1,370 research outputs found

    The place and role of insurance in shaping a “greenˮ economy

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    The paper implements an institutional and functional approach to determining the place and role of insurance in shaping a “green” economy. The ways of integrating it as a constituent element of the financial system have been considered. The views of scientists involved in various aspects of modelling the “green” economy on the functional utility of insurance have been summarised. The use of the term “green insurance” and the meanings it implies have been analysed. The author has concluded that the relevant concept of “green insurance” is not yet so unambiguous that it can be used as a scientific concept. Another important conclusion that has been brought up for discussion is that the potential of insurance as a risk management tool within the green economy strategy is not to be confined to environmental insurance, but should be considered in expanding its scope of application to include both the fuller coverage of risk carriers and the range of potential hazards

    Increase housing provision of citizens as a priority direction of social and economic development of the region

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    Set out the results of the study provide citizens with housing as a priority direction of social and economic development of the market; showed the causes of low housing provision of citizens of the Belgorod region, made conclusions and identified measures to increase housing provision in the cities of RussiayesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Анализ инновационных технологий гидрогелей из уронатных полисахаридов и биодеградирующих пленок на их основе

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the state and dynamics of scientific developments in the field of creating products for life and health, based on hydrogels from uronate polysaccharides (HUP). The article is reflected the results of the global scientific research monitoring and their changes in the field of technologies for the creation and use of HUP. The results of a retrospective analysis of existing technologies based on poorly studied in the field of food technologies uronic acids, as glucuronic, idouronic, hyaluronic were presented. The study showed, that nowadays the industry of products with their content is acquiring market traits, although it has insufficient scientific substantiation. Development segments with widely used uronate polysaccharides – pectins and alginates – according to the types of hydrogels (swollen hydrogel, cross-linked hydrogel, xerogel) were developed. The article presents examples and identified the required properties of substances intended for immobilization or encapsulation in the hydrogel matrix of uronate polysaccharides. The basic principles of uronate polysaccharides crosslinking chains in the hydrogel phase are determined. Possible methods of biologically active substances (BAS) retention in the matrix of uronate polysaccharides to reduce the risk of premature oxidation, destruction, decomposition, decomposition, evaporation were described. The search for information allowed us to identify key technological areas for the development of scientific research on the creation and use of HUP to improve people's lives and health. The archives of the world's leading publications in the field of food chemistry, biotechnology, food engineering, chemistry of new materials, food polymers and hydrocolloids were analyzed. The authors used in their work the resources of the Science Direct search system, which made it possible to determine the most promising and modern lines of development of HUP technologies and products based on them. The analysis of technologies has shown that existing innovative technologies are formed on “basic” technologies for producing solutions of high-molecular compounds under various conditions. Active modernization is carried out in the direction of creating products with immobilized biologically active substances, as well as in attempts to compose a composition with other polysaccharides and/or peptide components. The article notes that existing technologies allow developing other technologies with the help of which it is possible to expand the field of HUP application.Статья посвящена анализу состояния и динамике научных разработок в области создания продуктов для жизни и здоровья на основе гидрогелей из уронатных полисахаридов (ГУП). В статье отражены результаты мониторинга мировых научных исследований и их изменений в области технологий создания и применения ГУП. Авторы представили результаты ретроспективного анализа существующих технологий на основе малоизученых в области пищевых технологий уроновых кислот: глюкуроновая, идоуроновая, гиалуроновая. Исследование показало, что на сегодня индустрия продуктов с их содержанием приобретает вполне рыночные черты, хотя и имеет недостаточно полное научное обоснование. Сформированы сегменты разработок с широко используемыми уронатными полисахаридами - пектинами и альгинатами – по видам гидрогелей (гидрогель набухший, гидрогель сшитый, ксерогель). В статье представлены примеры и выявлены требуемые свойства веществ, предназначенных для иммобилизации или инкапсуляции в матрицу гидрогеля из уронатных полисахаридов. Определены основные принципы сшивания цепочек уронатных полисахаридов в фазе гидрогеля. Описаны возможные способы удержания биологически активных веществ (БАВ) в матрице уронатных полисахаридов для снижения риска преждевременного окисления, деструкции, разложения, распада, испарения. Поиск информации позволил определить ключевые технологические области развития научных исследований по созданию и применению ГУП для улучшения жизни и здоровья людей. Проанализированы архивы ведущих мировых изданий в области пищевой химии, биотехнологии, пищевой инженерии, химии новых материалов, пищевых полимеров и гидроколлоидов. Авторы использовали в работе ресурсы поисковой системы Science Direct, что позволило определить наиболее перспективные и современные направления развития технологий ГУП и продуктов на их основе. Анализ технологий показал, что существующие инновационные технологии сформированы на “базисных” технологиях получения растворов высокомолекулярных соединений при различных условиях. Активная модернизация проводится в направлении создания продуктов с иммобилизированными БАВ, а также в попытках составить композицию с другими полисахаридами и/или пептидными составляющими. В работе отмечается, что существующие технологии позволяют развивать другие технологии, с помощью которых возможно расширить сферы применения ГУП

