82 research outputs found

    Two resistance inducers relevant in coffee plant protection show distinct metabolic adjustments.

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    A good strategy in plant protection is to take advantage of the plant immune system by eliciting the plant?s constitutive defenses. Based on this concept resistance inducers have been developed and are commercially available, such as Bion®. An alternative formulation Greenf orce CuCa was developed by UFLA partners in Brazil which showed promising results for the control of coffee rust ( Hemileia vastatrix ). We established as working hypothesis that resistance inducers impose etabolic adjustments at the cellular level, mainly on photosynthesis and its regulation

    Management of occult adrenocorticotropin-secreting bronchial carcinoids : limits of endocrine testing and imaging techniques

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    The differential diagnosis and the identification of the source of ACTH in occult ectopic Cushing's syndrome due to a bronchial carcinoid still represents a challenge for the endocrinologist. We report our experience in six patients with occult bronchial carcinoid in whom extensive hormonal, imaging, and scintigraphic evaluation was performed. All patients presented with hypercortisolism associated with high plasma ACTH values. The CRH test and high dose dexamethasone suppression test suggested an ectopic source of ACTH in three of six patients. During bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling, none of the patients showed a central to peripheral ACTH gradient. At the time of diagnosis, none of the patients had radiological evidence of the ectopic source of ACTH, whereas pentetreotide scintigraphy identified the lesion in two of four patients. Finally, a chest computed tomography scan revealed the presence of a bronchial lesion in all patients, and pentetreotide scintigraphy identified four of six lesions. In all patients a bronchial carcinoid was found and removed. In one patient with scintigraphic evidence of residual disease after two operations, radioguided surgery, using a hand-held \u3b3 probe after iv administration of radiolabeled pentetreotide, was performed; this allowed detection and removal of residual multiple mediastinal lymph node metastases. In conclusion, our data show that there is not a single endocrine test or imaging procedure accurate enough to diagnose and localize occult ectopic ACTH-secreting bronchial carcinoids. Radioguided surgery appears to be promising in the presence of multiple tumor foci and previous incomplete removal of the tumor

    Mecanismos de participação e atores sociais em hospitais: o caso do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição-RS

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    O artigo tem como objetivo compreender o surgimento de mecanismos de participação em organizações hospitalares. Mais especificamente, procura identificar o papel e o impacto destes nas relações entre os atores no interior do hospital e em seu envolvimento com essa organização. A estratégia metodológica utilizada foi a de estudo de caso. O campo empírico foi o Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, em Porto Alegre/RS. Através da pesquisa, pôde-se observar que os fóruns de participação existentes no hospital desempenham múltiplas funções, todas direcionadas para a inclusão dos usuários e trabalhadores de saúde na organização. Constituem-se como espaço para apresentação dos interesses, demandas e negociação de consensos. Abrem a agenda da Direção para temas relevantes para os atores participantes. Possibilitam tornar público o debate das questões polêmicas. Favorecem a construção de alianças entre os atores e a construção de apoio político para o enfrentamento de questões em disputa. Contribuem para a aprendizagem dos atores, a diminuição das assimetrias entre eles e a socialização das informações sobre o hospital. A existência de fóruns de participação contribuiu para alterar o envolvimento dos atores com o hospital e as relações entre eles. Pôde-se perceber que a criação de dispositivos de participação no hospital propiciou aos atores tradicionalmente excluídos e com menores recursos de poder, ou seja, usuários e trabalhadores de saúde, tanto maior envolvimento quanto relações mais horizontais com os demais atores. Ao mesmo tempo, diminuiu a intervenção dos médicos na organização com o fortalecimento da administração em aliança com esses outros atores.The paper aims at understanding the role of participatory mechanisms in hospital organizations. It is a case study, looking at the role and impact of these mechanisms in the Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, in Porto Alegre/RS. Participatory mechanisms were situated at different levels in hospital organization, and were all of them directed to increased participation of users and health workers. They are spaces where participants present their interests and demands and consensus is negotiated. There, themes of participants' interests could be included at the hospital agenda, whilst polemic issues were publicly discussed. These instances of debate favor alliances among different actors; they help building up political support for the hospital decisions the forums agreed with, contribute to the actors learning, facilitate the lessening of power asymmetries in the hospital's decision making process; finally, they help the diffusion of information about the hospital in society. Since their institution, there was an increase in users and health workers involvement with hospital matters, while the relationship among these actors was intensified. The participatory mechanisms motivated some degree of openness towards actors which were traditionally excluded from decision making processes in hospitals: users and health workers. At the same time, it diminished the power of medical professionals, favoring an alliance between hospital administration and those newcomer actors