103 research outputs found

    Unravelling a hotchpotch

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    Hoverflies of the subfamily Microdontinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) have a reputation for causing confusion. Their diversity in shape and size is astonishing: from large, furry-haired species and convincing wasp-mimics to tiny, unsightly creatures, easily mistaken for something uninteresting. The larvae resemble slugs so much that biologists have described them as molluscs on several occasions. Worldwide, hundreds of species of Microdontinae have been described, but so far there has been no comprehensive attempt to unravel this hotchpotch of names. This thesis examines the phylogenetic relationships of Microdontinae, based on morphological and molecular characters, in order to construct a new classification of the subfamily. A total number of 51 (sub)genera (11 new) are recognized, in which 472 valid species (49 new) are classified, resulting in many new combinations. The newly proposed classification facilitates species level taxonomy. In addition, it should provide a framework for further research on biogeography, (cryptic) speciation and evolution of host specialization. This thesis takes a first shot at some of these subjects by exploring the taxonomy of Neotropical Microdontinae that mimic stingless bees, reviewing and evaluating the associations of these flies with ants, and speculating on their historical biogeography.LEI Universiteit LeidenEvolutiebiologi

    First record of the genus Milesia (Dip.: Syrphidae: Eristalinae) from Iran

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    با نمونه‌برداری از منطقه جنگلی حسین‌آباد استان قزوین، نمونه‌ای از جنس Milesia Latreille جمع‌آوری و با نام علمی Milesia semiluctifera (Villers, 1789) تشخیص داده شد. این اولین گزارش از جنس و گونه مذکور از ایران می‌باشد

    Aanzet tot een codering van de Nederlandse aquatische macrofauna

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    Dit rapport is een verslag van het tot stand komen van een database met naamlijst en codering van Nederlandse aquatische organismen. De codering richt zich op de zoete en brakke (semi-)aquatische macrofauna. Ten behoeve van deze categorie van organismen zijn activiteiten beschreven die leiden tot de inhoudelijke invulling van de beoogde database. De naamlijst omvat zowel taxonomische namen als namen van macrofauna zoals die in de praktijk gebruikt worden door waterbeherende instanties. De lijst is, uitgezonderd een aantal taxonomische groepen, gecontroleerd door specialisten. Tevens bevat het rapport een verklaring van werkbladen en velden van de database

    Het belang van wilde bestuivers voor de landbouw en oorzaken voor hun achteruitgang

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    Wilde bestuivers zoals bijen en zweefvliegen leveren een belangrijke bijdrage aan de productie van insect-bestoven landbouwgewassen. Wat de bijdrage van wilde bestuivers is ten opzichte van de diensten geleverd door de honingbij is momenteel onbekend in Nederland. De huidige studie had tot doel meer inzicht te krijgen in (1) welke wilde bestuivers tot soorten behoren die voor de - Nederlandse - landbouw relevant kunnen worden geacht, (2) wat bekend is van hun populatieontwikkelingen en wat waarschijnlijk belangrijke factoren zijn die hun achteruitgang kunnen verklaren en (3) indien de achteruitgang van voedselplanten een belangrijke factor zou zijn bij de achteruitgang van wilde bestuivers, welke (natuur)beheermaatregelen dan eventueel denkbaar zijn om de beschikbaarheid van voedselplanten te bevorderen

    Verkenning herstel kleinschalige lijnvormige infrastructuur Heuvelland

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    Kalkgraslanden en hellingbossen zijn voorbeelden van soortenrijke natuur in het Limburgse Heuvelland. In het kader van OBN is een verkennend overzicht van natuurwaarden van lijnvormige elementen gemaakt, met een visie op mogelijk herstel van natuur in bermen, heggen en houtwallen. Deze inventarisatie is tot stand gekomen dankzij de inzet van: RAVON, Vlinderstichting, Stichting Anemoon, Floron, Zoogdierenvereniging VZZ, EIS Nederland, en Alterr

    Anchored enrichment dataset for true flies (order Diptera) reveals insights into the phylogeny of flower flies (family Syrphidae)

