1,895 research outputs found

    Testing LSND at long-baseline neutrino experiments

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    Recently it was suggested that two very different mass-squared differences play a role in atmospheric neutrino oscillations. The larger of these also accounts for the LSND result and the smaller of these also drives the solar neutrino oscillations. We consider the predictions of this scheme for long-baseline experiments. We find that high statistics experiments, such as MINOS, can observe a clean signal for this scheme, which is clearly distinguishable from the usual scheme of atmospheric neutrino oscillations driven by a single mass-squared difference.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Preventive Effects of Resveratrol against Beta Adrenergic Catecholamine-Induced Acute Myocardial Stress during Experimental Hyperglycemia in in Vivo and in Vitro Models

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    Aim: To evaluate the cardioprotective effects of resveratrol during hyperglycemic conditions in in vitro and in vivo models. Study Design: H9c2 cardiomyocyte cells were used as in vitro models and adult male Wistar strain albino rats were used as in vivo models. Activities of LDH and levels of lipid peroxides, total reduced glutathione were the end point indicators for the in vitro studies.For the in vivo studies the activities of membrane bound ATPases, levels of lipid peroxides, enzymic and non enzymic antioxidants were the end point indicators. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Bangalore University, Bangalore, between January 2014 and June 2014. Methodology: To mimic myocardial injury during diabetic conditions (in vitro), the H9c2 cells were maintained in high glucose environment followed by isoproterenol challenge. For in vivo studies the animals were segregated as follows: Untreated control; Myocardial stress induced animals (Isoproterenol 150 mg/kg body wt i.p); Diabetic rats (Streptozotocin, 50 mg/kg body wt,i.p);Myocardial stress induced diabetic rats; resveratrol per se (5 mg/kg.body wt. orally for 21 days), and resveratrol pretreated prior to induction of diabetes and myocardial stress. Results: H9c2 cells given glucose insult and challenged with isoproterenol showed severe cytotoxicity and stress as elicited by increased LDH release, increased lipid peroxides and depleted GSH levels. These changes were prevented in the cells pretreated with resveratrol prior to isoproterenol/glucose challenge. The diabetic rats induced with myocardial stress showed significant alterations in the activity of membrane bound phosphatases, levels of lipid peroxides, enzymic and non enzymic antioxidants. Pre-treatment with resveratrol prevented these alterations thereby implicating cardioprotective effects during hyperglycemic conditions Conclusion: Resveratrol could combat myocardial stress during experimental hyperglycemia in in vitro and in vivo model

    A Survey on Clustering Algorithm for Microarray Gene Expression Data

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    The DNA data are huge multidimensional which contains the simultaneous gene expression and it uses the microarray chip technology, also handling these data are cumbersome. Microarray technique is used to measure the expression level from tens of thousands of gene in different condition such as time series during biological process. Clustering is an unsupervised learning process which partitions the given data set into similar or dissimilar groups. The mission of this research paper is to analyze the accuracy level of the microarray data using different clustering algorithms and identify the suitable algorithm for further research process

    Local Invariants and Pairwise Entanglement in Symmetric Multi-qubit System

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    Pairwise entanglement properties of a symmetric multi-qubit system are analyzed through a complete set of two-qubit local invariants. Collective features of entanglement, such as spin squeezing, are expressed in terms of invariants and a classifcation scheme for pairwise entanglement is proposed. The invariant criteria given here are shown to be related to the recently proposed (Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 120502 (2005)) generalized spin squeezing inequalities for pairwise entanglement in symmetric multi-qubit states.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, REVTEX, Replaced with a published versio

    Odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling for some trees obtained from subdivision and vertex identification operations

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    ليكن G  رسما بيانيا  برؤوس p وحواف q و  دالة متباينة وشاملة , حيث k عدد صحيح موجب. إذا كانت تسمية الحافة المستحثة  معرفة ب   لكل  المتباينة, فان علامة التبويب  تدعى وضع علامات غير منتظمة على حافة فيبوناتشي الفردية ل G. الرسم البياني الذي يعترف بوضع علامات غير منتظمة لحافة فيبوناتشي الفردية يسمى الرسم البياني غير المنتظم لحافة فيبوناتشي الفردية. قوة عدم انتظام حافة فيبوناتشي الفردية هي الحد الأدنى k الذي يعترف G بوضع علامات غير منتظمة لحافة فيبوناتشي الفردية. في هذا البحث ، تم تحديد قوة عدم انتظام حافة فيبوناتشي الفردية لبعض الرسوم البيانية للتقسيمات الفرعية والرسوم البيانية التي تم الحصول عليها من تحديد الرأس.Let G be a graph with p vertices and q edges and  be an injective function, where k is a positive integer. If the induced edge labeling   defined by for each is a bijection, then the labeling f is called an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling of G. A graph which admits an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling is called an odd Fibonacci edge irregular graph. The odd Fibonacci edge irregularity strength ofes(G) is the minimum k for which G admits an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling. In this paper, the odd Fibonacci edge irregularity strength for some subdivision graphs and graphs obtained from vertex identification is determined

