848 research outputs found

    Matrix factorizations for quantum complete intersections

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    We introduce twisted matrix factorizations for quantum complete intersections of codimension two. For such an algebra, we show that in a given dimension, almost all the indecomposable modules with bounded minimal projective resolutions correspond to such matrix factorizations.Comment: 13 page

    Video monitoring of Sparidae temporal rhythms: three-year study by OBSEA cabled observatory

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    The abundance and composition of fish assemblages varies at different temporal scales as a product of diel and annual rhythms. In this study, we used a video-wired observatory (OBSEA, www.obsea.es) to monitor annual rhythms in a coastal fish assemblage with a 3-year data set (2012-2014). The photographs were acquired at 30 min frequency. Five species of the family Sparidae were studied (i.e. Dentex dentex, Diplodus sargus, Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus annularis and Diplodus puntazzo) together with water temperature and daylength. The results of the annual rhythmicity analysis indicated that most of the peaks of abundance occured in the autumn months. Results suggest differentially temporal use of the reproductive or trophic niche.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Acceptability with general orderings

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    We present a new approach to termination analysis of logic programs. The essence of the approach is that we make use of general orderings (instead of level mappings), like it is done in transformational approaches to logic program termination analysis, but we apply these orderings directly to the logic program and not to the term-rewrite system obtained through some transformation. We define some variants of acceptability, based on general orderings, and show how they are equivalent to LD-termination. We develop a demand driven, constraint-based approach to verify these acceptability-variants. The advantage of the approach over standard acceptability is that in some cases, where complex level mappings are needed, fairly simple orderings may be easily generated. The advantage over transformational approaches is that it avoids the transformation step all together. {\bf Keywords:} termination analysis, acceptability, orderings.Comment: To appear in "Computational Logic: From Logic Programming into the Future

    Changes in high-intensity precipitation on the northern Apennines (Italy) as revealed by multidisciplinary data over the last 9000 years

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    Several record-breaking precipitation events have struck the mountainous area of the Emilia-Romagna region (northern Apennines, Italy) over the last 10 years. As a consequence, severe geomorphological processes such as debris avalanches and debris flows, shallow landslides, and overbank flooding have affected the territory, causing severe damage to human-made structures. The unusual intensity of these phenomena prompted an investigation into their frequency in the past, beyond instrumental time. In the quest for an understanding of whether these phenomena are unprecedented in the region, peat bog and lake deposits were analyzed to infer the frequency of extreme precipitation events that may have occurred in the past. We present the results of a dedicated field campaign performed in summer 2017 at Lake Moo in the northern Apennines, a 0.15 km2peat bog located at an altitude of 1130ma.s.l. During the extreme precipitation event of 13-14 September 2015, several debris flows generated by small streams affected the Lake Moo plain. In such a small drainage basin (<2 km2), high-density floods can be triggered only by high-intensity precipitation events. The sedimentary succession (ca. 13m thick) was studied through the drilling of two cores and one trench. The sequence, characterized by clusters of coarse-grained alluvial deposits interbedded with organic-rich silty clays and peat layers, was analyzed by combining sedimentological, pollen, microanthracological and pedological data with radiocarbon dating (AMS 14C) in an innovative multidisciplinary approach for this area. Original data acquired during the field campaign were also correlated with other specific paleoclimatic proxies available in the literature for the northern Apennines area. We discover that the increase in extreme paleoflooding, associated with coarse-grained deposits similar to the ones observed recently, correlates well with the warm phases of the Holocene Thermal Maximum and with the ongoing warming trend observed that started at the beginning of the last century

    Repetitive Immunization Enhances the Susceptibility of Mice to Peripherally Administered Prions

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    The susceptibility of humans and animals to prion infections is determined by the virulence of the infectious agent, by genetic modifiers, and by hitherto unknown host and environmental risk factors. While little is known about the latter two, the activation state of the immune system was surmised to influence prion susceptibility. Here we administered prions to mice that were repeatedly immunized by two initial injections of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides followed by repeated injections of bovine serum albumin/alum. Immunization greatly reduced the required dosage of peripherally administered prion inoculum necessary to induce scrapie in 50% of mice. No difference in susceptibility was observed following intracerebral prion challenge. Due to its profound impact onto scrapie susceptibility, the host immune status may determine disease penetrance after low-dose prion exposure, including those that may give rise to iatrogenic and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

    The Comprehensive Native Interactome of a Fully Functional Tagged Prion Protein

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    The enumeration of the interaction partners of the cellular prion protein, PrPC, may help clarifying its elusive molecular function. Here we added a carboxy proximal myc epitope tag to PrPC. When expressed in transgenic mice, PrPmyc carried a GPI anchor, was targeted to lipid rafts, and was glycosylated similarly to PrPC. PrPmyc antagonized the toxicity of truncated PrP, restored prion infectibility of PrPC-deficient mice, and was physically incorporated into PrPSc aggregates, indicating that it possessed all functional characteristics of genuine PrPC. We then immunopurified myc epitope-containing protein complexes from PrPmyc transgenic mouse brains. Gentle differential elution with epitope-mimetic decapeptides, or a scrambled version thereof, yielded 96 specifically released proteins. Quantitative mass spectrometry with isotope-coded tags identified seven proteins which co-eluted equimolarly with PrPC and may represent component of a multiprotein complex. Selected PrPC interactors were validated using independent methods. Several of these proteins appear to exert functions in axomyelinic maintenance

