2,854 research outputs found

    High pressure effects in fluorinated HgBa2Ca2Cu3O(8+d)

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    We have measured the pressure sensitivity of Tc in fluorinated HgBa2Ca2Cu3O(8+d) (Hg-1223) ceramic samples with different F contents, applying pressures up to 30 GPa. We obtained that Tc increases with increasing pressure, reaching different maximum values, depending on the F doping level, and decreases for a further increase of pressure. A new high Tc record (166 K +/- 1 K) was achieved by applying pressure (23 GPa) in a fluorinated Hg-1223 sample near the optimum doping level. Our results show that all our samples are at the optimal doping, and that fluorine incorporation decreases the crystallographic aa-parameter concomitantly increasing the maximum attainable Tc. This effect reveals that the compression of the aa axes is one of the keys that controls the Tc of high temperature superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Some results on the eigenfunctions of the quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland model related to the Lie algebra E6

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    The quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland models related to Lie algebras admit a parametrization in which the dynamical variables are the characters of the fundamental representations of the algebra. We develop here this approach for the case of the exceptional Lie algebra E6.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Pressure effects in the triangular layered cobaltites NaxCoO2

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    We have measured transport properties as a function of temperature and pressure up to 30GPa in the NaxCoO2 system. For the x=0.5 sample the transition temperature at 53K increases with pressure, while paradoxically the sample passes from an insulating to a metallic ground state. A similar transition is observed in the x=0.31 sample under pressure. Compression on the x=0.75 sample transforms the sample from a metallic to an insulating state. We discuss our results in terms of interactions between band structure effects and Na+ order.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Strong, Weak and Branching Bisimulation for Transition Systems and Markov Reward Chains: A Unifying Matrix Approach

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    We first study labeled transition systems with explicit successful termination. We establish the notions of strong, weak, and branching bisimulation in terms of boolean matrix theory, introducing thus a novel and powerful algebraic apparatus. Next we consider Markov reward chains which are standardly presented in real matrix theory. By interpreting the obtained matrix conditions for bisimulations in this setting, we automatically obtain the definitions of strong, weak, and branching bisimulation for Markov reward chains. The obtained strong and weak bisimulations are shown to coincide with some existing notions, while the obtained branching bisimulation is new, but its usefulness is questionable

    The therapeutic relationship in child psychotherapy: integrating the perspectives of children, parents and therapists

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe and analyse the therapeutic relationship integrating the views of children, parents and therapists. METHODS: This study employs a qualitative methodology, assuming a discovery-oriented approach which draws from grounded theory. Twelve psychotherapy triads participated, composed of children aged 6-10, their parents and psychotherapists. Semi-structured follow-up interviews were conducted (N=36), including a drawing in the case of the children. RESULTS: A positive therapeutic relationship with children and parents was viewed as a gradually constructed process, based on a positive emotional encounter between participants. It was facilitated primarily by the therapist's commitment and playful stance, the child and therapist mutual involvement, and the parent's collaboration. These aspects entailed a trustful, validating and caring relationship, that shaped children and parents' motivations towards therapy and facilitated change. CONCLUSIONS: From a multiple-perspective approach, therapy was conceived as a relational experience. The development of positive relationships required different and evolving dispositions from therapy main actors. Therapists' genuine feelings and engagement in therapeutic activity seem central, underlining the importance of addressing relational aspects in child therapy research and training

    Aportaciones al conocimiento de las comunidades de Pistacia Terenbinthus L. y de Acer Monspessulanum L. en el Sur de la Península Ibérica

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    Se aportan nuevos datos fitosociológicos sobre los terebintales-cornicabrales béticos, con la propuesta de una nueva asociación (Phillyreo latifoliae-Pistacietum terebinthi ass. nova) que representa a las formaciones de microfanerófitos mediterráneos perennifolios integrados en Quercetalia ilicis pero dominados por algunas especies caducifolias como Pistacia terebinthus. Se define también una nueva subasociación de los quejigares bético-torcalenses (Vinco difformis-Quercetum fagineae aceretosum monspessulani subass. nova) cuyo significado fitocenológico corresponde a un enriquecimiento en especies eurosiberianas y submediterráneas de Quercetalia pubescentis, fundamentalmente debido a un incremento en la altitud y a causa de las condiciones microclimáticas del biotopo en el que se asienta dicha comunidad.Contribution to the noules of the comunities of Pistacia terebinthus and Acer monspessulanum in Southern Iberian Peninsula. New phytosociological data about winter-deciduous pistachio tree forest (Phillyreo latifoliae-Pistacietum terebinthi ass. nova) endemic of the Betica province and Mediterranean region are presented. This new association is formed quantitatively by an evergreen forest; however there might predominate deciduous species such as Pistacia terebinthus. In addition, we propose a new subassociation of maple forest into the Torcalense phytogeographical subsector (Vinco difformis-Quercetum fagineae aceretosum monspessulani subass. nova). This subassociation develops on higher areas with north exposition. These conditions enable eurosiberian and submediterranean species, which belong to the phytosociological order of Quercetalia pubescentis

    Las comunidades escionitrófilas de Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande en el sur de la Península Ibérica

