associated with higher accuracy. In the normally sighted group, a faster movement with the magnifier and a faster identification were associated with increasing age. CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that children with visual impairment can use the stand magnifier adequately and efficiently. The normally sighted children show an age-related development in movement time and identification time and show more variability in viewing distance, which is not found in visually impaired children. Visually impaired children seem to choose a standard but less adaptive strategy in which they primarily used their preferred hand to manipulate the magnifier and their preferred eye to identify the symbol. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registered at http://www.trialregister.nl; NTR2380.11 p

    Multicenter experience of upper extremity access in complex endovascular aortic aneurysm repair

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    Purpose: Upper extremity access (UEA) for antegrade cannulation of aortic side branches is a relevant part of endovascular treatment of complex aortic aneurysms and can be achieved using several techniques, sites, and sides. The purpose of this study was to evaluate different UEA strategies in a multicenter registry of complex endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR). Methods: In six aortic centers in the Netherlands, all endovascular aortic procedures from 2006 to 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients who received UEA during complex EVAR were included. The primary outcome was a composite end point of any access complication, excluding minor hematomas. Secondary outcomes were access characteristics, access complications considered individually, access reinterventions, and incidence of ischemic cerebrovascular events. Results: A total of 417 patients underwent 437 UEA for 303 fenestrated/branched EVARs and 114 chimney EVARs. Twenty patients had bilateral, 295 left-sided, and 102 right-sided UEA. A total of 413 approaches were performed surgically and 24 percutaneously. Distal brachial access (DBA) was used in 89 cases, medial brachial access (MBA) in 149, proximal brachial access (PBA) in 140, and axillary access (AA) in 59 cases. No significant differences regarding the composite end point of access complications were seen (DBA: 11.3% vs MBA: 6.7% vs PBA: 13.6% vs AA: 10.2%; P =.29). Postoperative neuropathy occurred most after PBA (DBA: 1.1% vs MBA: 1.3% vs PBA: 9.3% vs AA: 5.1%; P =.003). There were no differences in cerebrovascular complications between access sides (right: 5.9% vs left: 4.1% vs bilateral: 5%; P =.75). Significantly more overall access complications were seen after a percutaneous approach (29.2% vs 6.8%; P =.002). In multivariate analysis, the risk for access complications after an open approach was decreased by male sex (odds ratio [OR]: 0.27; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.10-0.72; P =.009), whereas an increase in age per year (OR: 1.08; 95% CI: 1.004-1.179; P =.039) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (OR: 3.70; 95% CI: 1.20-11.41; P =.023) increased the risk. Conclusions: Between the four access localizations, there were no differences in overall access complications. Female sex, diabetes mellitus type 2, and aging increased the risk for access complications after a surgical approach. Furthermore, a percutaneous UEA resulted in higher complication rates than a surgical approach

    Examining a possible association between human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination and migraine: results of a cohort study in the Netherlands

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    Since the introduction of the bivalent human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine in the Netherlands, migraine has been reported as a notable event in the passive safety surveillance system. Research on the association between HPV vaccination and migraine is needed. Therefore, potential migraine cases in 2008–2010 were selected from a group of general practitioners and linked to the vaccination registry. Data were analysed in three ways: (i) incidences of migraine postvaccination (2009/2010) were compared to pre-vaccination incidences (2008); (ii) in a cohort, incidence rates of migraine in vaccinated and unvaccinated girls were compared and (iii) in a self-controlled case series analysis, the relative incidence of migraine in potentially high-risk periods was compared to non-high-risk periods. Incidence rates of migraine for 12- to 16-year-old girls and boys postvaccination were slightly higher than pre-vaccination incidence rates. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) for vaccinated compared to unvaccinated girls were not statistically significantly higher. Furthermore, the RR for migraine in the high-risk period of 6 weeks following each dose versus non-high-risk period was 4.3 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.69–26.6) for certain migraine. Conclusion: Using different methods, no statistically significant association between HPV vaccination and incident migraine was found. However, the number of cases was low; to definitively exclude the risk, an increased sample size is needed