400 research outputs found

    Tri-Rotor Propeller Design Concept, Optimization and Analysis of the Lift Efficiency During Hovering

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    This study introduces the simulation of a tri-rotor contra-rotating propeller for thrust force and hover lift efficiency during vertical take-off. Vertical take-off or landing is a method used by many aircraft and makes the vehicle more convenient and easier to use. The second rotor revolved in the opposite direction of the first and third rotors. The proposed multi-rotor system has NACA 0012 untwisted and symmetric airfoil and includes three rotors with two blades for each. The airflow analysis was optimized with computational fluid dynamics simulation by using different pitch combinations to achieve the highest hover lift efficiency with sufficient overall thrust value. The critical angle of attack for the chosen airfoil gave the boundary conditions for the pitch of rotors. The results showed us that the most efficient combinations for three rotors work better with an increase of pitch angle from top to bottom so that there is a difference of at least two degrees between propellers. Experiments with angles of attack within the boundary conditions showed that the blade combinations starting from three degrees and increasing values gave positive and adequate results in many cases. In addition, the results showed that a regular increase in the angle of attack does not relate to a regular increment in thrust force

    Basic Considerations and Conceptual Design of a VSTOL Vehicle for Urban Transportation

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    On-demand air transport is an air-taxi service concept that should ideally use small, autonomous, Vertical Short Takeoff and Landing (VSTOL), “green”, battery-powered electric aircraft (eVSTOL). In addition, these aircraft should be competitive with modern helicopters, which are exceptionally reliable machines capable of the same task. For certification and economic purposes, mobile tilting parts should be avoided. The concept introduced in this paper simplifies the aircraft and makes it economical to build, certify and maintain. Four contrarotating propellers with eight electric motors are installed. During cruise, only two of the eight rotors available are not feathered and active. In the first step, a commercial, certified, jet-fueled APU and an available back-up battery are used. A second solution uses a CNG APU and the same back-up battery. Finally, the third solution has a high-density dual battery that is currently not available. A conceptual design is shown in this paper

    Design Issues of Heavy Fuel APUs Derived from Automotive Turbochargers Part III: Combustor Design Improvement

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    Heavy fuel combustion problems with startup and operation may significantly reduce the microturbine efficiency in small APUs (Auxiliary Power Units). The use of commercial automotive-derived turbochargers solves the design problems of compressors and turbines but introduces large issues with combustors. The radial combustor proved to be the best design. Unfortunately, high-pressure injection is not practical for small units. For this reason, primary air and low-pressure fuel spray are heated and mixed. In any case, a high air swirl must achieve a satisfactory combustion efficiency. This swirl should be almost eliminated at the turbine intake. CFD analysis of the combustor design was, therefore, performed with several different geometries and design solutions. In the end, a large offset of the fresh pipe from the compressor proved to be the best solution for a high swirl in the combustion region. The combustion tends to eliminate the swirl, but an undesired tumble motion at the turbine intake takes place. To eliminate the tumble, two small fins were added to straighten the flow to the turbine

    Variation of Cross-Section Enhancement in Decay Spectra of CO under Resonant Raman Conditions

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    We have measured participator and spectator decay at several photon energies within the range of the lifetime-broadened first vibrational component of the C 1s→π* resonance in CO. From the branching ratios it is evident that the resonant enhancement is different for single-hole and two-hole–one-electron states: The maximum in the resonant intensity peaks at different photon energies. It now becomes necessary to calculate energy-dependent transition matrix elements within the lifetime-broadening range

    Atom-specific identification of adsorbed chiral molecules by photoemission

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    The study of chiral adsorbed molecules is important for an analysis of enantioselectivity in heterogeneous catalysis. Here we show that such molecules can be identified through circular dichroism in core-level photoemission arising from the chiral carbon atoms in stereoisomers of 2,3-butanediol molecules adsorbed on Si(100), using circularly polarized x rays. The asymmetry in the carbon 1s intensity excited by right and left circularly polarized light is readily observed, and changes sign with the helicity of the radiation or handedness of the enantiomers; it is absent in the achiral form of the molecule. This observation demonstrates the possibility of determining molecular chirality in the adsorbed phase

    Nonlinear dispersion in resonant Auger decay of H<sub>2</sub>O molecules

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    We have measured the resonant Auger decay spectrum of the water molecule at the oxygen K edge. Strong deviations from the expected linear dispersion of the participator lines (which correspond to single-hole valence states) are observed. In a simplified picture the effect can be attributed to the combined effect of the intermediate- and final-state potential curves

    Subnatural Linewidths in Core Level Excitation Spectra

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    We have measured a core excitation spectrum on the N2 1s→π* transition in which the experimental linewidth is limited by the instrumental resolution rather than by the lifetime of the core hole. The measurement is performed by recording the partial yield of resonant Auger electrons within a fixed kinetic energy window. The factors contributing to the line shape and the general applicability of the method are discussed

    Influence of multielectron excitations on the O 1s photoionization in CO<sub>2</sub>

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    High-resolution O 1s photoelectron spectra of the CO2 molecule have been measured in the region of the resonant features above the O K edge. The cross sections and asymmetry parameters were determined for the vibrational components of the O 1s photoelectron line. The vibrational fine structure is completely dominated by the antisymmetric stretching mode, which arises due to vibronic coupling. The O 1s line is accompanied by a rich satellite structure. Auger electron spectra have been measured at the energies of the continuum resonances and used as an indirect probe for multielectron excitations. The shoulder on the low-energy side of the 4σu shape resonance is due to double excitations that decay via spectator processes

    Detailed analysis of shake structures in the KLL Auger spectrum of H2S

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    Shake processes of different origin are identified in the KLL Auger spectrum of H2S with unprecedented detail. The KLL Auger spectrum is presented together with the S 1s−1 photoelectron spectrum including the S 1s−1V−1nλ and S 1s−12p−1nλ shake-up satellites with V−1 and nλ indicating a hole in the valence shell and an unoccupied molecular orbital, respectively. By using different photon energies between 2476 and 4150 eV to record the KLL Auger spectra two different shake-up processes responsible for the satellite lines are identified. The first process is a shake-up during the Auger decay of the S 1s−1 core hole and can be described by S 1s−1→2p−2V−1nλ. The second process is the Auger decay of the shake-up satellite in the ionization process leading to S 1s−1V−1nλ→2p−2V−1nλ transitions. By combining the results of photoelectron and Auger spectra the involved V−1nλ levels are assigned
