3,825 research outputs found

    Very Large Telescope Observations of the peculiar globular cluster NGC6712. Discovery of a UV, H-alpha excess star in the core

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    We present results from multi-band observations in the central region of the cluster NGC6712 with the ESO-Very Large Telescope. Using high resolution images we have identified three UV-excess stars. In particular two of them are within the cluster core, a few arcsec apart: the first object is star "S" which previous studies identified as the best candidate to the optical counterpart to the luminous X-ray source detected in this cluster. The other UV object shows clearcut H-alpha emission and, for this reason, is an additional promising interacting binary candidate (a quiescent LMXB or a CV). The presence of two unrelated interacting binary systems a few arcsec apart in the core of this low-density cluster is somewhat surprising and supports the hypothesis that the (internal) dynamical history of the cluster and/or the (external) interaction with the Galaxy might play a fundamental role in the formation of these peculiar objects.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. ApJL in pres

    Late movement of basin-edge lobate scarps on Mercury

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    Basin-edge lobate scarps are a sub-type of tectonic shortening structure on the surface of Mercury that have formed at the edge of volcanic units that fill or partly fill impact basins. We have performed a global survey of these features and find that they are widespread in basins across the planet. We obtained model ages from crater size–frequency distribution analysis for a subset of our surveyed basins, for both the smooth plains infill and for the last resolvable tectonic activity on the associated basin-edge scarps. Our results indicate that some of these lobate scarps were still accumulating strain in the late Mansurian (approximately 1 Ga). From a photogeological assessment, we find that the orientations of these basin-edge lobate scarps are similar to those reported for the global population of lobate scarps in earlier studies, appearing to align ∼north–south at low latitudes and ∼east–west at higher latitudes. However, reassessing these landforms’ orientation with artificially illuminated topographic data does not allow us to rule out the effect of illumination bias. We propose that these landforms, the result of crustal shortening in response to global contraction, formed along the interface between the basin floor and the smooth plains unit, which acted as a mechanical discontinuity along which shortening strains were concentrated

    Romanesque and territory. The construction materials of Sardinian medieval churches: new approaches to the valorization, conservation and restoration

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    This paper is intended to illustrate a multidisciplinary research project devoted to the study of the constructive materials of the Romanesque churches in Sardinia during the “Giudicati” period (11th -13th centuries). The project focuses on the relationship between a selection of monuments and their territory, both from a historical-architectural perspective and from a more modern perspective addressing future restoration works. The methodologies of the traditional art-historical research (study of bibliographic, epigraphic and archival sources, formal reading of artifacts) are flanked by new technologies: digital surveys executed with a 3D laser-scanner, analyses of the materials (stones, mortars, bricks) with different instrumental methods: X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for chemical composition, X-ray diffractometer (XRD) to determine the alteration phases (e.g., soluble salts), optical microscopy and electronic (SEM) to study textures, mineral assemblages and microstructures, termogravimetric/differential scanning, calorimetric analysis (TG/DTA) for the composition of the binder mortars. This multidisciplinary approach allows the achieving of important results in an archaeometric context: 1) from a historical point of view, with the possible identification of ancient traffics, trade routes, sources of raw materials, construction phases, wall textures; 2) from a conservative point of view, by studying chemical and physical weathering processes of stone materials compatible for replacement in case of future restoration works. Sardinian Romanesque architectural heritage is particularly remarkable: about 200 churches of different types and sizes, with the almost exclusive use of cut stones. Bi- or poly-chromy, deriving from the use of different building materials, characterizes many of these monuments, becoming also a vehicle for political and cultural meanings. The paper will present some case studies aimed to illustrate the progress of the project and the results achieved

    Agro-forest management and soil degradation in Mediterranean environments. Towards a strategy for sustainable land use in vineyard and Olive Cropland

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    Landscape fragmentation typical of the Mediterranean region is the result of long-term settlement history and continuous socioeconomic interactions among countries. In complex agro-ecosystems of the Mediterranean basin, formulation of practical guidelines aimed at counteract soil and land degradation, water depletion, rural area depopulation, and the loss of agricultural knowledge is imperative. Based on a multidisciplinary, integrated approach, the present contribution discusses the role of traditional agricultural systems in ecosystem services provision, considering together economic sustainability and the medium-term ecological benefits. A permanent monitoring of rural areas specialized in traditional crop production such as olive and vine may support optimal selection of cultivars finely adapted to a warm climate. A competitive agricultural system may consider human well-being, social equity, and conservation of natural resources, to ensure a high level of services for current and future generations. Recovery and conservation of agricultural resources provide positive externalities and social benefits at both local and regional levels. Understanding the multiple use and functions of tree crop landscapes will contribute to improve food security, land quality, and the provision of related ecosystem services


