972 research outputs found

    Flipped Classroom Experiences in an Introductory Sociology Course

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    Much recent literature has focused on the development and benefits of a flipped classroom (Fulton 2012; Sams and Bergmann 2011). However, the majority of that literature is devoted to research conducted primarily in STEM-focused courses (Berrett 2012; Brame 2013; Moore, Gillett and Steele 2014). There appears to be very little research on the context or benefits of a flipped classroom in the social sciences, including sociology. Thus, the overall purpose of my interactive presentation is to provide context and explain the process behind a flipped classroom in the social sciences and to model a class activity in which participants are actively engaged and can use in their own classes

    The Male Neonatal Circumcision Debate: Social Movements,Sexual Citizenship, and Human Rights

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    Male circumcision is known to be one of the oldest and perhaps one of the most controversial body modification procedures in the history of humanity (Darby 2005; Gollaher 1994, 2000; Grimes 1980). Such scholars and activists, especially those who self-identify as being against the routinized procedure of male neonatal circumcision, discuss circumcision as a human rights violation. However, what is notable about the anti-circumcision movement more broadly is how they implement a Western notion of human rights in which there are contradictions between the rights of children versus the concept of cultural rights, which are both religious and secular in nature. In this article, I provide a very brief literature review of the relevant topics regarding male circumcision from a Western perspective. Second, I demonstrate how newer social movements such as the anti-circumcision/intactivist movements have attempted to reframe the procedure as a human rights violation when they compare circumcision to other body modification procedures such as female genital cutting (FGC) and surgery done on children born intersexed. However, those who feel that circumcision is a religious act believe that to deny any group of people the ability to practice their own religion freely is, in itself, a human rights violation. I conclude with a discussion of the ways in which such Western notions of human rights are not only inherently contradictory but also fail to include other conceptualizations of what human rights as a global term broadly incorporates

    The Male Neonatal Circumcision Debate: Social Movements,Sexual Citizenship, and Human Rights

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    Male circumcision is known to be one of the oldest and perhaps one of the most controversial body modification procedures in the history of humanity (Darby 2005; Gollaher 1994, 2000; Grimes 1980). Such scholars and activists, especially those who self-identify as being against the routinized procedure of male neonatal circumcision, discuss circumcision as a human rights violation. However, what is notable about the anti-circumcision movement more broadly is how they implement a Western notion of human rights in which there are contradictions between the rights of children versus the concept of cultural rights, which are both religious and secular in nature. In this article, I provide a very brief literature review of the relevant topics regarding male circumcision from a Western perspective. Second, I demonstrate how newer social movements such as the anti-circumcision/intactivist movements have attempted to reframe the procedure as a human rights violation when they compare circumcision to other body modification procedures such as female genital cutting (FGC) and surgery done on children born intersexed. However, those who feel that circumcision is a religious act believe that to deny any group of people the ability to practice their own religion freely is, in itself, a human rights violation. I conclude with a discussion of the ways in which such Western notions of human rights are not only inherently contradictory but also fail to include other conceptualizations of what human rights as a global term broadly incorporates

    The Male Anti-Circumcision Movement: Ideology, Privilege, and Equity in Social Media

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    Social media has become a primary way in which various social movements may attempt to gain traction within larger frames of cultural discourse (Obar, Zube, and Lampe 2012). However, not all movements that profess human rights and equality goals are truly egalitarian in their orientation. Many men’s movements are ostensibly about gender equality but fall short of their claims because they fail to come to terms with issues of privilege (Kimmel 2013; Messner 1997, 1998). While the male anti-circumcision movement (sometimes referred to as the Intactivist movement) is less radically anti-feminist and has utilized social media to develop and maintain connections with other human rights movements, it has broadly continued to resist feminist critique and has limited its own achievement of human rights goals. We argue that, by using social media as a way to gain a wider audience and following, many tactics of the Intactivist movement have also alienated many potential supporters because of its fractured message and misalignment with actual equality, which has inhibited its overall growth as a social movement. We draw on Messner’s (1997) model of men’s movements to reflect on the limitations of the Intactivist movement. Through a discussion of examples of such tactics and a case study analysis, we suggest recognizing privilege as a way to align the movement’s interests in human rights and gender equality

    The Male Anti-Circumcision Movement: Ideology, Privilege, and Equity in Social Media

