45 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Diffusion Approximation Capability on the Integral Pressurized Water Reactor (IPWR) Core Calculation

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    Diffusion approximation is an important approximation used to model a nuclear reactor core with a quite good accuracy and less computational cost. This approximation has been used widely around the globe for various kinds of nuclear reactors. This diffusion approximation is applied in a two-step method, a method combining a high fidelity transport code and low fidelity diffusion code. Meanwhile, innovations in the nuclear core model continue to make the nuclear reactor core safer, more robust, and smaller. The trend of creating smaller and more modular reactor core is emerging in the last ten years. These innovations will affect the core modeling system. Consequently, for smaller reactors, it is important to evaluate the capability of diffusion approximation if one wants to use a computationally cheaper method to model the reactor core. In this paper, neutron diffusion calculation for 160 MWth integral pressurized water reactor (IPWR) core was conducted using the PARCS nodal diffusion code employing the few-group spatially homogenized cross-sections generated by the Serpent Monte Carlo code. Due to its capability to model any reactor geometry in the high-resolution calculation, the results from Serpent were also used as a reference. Two important parameters are compared between PARCS and Serpent: effective neutron multiplication factor and core power distribution. For the full IPWR core model, a discrepancy of 564 pcm between PARCS and Serpent keff was observed, while the radial power distribution had a maximum error of 4.71 %. It can be said, to some extent, that the diffusion approximation can be applied to IPWR core analysis. However, further improvement is indeed required if one wants more accurate results with low computational costs

    Aplikasi Citra Penginderaan Jauh Multitemporal dan Sig untuk Pemetaan Sedimen di Sebagian Hilir Sungai Progo

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    Sungai merupakan salah satu komponen dalam siklus hidrologi. Di dalam sungai akan terjadi proses erosi dan sedimentasi. Tingginya sedimentasi berakibat pada pendangkalan sungai. Sungai Progo merupakan sungai dengan tingkat sedimentasi yang tinggi terutama bagian hilir sehingga perlu pemantauan untuk menentukan penanganan yang sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengkaji kemampuan citra untuk identifikasi parameter lahan dalam penentuan sedimen, (2) pemetaan sedimen berdasarkan parameter lahan yang digunakan dalam pemantauan sedimen, dan (3) mengevaluasi hasil pemetaan sedimendan manfaat citra penginderaan jauh dan SIG. Data citra yang digunakan untuk pengamatan pekembangan sedimen yaitu citra Sentinel 2A dengan skala 1:10.000 (2017) dan citra foto udara dengan skala 1:30.000 (1981), 1:20.000 (2001), dan 1:50.000 (1993). Hasil identifikasi parameter lahan memiliki tingat akurasi lebih dari 90%. Hasil pemetaan sedimen menunjukan sedimentasi banyak terjadi di wilayah Kab. Bantul menuju ke arah Kab. Kulon Progo dengan rata-rata perkembangan 6,8 ha per tahun. Evaluasi dari hasil hasil penelitian adalah pemetaan sedimen memiliki akurasi cukup tinggi, citra penginderaan jauh ,multitemporal dan SIG dapat dimanfaatkan untukmemantau perkembangan sedimen dan kecenderungan arah perkembangannya

    Analisis Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Burnout Pada Perawat Kesehatan Jiwa

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    Nurses are a group of health professionals who are at risk to experience burnout. Factors that are influenced the incident of burnout to nurses need to be investigated further because nurses' characteristics and work environment are different in every country. This study aimed to analyze relationship of age, gender, employee status, work load, family support, and leadership with burnout among nurses, as well as to analyze the most influencing variable. Cross Sectional study were conducted among 125 nurses in Atma Husada Hospital (RS AH) Samarinda. Questionnaires were used for data collection. The data were analyzed using Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that 56% nurses at RS AH Samarinda experienced burnout, variables gender (p=0.000), employee status (p=0.034), work load (p=0.022), family support (p=0.000), and leaderships (p=0.000) are related to burnout, while ages is not related to burnout (p=0.426). Family support has the biggest influence towards the nurses' burnout (OR=17.87), followed by leaderships variable (OR= 14.92) and work load (OR= 2.36). Hospitals are suggested to improve the working system in order to reduce work load, increased family social support, and improve the effectiveness of leadership

