222 research outputs found

    Isotopic Form of M-Rings

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    The aim of this work is to generalize the notion of isofields by presenting the notion of Misorings. A method for constructing new M-isorings is presented. It is proved that an M-isoring for which its isounit is the fixed point of its identity function is an M-ring. Two methods for constructing new M-rings are presented

    Distal Fuzzy Dynamical Systems

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    In this paper the t-distal notion is extended for fuzzy dynamical systems on fuzzy metric spaces. A method for constructing fuzzy metric spaces is studied. The product of t-distal fuzzy dynamical systems is considered. It is proved that: a product of fuzzy dynamical systems is t- distal if and only if its components are t-distal. The persistence of the t-distal property up to a fuzzy factor map is proved

    Higher Dimensional Dust Cosmological Implications of a Decay Law for Λ\Lambda Term : Expressions for Some Observable Quantities

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    In this paper we have considered the multidimensional cosmological implications of a decay law for Λ\Lambda term that is proportional to βa¨a\beta \frac{\ddot {a}}{a}, where β\beta is a constant and aa is the scale factor of RW-space time. We discuss the cosmological consequences of a model for the vanishing pressure for the case k=0k=0. It has been observed that such models are compatible with the result of recent observations and cosmological term Λ\Lambda gradually reduces as the universe expands. In this model Λ\Lambda varies as the inverse square of time, which matches its natural units. The proper distance, the luminosity distance-redshift, the angular diameter distance-redshift, and look back time-redshift for the model are presented in the frame work of higher dimensional space time. The model of the Freese {\it et al.} ({\it Nucl. Phys. B} {\bf 287}, 797 (1987)) for n=2n=2 is retrieved for the particular choice of A0A_{0} and also Einstein-de Sitter model is obtained for A0=2/3A_{0} = {2/3}. This work has thus generalized to higher dimensions the well-know result in four dimensional space time. It is found that there may be significant difference in principle at least, from the analogous situation in four dimensional space time.Comment: 10 pages, no figure, to be appear in IJMP

    Proinflammatory cytokines and thrombomodulin in patients with peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer, infected with Helicobacter pylori

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    Backgrounds: Helicobacter pylori infect more than half of the global population. It is suggested to be related with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), and gastric cancer. Aims: The aim of this present study was to evaluate proinflammatory cytokines including interleukin 1, 6, 8, 10, and thrombomodulin in H. pylori-infected patients with PUD and gastric cancer. Patients: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Taleghani Hospital on 111 patients with H. pylori infection. Materials and Methods: Patients were divided into three groups of PUD, cancer, and control (normal on endoscopy), according to the results of endoscopy. The serum levels of interleukins 1, 6, 8, and 10 and thrombomodulin was determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. H. pylori infection was diagnosed by histological examination of the endoscopic biopsy. Results: One hundred eleven patients were included in the study; 30 as PUD group, 30 as gastric cancer group, and 51 as controls. There was no significant difference between the means of IL-1 and IL-10 levels among the three groups (P = 0.744 and 0.383, respectively). IL-6, IL-8, and thrombomodulin levels were found to be statically different among the three groups (P < 0.05). The level of IL-6, IL-8, and thrombomodulin in cancer group was significantly higher than PUD and control groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant association between H. pylori infection and serum IL-6, IL-8, and thrombomodulin but such relation is not present between H. pylori and IL-1 and IL-10. Immunity response (IL-6, IL-8 and thrombomodulin) is more severe in cancer patient than PUD

    Identification genetic characterization and population of Barbus brachycephalic caspius, Lucioperca lucioperca, Rutilus rutilus caspius, Rutilus frisii kutum and Salmo trutta caspius in southern part of the Caspian Sea by molecular method (Microsatellites) and formation DNA bank

