170 research outputs found

    Biological survey of Chalcalburnus chalcoides guldenstadti spawning migration in Anzati Lagoon

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    Different biological forms of Chalcalburnus chalcoides, which is called sharnaya in Russian and saphidcooly in Persian, are distributed in the Caspian Sea, Aral Sea and Black Sea, The saphidcooly which live in the Caspian Sea scattered in the southern and western regions and enter the Kura and Terek Rivers in the northern coast for spawning (Berg. 1965). The Anzali lagoon saphidcooly is smaller in size compared with the Kura's population, but the results of this survey indicate that after maturation. The Anzali Lagoon saphidcooly show greater growth than the Kuras population. The migration for spawning to Anzali Lagoon commences in March with slow run, and reaches the peak in May and the beginning of June

    On the identification of Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides in “wiikites” from Karelia

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    Purpose. With respect to the nature of Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides, which are included in the mineral associations that have historically gone by the now outdated name of “wiikites”, there is no unanimity of opinion. The main difficulty in identifying them is associated with the complexity of their chemical composition, their metamict structure and the substantial changes in their initial mineral form due to the effects of natural weathering. The aim of this work is the development of methodology to identify Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides corresponding to the mineral formulas AB2O6 and A2B2O7. Methods. The methodology developed in the work includes two experimental approaches: 1) electron probe microanalysis of phases revealed through use of the SEM-BSE method. Based on the resulting data, a hypothesis about the nature of the Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides in a number of wiikite samples is proposed. 2) XRD analysis of those phases that are formed in the course of thermal annealing of samples from 200 to 1000°C. Based on the resulting data here, the previous hypotheses are either accepted or rejected for each sample. Findings. Using this methodology, three “wiikite” samples were analyzed (the experimental codes were Wk-2, Wk-3 and Wk-7). The Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides in two of these wiikites (Wk-2 and Wk-3) were preliminarily determined to be hydroxyyttropyrochlore and hydroxycalciobetafite, respectively. In the third sample (Wk-7), the Ti-Ta-Nb-oxide was classified as polycrase. The results of XRD phase analysis of the annealed samples were compatible with the primary hypotheses that hydroxycalciobetafite and polycrase were the initial minerals in “wiikites” 3 and 7, respectively. Originality. The paper considers the issue of the chemical conditions necessary for the recovery of the original Ti-Ta-Nb-oxide during recrystallization of the metamict structures. This is a problem that has not been substantively addressed in the literature. Also for the first time experimentally proved the existence of the polycrase in “wiikites”. Practical implications. Completed work expands our knowledge of the mineral composition of the granitic pegmatites of the Baltic shield and the possibility of their use both for research purposes and for needs of national economy.Мета. Розробка методології ідентифікації Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидів складного хімічного складу з метаміктною структурою, що відповідають мінеральним формулами АВ2О6 та А2В2О7. Методика. Для розробки методології ідентифікації у роботі використано два експериментальних підходи: 1) рентген-спектральний мікроаналіз фаз, виявлених методом скануючої електронної мікроскопії зразків у назад відображених електронах. На основі отриманих результатів висунута гіпотеза щодо природи Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидів. 2) рентген-дифракційний аналіз фаз, що утворюються в процесі термічного відпалу зразків від 200 до 1000°С. На основі отриманих результатів для кожного зразка первинна гіпотеза приймалася або відкидалася. Результати. З використанням даної методики були вивчені три зразки “віікітів” (шифри зразків: Wk-2, Wk-3 і Wk-7). Наявність Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидів попередньо визначено e двох зразках (Wk-2 і Wk-3) відповідно, як гідроксііттропірохлор та гідроксікальціобетафіт. У третьому зразку (Wk-7) Ti-Ta-Nb діагностований як полікраз. Результати рентген-дифракційного аналізу відпалених зразків підтвердили гіпотези про те, що початковими мінералами у Wk-3 і Wk-7 були гідроксікальціобетафіт і полікраз відповідно. Наукова новизна. Визначено хімічні умови, необхідні для утворення початкового Тi-Ta-Nb під час рекристалізації метаміктної структури, що раніше не розглядалось у відповідній тематичній науковій літературі. Вперше експериментально виявлено присутність у “віікітах” полікраза. Практична значимість. Отримані результати розширюють й доповнюють знання щодо мінерального складу гранітних пегматитів Балтійського щита та надають можливість їх використання в дослідницьких цілях і потребах народного господарства.Цель. Разработка методологии идентификации Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидов сложного химического состава с метамиктной структурой, соответствующих минеральным формулам АВ2О6 и А2В2О7. Методика. Для разработки методологии идентификации в работе использовано два экспериментальных подхода: 1) рентген-спектральный микроанализ фаз, выявленных методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии образцов в обратно отраженных электронах. На основе полученных результатов выдвинута гипотеза о природе Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидов. 2) рентген-дифракционный анализ фаз, образующихся в процессе термического отжига образцов от 200 до 1000°С. На основе полученных результатов для каждого образца первоначальная гипотеза принималась или отвергалась. Результаты. С использованием данной методики были изучены три образца “виикитов” (шифры образцов: Wk-2, Wk-3 и Wk-7). Наличие Ti-Ta-Nb-оксидов предварительно определено в двух образцах (Wk-2 и Wk-3) соответственно, как гидроксииттропирохлор и гидроксикальциобетафит. В третьем образце (Wk-7) Ti-Ta-Nb диагностирован как поликраз. Результаты рентген-дифракционного анализа отожженных образцов подтвердили гипотезы о том, что первоначальными минералами в Wk-3 и Wk-7 были гидроксикальциобетафит и поликраз соответственно. Научная новизна. Определены химические условия, необходимые для образования первоначального Тi-Ta-Nb во время рекристаллизации метамиктной структуры, что ранее не рассматривалось в соответствующих тематических научных литературе. Впервые экспериментально выявлено присутствие в “виикитах” поликраза. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты расширяют и дополняют знания о минеральном составе гранитных пегматитов Балтийского щита и дают возможности их использования в исследовательских целях и нуждах народного хозяйства.The study was conducted using equipment of the Center of X-ray Diffraction Studies and the Center for Microscopy and Microanalysis of the Research Park at Saint Petersburg State University, as well as the analytical laboratory of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel in Saint Petersburg