    Contribution of some immunological and metabolic factors to formation of piglets’ post-vaccination immunity

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    The role and responsibility of natural resistance factors, protein and lipid metabolism in the formation of piglets post-vaccination immunity against circovirus is researched. Blood was taken for tests before and on the 15th, 40th and 70th day after the vaccination. The sampled blood was analyzed to determine immunological and biochemical parameters. It was revealed that before vaccination, 31.46% of the studied samples have a positive reaction in ELISA; their number increases to 67.80–71.16% on the 40th and 70th days after vaccination.In the blood of piglets, especially on the 40th and 70th day after the vaccination, the total count of leukocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes increases by 1.21; 2.28 times and 1.48 times, but neutrophils reduced by 1.74 times along with the phagocytic properties activation. The anabolic directivity of protein metabolism is defined by the synthesis of globulin proteins. At the same time albumin-synthesizing activity in a liver decreased and “cytolysis reaction” of hepatocytes was detected. In the lipid profile of piglets’ blood, the content of LDL‑cholesterol increased by 1.44 times, while that of triglycerides decreased by 2.64 times. X‑ray spectral analysis revealed the correlation between the formation of post-vaccination immunity and two factors: the factor of the principal component (PC) 1, which is predominantly associated with indicators of natural resistance, and PC2, which is associated with metabolism indicators. The research results show that in order to increase the efficiency of formation of post-vaccination immunity in piglets, it is necessary to combine vaccination with hepatoprotective drugs


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate retrospectively the survival of the peritoneal dialysis (PD) technique survival and identify the factors that affect it. Patients and methods. A total of 38 patients with end-stage renal disease treated with PD from 2005 to May 2017 have been included in retrospective, study (average age 49.6 ± 5.6). Data were collected from medical records. Results. The average survival rate of the PD method in our center was 53.3 ± 7.4 months, and in patients with nondiabetic kidney disease it was significantly higher. During the follow-up only 11/38 (28.9 %) patients continue treatment of PD, 12/38 (31.6 %) were changed to HD, 4/38 (10.6 %) patients kidney transplantation was performed and 11/38 %) died. The main reason of the letal cases was cardiovascular complications (36.6 %). The patient mortality was significantly depended on the diuresis volume and the level of GFR at the time of PD initiation. Conclusions. PD technique survival in our center correlate with the results of the PD treatment patients worldwide


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    The present study was performed to evaluate the ability of Lactobacillus probiotics to reduce the urinary oxalate excretion level and prevent recurrent pyelonephritis. Methods. The open, 6 months randomized controlled trial was followed up. 80 women with recurrent pyelonephritis, caused by E. coli or S. faecalis, were randomly allocated into 2 groups. The 1st Group (n = 40) took Symbiform® which contained acidophilic and plantar Lactobacilli, Lactococci (lactis and cremoris), Bifidobacteria (adolescentis and bifidum) and thermophilic non–pathogenic Streptococcus. The 2nd one (n = 40) received oxalate–soluble herbal remedy Uronefron® containing 188 mg of city extract from 9 plants. Probiotic was prescribed in a dose of 1 sachet 2 times a day during the first 5 days, followed by a dose reduction of 1 sachet per day for a month. Uronefron® was prescribed in a dose of 3 pills a day for a month. Results. 1 month after the end of the treatment, microbiological studies of the colon microflora demonstrated the increasing level of Lactobacillus spp. colonization more than 7 million CPU/1 g of faeces: 35/40 (87.5 %) in the patients of the 1st Group vs 6/40 (15 %) in the women of the comparison Group f/f = 41.5; p < 0.0001). The levels of daily urinary oxalate excretion were significantly decreased in both groups: the patients of Probiotic Group: 117.6 ± 11.7 vs 71.9 ± 10.07mg/d after the treatment (p < 0.0001) and 122.02 ± 17 vs 84.8 ± 9.8 mg/d (p < 0.0001) in the women of the 2nd Group, respectively. In the 6 months preceding randomization, at least 1 recurrence of pyelonephritis occurred in 2/40 (5 %) women of the Probiotic Group and 9/40 (22.5 %) in the patients of Group II (//= 5,1; p = 0,02). Conclusions. The use of lactobacillus probiotics in non–stone fanners women with recurrent pyelonephritis increases the quantitative content of Lactobacillus spp. in the gut, reduces daily urinary oxalate excretion and the number of pyelonephritis recurrences

    Pathological features of the lungs and liver of piglets under conditions of constant vaccination of livestock against circovirus infection