    Aplikasi Gki-citra Berbasis Ios Studi Kasus Di Gereja Kristen Indonesia Perumahaan Citra

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    Provision of information to the church as the church bulletin, paideia, pastoral message, activities and schedule of activities on the Indonesian Christian Church - Perumahan Citra 1 was still done manually. Therefore, we need a system that can help these people to get the information easily, quickly and at any time. Previously, an Android application have been developed to provide information automatically. Considering that not all users are using Android, this research aimed at developing iOS application that will add to the current applications available. This system has several features, giving the church bulletin information, paideia, pastoral message, activities, schedule events, activities and schedule of data processing activities do content approval. Hopefully with this iOS-based applications will supplement the existing system on the Indonesian Christian Church - Perumahan Citra.


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    Kebiasaan merokok merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus dimana perilaku ini tidak hanya ditemukan pada orang dewasa tapi juga pada anak-anak, laki-laki maupun perempuan. Merokok merupakan suatu bentuk perilaku yang buruk yang dapat menimbulkan bahaya bagi kesehatan. Dalam mencegah kebiasaan merokok bagi peserta didik dapat di lakukan tindakan promotif melalui pendidikan kesehatan dengan menggunakan media audio visual yang memberikan informasi dan edukasi untuk meningkatkan pengetauan dan sikap yang baik terhadap pencegahan merokok. TujuanPenelitiannyaUntuk  Menegtahui Pengaruh Media Audio Visual Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Peserta didik tentang Bahaya  Merokok di SMA dan SMK Lirung Talaud. Dengan metode penelitian menggunakan Quasy Experimental dengan rancangan Pre test – Post with Control Group, Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 2 kelas yaitu kelas X dan XI, dengan jumlah responden 66 peserta didik, Teknik pengambilan sampel yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Purposive Sampling, penelitian di lakukan pada bulan Desember 2019. Hasil uji statistic Paired t test yaitu nilai mean pengetahuan kelompok eksperimen pada saat pre-test berjumlah 2,61 dan nilai mean pada saat post-test berjumlah 3,18 dengan nilai p-velue 0.00. hasil uji statistic Paired t test yaitu pengetahuan kelompok kontrol pada saat pre-test berjumlah 2,58 dan nilai mean pada saat post-test berjumlah 2,61dengan nilai p-value 0.831. Kesimpulannya Terdapat Pengaruh Media Audio Visual Terhadap Pengetauan dan Sikap peserta didik tentang bahaya merokok. Kata Kunci : Media Audio Visual dan Bahaya Merokok ABSTRACTThe smoking habit is a public health problem that needs special attention where this behavior is not only found in adults but also in children, men and women. Smoking is a form of bad behavior that can cause health hazards. In preventing smoking for students, promotive action can be taken through health education by using audio-visual media that provides information and education to increase knowledge and good attitudes towards smoking prevention. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of audio visual media on the knowledge and attitudes of students about the dangers of smoking in SMA and SMK Lirung Talaud. With the research method using Quasy Experimental with a pre-test - post control group design, the sample in this study used 2 classes, namely class X and XI, with the number of respondents 66 students, the sampling technique used in this study was the purposive sampling method, The research was carried out in December 2019. The results of the Paired t test statistical test were the mean value of the experimental group's knowledge at the pre-test amounted to 2.61 and the mean value at the post-test was 3.18 with a p-velue value of 0.00. Statistical test results Paired t test, namely the control group knowledge at the time of pre-test amounted to 2.58 and the mean value at the time of the post-test amounted to 2.61 with a p-value of 0.831. The conclusion is that there is an effect of audio visual media on knowledge and attitudes of students about the dangers of smoking. Keywords: Audio Visual Media and the Dangers of Smokin


