71 research outputs found

    The influence of the flour amylolytic enzymes activity, dosage of ingredients and bread making method on the sugar content and the bread quality

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    The aim of this study was to study the effect of the sugar dosage, improver dosage, type of bread making methods and the amylolytic activity of five different types of wheat flours on the sugar content and the bread quality. The sugar content in the bread crumb was determined using the Bertrand’s method and was counted for sucrose. When the dough was prepared using accelerated technology, the improver affected the sugar content in the bread due to the starch enzymatic hydrolysis. The effect of improver dosages and sugar dosages on the sugar content in the bread was established. When using the improver, the sugar content exceeded the permitted amount in 1.25 times. No correlation was found between sugar dosage in recipe and bread quality when accelerated bread making way was used because of short fermentation time. The influence of wheat flour amylolytic activity (falling number) on the sugar content in bread was established, including when sugar was absent in the formulation. When sugar presented at bread formulation, the flour amylolytic activity did not significantly affect the bread quality, except the acidity. The bread making way had a greater influence on bread quality than falling number of flour. When sugar absent at bread recipe, the higher was the flour amylolytic activity, the higher was the sugar content in bread made by traditional way due to the starch deterioration. Obtained data have shown that when a baking method is selected, the flour amylolytic activity must be taken into account

    Rowan powder based acidifying additive acidifying additive - an alternative to sourdough in the rye-wheat bread production

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    Rye is an important part of the cereal food culture in the Russia and Nordic, Baltic and Eastern European countries. Rye bread is often made of whole-grain flour using long-time sourdough. In Russia, rye bread began to be produced less and less often due to the complexity and duration of its technology. Therefore, the development of fast, natural and safe technologies is relevant. The aim of the research was to develop a nutritional acidifying additive based on plant materials (rowan powder, botanical species Sorbus aucuparia) for accelerated rye-wheat bread technology. With an increase in the new plant additive dosage above 3.5%, the dough lifting capacity deteriorated. The bread specific volume and the crumb compressibility deteriorated when additive dosage was higher than 3.5%. It all may be due to the acidity suppression of yeast activity in the dough. Taste and smell was also better in bread with new additive due to the rowan powder chemical composition. The optimum dosage of new additive rowan powder in rye-wheat bread formulation was 3.5% by weight of the flour. Usage of new additive with 0.1% of sodium diacetate allowed slowing down moulding. New acidifying with rowan powder allowed to create accelerated rye-wheat bread technology and to get bread with high consumer properties

    Impact of using the developed starter culture on the quality of sourdough, dough and wheat bread

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    ArticleThere is no technological necessity of sourdough usage when preparing wheat bread as it can be prepared without sourdough but only with yeast using. However, sourdough helps to solve such problems as fast microbial spoilage, unexpressed taste and smell, crumbling crumb. The use of sourdough prepared with directional cultivation of microorganisms allows to produce high-quality competitive bread. Developing a starter culture with an optimized microbial composition was the purpose of this study, allowing the quality and the microbiological stability of wheat bread improving. A new starter microbial composition for the sourdough was developed. Lactic acid bacteria strains L. plantarum Е90, L. brevis Е120 and yeast S. cerevisiae Y139 were selected for the new composition. It was proven that the rice products using to microorganism immobilization allows saving the largest number of living cells after drying and during storage. The rate of acid accumulation in sourdough was established. The sourdough dynamic viscosity decrease at the end of fermentation by 2.2 times was established, which means that the fermentation process leads to the sourdough liquefactio. The optimal dosage was established (5–10% flour in sourdough). This dosage provided good physico-chemical and organoleptic quality indicators of bread. It was proved that the sourdough usage allows getting good-quality bread even when the flour with unsatisfactory amylolytic activity (high drop number) is used. Slowing down the microbial spoilage in sourdough bread was proven. In general, the developed sourdough wheat bread biotechnology improves bread quality and its resistance to the ropy-bread disease

    Effects of α-amylase, endo-xylanase and exoprotease combination on dough properties and bread quality

