6 research outputs found

    Primjena visoko-temperaturnog i visoko-tlačnog reaktora (drugi dio)

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    A prototype of a high-temperature and high-pressure reactor generating on oxygen-hydrogen flame used for gravity separation of multiple mineral components is already in its fourth year of development. This equipment, appliyed in a high temperature range, will be able to treat the waste of some industrial technologies, which are of multiple component nature. [Metalurgija 41 (2002) 3, 139 - 142]. The results of the project received by the february of 2003 are listed in this article.Već se dvije godine razvija prototip visokotempe-raturnog i visokotlačnog reaktora koji koristi plamen kisika i vodika, a primjenjuje se za gravitacijsku separaciju višekomponentnih mineralnih smjesa. Ova oprema, primjenjena u opsegu visokih temperature, omogućit će obradu višekomponentnih otpada nekih industrijskih tehnologija, koje su višestruko složene prirode. [Metalurgija 41 (2002) 3, 139 - 142]. U članku se daju rezultati istraživanja do veljače 2003)

    Korištenje ravnih solarnih kolektora u izgrađenim urbanim područjima

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    Active solar systems with flat liquid collectors for heating-up hot service water (HSW) or supplementary heating in the transitional period were in our country so far utilised especially in the extent of family houses’ built-up areas or recreational facilities. This did not provide sufficient space for the construction of larger devices, which could in more important measure contribute to more favourable structure of energetical resources having the share in the production of heat for the population.Aktivni solarni elementi s ravnim tekućinskim kolektorima za zagrijavanje vode za potrebe kućanstava ili za dodatno zagrijavanje stambenog prostora tijekom prijelaznog perioda, u našoj su se zemlji naročito koristili u dijelu područja izgrađenom za obiteljske kuće ili za rekreacione centre. To nije osiguravalo dovoljno prostora za izgradnju većih uređaja koji bi u nekoj značajnijoj mjeri doprinijeli povoljnijoj strukturi energetskih izvora koji imaju udjela u proizvodnji energije za potrebe pučanstva

    On the matrix-effect in the excitation of the atomic emission spectra of magnesites

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    Expression of peptidergic and nitrergic structures in dorsal root ganglia of the rabbit

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    In this study we have demonstrated the presence of neuropeptide substance P (SP)and nonpeptide neurotransmiter NO (nitric oxide) in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of rabbits. NADPH-diaphorase histochemical staining was used for detection of NO and an immunohistochemical method for detection of substance P. A number of DRG cells were stained by SP- and NADPH-d reactions. The presence of SP and NADPH-diaphorase positive cells varied depending upon the spinal level of the DRG. Positively stained neurons were only small and intermediate in size. Cells of large diameter profiles showed no staining. Substance P immunoreactive cells were of brown and dark brown colour, the intensity of NADPH-d staining varied from light to very dark blue. In some DRG cells, there was very significant neuronal co-localization of immunoreactivity for SP and reactivity for NADPH-d. In summary, DRG cells appear to express diaphorase and substance P activity, and some of them show the presence of both neurotransmitters. Recent studies on the participation of NO in the regulation of SP release in the spinal cord suggest, that also in the DRG neurons there may be a close interaction between NO and SP

    Nitric oxide and its derivatives in the cancer battlefield

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