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    A business that is engaged in retail is a promising business for entrepreneurs. Not surprisingly, at this time retail businesses are mushrooming in various regions in Indonesia. Its mushrooming presence does not make this business devoid of customers due to endless human needs. In meeting their needs, a person will decide to shop at a place in accordance with his wishes and tastes, both from the distance of the place, the price of goods, the quality of goods, the quality of the place and the quality of service. From the various choices above it makes one of the reasons why someone decides to shop at the place he wants. Therefore, now many companies are trying to develop effective strategies to build, maintain and increase customer loyalty, one of which is PT Akur Pratama. This study aims to determine the quality of customer information in order to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. This research was conducted at one retail company PT Akur Pratama Branch C, located in the Bandung area. Data collection methods in this study with a questionnaire with. The number of samples used in this study were 30 respondents / consumers. PT Akur Pratama Branch C customer information service has not been satisfying so far so that its customers are not fully satisfied and loyal. Some of the problems faced by PT Akur Pratama Branch C are not prioritizing the interests of consumers, the service is not appropriately and quickly according to the promised time, is not quick enough to respond to problems raised by consumers, and is not always alert and ready when there are consumers who ask for hel


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    Objective: To analyze the differences of sperm motility and viability changes in Wistar Rats that exposed to X-ray radiation compared to Wistar Rats that were not exposed to X-ray radiation. Material and Methods: Experimental laboratory research within vivo design using Wistar strain rats as subjects. There are three treatment groups in this study: rats exposed to 50 mGy X-ray radiation, 100 mGy, and 200 mGy and one untreated control group. Radiation exposure was calibrated using the RTI Piranha dosimetry. After radiation exposure, at week 4, orchidectomy was performed in rats. Sperm analysis was carried out to determine sperm motility by direct observation and sperm viability by Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) staining observations using a light microscope. One Way ANOVA was used to compare motility and viability of rats spermatozoa in the treatment group compared to control group with a significant value of p<0.05. The analysis was continued with a Post Hoc test to determine the differences in each group. Results: The percentage of motile sperm decreased in all treatment groups compared to control group (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in mean sperm motility on rats exposed to 200 mGy X-ray radiation compared to 100 mGy X-ray radiation (p>0.05). Viability counts decreased in all treatment groups compared to control group (p<0.05) and the spermatozoa viability in 200 mGy radiation group was not significantly different from 100 mGy group (p>0.05). Conclusion: X-ray radiation exposure decreases sperm motility and viability in Wistar rats with the optimum doses 100 mGy

    Model Comparison of Passive Compact-Molten Salt Reactor Neutronic Design Using MCNP6 and Serpent-2

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    Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR) is a thermal breeder molten salt reactor (MSR) developed in Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, run in thorium fuel cycle. Its design was initially developed using deterministic code SRAC2006 but has never been compared with other codes. This paper attempts to compare PCMSR neutronic design using Monte Carlo codes MCNP6 and Serpent-2 with ENDF B/VII.0 continuous neutron cross-section library. The reactor was run in a pure thorium fuel cycle with lithium fluoride as its carrier salt. The analyzed parameters were effective multiplication factor (keff), temperature coefficient of reactivity (TCR), void coefficient of reactivity (VCR), and conversion ratio (CR). The result shows that there are several important discrepancies between the original calculation and this research. The Monte Carlo calculations implied that PCMSR core was able to be critical using lower fissile concentration than previously designed, but failed to reach CR above unity. While the TCR value was found to be negative, the VCR value was positive up until the 10 % void fraction. The PCMSR core suffered from ineffective neutron moderation and high neutron leakage. These findings imply that the previous PCMSR neutronic design is inaccurate. For PCMSR to be able to operate as a thermal breeder MSR, geometrical modifications must be performed to improve neutron moderation and reduce neutron leakage