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    Received: January 31st, 2021 ; Accepted: May 2nd, 2021 ; Published: May 6th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] enzymes composition is an actual alternative to chemicals to improve functional properties of flours and to generate changes in the structure of the dough and bread quality. The objective of this study was to analyze the individual and synergistic effects of enzymes preparation (α-amylase, endo-xylanase and exoprotease), newly produced in Russia, on dough properties and bread quality made from wheat flour with different amylolytic activity. Reofermentometric results revealed decreases in gas-forming capacity of dough by 10.0–13.9% when single α-amylase preparates were used. The α-amylase addition had significant effect on gas retention coefficient in flour possessed low amylolytic activity. The effect of endo-xylanase and exoprotease on hydration and amount of wheat gluten was established. The fractional composition of gluten proteins in the dough made with combination of endo-xylanase and exoprotease was established using Lowry method immediately after kneading and after fermentation. It was found that mainly water-soluble, alcohol-soluble and alkaline-soluble proteins were undergone by transformation. The bread with enzymes had a higher specific volume, porosity and aldehyde content and lower shape stability indicator than the control bread made without enzymes. Bread with enzymes was characterized by tenderer and not crumbly crumb with developed thin-walled uniform porosity compared to the control. The crusts were more brightly colored. The combined usage of α-amylase and endo-xylanase and exoprotease retarded bread staling during 5-day storage period. New enzyme composition may be a potentially strong candidate for future applications in the bread-making industry

    Evaluation of selected lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures for gluten-free sourdough bread production

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    Received: January 30th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 8th, 2021 ; Published: May 19th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] is one of the most promising technologies for gluten-free bread. The selection of appropriate starter cultures for the production of gluten-free sourdoughs is of a great importance, since not all microorganisms can adapt equally to the same raw material. The aim was to create a new starter microbial composition for gluten-free sourdough preparation, allowing improving the quality and the microbiological safety of gluten-free bread. Screening was conducted on 8 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and 5 strains of yeast previously isolated from spontaneously fermenting rice and buckwheat sourdoughs. The strain S. cerevisiae Y205 had the highest fermentative activity and alcohols content. The lactic acid bacteria L. brevis E139 and L. plantarum Е138 were also experimentally selected for new gluten-free sourdoughs on the basis of acidity and volatile acids production and antagonistic activity. Two types of microbial composition were created and its influence on sourdough biotechnological indicators was studied. Sourdough with L. plantarum Е138 had in 1.2 times lower titratable acidity, in 3.4 times lower volatile acids content compared to sourdough with L. brevis E139. Alcohol content was the same in both sourdoughs similarly to yeast cells amount. Sourdough dough proofing time increased in 1.2–1.3 times compared to the control. Sourdough did not affect the specific volume, porosity and compressibility of gluten-free bread, but its sensory characteristics were improved. Bread made with sourdoughs had more pronounced taste and flavor, brighter crust color and better texture compared bread without sourdough. The microbiological safety of sourdough gluten-free bread was also increased, especially when L. brevis E139 was used

    Epizootiological and Epidemiological Characteristics of Rabies in Russia in 2019–2021

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    The review presents an analysis of the epizootic and epidemic situations on rabies in the Russian Federation in 2019–2021. During that period, there was a decrease in the activity of the epizootic process to the level of the 1990s characterized by overhunting of the fox, raccoon dog and corsac. The number of identified potentially hazardous areas declined by 20 %, and the number of sick animals registered in them decreased from 18 to 10. Since 2018, the share of domestic animals has prevailed over wild animals in the structure of animal incidence, and in 2021, the proportion of detected cases of rabies in wild animals was the smallest (37.9 %) over 11 years of observation (2011–2021). The leading role in maintaining the circulation of the rabies pathogen belonged to the fox, which accounted for 34.8–29.9 % of all animal cases in 2019–2021. The raccoon dog actively contributed to the circulation of the virus in the European part of Russia. Since 2012, a downward trend in the incidence of rabies among the population has been established (Tdw. = –9.5 %), the average long-term indicator was 5 cases per year. Dogs and cats that got involved into epizootic process predominated among the sources of hydrophobia – approximately 50 % of the cases. Poor compliance with the rules for keeping pets has led to an increase in human infection with rabies due to the animals in 2020–2021. In 2019–2021, the participation of bats in infecting humans with lyssavirus was established, which draws the attention to the need to study the role of bats in the circulation of lyssaviruses, primarily in the Far East. The risk of rabies infection persisted in almost all regions of the country. In the 21st century, natural foci of infection are ubiquitous in Russia