    Length frequency, sex ratio and relative abundance (CPUE) of Astacus leptodactylus in Arass Reservior (1997-98)

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    The length frequency, sex ratio and CPUE of Arass reservoir crayfish have been studied during a one year research project in 1997-98. Comparison of Arass crayfish with the same species of crayfish dwelling in freshwater habitats of Turkey, Turkamenistan, Caspian sea region and also in Anzali lagoon, The Arass crayfish were higher in length and weight. The average length and weight were 120.50±0.96mm and 54.68±1.53 gr, respectively (n=3219, confidence interval 95%). In the samples, the smallest crayfish measured 78mm and weighted 12.3 gr and the largest crayfish had 186mmlength and 239.6 gr weight. In the crayfish traps 83.2% of catch exceeded the standard commercial size. The sex ratio during spawning period (December-May) dominated by males and in other months the females had superiority in the catch. In general consideration the sex ratio during the project life dominated by males (1:1.33, n=35454). The CPUE in August was the highest and the least in January (in order of 10.32 and 0.15 crayfish per one trap in 24 hours respectively). The catching operation occured in the depth of 2.5-17.5m in the ecosystem, and CPUE were the highest the depth of 75m. Considering the CPUE data, the desirable catch occured in the August, September and October. Positive relationship between water temperature and CPUE observed, and optimum catch were occured when the water temperature ranged between 16-26ᵒC

    A comparative study of proximate composition of Artemia urmiana enriched with different sources and levels of HUFA