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    Social media has become a primary way in which various social movements may attempt to gain traction within larger frames of cultural discourse (Obar, Zube, and Lampe 2012). However, not all movements that profess human rights and equality goals are truly egalitarian in their orientation. Many men’s movements are ostensibly about gender equality but fall short of their claims because they fail to come to terms with issues of privilege (Kimmel 2013; Messner 1997, 1998). While the male anti-circumcision movement (sometimes referred to as the Intactivist movement) is less radically anti-feminist and has utilized social media to develop and maintain connections with other human rights movements, it has broadly continued to resist feminist critique and has limited its own achievement of human rights goals. We argue that, by using social media as a way to gain a wider audience and following, many tactics of the Intactivist movement have also alienated many potential supporters because of its fractured message and misalignment with actual equality, which has inhibited its overall growth as a social movement. We draw on Messner’s (1997) model of men’s movements to reflect on the limitations of the Intactivist movement. Through a discussion of examples of such tactics and a case study analysis, we suggest recognizing privilege as a way to align the movement’s interests in human rights and gender equality

    The Male Anti-Circumcision Movement: Ideology, Privilege, and Equity in Social Media

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    Social media has become a primary way in which various social movements may attempt to gain traction within larger frames of cultural discourse (Obar, Zube, and Lampe 2012). However, not all movements that profess human rights and equality goals are truly egalitarian in their orientation. Many men’s movements are ostensibly about gender equality but fall short of their claims because they fail to come to terms with issues of privilege (Messner 1997, 1998). While the male anti-circumcision movement (sometimes referred to as the Intactivist movement) is less radically anti-feminist and has utilized social media to develop and maintain connections with other human rights movements, it has broadly continued to resist feminist critique and has limited its own achievement of human rights goals. We argue that, by using social media as a way to gain a wider audience and following, many tactics of the Intactivist movement have also alienated many potential supporters because of its fractured message and misalignment with actual equality, which has inhibited its overall growth as a social movement. We draw on Messner’s (1997) model of men’s movements to reflect on the limitations of the Intactivist movement. Through a discussion of examples of such tactics and a case study analysis, we suggest recognizing privilege as a way to align the movement’s interests in human rights and gender equality

    Knowledge and perspectives on the welfare of italian heavy pigs on farms

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    This review aims to give an overview of the most significant available information on welfare issues of Italian heavy pigs on farms. These animals, whose meat is used to produce typical products, are characterized by much higher body weights and age at slaughter (approximately 160\u2013170 kg, and 9 months of age) than most pigs reared in Europe, resulting in peculiar behavioral and rearing-related needs. To highlight the main findings and the areas in which additional research is needed, the paper was organized by allocating the studies on the basis of the Welfare Quality four principles framework, i.e., good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior. The results indicate the possibility of improvement with regard to the management of feeding, watering, and some environmental parameters (light, thermal comfort, enrichments) and a lack of knowledge on the actual space requirements (and a corresponding regulatory gap). Moreover, deficiencies concerning the prevalence of injuries and disease and the relationship between lesions observed post-mortem and rearing conditions needs to be addressed. Lastly, the absence of research concerning the evaluation of the emotional state of animals has been highlighted. It is hoped that these findings will, in the future, serve as a basis for the development of specific policies for these animals in order to increase the ethical value of the entire production chain, in accordance with consumers\u2019 demand and expectation for high animal welfare standards

    Keanekaragaman Herpetofauna di Resort Lekawai Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Baka Bukit Raya Kabupaten Sintang Kalimantan Barat

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    Herpetofauna is fauna group consisting of reptiles and amphibians. This study aims to determine the diversity of herpetofauna at Lekawai Resort in Area Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park West Kalimantan . The method of data collection was done by using Visual Encounter Survey (VES) combining with of tracking systems. Herpetofauna found as many as 35 species which are divided into 24 kinds of amphibians and 11 species of reptiles. Air humidity ranged between 81 % - 85 %, air temperature 270C - 290C, water temperature 220C - 240C and pH of water 6. Highest species diversity index in aquatic habitats by H= 0.996 and the lowest in terrestrial habitats that H= 0.957. The highest evenness index in aquatic habitats that are e= 0.765 and lowest in terrestrial habitats is e= 0.724. However, the similarity index value types (S) between the two habitats is obtained with a value of 0.3. The highest abundance of amphibians in class Limnonectes kuhlii ie by 18 % . Relative abundance of reptiles found in the type of class Eutropis rudis of 5.4 %. The largest Chance encounter was belonged types Limnonectes kuhlii of 0.643 individuals / hour. Keywords: Herpetofauna, species diversity, TNBBB

