21,496 research outputs found

    Angular momentum transport and element mixing in the stellar interior I. Application to the rotating Sun

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    The purpose of this work was to obtain diffusion coefficient for the magnetic angular momentum transport and material transport in a rotating solar model. We assumed that the transport of both angular momentum and chemical elements caused by magnetic fields could be treated as a diffusion process. The diffusion coefficient depends on the stellar radius, angular velocity, and the configuration of magnetic fields. By using of this coefficient, it is found that our model becomes more consistent with the helioseismic results of total angular momentum, angular momentum density, and the rotation rate in a radiative region than the one without magnetic fields. Not only can the magnetic fields redistribute angular momentum efficiently, but they can also strengthen the coupling between the radiative and convective zones. As a result, the sharp gradient of the rotation rate is reduced at the bottom of the convective zone. The thickness of the layer of sharp radial change in the rotation rate is about 0.036 R⊙R_{\odot} in our model. Furthermore, the difference of the sound-speed square between the seismic Sun and the model is improved by mixing the material that is associated with angular momentum transport.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Solar Models with Revised Abundances and Opacities

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    Using reconstructed opacities, we construct solar models with low heavy-element abundance. Rotational mixing and enhanced diffusion of helium and heavy elements are used to reconcile the recently observed abundances with helioseismology. The sound speed and density of models where the relative and absolute diffusion coefficients for helium and heavy elements have been increased agree with seismically inferred values at better than the 0.005 and 0.02 fractional level respectively. However, the surface helium abundance of the enhanced diffusion model is too low. The low helium problem in the enhanced diffusion model can be solved to a great extent by rotational mixing. The surface helium and the convection zone depth of rotating model M04R3, which has a surface Z of 0.0154, agree with the seismic results at the levels of 1 σ\sigma and 3 σ\sigma respectively. M04R3 is almost as good as the standard model M98. Some discrepancies between the models constructed in accord with the new element abundances and seismic constraints can be solved individually, but it seems difficult to resolve them as a whole scenario.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    The interferon-stimulated gene IFITM3 restricts West Nile virus infection and pathogenesis

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    The interferon-induced transmembrane protein (IFITM) family of proteins inhibit infection of several different enveloped viruses in cell culture by virtue of their ability to restrict entry and fusion from late endosomes. As few studies have evaluated the importance of Ifitm3 in vivo in restricting viral pathogenesis, we investigated its significance as an antiviral gene against West Nile virus (WNV), an encephalitic flavivirus, in cells and mice. Ifitm3(−/−) mice were more vulnerable to lethal WNV infection, and this was associated with greater virus accumulation in peripheral organs and central nervous system tissues. As no difference in viral burden in the brain or spinal cord was observed after direct intracranial inoculation, Ifitm3 likely functions as an antiviral protein in nonneuronal cells. Consistent with this, Ifitm3(−/−) fibroblasts but not dendritic cells resulted in higher yields of WNV in multistep growth analyses. Moreover, transcomplementation experiments showed that Ifitm3 inhibited WNV infection independently of Ifitm1, Ifitm2, Ifitm5, and Ifitm6. Beyond a direct effect on viral infection in cells, analysis of the immune response in WNV-infected Ifitm3(−/−) mice showed decreases in the total number of B cells, CD4(+) T cells, and antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells. Finally, bone marrow chimera experiments demonstrated that Ifitm3 functioned in both radioresistant and radiosensitive cells, as higher levels of WNV were observed in the brain only when Ifitm3 was absent from both compartments. Our analyses suggest that Ifitm3 restricts WNV pathogenesis likely through multiple mechanisms, including the direct control of infection in subsets of cells. IMPORTANCE As part of the mammalian host response to viral infections, hundreds of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) are induced. The inhibitory activity of individual ISGs varies depending on the specific cell type and viral pathogen. Among ISGs, the genes encoding interferon-induced transmembrane protein (IFITM) have been reported to inhibit multiple families of viruses in cell culture. However, few reports have evaluated the impact of IFITM genes on viral pathogenesis in vivo. In this study, we characterized the antiviral activity of Ifitm3 against West Nile virus (WNV), an encephalitic flavivirus, using mice with a targeted gene deletion of Ifitm3. Based on extensive virological and immunological analyses, we determined that Ifitm3 protects mice from WNV-induced mortality by restricting virus accumulation in peripheral organs and, subsequently, in central nervous system tissues. Our data suggest that Ifitm3 restricts WNV pathogenesis by multiple mechanisms and functions in part by controlling infection in different cell types