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    In this study genetic characterization of Barbus brachycephalus caspius, Lucioperca lucioperca, Rutilus rutilus caspius, Rutilus frisi kutum and Salmo trutta caspius were examined by 611 samples from regions in East (Guilan province), Middle (Mazandaran province) and west (Golestan province) of southen part of the Caspian Sea. DNA was extracted from fin tissue by phenol -chlorophorm method and then PCR was performed using special primers. Statistical analysis of data was performed by Gene Alex, MEGA and Arlequin softwares. -Rutilus frisi kutum: The results showed that nine of ten primers were polymorphic loci. The mean of effective and observed alleles were 7.26±0.49 and 4.37±0.35 respectively. Also, the mean of expected and observed heterozygosity were 0.55±0.03 and 0.69±0.02 respectively Of the analysed loci, all of the samples (except Tajan and samples in LOC4 and Gilan samples in MFW2) possible tests were found to deviate significantly from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P<0.05). The genetic diversity was significantly different between samples of Golestan and Gilan, Golestan and sefidrood, Golestan and Tajan, Mazandaran and sefidrood and Gilan and Tajan (p<0.05). -Rutilus rutilus caspius: Sevan variable microsatellite loci were used to investigate genetic diversity and population structure of R. rutilus caspius. The mean of effective and observed alleles were 5.75±0.30 and 4.76±0.25 respectively. Also, the mean of expected and observed heterozygosity were 0.58±0.18 and 0.73±0.01 respectively. All of the samples (except golestan samples in LOC3) possible tests were found to deviate significantly from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P<0.05) Of the analysed loci, the genetic divergence was significantly different between samples of Golestan and Gilan, Gilan and Mazandaran and Gilan with Gorgan bay (p<0.05). -Salmo trutta caspius: Genetic characterization of S. trutta caspius was comparatively analyzed with mitochondrial DNA sequencing that 45 haplotypes was observed. The average of expected and observed heterozygosity were 0.61±0.35 and 0.33±0.12 respectively. The maximum of haplotype diversity (0.089±0.04) was in sardabrood river and the minimum was in Astara river (0.81±0.02). Also, the maximum of nucleotid diversity was 0.13±0.07 in Sardabrood and Chalos rivers and the minimum was 0.11±0.06 in Tonekabon river. In addition, the maximum and minimum of FST was 0.08 and 0.01 respectively. Of the analysed loci, the genetic divergence was significantly different between samples of Astara and Chalos, Astara and Tonekabon, Chalos and Karganrood and Tonekabon with Kaganrood (p<0.05). - Barbus brachycephalus caspius: The size of amplified fragment was 800 bp in all of the samples. There were 24 variable loci and 12 haplotype that the maximum of haplotype was in Gilan area (8 haplotype). The average of expected and observed heterozygosity were 0.003±0.35 and 0.42±0.12 respectively. The results showed that the haplotype diversity was significantly different between samples of Sefidrood whit other samples (p<0.05). In addition The maximum of nocleotid diversity was 0.005±0.003 in Sefidrood and minimum was 0.001± 0.001 in Tajan river. Of the analysed loci, the genetic divergence was significantly different between samples of Gilan and Tajan, Mazandaran and Sefidrood (p<0.05). -Lucioperca lucioperca: The genetic diversity of L. lucioperca was analyzed by using microsatellite markers. Seven primer sequences available for were tested to amplify microsatellite loci that all of loci were polymorphic. The mean of effective and observed alleles were 6.14±0.45 and 3.88±0.34 respectively. Also, the mean of expected and observed heterozygosity were 0.662±0.03 and 0.70±0.02 respectively. The most of samples in PflaL6, PflaL7and PflaL8 loci possible tests were found to deviate significantly from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P<0.05). The maximum of FST was 0.30 between Gilan and Mazandaran samples that there were minimum gene flow (8.18). The genetic divergence was significantly different between samples of Gilan and Mazandaran and Golestan whit mazandaran (p<0.05)

    Prevalence and risk factors for HBV and HCV in prisoners in Iran: a national bio-behavioural surveillance survey in 2015

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    Objectives: To provide more accurate estimates of the prevalence of Hepatitis B (HBV) and Hepatitis C (HCV) and their contributing factors among prisoners in Iran. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 6200 Iranian prisoners in 2015. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. HBV infection and HCV exposure status of the participants was determined by HBsAg and HCV antibodies blood tests using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Data were analysed in STATA-12. Result: Prevalence of HCV exposure was 9.48 (95 CI: 8.73�10.27), and prevalence of HBV was 2.48 (95 CI: 2.07�2.89) in the general prison population. In multivariate analysis, the most important risk factor for HBV was a history of drug use in lifetime (adjusted odds ratio, AOR: 1.8, 95 CI: 1.17�3.02). The main risk factors for HCV exposure were a history of drug use in lifetime (AOR: 4.08, CI: 2.56�6.27), age over 30 (AOR: 2.68, CI: 2.01�3.56), and having tattoos (AOR = 1.67, CI: 1.35�2.07). Conclusion: Although vaccination is used to control HBV among prisoners, prevalence of HCV exposure is alarming in the prison population of Iran, especially among people who inject drugs. Eliminating viral hepatitis in Iran by 2030 requires a national commitment and rapid measures for targeting this high-risk group. Given the increased efficiency of HCV treatment in recent years, prisons provide an opportunity to access patients for treatment. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Prevalence and risk factors for HBV and HCV in prisoners in Iran: a national bio-behavioural surveillance survey in 2015