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    The pathogenicity of PCV 2 in the body of vaccinated piglets was studied based on the results of pathomorphological changes in the lungs and liver of animals. The work was carried out on commercial piglets vaccinated with the vaccine Ingelvak CircoFLEX (Germany) against circovirus. The work used clinical, zootechnical, enzyme immunoassay and pathomorphological research methods. It has been established that under the conditions of ongoing vaccination of piglets against PCV2, 30.3% of piglets still do not have virus-neutralizing antibodies. The main reason for the culling of animals are circovirus diseases that have respiratory clinical signs, as well as signs of multisystem wasting syndrome, determining the safety of the livestock at the level of 68.05%, the average live weight of 1 head at the moment of its transfer for fattening is 40.44±0.78 kg, and the average daily gain in live weight is 346.00±9.18 g. At autopsy, sick piglets reveal an increase in the lungs and liver, and the signs of inflammation in them, as a result of circulatory disorders, damage to the lymphoid tissue, the development of dystrophic and necrotic changes. The results of the research suggest that in order to increase the efficiency of the formation of post-vaccination immunity, specific medical preparations can be used to stimulate the immune response of the body, as well as to enhance the resistance of the lymphoid tissue of the lungs and liver in animals.The pathogenicity of PCV 2 in the body of vaccinated piglets was studied based on the results of pathomorphological changes in the lungs and liver of animals. The work was carried out on commercial piglets vaccinated with the vaccine Ingelvak CircoFLEX (Germany) against circovirus. The work used clinical, zootechnical, enzyme immunoassay and pathomorphological research methods. It has been established that under the conditions of ongoing vaccination of piglets against PCV2, 30.3% of piglets still do not have virus-neutralizing antibodies. The main reason for the culling of animals are circovirus diseases that have respiratory clinical signs, as well as signs of multisystem wasting syndrome, determining the safety of the livestock at the level of 68.05%, the average live weight of 1 head at the moment of its transfer for fattening is 40.44±0.78 kg, and the average daily gain in live weight is 346.00±9.18 g. At autopsy, sick piglets reveal an increase in the lungs and liver, and the signs of inflammation in them, as a result of circulatory disorders, damage to the lymphoid tissue, the development of dystrophic and necrotic changes. The results of the research suggest that in order to increase the efficiency of the formation of post-vaccination immunity, specific medical preparations can be used to stimulate the immune response of the body, as well as to enhance the resistance of the lymphoid tissue of the lungs and liver in animals


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    Мета роботи: порівняти клініко-лабораторні й імунологічні показники хворих на пієлонефрит залежно від наявності гіпероксалурії та визначити її потенційну роль у прогресуванні хронічної хвороби нирок. Матеріали та методи: Нами обстежено 94 жінки, хворих на хронічний пієлонефрит (середній вік 36,9±15,6 років). Залежно від наявності гіпероксалурії пацієнтки були розподілені на ІІ групи: І (n=50) склали жінки з гіпероксалурією (П 450 мкмоль за добу), до ІІ (n=44) увійшли пацієнтки без гіпероксалурії. Результати: Встановлено, що концентрація оксалатів у сечі та їх добова екскреція мали зворотній кореляційний зв’язок зі ШКФ (r=-0,45; р=0,01 та r=- 0,48; р<0,001 відповідно). Достовірний прямий кореляційний зв’язок з гіпероксалурією мали також рівні протеїнурії (r=0,47; р<0,001), фібронектину сечі (r=0,38; р<0,001) та нітритів (r=0,22; р=0,03), підвищення артеріального тиску (r=0,23; р=0,02). Середній рівень ШКФ був достовірно нижчим у пацієнток з гіпероксалурією: 68,9±12,1 проти 81,2±13,6 (р<0,001). Крім того визначено достовірне підвищення рівнів прозапальних цитокінів (ФНП-α й IL-1β) та β2-мікроглобуліну у пацієнток І групи. Висновки: Ми вважаємо, що гіпероксалурія є потенційним фактором ризику прогресування ХХН у хворих на пієлонефрит

    A Plant Biologist’s Toolbox to Study Translation

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    Across a broad range of species and biological questions, more and more studies are incorporating translation data to better assess how gene regulation occurs at the level of protein synthesis. The inclusion of translation data improves upon, and has been shown to be more accurate than, transcriptional studies alone. However, there are many different techniques available to measure translation and it can be difficult, especially for young or aspiring scientists, to determine which methods are best applied in specific situations. We have assembled this review in order to enhance the understanding and promote the utilization of translational methods in plant biology. We cover a broad range of methods to measure changes in global translation (e.g., radiolabeling, polysome profiling, or puromycylation), translation of single genes (e.g., fluorescent reporter constructs, toeprinting, or ribosome density mapping), sequencing-based methods to uncover the entire translatome (e.g., Ribo-seq or translating ribosome affinity purification), and mass spectrometry-based methods to identify changes in the proteome (e.g., stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture or bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging). The benefits and limitations of each method are discussed with a particular note of how applications from other model systems might be extended for use in plants. In order to make this burgeoning field more accessible to students and newer scientists, our review includes an extensive glossary to define key terms