    A study of variations in brachial artery and its branching pattern

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    Background: Knowledge of the normal and variant arterial anatomy of the upper extremity is of significant clinical importance for the vascular radiologist and surgeons for accurate diagnostic interpretation as well as in the conduct of interventional and surgical procedures on the upper extremity. The anatomical knowledge of the anomalous branching pattern of the brachial artery is important during percutaneous arterial catheterization, so as to prevent any complications arising from accidental damage to the anomalous vessel and knowledge of the variations are important for plastic surgeons using flaps for reconstructive surgeries.  Methods: The present study was undertaken on 50 upper limbs of both sexes from embalmed adult human cadaver used for undergraduate dissection from the department of Anatomy, Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya.Results: In the present study, normal brachial artery was found in 42 specimens accounting for 84%. Variations were found in 8 specimens (16%); of these five specimens presented with trifurcation of brachial artery into radial, ulnar and radial recurrent arteries (10%); one specimen presented with double profunda brachii artery (2%); one specimen showed high origin of radial artery (2%) and one specimen presented with high division of brachial artery in the proximal third of arm (2%).  Conclusions: Accurate anatomical knowledge about the brachial artery and its branching pattern with their variations are important for physicians, cardiologists, vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists. Study of these variations and its awareness helps in avoiding the iatrogenic injuries of the blood vessels, in the management of accidental/traumatic injuries to arteries in upper limb and during diagnostic procedures (like arteriograms).

    One pion events by atmospheric neutrinos: A three flavor analysis

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    We study the one-pion events produced via neutral current (NC) and charged current (CC) interactions by the atmospheric neutrinos. We analyze the ratios of these events in the framework of oscillations between three neutrino flavors. The ratios of the CC events induced by νe\nu_e to that of the NC events and a similar ratio defined with νμ\nu_\mu help us in distinguishing the different regions of the neutrino parameter space.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures (separate postscript files

    Nutrient Management for Higher Productivity of Swarna Sub1 Under Flash Floods Areas

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    Two field experiments were conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tarahara, Nepal during 2012 and 2013 to determine the effect of agronomic management on growth and yield of Swarna Sub1 under flash floods. The first experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three replications; and four different nutrient combinations at nursery as main plots and three age groups of rice seedlings as sub plots. The second experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design and replicated thrice; with three post flood nutrient doses at six and 12 days after de-submergence (dad). The experiments were complete submerged at 10 days after transplanting for 12 days. The survival percentage, at 21 dad, was significantly higher in plots planted with 35 (90.25%) and 40 (91.58%) days-old seedlings compared to 30 days-old seedlings (81.75%). Plots with 35 days-old seedlings produced 5.15 t ha-1 with advantage of 18.83% over 30 days-old seedlings. Plots with 100-50-50 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha at nursery recorded the highest grain filling of 79.41% and grain yield of 5.068 t/ha with more benefit. Post flood application of 20-20 N-K20kg/ha at 6 dad resulted in higher plant survival and taller plants, leading to significantly higher grain yield of 5.183 t/ha and straw yield of 5.315 t/ha. Hence, 35-40 days old seedlings raised with 100-50-50 kg N-P2O5-K2O /ha in nursery and the additional application of20-20 kg N-K2O /ha at 6 dad improved plant survival and enhanced yield of Swarna Sub1 under flash flood conditions. The practice has prospects of saving crop loss with getting rice yield above national average yield leading to enhanced food security in the flood prone areas of Nepal

    Impact of nontariff measures on the exports of the beverage sector in India

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    In the recent past, agricultural exports, especially plantation crops, which are the backbone of India, have been subjected to many nontariff measures. Since the liberalisation of trade has led to the integration of global commodity markets, developing countries are significantly affected by these trade barriers, which indirectly hurt millions of plantation community. Traditionally, India is well known for its exports of beverages and stringent maximum residual limits, traceability issues, and food safety standards are complex issues surmounting trade in the plantation sector around the world. Hence, the present research study attempts to find the shock of nontariff measures on the prices of both export and domestic beverages and the hammering in returns to the Indian beverage industry by the partial equilibrium method. This model directly measures the simulation effect of nontariff measures by imposing NTM on tea and coffee sector.  It is obvious that as the NTM percent increases from 10 percent to 25 percent on tea sector, the loss in export quantity was more from 22.24 million kg to 55.61 million kg and loss of revenue was from Rs. 2997 million to Rs. 7492 million for the corresponding NTMs. Likewise the loss in export quantity (62.85 million kg) and loss in revenue (Rs. 9412 million) were high in 25 per cent of NTM. The present study shows how to allow for market imperfections and trade facilitating effects of nontariff measures in the beverage sector.