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    Background: Anchored hybrid enrichment is a form of next-generation sequencing that uses oligonucleotide probes to target conserved regions of the genome flanked by less conserved regions in order to acquire data useful for phylogenetic inference from a broad range of taxa. Once a probe kit is developed, anchored hybrid enrichment is superior to traditional PCR-based Sanger sequencing in terms of both the amount of genomic data that can be recovered and effective cost. Due to their incredibly diverse nature, importance as pollinators, and historical instability with regard to subfamilial and tribal classification, Syrphidae (flower flies or hoverflies) are an ideal candidate for anchored hybrid enrichment-based phylogenetics, especially since recent molecular phylogenies of the syrphids using only a few markers have resulted in highly unresolved topologies. Over 6200 syrphids are currently known and uncovering their phylogeny will help us to understand how these species have diversified, providing insight into an array of ecological processes, from the development of adult mimicry, the origin of adult migration, to pollination patterns and the evolution of larval resource utilization. Results: We present the first use of anchored hybrid enrichment in insect phylogenetics on a dataset containing 30 flower fly species from across all four subfamilies and 11 tribes out of 15. To produce a phylogenetic hypothesis, 559 loci were sampled to produce a final dataset containing 217,702 sites. We recovered a well resolved topology with bootstrap support values that were almost universally >95 %. The subfamily Eristalinae is recovered as paraphyletic, with the strongest support for this hypothesis to date. The ant predators in the Microdontinae are sister to all other syrphids. Syrphinae and Pipizinae are monophyletic and sister to each other. Larval predation on soft-bodied hemipterans evolved only once in this family. Conclusions: Anchored hybrid enrichment was successful in producing a robustly supported phylogenetic hypothesis for the syrphids. Subfamilial reconstruction is concordant with recent phylogenetic hypotheses, but with much higher support values. With the newly designed probe kit this analysis could be rapidly expanded with further sampling, opening the door to more comprehensive analyses targeting problem areas in syrphid phylogenetics and ecology.Peer reviewe

    Anchored enrichment dataset for true flies (order Diptera) reveals insights into the phylogeny of flower flies (family Syrphidae)

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    Background: Anchored hybrid enrichment is a form of next-generation sequencing that uses oligonucleotide probes to target conserved regions of the genome flanked by less conserved regions in order to acquire data useful for phylogenetic inference from a broad range of taxa. Once a probe kit is developed, anchored hybrid enrichment is superior to traditional PCR-based Sanger sequencing in terms of both the amount of genomic data that can be recovered and effective cost. Due to their incredibly diverse nature, importance as pollinators, and historical instability with regard to subfamilial and tribal classification, Syrphidae (flower flies or hoverflies) are an ideal candidate for anchored hybrid enrichment-based phylogenetics, especially since recent molecular phylogenies of the syrphids using only a few markers have resulted in highly unresolved topologies. Over 6200 syrphids are currently known and uncovering their phylogeny will help us to understand how these species have diversified, providing insight into an array of ecological processes, from the development of adult mimicry, the origin of adult migration, to pollination patterns and the evolution of larval resource utilization. Results: We present the first use of anchored hybrid enrichment in insect phylogenetics on a dataset containing 30 flower fly species from across all four subfamilies and 11 tribes out of 15. To produce a phylogenetic hypothesis, 559 loci were sampled to produce a final dataset containing 217,702 sites. We recovered a well resolved topology with bootstrap support values that were almost universally >95 %. The subfamily Eristalinae is recovered as paraphyletic, with the strongest support for this hypothesis to date. The ant predators in the Microdontinae are sister to all other syrphids. Syrphinae and Pipizinae are monophyletic and sister to each other. Larval predation on soft-bodied hemipterans evolved only once in this family. Conclusions: Anchored hybrid enrichment was successful in producing a robustly supported phylogenetic hypothesis for the syrphids. Subfamilial reconstruction is concordant with recent phylogenetic hypotheses, but with much higher support values. With the newly designed probe kit this analysis could be rapidly expanded with further sampling, opening the door to more comprehensive analyses targeting problem areas in syrphid phylogenetics and ecology.Peer reviewe

    Een bij-zonder kleurrijk landschap in Land van Wijk en Wouden : handreiking voor inrichting en beheer

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    Het programma Groene Cirkels (van Heineken) heeft het initiatief genomen tot het realiseren van een duurzaam bijenlandschap in het land van Wijk en Wouden. Deze handreiking wil een impuls geven aan het realiseren daarvan. In Nederland hebben we zo’n 350 verschillende wilde bestuivende insectensoorten. Door variatie in onder andere bloemvormen en kelkdiepte en bloeiseizoen zijn er gespecialiseerde insecten nodig, aangepast op bloeivorm en het bloeiseizoen. Ook moet bestuiving plaats kunnen vinden onder verschillende omstandigheden: bij goed en slecht weer, in vroege en late voorjaren. Nu eens doet de ene soort het goed, dan is er weer een andere die het meeste werk verzet. Diversiteit aan bijen, hommels en zweefvliegen geeft zekerheid voor bestuiving door de jaren heen
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