20 research outputs found

    Risk of disease as a criterion of medical-environmental conditions of the quality of life

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    Evaluation of features forming a local variant of population health, depending on local conditions is one of the urgent tasks for the study of preventive measures to improve the level of health and quality of life in specific areas. The aim of the work was the formation of local type of population health and environmental health components of quality of life in the industrialized areas of the Irkutsk region with use of indicators of the risk of disease. To solve this purpose the data of the prevalence of certain diseases and all classes of primary uptake of children and teenagers in the industrial cities of Irkutsk region with high levels of air pollution was used. Changes in environmental load assessed by the dynamics of total emissions of harmful substances and by terms of air pollution. Prevalence of environmentally caused diseases of children and teenagers in the research area and the degree of intensity of medical and environmental situation of the different areas with the definition of the category of its distress was assessed in terms of the relative risks of morbidity diseases of individual classes and all classes in the dynamics of the data and five-year periods. The local type of health of the industrial city in terms of ecological-depended morbidity was ranked by the number of classes of diseases and they determine the category of tension health and environmental situation. The possible impact of air pollution on the health of the population was analyzed with the possible evolution of the state of nonspecific increased resistance of children and teenagersfrom exposure to pollutants and other environmental factors. The presented results of the evaluation of the dynamics of health and environmental situation in the industrialized cities of Irkutsk region suggest that the relative risks of morbidity allows to define a local version of population health and to assess the environmental health component of quality of life in industrialized areas

    Estimation of the Medico-Ecological Component of Life Quality at the Level of Risk of Morbidity with Mass Non-Infectious Diseases

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    For an objective assessment of the quality of life (QOL) in areas with different environmental pressures and the development of recommendations for improving medical care, population studies of children are used. The purpose of this study is to assess the risk of a general incidence of mass noncommunicable diseases (МND) of the child population of industrial cities with various environmental pressures as an indicator of QOL. To assess the anthropogenic load in industrial cities, atmospheric air pollution with harmful substances was analyzed. The assessment of the influence of local factors of cities was determined by relative and attributable risks of morbidity using synchronous annual and corresponding to the studied time interval values of background and estimated morbidity, and the influence of common background factors by the value of initial background morbidity at the beginning of the long-term observation period. To assess and rank changes in QOL in areas with different environmental loads, we used the results of the analysis of the long-term risk dynamics of the minority disease of children’s population with long-term exposure to a complex of general and local environmental factors of industrial cities of the Irkutsk region. To do this, we used the criteria developed by the authors for assessing the degree of tension of the medico-ecological situation and the strength of the impact of environmental factors on them by the relative risk levels of the minimum level and the corresponding QOL levels for the specified component.QOL in terms of the minimum number of children’s diseases in the period under review decreases as a whole due to the increasing influence of general background (regional) factors throughout the region, and in the studied cities in addition from the influence of local adverse factors, including anthropogenic pollution of atmospheric air.A significant decrease in the local anthropogenic load is accompanied by a decrease in the associated additional МND and the severity of the additional to the background decrease in QOL in the industrial cities of the region, especially in Angarsk

    Phosphorescent self-assembled PtII tetranuclear metallocycles

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    A series of rigid Pt(ii) diimine diacetylide complexes and their corresponding metallocyclic derivatives were synthesized through coordination-driven self-assembly. The photophysical properties of these complexes have been studied in detail, revealing exceptionally high RT phosphorescence quantum yields and lifetimes when the excited state becomes localized on the [small pi]-conjugated bridging-ligand following intramolecular charge-transfer sensitization

    Estimation of tungsten and ODS tungsten damages after dense plasma exposure in PF-12 and PF-1000

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    The paper presents experimental investigations of damages in pure tungsten and ODS (oxide dispersed strengthened) tungsten under dense plasma shots. The experiments were performed with plasma focus devices PF-12 and PF-1000 with a power flux density of 10⁶…10¹² W/cm² using deuterium. The surface morphology of the targets exposed to plasma streams is analyzed using electron and optical microscopy. Due to the plasma effect, different surface structures, such as wave-like structures, a melted layer, a mesh of microcracks, droplets, craters, crevices and holes appear. Both the original and irradiated samples were investigated by local X-ray spectroscopic analysis and by X-ray phase-shift analysis.Представлены результаты исследований повреждений в чистом вольфраме и вольфраме, легированном дисперсными, оксидами под воздействием плотной плазмы. Эксперименты были проведены на установках плазменный фокус ПФ-12 и ПФ-1000 в дейтериевой плазме с плотностью мощности 10⁶…10¹² W/cm². Морфология поверхностей мишеней, облученных плазменными потоками, была исследована с помощью сканирующего электронного микроскопа и оптического микроскопа. На поверхности материала были обнаружены различные дефекты, такие как расплавленный слой, волнообразные структуры, сеть микротрещин, брызги, кратеры, наплывы и поры. Оба материала до и после облучения также исследовались с помощью рентгеноспектрального и рентгеновского фазового анализов.Представлені результати досліджень пошкоджень у чистому вольфрамі та вольфрамі, легованому дисперсними, оксидами під впливом густої плазми. Експерименти були проведені на установках плазмовий фокус ПФ-12 та ПФ-1000 на дейтерієвій плазмі з густиною потужності 10⁶…10¹² W/cm². Морфологія поверхонь мішеней, опромінених плазмовими потоками, була досліджена за допомогою скануючого електронного мікроскопа та оптичного мікроскопа. На поверхні матеріалу були виявлені різні дефекти, такі як розплавлений шар, хвилеподібні структури, сітка мікротріщин, бризки, кратери, напливи і пори. Обидва матеріали до і після опромінення також досліджувалися за допомогою рентгеноспектрального й рентгенівського фазового аналізів

    The development of sol-gel derived TiO2 thin films and corresponding memristor architectures

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    We report the development of sol–gel derived TiO2 thin films with adjustable and defined properties suitable for memristive cell fabrication. Memristive cells were developed by the sol–gel deposition of titania onto SiO2/Ti/Pt engineered electrodes via spin coating, followed by diverse curing and annealing procedures. The influence of the processing conditions and the sol's chemical composition on the film properties, and therefore on the memristive response, was studied by micro-Raman and transmission spectroscopies, profilometry, ellipsometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and X-ray absorption and diffraction spectroscopies (XAS and XRD). A memristive response was acquired from a number of these cells, revealing a dependence of the electrical behavior on minor changes in the TiO2 structure, electroforming parameters, and architecture. Thus, these properties provide a handle for fine-tuning electrical performance

    Computing Lewisham College

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    Title from cover. Also available via the InternetAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:0570. 514355(137/2002) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo