2,749 research outputs found

    Fish and cephalopods associated with the squid Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798 in Portuguese waters

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    Fish and cephalopod taxa occurring in association with Loligo vulgaris, in Portuguese waters between Lisbon and Vila Real de Santo António, were investigated by sampling with bottom trawling equipment between 1990-1991 and 1993-1995. The family Triglidae, the genera Pagellus and Trachurus and the four species Alloteuthis subulata, Boops boops, Callionymus lyra, and Merluccius merluccius were found, on average, in at least 75% of the trawls with L. vulgaris. Conversely, that cephalopod was found in at least 75% of the trawls with the family Trachinidae, the genera Dentex, Diplodus, Liza and Torpedo and the six species, Hyperoplus lanceolatus, Pagrus pagrus, Pomatoschistus m. minutus, Psetta m. maxima, Scophthalmus rhombus and Spicara flexuosa. An index of "affinity" (ranging from -∞ to 1) between L. vulgaris and the other taxa was used in order to highlight co-occurrences of an unlikely coincidental nature. Lists of taxa with high affinity index scores (0.5 to 1) are given for 5 different situations: all samples together; samples grouped by bottom depth; samples grouped by research cruise; research cruises grouped by season and by year. Pair wise comparisons between all taxa lists for each of the 5 situations were made, indicating a greater influence of depth than any other factor in the composition of the lists. The significance of the degree of similarity between lists of taxa, "preferred" under different circumstances and the reasons for those "preferences" are discussed

    Estudo de solos do município de Barra do Quaraí - RS

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    bitstream/item/41456/1/MUNICIPIO-DE-BARRA-DO-QUARAI.pdf; bitstream/item/41457/1/Backup-de-BARRA-LENTE-FINALformas1.pdf; bitstream/item/41458/1/BARRA-DO-QUARAI-FINAL-fotogramet.pdf; bitstream/item/41459/1/BARRA-DO-QUARAI-FINAL-planialt.pdf; bitstream/item/41460/1/BARRA-DO-QUARAI-FINAL-uso.pdf; bitstream/item/41461/1/BARRA-LENTE-FINALaptidao.pdf; bitstream/item/41466/1/BARRA-LENTE-FINALfruticultura.pdf; bitstream/item/41467/1/BARRA-LENTE-FINALsolos.pd

    Estudo dos solos do municipio de Camaquã

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    bitstream/item/41437/1/camaqua.pdf; bitstream/item/41438/1/mapa-aptidao-de-uso-de-terras.pdf; bitstream/item/41439/1/mapa-capacidade-de-uso.pdf; bitstream/item/41441/1/mapa-formas-de-relevo.pdf; bitstream/item/41442/1/mapa-solo.pd

    Cancellation of atmospheric turbulence effects in entangled two-photon beams

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    Turbulent airflow in the atmosphere and the resulting random fluctuations in its refractive index have long been known as a major cause of image deterioration in astronomical imaging and figures among the obstacles for reliable optical communication when information is encoded in the spatial profile of a laser beam. Here we show that using correlation imaging and a suitably prepared source of photon pairs, the most severe of the disturbances inflicted on the beam by turbulence can be cancelled out. Other than a two-photon light source, only linear passive optical elements are needed and, as opposed to adaptive optics techniques, our scheme does not rely on active wavefront correction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Reflectance of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for Xenon Scintillation Light

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    Gaseous and liquid xenon particle detectors are being used in a number of applications including dark matter search and neutrino-less double beta decay experiments. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is often used in these detectors both as electrical insulator and as a light reflector to improve the efficiency of detection of scintillation photons. However, xenon emits in the vacuum ultraviolet wavelength region (175 nm) where the reflecting properties of PTFE are not sufficiently known. In this work we report on measurements of PTFE reflectance, including its angular distribution, for the xenon scintillation light. Various samples of PTFE, manufactured by different processes (extruded, expanded, skived and pressed) have been studied. The data were interpreted with a physical model comprising both specular and diffuse reflections. The reflectance obtained for these samples ranges from about 47% to 66% for VUV light. Fluoropolymers, namely ETFE, FEP and PFA were also measured

    Dados preliminares sobre a germinação de sementes de Ucuuba.

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    Robô Lego & perturbações do espectro do autismo: uma potencial parceria?

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    Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) present difficulties in developing social behaviours, in communicating gestural or verbally, and they may present some repetitive motor activities. The objective of this study was to improve social competences and to enable the transfer of acquired skills of five children with ASD and intellectual disabilities using a low-cost Lego robot as a mediator. The proposed methodology was divided in five phases: Familiarization, Pre-test, Practice, Post-Test and Transfer of Skills. The study ran in two sequential periods at different places. Each of these periods tackled different individual research questions and goals (taking into account the target group). During each period, the proposed methodology had to be adjusted according to the current context. Therefore, different experimental scenarios and corresponding specific goals had to be delineated. Results show that joint attention of the children increased over the sessions; and interaction with the researcher was verified. Furthermore, results show that there was an effective transfer of skills in the addressed case studies. This reinforces conclusions that robots seem, in fact, powerful tools that should be explored concerning this target population. But a more detailed study is required. The proposed methodology can be used by professionals and parents as a complement to common interventions.A perturbação do espectro do autismo (PEA) caracteriza-se por dificuldades no desenvolvimento de comportamentos sociais, na comunicação verbal ou gestual, e pela manifestação de atividades motoras repetitivas. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de melhorar as competências sociais e a transferência das competências de cinco crianças com PEA e deficiência mental associada usando um robô de baixo custo da Lego como um mediador. A metodologia proposta foi dividida em cinco fases: familiarização, pré-teste, prática, pós-teste e transferência de competências. O estudo foi realizado em dois períodos sequenciais em diferentes lugares. Em cada período foram definidas diferentes questões de investigação tendo em conta o grupo-alvo. Os resultados mostram que a atenção conjunta e a interação com o investigador aumentaram ao longo das sessões. Além disso, os resultados indicam que houve uma transferência efetiva de competências nos estudos de caso abordados. Isso reforça as conclusões que o robô da Lego pode ser uma ferramenta adequada a ser explorada com esta população-alvo. No entanto, é necessário um estudo mais detalhado e com uma amostra maior. A metodologia proposta pode ser usada por profissionais e pais como complemento às intervenções tradicionais

    Значение и сущность знаний в экономике Украины

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    Проанализированы взгляды различных авторов на значение и сущность знаний в экономике Украины. Проведены исследования систем классифицирования современной отрасли экономической науки «экономика знаний». Результатом исследований является уточнение термина, а также введение новых типов классификации знаний.Проаналізовані погляди різних авторів на значення і сутність знань в економіці України. Проведені дослідження систем класифікації сучасної галузі економічної науки «економіка знань». Результатом дослідження є уточнення терміну, а також введення нових типів класифікації знань.The paper analyzes the views of different authors on the importance and essence of knowledge in the economy of Ukraine. The system of classification of such branch of the economic science as “knowledge economy” has been investigated. The result of investigation is the term specification, as wel as the introduction of new types of knowledge classification