    Botulinum toxin preparations: areas for improvement and issues of standardisation

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    Scientific relevance. Botulinum toxin preparations are a good example of using a deadly toxin as a unique therapeutic agent. However, there are many unresolved issues related to biotechnology, biological activity, interchangeability, and standardisation of botulinum toxin preparations. Aim. To review current opportunities for improving therapeutic botulinum toxin preparations.Discussion. This review covers botulinum toxin type A preparations and unresolved issues related to them. In the absence of international non-proprietary names recommended by the World Health Organisation or by the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, domestic and imported botulinum toxin type A preparations approved in Russia have only similarity-based grouping names. In addition, manufacturers name botulinum toxin preparations at their discretion. Therefore, classifying these preparations under a common nomenclature is essential for clear identification, adequate selection, and correct prescription. Several studies have shown significant variability across botulinum toxin type A preparations. Due to the identified differences in qualitative and quantitative characteristics, botulinum toxin type A preparations cannot be considered similar, which raises the issue of their interchangeability and bioequivalence. To resolve this issue, a unified classification and naming system for botulinum toxin preparations should be established and documented in regulatory standards. According to the literature, manufacturers of botulinum toxin preparations use in-house reference standards. Hence, the same activity unit resulting from toxicity and efficacy studies may express a different protein load for each botulinum toxin preparation. Keeping that in mind, the authors discuss the development of a single international potency standard for existing and pipeline botulinum toxin type A preparations. Conclusions. The article describes novel pharmaceutical compositions containing botulinum toxin, including those in late development. Summarised data from clinical studies on the safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of botulinum toxin type A preparations can guide prescribing decisions

    Спосіб деструкції джерел патологічного збудження в серці оригінальним монополярним електродом

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    Purpose. This work is devoted to the study of destruction of the pathological excitation sources in the heart by the original monopolar electrode and the high-frequency electrosurgical generator Erbe VIO-100 S (Germany) in the coagulation mode in order to optimize technology of their using in surgical practice for Maze surgery. Methodology. Experimental study of the effect of electric current on the myocardium were performed in the laboratory on the endocardial part of four remote pig hearts in the cold hibernation state. Temperature evaluation of myocardial contact with the electrode was carried out using mathematical modeling of temperature fields of radio frequency current interaction with the tissue in the program Comsol Multiphysics. Results. Safe and effective destruction size, nature of histological and temperature changes in the interaction region of myocardial tissue with a source of electrical current depending on the duration and power application to stop the spread of pathological excitation sources in the heart were defined. Originality. The recommendations on the choice of the optimal parameters for the application of the generator Erbe and the original monopolar electrode were developed and adapted to radiofrequency ablation of myocardial tissue in the open heart for the arrhythmias treatment in order to reduce the total duration of surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Practical value. The results have been introduced in surgical practice of the State Institution «M. M. Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery Ukraine NAMS of Ukraine». The work has great practical importance, because the expanding of the functional range of generator Erbe VIO-100 S (Germany) applications and reducing of the cost of radio frequency ablation procedure in comparison with the use of specialized disposable bipolar electrodes.Данная работа посвящена исследованию деструкции тканей миокарда оригинальным монополярным шарообразным электродом с помощью высокочастотного электрохирургического генератора Erbe VIO-100 S (Германия) в режиме коагуляции. Определены безопасные и эффективные размеры деструкции, характер гистологических и температурных изменений в области взаимодействия ткани с источником электрического воздействия в зависимости от мощности тока и продолжительности аппликации для блокирования распространения потенциалов от источников патологического возбуждения в сердце. Разработаны рекомендации по выбору оптимальных параметров для применения генератора Erbe и оригинального монополярного электрода адаптировано к радиочастотной абляции тканей миокарда на открытом сердце при лечении аритмий с целью сокращения общей продолжительности операции с искусственным кровообращением.Дана робота присвячена дослідженню деструкції тканин міокарда оригінальним монополярним кулькоподібним електродом за допомогою високочастотного електрохірургічного генератора Erbe VIO-100 S (Німеччина) в режимі коагуляції. Визначено безпечні та ефективні розміри деструкції, характер гістологічних та температурних змін в ділянці взаємодії тканини з джерелом електричного впливу в залежності від потужності струму та тривалості аплікації для блокування поширення потенціалів з джерел патологічного збудження в серці. Розроблено рекомендації з вибору оптимальних параметрів для застосування генератора Erbe та оригінального монополярного електроду адаптовано до радіочастотної абляції тканин міокарда на відкритому серці при лікуванні аритмій з метою скорочення загальної тривалості операції зі штучним кровообігом