    CP Asymmetry in Charged Higgs Decays in MSSM

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    We discuss and compare the charge-parity (CP) asymmetry in the charged Higgs boson decays H -> \bar{u}_i d_j for the second and third generation quarks in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. As part of the analysis, we derive some general analytical formulas for the imaginary parts of two-point and three-point scalar one-loop integrals and use them for calculating vectorial and tensorial type integrals needed for the problem under consideration. We find that, even though each decay mode has a potential to yield a CP asymmetry larger than 10%, further analysis based on the number of required charged Higgs events at colliders favors the \bar{t}b, \bar{c}b, and \bar{c}s channels, whose asymmetry could reach 10-15% in certain parts of the parameter space.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Discussion about charged Higgs observability added, typos corrected, accepted for publication in PR

    Where there’s ‘willingness’ there’s a way: barriers and facilitators to maternal, newborn and child health data sharing by the private health sector in Uttar Pradesh, India

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    In India and Uttar Pradesh (UP), the private health sector plays an important role in health care services, including institutional deliveries, but there is limited information on the availability of maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) data that private facilities maintain and share with the public health information system. Sharing data could help the public sector plan their resources more efficiently. Aim of the study: To explore current practices of MNCH data availability and sharing/reporting by private health facilities and the barriers and facilitators to data sharing

    Partition Function Expansion on Region-Graphs and Message-Passing Equations

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    Disordered and frustrated graphical systems are ubiquitous in physics, biology, and information science. For models on complete graphs or random graphs, deep understanding has been achieved through the mean-field replica and cavity methods. But finite-dimensional `real' systems persist to be very challenging because of the abundance of short loops and strong local correlations. A statistical mechanics theory is constructed in this paper for finite-dimensional models based on the mathematical framework of partition function expansion and the concept of region-graphs. Rigorous expressions for the free energy and grand free energy are derived. Message-passing equations on the region-graph, such as belief-propagation and survey-propagation, are also derived rigorously.Comment: 10 pages including two figures. New theoretical and numerical results added. Will be published by JSTAT as a lette

    Memristive operation mode of a site-controlled quantum dot floating gate transistor

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the European Union (FPVII (2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No. 318287 Landauer) as well as the state of Bavaria.We have realized a floating gate transistor based on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with site-controlled InAs quantum dots. By short-circuiting the source contact with the lateral gates and performing closed voltage sweep cycles, we observe a memristive operation mode with pinched hysteresis loops and two clearly distinguishable conductive states. The conductance depends on the quantum dot charge which can be altered in a controllable manner by the voltage value and time interval spent in the charging region. The quantum dot memristor has the potential to realize artificial synapses in a state-of-the-art opto-electronic semiconductor platform by charge localization and Coulomb coupling.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Cosmological Evolution of Interacting Dark Energy Models with Mass Varying Neutrinos

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    In this paper we consider the cosmological implications of dark energy models with a coupled system of a dynamical scalar field (the quintessence) and the neutrinos. By detailed numerical calculations we study the various possibilities on the evolution and the fates of the universe in this class of models. Our results show that due to the interaction with quintessence, neutrinos could be dominant over the quintessence in the future universe, however would eventually decay away.Comment: One typographical error corrected, references updated and presentation improve

    Excitonic ferromagnetism in the hexaborides

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    A ferromagnet with a small spontaneous moment but with a high Curie temperature can be obtained by doping an excitonic insulator made from a spin triplet exciton condensate. Such a condensate can occur in a semimetal with a small overlap or a semiconductor with a small bandgap. We propose that it is responsible for the unexpected ferromagnetism in the doped hexaboride material Ca_{1-x}La_xB_6.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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