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    The nutritional quality of commercially available Artemia strains is relatively poor in Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Arachidonic acid (ARA) and especially Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Hence, it is essential and common practice to enrich this live prey with emulsions of special oils. One commercial ICES30/4 (Belgium), Linseed oil as a vegetable oil, Cod liver oil and Sturgeon ovary oil as two animal oils with EPA amounts in these oils were 6.29, 0.03, 11.39, 7.55 and the DHA amounts were 20.90, 0.00, 7.64, 2.76 respectively with three concentrations (100, 200 and 300ppm) during two enrichment periods (12 and 24h) were tested in order to improve the HUFA content, the DHA/EPA ratio and ARA content of Artemia urmiana nauplii. The results showed that Artemia enriched with different levels of vegetable oil and enrichment periods was poor in relation to either HUFA content or DHA/EPA ratio but the fish oils and emulsion resulted in HUFA incorporation. Sturgeon ovary oil caused the poorest DHA/EPA ratio enrichment (0.40 in 300ppm-24h) but the commercial emulsion (ICES30/4) was found as the best for DHA/EPA ratio enrichment (1.20 in 300 ppm- 24h). Cod liver oil (0.53 in 100ppm-24h) can be a good internal source substitute for improving the DHA/EPA ratio enrichment compared to ICES30/4 due to price and availability. As a result, HUFA content was increased with enrichment level 200ppm during 24h. Also, all oil sources improved lipid and protein percentages in A. urmiana nauplii

    Production of Chitin and Chitosan from Shrimp Shell in Batch Culture of Lactobacillus plantarum

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    Lactobacillus plantarum, as a potential lactic acid and protease producer, was used for biological extraction of chitin from shrimp shell. L. plantarum was grown in a batch culture containing shrimp shell powder and date syrup, incubated at 30 °C. The produced organic acids and proteases in L. plantarum culture were able to demineralize and deproteinize shrimp shell. Percentages of deproteinization and demineralization were 45 and 54, respectively. In post treatment of the sample, dilute acid and alkali, were implemented to produce the specific chitin. Chitin was converted to chitosan by N-deacetylation with NaOH solution. Percentage of deacetylation based on FTIR spectrum was 83 %

    Hepcidin and HFE polymorphisms and ferritin level in β-Thalassemia major

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    Background: Thalassemia patients need repeated transfusion that lead to increased blood ferritin level and iron overload in the heart and liver. Because the roles of hepcidin antimicrobial peptide (HAMP) and hemocromatosis protein (HFE) in iron metabolism have been confirmed, this study investigated the effects of these gene's polymorphisms on blood ferritin levels and iron overload in the heart and liver in patients with beta thalassemia major Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 91 patients referring to the Hajar Hospital in Shahrekord, Iran in 2015. After the blood samples were collected, the ferritin levels were measured, DNA was extracted from the blood cells, and the types of polymorphisms were determined using PCR-RFLP. Data of MRI T2 * in the heart and liver were drawn from the patients' medical files. Data analysis was conducted by t-test, chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: There was no significant correlation between blood ferritin level and c.-582 A>G polymorphisms of hepcidin gene (p=0.58), and H63D of HFE gene (p=0.818). In addition, there was no significant association between the polymorphisms and heart and liver MRI, but there was a significant association between blood ferritin level and qualitative heart and liver MRI (r=-0.34, p=0.035 and r=-0.001, p=0.609, respectively). Conclusion: In patients with β-thalassemia major, the presence of c.-582A>G HAMP and H63D HFE polymorphisms is not effective on blood ferritin level and iron overload in the heart and liver in the studied region

    Improvement in perioperative care in pediatric cardiac surgery by shifting the primary focus of treatment from cardiac output to perfusion pressure: Are beta stimulants still needed?