    Integrity of H1 helix in prion protein revealed by molecular dynamic simulations to be especially vulnerable to changes in the relative orientation of H1 and its S1 flank

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    In the template-assistance model, normal prion protein (PrPC), the pathogenic cause of prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD) in human, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in cow, and scrapie in sheep, converts to infectious prion (PrPSc) through an autocatalytic process triggered by a transient interaction between PrPC and PrPSc. Conventional studies suggest the S1-H1-S2 region in PrPC to be the template of S1-S2 β\beta-sheet in PrPSc, and the conformational conversion of PrPC into PrPSc may involve an unfolding of H1 in PrPC and its refolding into the β\beta-sheet in PrPSc. Here we conduct a series of simulation experiments to test the idea of transient interaction of the template-assistance model. We find that the integrity of H1 in PrPC is vulnerable to a transient interaction that alters the native dihedral angles at residue Asn143^{143}, which connects the S1 flank to H1, but not to interactions that alter the internal structure of the S1 flank, nor to those that alter the relative orientation between H1 and the S2 flank.Comment: A major revision on statistical analysis method has been made. The paper now has 23 pages, 11 figures. This work was presented at 2006 APS March meeting session K29.0004 at Baltimore, MD, USA 3/13-17, 2006. This paper has been accepted for pubcliation in European Biophysical Journal on Feb 2, 200

    The effects of cannabidiol and prognostic role of TRPV2 in human endometrial cancer

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    Several studies support, both in vitro and in vivo, the anti-cancer effects of cannabidiol (CBD), a transient receptor potential vanilloid 2 (TRPV2) ligand. TRPV2, often dysregulated in tumors, is associated with altered cell proliferation and aggressiveness. Endometrial cancer (EC) is historically divided in type I endometrioid EC and type II non-endometrioid EC, associated with poor prognosis. Treatment options with chemotherapy and combinations with radiation showed only limited efficacy. Since no data are reported concerning TRPV2 expression as well as CBD potential effects in EC, the aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of TRPV2 in biopsies and cell lines as well as the effects of CBD in in vitro models. Overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), cell viability, migration, and chemo-resistance have been evaluated. Results show that TRPV2 expression increased with the malignancy of the cancer tissue and correlated with shorter PFS (p = 0.0224). Moreover, in vitro TRPV2 over-expression in Ishikawa cell line increased migratory ability and response to cisplatin. CBD reduced cell viability, activating predominantly apoptosis in type I cells and autophagy in mixed type EC cells. The CBD improved chemotherapeutic drugs cytotoxic effects, enhanced by TRPV2 over-expression. Hence, TRPV2 could be considered as a marker for optimizing the therapy and CBD might be a useful therapeutic option as adjuvant therapy

    Biological function of PD-L2 and correlation with overall survival in type II endometrial cancer

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    In cancer, upregulation of coinhibitory B7 ligands has been associated with immune evasion. So far, anti-programmed death-1 (PD-1) and anti-PD-ligand 1 (PD-L1) antibodies have been used in immuno-oncology, with promising outcomes; however, it is still needed to identify other markers, especially for endometrial cancer (EC). EC is a gynecological malignancy historically classified into two types: type I, with mostly estrogen-dependent endometrioid diseases, and the most aggressive type II, including mainly estrogen-independent and non-endometrioid tumors. PD ligand-2 (PD-L2) is known as the second ligand of the PD-1 receptor and, upon its binding, contributes to T-cell exhaustion. Up to now, very few information are available about PD-L2 in cancers, and no data have been reported for EC. The aim of this work was to characterize the PD-L1 and PD-L2 ligand expression profile in EC cell lines, focusing the attention on the biological role of PD-L2 and its prognostic impact in human type II EC biopsies. Using in silico analysis of TCGA data, we performed a molecular profiling in a cohort of 506 patients, both types I and II, and PD-1 ligands expression was also analyzed in different primary human EC cell lines. Moreover, PD-L2 staining was evaluated in a cohort of human type II EC samples and correlated with the overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), and additional clinicopathological data. From the in silico analysis, PD-L2 was more expressed than PD-L1 in EC cell lines. PD-L2 was found highly expressed in 64.44% of tumor specimens, predominantly in the serous subtype, in both stromal and epithelial components, while in peritumoral and normal tissues it was predominantly moderate or low. In vitro, we investigated the cell autonomous role of PD-L2 in controlling cell survival, migration, and chemoresistance
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