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    Objectives: To provide more accurate estimates of the prevalence of Hepatitis B (HBV) and Hepatitis C (HCV) and their contributing factors among prisoners in Iran. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 6200 Iranian prisoners in 2015. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. HBV infection and HCV exposure status of the participants was determined by HBsAg and HCV antibodies blood tests using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Data were analysed in STATA-12. Result: Prevalence of HCV exposure was 9.48 (95 CI: 8.73�10.27), and prevalence of HBV was 2.48 (95 CI: 2.07�2.89) in the general prison population. In multivariate analysis, the most important risk factor for HBV was a history of drug use in lifetime (adjusted odds ratio, AOR: 1.8, 95 CI: 1.17�3.02). The main risk factors for HCV exposure were a history of drug use in lifetime (AOR: 4.08, CI: 2.56�6.27), age over 30 (AOR: 2.68, CI: 2.01�3.56), and having tattoos (AOR = 1.67, CI: 1.35�2.07). Conclusion: Although vaccination is used to control HBV among prisoners, prevalence of HCV exposure is alarming in the prison population of Iran, especially among people who inject drugs. Eliminating viral hepatitis in Iran by 2030 requires a national commitment and rapid measures for targeting this high-risk group. Given the increased efficiency of HCV treatment in recent years, prisons provide an opportunity to access patients for treatment. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Oscillatory surface rheotaxis of swimming E. coli bacteria

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    Bacterial contamination of biological conducts, catheters or water resources is a major threat to public health and can be amplified by the ability of bacteria to swim upstream. The mechanisms of this rheotaxis, the reorientation with respect to flow gradients, often in complex and confined environments, are still poorly understood. Here, we follow individual E. coli bacteria swimming at surfaces under shear flow with two complementary experimental assays, based on 3D Lagrangian tracking and fluorescent flagellar labelling and we develop a theoretical model for their rheotactic motion. Three transitions are identified with increasing shear rate: Above a first critical shear rate, bacteria shift to swimming upstream. After a second threshold, we report the discovery of an oscillatory rheotaxis. Beyond a third transition, we further observe coexistence of rheotaxis along the positive and negative vorticity directions. A full theoretical analysis explains these regimes and predicts the corresponding critical shear rates. The predicted transitions as well as the oscillation dynamics are in good agreement with experimental observations. Our results shed new light on bacterial transport and reveal new strategies for contamination prevention.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Biological control of bloom algae in the southern of Caspian Sea

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    In recent years the incidence of algal blooms caused by Nodularia to become one of the serious problems and is threated life of aquatic organisms in the southern Caspian Sea. Nodularia is a Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria group) and due to production of nodularin toxin is importance. In this study, the first, three species of Pseudomonas including aeruginosa, putida and fluorescens were isolated from Tajan river estuary and identified using biochemical tests and compared to standard species. The trend of Nodularia spumigena biomass (log 5) and pseudomonas species (log 7 and 8) were examined in 30 treatments for 10 days in aquarium scale. Parameters such as chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, phosphate and nitrate were tested at different time the same time. The results showed that the decline trend of nodularia in aeruginosa and mixed species treatments were better than other treatments and log 8 of bacterium was also more inhibitory effect than to log 7. Similar results were observed in double layer on agar medium and latter treatments had algaecide effect on nodularia. However, putida and fluorescens treatments had algaestatic properties. Concentration of chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and nitrate in all treatments, especially aeruginosa and mixed bacteria have been often decreased (p<0.05). Changes of latter factors in control treatment have been relatively consistent. Although the phosphate changes at different time of relative decline, but nevertheless significant differences were observed. The parameters examined in this study were in direct contact with the algae population and decrease or increase of these factors cause significant change in algae biomass. The conclusion showed that different strains of pseudomonas are able to reduce the population of algae N. spumigena in aquarium scale and the results observed in combination treatment were better than other treatments. The challenge examination of pseudomonas and nodularia in mesocosm scale, evaluation of bacterial metabolites, and also quality and quantity analysis of chemical and biological factors involved in the process is recommended and with achieve reasonable results can be made from this indicator bacteria during algal bloom in the larger ecosystem