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    The Burlina (BUR) is a local Italian cattle breed, its main feature is to be a small sized animal well adapted to live in difficult environment such as mountain areas. Nowadays only 350 cows are enrolled in the Italian Herd Book due to its substitution by more productive breeds. This study proposes a phenotypic and genetic characterization of the BUR breed in comparison with Holstein Friesian (HFR) and Brown Swiss (BSW). The comparison of productive traits showed lower production than HFR and BSW as well as longer productive life and more favourable reproductive traits in BUR animals. The genetic analyses, performed by microsatellites markers, showed the high level of heterozygosity and the genetic distinctiveness of BUR. These findings approve the feasibility of a conservation scheme and suggest the profitability of breeding BUR, especially in difficult environment where the low production can be compensated by longevity and the economic loss by the added value of its typical dairy production

    Cataclysmic Variables and a New Class of Faint UV Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397

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    We present evidence that the globular cluster NGC 6397 contains two distinct classes of centrally-concentrated UV-bright stars. Color-magnitude diagrams constructed from U, B, V, and I data obtained with the HST/WFPC2 reveal seven UV-bright stars fainter than the main-sequence turnoff, three of which had previously been identified as cataclysmic variables (CVs). Lightcurves of these stars show the characteristic ``flicker'' of CVs, as well as longer-term variability. A fourth star is identified as a CV candidate on the basis of its variability and UV excess. Three additional UV-bright stars show no photometric variability and have broad-band colors characteristic of B stars. These non-flickering UV stars are too faint to be extended horizontal branch stars. We suggest that they could be low-mass helium white dwarfs, formed when the evolution of a red giant is interrupted, due either to Roche-lobe overflow onto a binary companion, or to envelope ejection following a common-envelope phase in a tidal-capture binary. Alternatively, they could be very-low-mass core-He-burning stars. Both the CVs and the new class of faint UV stars are strongly concentrated toward the cluster center, to the extent that mass segregation from 2-body relaxation alone may be unable to explain their distribution.Comment: 11 pages plus 3 eps figures; LaTeX using aaspp4.sty; to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Variable stars in the open cluster NGC 6791 and its surrounding field

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    Aims: This work presents a high--precision variability survey in the field of the old, super metal-rich open cluster NGC 6791. Methods: The data sample consists of more than 75,000 high-precision CCD time series measurements in the V band obtained mainly at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, with additional data from S. Pedro Martir and Loiano observatories, over a time span of ten nights. The field covers an area of 42x28 arcmin^2. Results: We have discovered 260 new variables and re-determined periods and amplitudes of 70 known variable stars. By means of a photometric evaluation of the membership in NGC 6791, and a preliminary membership based on the proper motions, we give a full description of the variable content of the cluster and surrounding field in the range 16<V<23.5. Accurate periods can be given for the variables with P<4.0 d, while for ones with longer periods the limited time-baseline hampered precise determinations. We categorized the entire sample as follows: 6 pulsating, 3 irregular, 3 cataclysmic, 89 rotational variables and 61 eclipsing systems; moreover, we detected 168 candidate variables for which we cannot give a variability class since their periods are much longer than our time baseline. Conclusions: On the basis of photometric considerations, and of the positions of the stars with respect to the center of the cluster, we inferred that 11 new variable stars are likely members of the cluster, for 22 stars the membership is doubtful and 137 are likely non-members. We also detected an outburst of about 3 mag in the light curve of a very faint blue star belonging to the cluster and we suggest that this star could be a new U Gem (dwarf nova) cataclysmic variable.Comment: 24 pages, 19 Figures, A&A accepte

    Prediction of chemical composition and peroxide value in unground pet foods by near-infrared spectroscopy

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    The massive development of the pet food industry in recent years has lead to the formulation of hundreds of canine and feline complete extruded foods with the objective of meeting both the needs of the animals and numerous demands from pet owners. In the meantime, highly variable raw material compositions and the industry's new production techniques oblige manufacturers to monitor all phases of the extrusion process closely in order to ensure the targeted composition and quality of the products. This study aimed at evaluating the potential of infrared technology (visible and near-infrared spectrophotometer; 570-1842 nm) in predicting the chemical composition and peroxide value (PV) of unground commercial extruded dog foods. Six hundred and forty-nine commercial extruded dog foods were collected. For each product, an unground aliquot was analysed by infrared instrument while a second aliquot was sent to a laboratory for proximate analysis and PV quantification. The wide range of extruded dog food typologies included in the study was responsible for the wide variability observed within each nutritional trait, especially crude fibre and ash. The mean value of the 208 pet foods sampled for PV quantification was 17.49 mEq O2/kg fat (min 2.2 and max 94.10 mEq O2/kg fat). The coefficients of determination in cross-validation of NIRS prediction models were 0.77, 0.97, 0.83, 0.86, 0.78 and 0.94 for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) respectively. PV prediction was less precise, as demonstrated by the coefficient of determination in cross-validation (0.66). The results demonstrated the potential of NIRS in predicting chemical composition in unground samples, with lower accuracy for moisture and ash, while PV prediction models suggest use for screening purposes only