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    An important aspect of perioperative care in pediatric cardiac surgery is maintenance of optimal hemodynamic status using vasoactive/inotropic agents. Conventionally, this has focused on maintenance of cardiac output rather than perfusion pressure. However, this approach has been abandoned in our center in favor of one focusing primarily on perfusion pressure, which is presented here and compared to the conventional approach. A retrospective study. Regional center for congenital heart disease. University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland. All patients with Aristotle risk score ≥8 that underwent surgery from 1996 to 2012 were included. Patients operated between 1996 and 2005 (Group 1: 206 patients) were treated according to the conventional approach. Patients operated between 2006 and 2012 (Group 2: 217 patients) were treated according to our new approach. All patients had undergone surgery for correction or palliation of congenital cardiac defects. Mortality, duration of ventilation and inotropic treatment, use of ECMO, and complications of poor peripheral perfusion (need for hemofiltration, laparotomy for enterocolitis, amputation). The two groups were similar in age and complexity. Mortality was lower in group 2 (7.3% in group 1 vs 1.4% in group 2, P < .005). Ventilation times (hours) and number of days on inotropic/vasoactive treatment (all agents), expressed as median and interquartile range [Q1-Q3] were shorter in group 2: 69 [24-163] hours in group 1 vs 35 [22-120] hours in group 2 (P < .01) for ventilation, and 9 [3-5] days in group 1 vs 7 [2-5] days in group 2 (P < .05) for inotropic/vasoactive agents. There were no differences in ECMO usage or complications of peripheral perfusion. Results in pediatric cardiac surgery may be improved by shifting the primary focus of perioperative care from cardiac output to perfusion pressure

    Quality evaluation of Non- Atchabledecapsulated Cysts of Artemia Urmiana during one year after produce

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    Low hatching artemia cysts which has no use in the aquaculture can be decapsulated and directly use in larvae culture. In order to increase the knowledge of consumers to know the quality changes of low hatching decapsulated cysts during storage after production (especially fatty acids) this research was carried out. In this work Low hatching cysts of artemia urmiana had decapsulated with sodium hypochlorite and other chemicals. We used drying room and f.b.d system for drying of this decapsulated cysts and package units had used for packing this product to cans. We had three experimental treatments of dry decapsulated cysts (3 type packing including vaccumed cans and free (plastic dishes). These treatment were evaluated at different times (comparing of before produce, after produce , 3, 6 and 12 months keeping after production ) such as fatty acids , fatty percent , protein percent , bacterial and fungal contamination and presence of aflatoxin the result of fatty acids using one way anova analysis showed that the variation of half of fatty acids specially DHA and EPA were significant (p<0.05) . Fatty percentage increased and protein was decreased about 12-15% during the one year storage we separated two species of bacteria and two species of fungi but they had no pathogenic bacterial and fungal. During 6 months storage the quality of products have less variation compared whit 12 months

    Serum overexpression of miR-301a and miR-23a in patients with colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a heterogeneous group of membrane-bound vesicles with complex cargoes including proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. EVs have received significant attention due to their specific features including stability under harsh conditions and involvement in cell-to-cell communication. Circulating EVs and the molecules associated with them are important in the diagnosis and prognosis of cancers. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a group of small noncoding RNAs that have a role in regulating gene expression. Current literature shows that circulating miRNAs can be used as noninvasive biomarkers for early detection of cancers. The present study was set to investigate the potential role of serum exosomal miRNA expression levels in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and evaluate their correlation with clinicopathologic features. METHODS: Exosome-enriched fractions were isolated from the serum of 25 CRC patients and 13 age- and sex-matched healthy controls using a polymer-based precipitation method. During the pilot phase, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was carried out on 12 CRC patients and eight healthy participants to evaluate the expression difference of 11 candidate miRNAs between CRC patients and tumor free subjects. Finally, the results were validated in a separate group, which was similar in size to the pilot group. The clinicopathologic data were also collected and the relationship between aberrant miRNA expression and clinicopathological parameters were investigated. RESULTS: There were high expressions of exosomal miR-23a and miR-301a in serum samples of CRC patients compared to normal controls in training and validation phases; these differences were not significantly correlated with clinicopathologic features. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that miR-301a and miR-23a were able to discriminate CRC patients from normal subjects. CONCLUSION: The findings provide evidence on the roles of miR-301a and miR-23a in CRC development and their potential roles as noninvasive biomarkers for early detection of CRC