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Dengan Teknik Bercerita Dongeng Terhadap Kemampuan Berbahasa Dan Motivasi Anak Kelompok B TK Dewi Kunti II Dalung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran dengan teknik bercerita dongeng terhadap kemampuan berbahasa dan motivasi anak Kelompok B TK Dewi Kunti II Dalung. Penelitian ini tergolong sebagai rancangan post test only control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini semua anak kelompok B yang berjumlah 45 orang. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan simple random yang berjumlah 45 anak. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Manova satu jalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berbahasa anak yang mengikuti teknik bercerita dongeng dengan kelompok anak yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan strategi konvensional, (2) terdapat perbedaan motivasi berbahasa anak yang mengikuti teknik bercerita dongeng dengan kelompok anak yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan strategi konvensional, dan (3) terdapat perbedaan secara simultan kemampuan berbahasa dan motivasi berbahasa anak yang mengikuti teknik bercerita dongeng dengan kelompok siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan strategi konvensional.Kata Kunci : Kemampuan berbahasa, motivasi anak, pembelajaran dengan teknik bercerita dongeng This research aims at investigating the effect of folktale storytelling technique on language skill and motivation of Group B children of Kindergarten Dewi Kunti II Dalung. This research used post test only control group design. The population and the sample was 45 children of Group B. the data were analyzed by using one-way Manova. The results show that: 1) there is difference in children's language skill between children following folktale storytelling technique and those following conventional strategy, 2) there is difference in children's language motivation between children following folktale storytelling technique and those following conventional strategy, and 3) simultaneously, there is difference in children's language skill and language motivation between children following folktale storytelling technique and those following conventional strategy


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    Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui keberadaan manusia prasejarah adalah dengan melihat tinggalan budaya materinya, seperti sebaran alat-alat batu dan seni lukis cadas yang masih ada hingga saat ini. Kawasan Situs Bontocani saat ini terbagi atas dua wilayah situs, antara lain Situs Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua Pattuku. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan banyaknya penemuan alat alat batu seperti alat serpih, alat serut, mata panah (maros point), batu inti, alat tulang, arang dan kerang yang ditemukan di kedua situs. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui potensi arkeologis Situs Gua Batti dan Situs Gua-gua Pattuku, menambah perbendaharaan situs pra-neolitik di Sulawesi Selatan dan menjadi bahan acuan untuk penelitian berikutnya sampai pada tahap pelestarian. Titik klimaks penelitian ini adalah untuk menelusuri kemungkinan adanya keterkaitan antara Situs Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua Pattuku melalui temuan permukaan dan tidak menutup kemungkinan menjadi benang merah penghubung jalur migrasi manusia pengusung budaya pra-neolitik di Sulawesi Selatan. Namun permasalahan yang muncul kemudian adalah apakah ada keterkaitan budaya antara situs gua Batti dan situs Gua-gua Pattuku. Selain itu, benarkah situs Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua Pattuku pernah menjadi kawasan hunian di masa pra-neolitik. Melalui berbagai data lapangan, penulis akan menjelaskan secara empiris keberadaan budaya pra-neolitik di situs Bontocani. Tentunya, dengan bertumpu pada teori-teori yang dikemukakan oleh para peneliti-peneliti terdahulu seperti; Paul dan Fritz Sarasin, van Stein Callenfels, van Heekeren, Soejono serta pengalaman peneliti lain dalam merangkai jejak budaya Pra-neolitik di Situs Bontocani, Sulawesi Selatan. One way to determined the former presence of prehistoric humans is to look at the remains of their material culture, as seen in the distribution of stone tools and rock paintings that have survived to the present day. The Bontocani site area is currently divided into two localities, Gua Batti and the Pattuku cave sites. Prehistoric human occupation here is proven by the numerous remains such as flake tools, scrapers, arrowheads (maros points), cores, bone tools, charcoal and shells found at both localities. In general terms, the research aim is to determine the archaeological potential of Gua Batti and the Pattuku cave sites so as to enrich the repertoire of pre-neolithic sites in South Sulawesi and to provide a reference point for follow-up research and site preservation. The main purpose of the research was to use surface survey data to explore the possibility of a connection between Gua Batti and the Pattuku cave sites, which may mark one of the pathways in the network of migratory routes taken by pre-neolithic culture bearers in South Sulawesi. While the purpose of this exercise was to establish a correlation between Gua Batti and the Pattuku cave sites, the finding that clearly emerged was that these caves served as residential places during the pre-neolithic period. Despite the variability of the field data, the author's empirical explanation for these field data is the former presence of pre-neolithic culture in the Bontocani site area, when viewed in the context of the theories of earlier researchers such as Paul and Fritz Sarasin, Van Stein Callenfels, van Heekeren, Soejono and other authors
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