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    Las comunidades caracterizadas por Alliaria petiolata en el sur de la Península Ibérica corresponden a la asociación Myrrhoidi nodosae-Alliarietum petiolatae (clase Galio-Urticetea). Dicha asociación presenta su óptimo en la Sierra de Ayllón (Provincia Carpetano-Ibérico-Leonesa), e irradia hacia el suroeste por los sistemas béticos (provincia corológica Bética), cambiando su composición florística y empobreciéndose en esa dirección, siguiendo los distintos sectores fitogeográficos. Estos aspectos son reflejados fielmente por tres subasociaciones y una variante: subass. smyrnietosum perfoliati (subsectores Cazorlense y Alcaracense), subass. nepetosum granatensis (sectores Nevadense y Almijaro-Granatense) y subass. ranunculetosum blepharicarpi comb. nova (subsector Torcalense), que llega de modo finícola como variante supramediterránea con Sysimbrium crassifolium al extremo suroeste de las cordilleras (sector Rondeño). Esta distribución manifiesta una vía migratoria para taxones y sintaxones orófilos y mesófilos por las montañas béticas. Además, Alliaria petiolata, por su propia autoecología, su cortejo florístico y el hábitat que precisa, es un fiel bioindicador de bosques caducifolios, riparios y de abetos, que se pueden considerar hoy día muy singulares por su carácter relicto, submediterráneo o por habitar condiciones ecológicas especiales.Plant communities with Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande in the South of the Iberian Peninsula. Plant communities characterized by Alliaria petiolata in the south of de Iberian Peninsula can be included in Myrrhoidi nodosae-Alliarietum petiolatae association (Galio-Urticetea class). This association is located in Ayllon mountains (Carpetano-Ibérico-Leonesa province) and distributed towards the southwest by the Betic mountain ranges (Betic chorological province) varying its floristic composition as the association reaches the different phytogeographical sectors. These aspects are clearly defined by three subassociations and one variant: subass. smyrnietosum perfoliati (Cazorlense and Alcaracense subsectors), subass. nepetosum granatensis (Nevadense y and Almijaro-Granatense sectors) and subass. ranunculetosum blepharicarpi comb. nova (Torcalense subsector) that reaches the southwest limit of Betic ranges as a supramediterranean variant with Sisymbrium crassifolium (Rondeño sector). This distribution may indicate a migratory route for orophyllous and mesophyllous taxa and syntaxa throughout the Betic Mountains. Moreover, Alliaria petiolata is an accurate bioindicator for the undergrowth of deciduous, riparian and mixed Abies pinsapo forests considered actually remarkable because of its relict character, sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical position, or special ecological requirements

    Sobre las alisedas nevadenses (Sierra Nevada, Granada-Almería, España)

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    Se ha realizado un estudio fitosociológico sobre las alisedas (bosques de Alnus glutinosa) en Sierra Nevada (Granada-Almería, España). Para ello, se han recopilado los datos existentes en archivos históricos y en bibliografía, además de reunir inventarios bibliográficos e inventarios propios. La distribución conocida de las alisedas en Sierra Nevada está centrada en dos zonas: en la cara sur los barrancos de Poqueira y Trevélez (Granada) y en la cara norte los afluentes del río Alhama de Lugros (Granada). También existen en la Sierra Nevada almeriense (río Andarax). Tras un análisis detallado de las tablas fitosociológicas, de su fitoecología, composición florística, distribución y estructura, llegamos a la conclusión de que las alisedas de Sierra Nevada constituyen una nueva asociación que denominamos Carici camposii-Alnetum glutinosae ass. nova. Se trata de bosques caducifolios muy desarrollados, con estrato arbóreo, arbustivo y herbáceo, que se desarrollan en tramos riparios con agua permanente, sobre materiales silíceos, en el piso supramediterráneo del sector fitogeográfico Nevadense (provincia Bética). Existe una variante que habita laderas de gran inclinación con suelos rezumantes, donde las alisedas muestran mayor biomasa (altura, cobertura) y aparecen algunas especies fitoindicadoras (Geum urbanum). El análisis de la tabla sintética muestra su clara separación del resto de alisedas sur-ibéricas de Osmundo-Alnion, destacando la ausencia del bioindicador más característico de esa alianza (Osmunda regalis) en la nueva asociación.Alnus glutinosa forests in Sierra Nevada (Granada-Almeria, Spain). A phytosociological survey has been made on Alnus glutinosa forests in Sierra Nevada. Historical and bibliographical data have been compiled as well as published and new phytosociological inventories. The known distribution of Alnus glutinosa forests in Sierra Nevada is concentrated in two main zones: in the southern slope along the rivers Poqueira and Trevélez (Granada) and in the northern slope along the tributaries of the Alhama de Lugros river (Granada). They have been also inventoried in Almeria province (Andarax river). After detailed analysis of phytosociological inventories and tables as well as for the ecology, floristic composition, distribution and forest structure, we conclude that the A. glutinosa forests of Sierra Nevada represent a new association: Carici camposii-Alnetum glutinosae ass. nova. They are well developed forest with trees, shrubs, and grasses strata, appearing in river banks with permanent streams, on siliceous soils in the supramediterranean bioclimatic belt of the Nevadense phytogeographical sector (Betic province). A variant, indicated by Geum urbanum, develops in high incline slopes with permanent wet soils where A. glutinosa forests show the greatest biomass (canopy cover and height of trees). Analysis of synthetic table shows clear division from the rest of the Osmundo-Alnion south-Iberian forests, emphasizing the absence of the main indicator of the alliance (Osmunda regalis) in the new association
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