157 research outputs found

    Mrub_2765 is the version of \u3cem\u3eE. coli\u3c/em\u3e FabZ in \u3cem\u3eMeiothermus ruber\u3c/em\u3e, while Mrub_0266 is the version of \u3cem\u3eE. coli\u3c/em\u3e FabI in \u3cem\u3eMeiothermus ruber\u3c/em\u3e

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    This project is part of the Meiothermus ruber genome analysis project, which uses the bioinformatics tools associated with the Guiding Education through Novel Investigation – Annotation Collaboration Toolkit (GENI-ACT) to predict gene function. We investigated the biological function of the genes Mrub_2765 and Mrub_0266. We predict that Mrub_2765 encodes the enzyme β-hydroxyacyl-Acyl carrier protein (ACP) dehydratase (DNA coordinates 2805770..2806213 on the reverse strand), which is the 3rd step of the fatty acid elongation pathway (KEGG map number 00780). It catalyzes the conversion of (3R)-3-hydroxyacyl-[ACP] to trans-2-enoyl-[ACP]. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b1080, which has the gene identifier FabZ. We also predict that Mrub_0266 encodes the enzyme enoyl-ACP reductase (DNA coordinates 232918..233712 on the reverse strand), which is the 4th step of the fatty acid elongation pathway (KEGG map number 00780). It catalyzes the conversion of trans-2-enoyl-[ACP] to acyl-ACP. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b1288, which has the gene identifier FabI

    On the Diurnal Soil Water Content Dynamics during Evaporation using Dielectric Methods

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    The water content dynamics in the upper soil surface during evaporation is a key element in land–atmosphere exchanges. Previous experimental studies have suggested that the soil water content increases at the depth of 5 to 15 cm below the soil surface during evaporation, while the layer in the immediate vicinity of the soil surface is drying. In this study, the dynamics of water content profiles exposed to solar radiative forcing was monitored at a high temporal resolution using dielectric methods both in the presence and absence of evaporation. A 4-d comparison of reported moisture content in coarse sand in covered and uncovered buckets using a commercial dielectric-based probe (70 MHz ECH2O-5TE, Decagon Devices, Pullman, WA) and the standard 1-GHz time domain reflectometry method. Both sensors reported a positive correlation between temperature and water content in the 5- to 10-cm depth, most pronounced in the morning during heating and in the afternoon during cooling. Such positive correlation might have a physical origin induced by evaporation at the surface and redistribution due to liquid water fluxes resulting from the temperature-gradient dynamics within the sand profile at those depths. Our experimental data suggest that the combined effect of surface evaporation and temperature-gradient dynamics should be considered to analyze experimental soil water profiles. Additional effects related to the frequency of operation and to protocols for temperature compensation of the dielectric sensors may also affect the probes response during large temperature changes

    Deficiency in the mRNA export mediator Gle1 impairs Schwann cell development in the zebrafish embryo

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    GLE1 mutations cause lethal congenital contracture syndrome 1 (LCCS1), a severe autosomal recessive fetal motor neuron disease, and more recently have been associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The gene encodes a highly conserved protein with an essential role in mRNA export. The mechanism linking Gle1 function to motor neuron degeneration in humans has not been elucidated, but increasing evidence implicates abnormal RNA processing as a key event in the pathogenesis of several motor neuron diseases. Homozygous gle1−/− mutant zebrafish display various aspects of LCCS, showing severe developmental abnormalities including motor neuron arborization defects and embryonic lethality. A previous gene expression study on spinal cord from LCCS fetuses indicated that oligodendrocyte dysfunction may be an important factor in LCCS. We therefore set out to investigate the development of myelinating glia in gle1−/− mutant zebrafish embryos. While expression of myelin basic protein (mbp) in hindbrain oligodendrocytes appeared relatively normal, our studies revealed a prominent defect in Schwann cell precursor proliferation and differentiation in the posterior lateral line nerve. Other genes mutated in LCCS have important roles in Schwann cell development, thereby suggesting that Schwann cell deficits may be a common factor in LCCS pathogenesis. These findings illustrate the potential importance of glial cells such as myelinating Schwann cells in motor neuron diseases linked to RNA processing defects

    Experimental characterization of multiple cracks in a cantilever beam utilizing transient vibration data following a probabilistic approach

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    This paper puts forward a practical method for detecting multiple cracks on beams by utilizing transient vibration data. To explicitly address the uncertainty that is induced by measurement noise and modeling error, the Bayesian statistical framework is followed in the proposed crack detection method, which consists of two stages. In the first stage the number of cracks is identified by a computationally efficient algorithm that utilizes the Bayesian model class selection method. In the second stage, the posterior probability density function (PDF) of crack characteristics (i.e., the crack locations and crack depths) are determined by the Bayesian model updating method. The feasibility of the proposed methodology is experimentally demonstrated using a cantilever beam with one and two artificial cracks with depths between 0% and 50% of the beam height. The experimental data consists of transient vibration time histories that are collected at a single location using a laser Doppler vibrometer measurement system and impact excitations at three locations along the beam. The results show that the two-stage procedure enables the identification of the correct number of cracks and corresponding locations and extents, together with the coefficient of variation (COV).H.F. Lam, C.T. Ng, M. Veid
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