8 research outputs found

    25 a帽os de creaci贸n del registro espa帽ol de enfermedad de Gaucher. Definiendo el perfil del paciente con enfermedad de gaucher Tipo 1 (EG1) en el siglo 21

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    Poster [PC-344] Introducci贸n: La enfermedad de Gaucher(EG), la mas frecuente entre las de deposito lisosomal (EDL), tiene distribuci贸n pan茅tnica y una incidencia en poblaci贸n no Jud铆a Ashkenazi de 1/70-140 mil habitantes. La deficiencia de la enzima lisosomal beta-glucosidasa 谩cida secundaria a variantes en el gen GBA de herencia autos贸mica recesiva da lugar a un cuadro cl铆nico variable. Aparece a cualquier edad con s铆ntomas que incluyen anemia, trombocitopenia, dolores y lesiones vasculares 贸seas, esplenomegalia, retraso en el crecimiento y astenia persistente, con importantes comorbilidades. Fue la primera EDL en disponer de terapia enzim谩tica sustitutiva y terapia de reducci贸n de sustrato. En 1993 se crea el Registro Espa帽ol de Enfermedad de Gaucher (REsEG), en el seno de la Fundaci贸n Espa帽ola para el Estudio y Terap茅utica de la EG (FEETEG), con el objetivo de brindar soporte a todos los implicados en el manejo de pacientes con EG y unificar experiencia a nivel nacional. Este trabajo presenta un resumen de las caracter铆sticas al diagnostico de los pacientes adultos con EG1 y las modificaciones producidas en las dos 煤ltimas d茅cadas y los retos actuales. Material y M茅todos: Se analizaron los pacientes con EG1 incluidos en el REsEG =18 a帽os edad al diagn贸stico, se detallan los datos demogr谩ficos, gen茅ticos, cl铆nicos (hematol贸gicos, viscerales, 贸seos, neurol贸gicos), 铆ndices de gravedad, biomarcadores, distribuidos en 2 grupos: A. diagnostico antes de 2005 y B pacientes diagnosticados con posterioridad. Resultados: Hasta Marzo 2018, un total de 240 adultos con EG1 han sido incluidos en el REsEG. (A: 184, B: 56; Edad media al diagnostico A: 39, 5 (18-87); B: 40, 1 (18-63) a帽os, relaci贸n hombres/mujeres 50, 4%/49, 6%). Los s铆ntomas que motivaron la consulta diagn贸stica fueron: esplenomegalia 37, 83%, Trombocitopenia 41, 82%, hepatomegalia 8, 72%, dolor 贸seo: 16, 89%, fracturas patol贸gica 3 casos, di谩tesis hemorr谩gica (equimosis, epistaxis): 12, 16%, sangrado periparto: 3 casos, estudio familiar: 9, 45%, estudio familiar por Parkinson precoz 3 casos, otros motivos de derivaci贸n fueron GMSI, hiperferritinemia. Genotipo: N370S/N370S: 17, 1%, N370S/L444P: 30.3%, N370S/L444P+otra alteraci贸n: 1, 3%, N370S/otras: 37, 26%, otras variantes: 14, 04%. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de los principales hallazgos al diagn贸stico bas谩ndonos en si los pacientes se diagnosticaron antes o a partir del a帽o 2005 evidenciando un perfil menos agresivo de los pacientes con menor incidencia de trombocitopenia severa, anemia, menor hepatomegalia y una clara reducci贸n en la sintomatolog铆a 贸sea pasando de un 71% de incidencia de dolor 贸seo a solo un 51% (p=0, 15), sin embargo la astenia, esplenomegalia y la trombocitopenia (plaquetas <140.000/mL) siguen siendo los s铆ntomas m谩s presentes (p=0, 452). Durante este tiempo se han registrado 7 casos de E Parkinson, 2 pacientes con mutaciones de novo, 21 neoplasias y otros hallazgos interesantes que se expondr谩n en caso de aceptaci贸n. Conclusiones: El perfil de los EG1 ha cambiado y los hemat贸logos implicados en su diagn贸stico de forma mayoritaria debemos estar preparados para ello; este trabajo busca una re-edici贸n del perfil del paciente con EG1 en el siglo 21 basados en la experiencia acumulada de 25 a帽os

    Skeletal aspects of Gaucher disease: a review

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    Response of Gaucher bone disease to enzyme replacement therapy

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    In Gaucher disease, enzyme replacement therapy usually reduces liver and spleen volumes and improves haematological abnormalities within 1 year. In contrast, skeletal manifestations of Gaucher disease are thought to respond more slowly. For example, decreased bone marrow glycolipid infiltration and increased bone mineral density have been reported to take up to 3-4 years of treatment. In this report, we present recent studies using T1- and T2-weighted MRI and quantitative chemical shift imaging that demonstrate decreases in abnormal glucocerebroside infiltration and increases in normal fat content of bone marrow within the first year of treatment. There was no obvious relationship between age, gender, splenectomy status or genotype and the response of bone marrow to therapy. Although the dose of enzyme replacement therapy may be related to bone marrow response, no significant relationship was demonstrated in this report. Long-term enzyme replacement therapy induces continued degradation of Gaucher cell deposits, reconversion of fat marrow and increased bone mineral density. This treatment is also associated with improved or non-progressive bone symptoms and functional status in most adult patients, and it prevents the new occurrence of bone pain and bone crisis in nearly all patients. The development of more sensitive, quantitative imaging methods will help to evaluate disease severity better and to assess the response to therap

    Muscle-tendon weakness contributes to chronic fatigue syndrome in Gaucher's disease

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    Background: Chronic fatigue (CFg) is a prevalent symptom in Gaucher disease (GD) at diagnosis (79%) and remains in a quarter of patients after years of therapy. Bone abnormalities are present in over 70% and peripheral neuropathy in about 11% of the patients, which contributes to the disabling and debilitating complications. Our hypothesis is that other factors such as muscle-tendinous weakness could have influence in the development of CFg. Methods: We have evaluated the fiber structure and elasticity of muscle-tendinous unit by strain-elastography (S-ELA) and analyzed their influence in the CFg. S-ELA study was performed in Achilles tendon in 25 type 1 and two type 3 GD patients, all of them with fatigue and were on enzymatic replacement therapy for mean 13 years; simultaneously, bone marrow burden by MRI and calcaneus ultrasound densitometry were evaluated. Blood cell counts, plasma biomarkers, GBA1 genotyping, and SF36 quality of life scale (QoL) were also performed. Statistical analysis: descriptive and comparative test. Results: All patients showed a normal Achilles tendinous structure. Abnormal stiff grade 2-3 was found in 17/27 (62.9%); in 11/27 (40.7%) of patients, the alteration was bilateral. There were no correlations between the S-ELA results to other variables; nevertheless, a significant correlation between the degree of tendon hardness and the low score on the QoL scales (p = 0.0035) was found. The S-ELA is a sensitive painless, fast, and low cost method to detect muscle-tendinous subclinical dysfunction that could contribute to CFg in GD. The identification of subclinical tendon alteration would be a sign of alarm, focused on the risk of development of bone complications. Conclusion: Intratendinous alteration in strain-elastography is an independent variable in GD patients with persistent fatigue