    Taxonomic structure of bacterial communities in sourdoughs of spontaneous fermentation

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    The article is devoted to the study of the microbiome of spontaneously fermented sourdoughs. The aim of the work was to study the influence of the technological parameters of sourdough propagations on the taxonomic structure of the microbiome of spontaneously fermented sourdoughs. Two spontaneously fermented sourdoughs were studied: dense rye sourdough and liquid rye sourdough, both prepared using the same batch of peeled rye flour. To study the taxonomic structure of the sourdough microbiome in dynamics, the method of high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene fragments of microorganisms was used. It was shown that the technological parameters of sourdough (humidity, temperature) do not affect the taxonomic composition of the microbiome of dense rye or liquid rye sourdough at the phylum/class/genus level. It was found that during the first three days of propagations, bacteria from the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes dominated in the microbial community. In the phylum Proteobacteria, microorganisms from the order Enterobacterales took a large share, which persisted for three days of backslopping. The phylum Firmicutes was represented by lactic acid bacteria of the genera Weissella, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Lactococcus. It was established by classical microbiological methods that after a day of fermentation, the number of lactic acid bacteria cells was significantly higher in liquid rye sourdough compared to dense one. However, with further propagation of sourdoughs, the number of cells was comparable, while significant changes occurred at the level of genera and species. It was shown that as the relative number of lactic acid bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus increased, a gradual displacement of the coccal forms of Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Weissella, Pediococcus happened. With further propagation of sourdough after 10 days, the position of the dominant groups of bacteria was occupied by representatives of the phylum Firmicutes, lactic acid bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus. The influence of the mode and parameters of the sourdough on the species composition of lactobacilli, which demonstrated a low bacterial diversity, is shown. In the first three days of propagations, lactobacilli L. curvatus, L. brevis, and Lactiplantibacillus sp. dominated in both sourdoughs. After a month of backslopping, Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis and Companilactobacillus sp. dominated in dense rye sourdough, and L. pontis dominated in liquid rye sourdough

    The Current Use of Biomedical Cell Products for Cancer Treatment

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    Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death. Conventional treatment methods, including radiation and chemotherapy, have limited effectiveness. Therefore, the development of novel approaches to cancer treatment is an urgent challenge. Biomedical cell products (BMCPs) which include adoptive cell therapy (ACT) and dendritic cells vaccines (DCVs) are considered a promising area of research. The aim of the study was to review current ideas about the principles of BMCP therapy, as well as clinical experience with cell-based products used for cancer treatment. The paper summarises the results of clinical use of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL-therapy), genetically modified T-cells that express tumour antigen-specific receptors (TCR/CAR T-therapy), as well as DCVs. The use of human immune cells genetically modified ex vivo is a novel and promising approach to cancer treatment. The main analysed ACT approaches which are based on the use of genetically modified T-lymphocytes have some benefits and drawbacks. The paper discusses the methods of BMCP production, provides data on the effectiveness of ACT and DCVs. It pays special attention to safety concerns associated with each treatment method, as well as to other factors limiting their clinical use. It is expected that the main areas of further research will be aimed at increasing BMCP efficacy and reducing adverse reactions