2,059 research outputs found

    Pharmacy Colleges: A Highly Controversial Test

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    As substance abuse continues to be problematic on college campuses across the United States, pharmacy colleges in particular are faced with the challenge of deterring drug abuse among their students. Many pharmacy schools are considering the adoption of student drug -screening policies in hopes of discouraging abuse, directing impaired students to treatment, and, ultimately, protecting the public. However, these policies are being met with apprehension in regards to added costs, Fourth Amendment rights violations, and privacy concerns. Drug-screening policies continue to be an issue of deliberation for pharmacy colleges, requiring much consideration and care

    Studies of the use of high-temperature nuclear heat from an HTGR for hydrogen production

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    The results of a study which surveyed various methods of hydrogen production using nuclear and fossil energy are presented. A description of these methods is provided, and efficiencies are calculated for each case. The process designs of systems that utilize the heat from a general atomic high temperature gas cooled reactor with a steam methane reformer and feed the reformer with substitute natural gas manufactured from coal, using reforming temperatures, are presented. The capital costs for these systems and the resultant hydrogen production price for these cases are discussed along with a research and development program

    Optical shield: measuring viscosity of turbid fluids using optical tweezers

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    The viscosity of a fluid can be measured by tracking the motion of a suspended micron-sized particle trapped by optical tweezers. However, when the particle density is high, additional particles entering the trap compromise the tracking procedure and degrade the accuracy of the measurement. In this work we introduce an additional Laguerre–Gaussian, i.e. annular, beam surrounding the trap, acting as an optical shield to exclude contaminating particles

    Taking Uncertainty Seriously: From Permissive Regulation to Preventative Design in Environmental Decision Making

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    This paper contrasts two paradigms of environmental regulatory decision making, permissive regulation and preventative design, with respect to their treatment of scientific and legal uncertainty and the allocation of legal standards and burdens of proof. Permissive regulation, which is the predominant approach in Canada, suffers two types of statistical errors. A type I error occurs when, for example, a pollution control device is unjustly imposed on an industry. A type II error occurs when no action is taken to control an industry when, in fact, damage is taking place. Concern to prevent type I errors often leads to type II errors. Attempts to resolve these problems through incremental changes in legislation and policy have generally failed. This article illustrates the scientific and regulatory problems associated with \u27permissive regulation through an analysis of environmental common law, legislation, and regulation. Protection of environmental quality requires regulatory decision making rooted in the principles of precautionary, preventative action that tends to minimize costly type II errors. With the preventative design approach now being used in several jurisdictions, the regulatory burden of proving harm is shifted from regulators to the polluters who must demonstrate safety. European and American initiatives as well as international agreements illustrate the historical development and implementation of this preventative design perspective. This article suggests that Canadian legislation and regulations be written with this approach

    Strontium isotope systematics of mixing groundwater and oil-field brine at Goose Lake in northeastern Montana, USA

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    Groundwater, surface water, and soil in the Goose Lake oil field in northeastern Montana have been affected by Cl- rich oil-field brines during long-term petroleum production. Ongoing multidisciplinary geochemical and geophysical studies have identified the degree and local extent of interaction between brine and groundwater. Fourteen samples representing groundwater, surface water, and brine were collected for Sr isotope analyses to evaluate the usefulness of 87Sr/86Sr in detecting small amounts of brine. Differences in Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr are optimal at this site for the experiment. Strontium concentrations range from 0.13 to 36.9 mg/L, and corresponding 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.71097 to 0.70828. The local brine has 168 mg/L Sr and a 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.70802. Mixing relationships are evident in the data set and illustrate the sensitivity of Sr in detecting small amounts of brine in groundwater. The location of data points on a Sr isotope-concentration plot is readily explained by an evaporation-mixing model. The model is supported by the variation in concentrations of most of the other solutes

    Quantum Electrodynamics of the Helium Atom

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    Using singlet S states of the helium atom as an example, I describe precise calculation of energy levels in few-electron atoms. In particular, a complete set of effective operators is derived which generates O(m*alpha^6) relativistic and radiative corrections to the Schr"odinger energy. Average values of these operators can be calculated using a variational Schr"odinger wave function.Comment: 23 pages, revte

    The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Postpartum Depression

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    Postpartum depression (PPD) is a major depressive episode following childbirth that can have serious consequences affecting the family. Consequences range from marital problems and issues with child development to maternal suicide and infantcide. Depression in mothers can lead to cognitive and social impairment in the child as well as paternal postpartum depression in the father. Due to the severity of these problems, it is important to diagnose and treat mothers as soon as possible. There are several symptoms that are evident in mothers suffering from PPD that lead to diagnosis. Symptoms are similar to those of major depressive episodes, but they occur 24 hours to several months postpartum. Treatment options for PPD include psychotherapy as well as tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. While these medications have been shown to be the most effective pharmacological options, more research needs to be conducted to establish their effects on the infants. The possibility of preventative therapy also needs to be addressed to minimize the long-term effects of the disorder