13 research outputs found


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    V priebehu rokov 1996-1999 sa na pozemkoch experimentálnej bázy AF SPU v Nitre realizoval pokus, cieľom ktorého bolo overiť možnosti pestovania viacerých odrôd pšenice špaldovej (Triticum spelta L.) v daných pôdnych a klimatických podmienkach pri ekologickom systéme hospodárenia. Hlavné úrodotvorné prvky i výška samotnej úrody sa zisťovali pri troch odrodách pšenice špaldovej: Bauländer spelz, Schwabenkorn a Roquin. Získané údaje boli porovnané so pšenicou letnou, odroda Samanta i s výsledkami iných autorov uvádzaných v literatúre. Výsledky poukazujú na najlepšiu vhodnosť podmienok uvedeného stanovišťa pre nemeckú odrodu Bauländer spelz, ktorá v sledovanom období dosiahla najvyššiu úrodu (6,06 t.ha-1), ktorou sa najviac priblížila k úrode pšenice letnej (na 92,2%). Táto odroda pšenice špaldovej formuje úrodu vysokou produktivitou klasu hlavného stebla, vysokou hodnotou HTZ (49,29 g), dlhým klasom (112,45 mm), vysokým počtom plodných kláskov v klase (14,32) a vysokou hmotnosťou zrna z klasu (1,33 g). Dosahuje tiež najkratšiu dĺžku stebla (0,89 m), čo je vhodné z hľadiska odolnosti voči poliehaniu. Všetky odrody pšenice špaldovej však počas vegetácie disponovali nižšou hustotou porastu (501,3-518,7.m-2) ako kontrolná odroda pšenice letnej (605,3.m-2).During 1996-1999 a field experiment with different varieties of spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) was carried out on brown loamy arable soil within an ecological system in Nitra region. The yield formation characters and the crop yield itself were investigated in three spelt wheat cultivars (Bauländer Spelz, Schwabenkorn, Roquin) and compared with common wheat, cultivar Samanta. The achieved results revealed that the agroecological conditions of Nitra region where most suitable for the Bauländer Spelz cultivar of German origin, with the highest crop yield of 6.06 t.ha-1, i. e. 92.2% of common wheat yield. This cultivar reached the lowest percentage of glumes (26.13%), the highest TGW (49.29 g), the longest spike (112.45 mm), the highest number of fertile spikelets (14.32) and the highest weight of grains per spike (1.33 g). All of the spelt wheat cultivars had lower productive density of stand (501.3 to 518.7 productive stems per square meter) than common wheat (605.3 productive stems per square meter)

    Automated Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds

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    Making sense of the physical world has always been at the core of mapping. Up until recently, this has always dependent on using the human eye. Using airborne lasers, it has become possible to quickly "see" more of the world in many more dimensions. The resulting enormous point clouds serve as data sources for applications far beyond the original mapping purposes ranging from flooding protection and forestry to threat mitigation. In order to process these large quantities of data, novel methods are required. In this contribution, we develop models to automatically classify ground cover and soil types. Using the logic of machine learning, we critically review the advantages of supervised and unsupervised methods. Focusing on decision trees, we improve accuracy by including beam vector components and using a genetic algorithm. We find that our approach delivers consistently high quality classifications, surpassing classical methods

    Promotion of regional bioenergy initiatives in Poland, Romania and Slovakia Final Report

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    This publication is printed in English, Polish, Romanian and Slovak languages. English language hardcopies you can order from the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). The contact person is Mr. Pasi Poikonen and his e-mail address is pasi.poikonen at luke.fi. Slovak language hardcopies you can order from the Slovak University of Agriculture. The contact person is Mr. Pavol Otepka (pavol.otepka at uniag.sk). Polish language version hardcopies are available in the Polish partner premises in Warsaw and the contact person is Ms. Karolina Loth-Babut (kloth at kape.gov.pl). Romanian language version hardcopies are available in the Romanian partners´ premises and the contact persons are Ms. Adriana Milandru (ISPE) (adriana.milandru at ispe.ro) and Mr. Marius Duca (ADR Centru) (marius.duca at adrcentru.ro).PromoBio project (Promotion of Regional Bioenergy Initiatives – IEE/10/470/SI2.593725) supported by the European Commission under the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme.The Final Report contains 62 pages, 36 figures and 8 tables. It consists of the following chapters: 1. PromoBio Project framework 2. State-of-the-art bioenergy sectors in the target countries 3. Bioenergy initiatives in target countries 4. Conclusions and recommendations for transfer of experience