56 research outputs found

    Affective Bias without Hemispheric Competition: Evidence for Independent Processing Resources in Each Cortical Hemisphere

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    We assessed the extent of neural competition for attentional processing resources in early visual cortex between foveally presented task stimuli and peripheral emotional distracter images. Task-relevant and distracting stimuli were shown in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) streams to elicit the steady-state visual evoked potential, which serves as an electrophysiological marker of attentional resource allocation in early visual cortex. A taskrelated RSVP stream of symbolic letters was presented centrally at 15 Hz while distracting RSVP streams were displayed at 4 or 6 Hz in the left and right visual hemifields. These image streams always had neutral content in one visual field and would unpredictably switch from neutral to unpleasant content in the opposite visual field. We found that the steady-state visual evoked potential amplitude was consistently modulated as a function of change in emotional valence in peripheral RSVPs, indicating sensory gain in response to distracting affective content. Importantly, the facilitated processing for emotional content shown in one visual hemifield was not paralleled by any perceptual costs in response to the task-related processing in the center or the neutral image stream in the other visual hemifield. Together, our data provide further evidence for sustained sensory facilitation in favor of emotional distracters. Furthermore, these results are in line with previous reports of a “different hemifield advantage” with lowlevel visual stimuli and are suggestive of independent processing resources in each cortical hemisphere that operate beyond lowlevel visual cues, that is, with complex images that impact early stages of visual processing via reentrant feedback loops from higher order processing areas

    Клинико-эпидемиологическая характеристика вирусных диарей у детей

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    Viral intestinal infections play an important role in infectious diseases in children of different ages.Aim of this study was to investigate the etiological structure and characteristics of viral diarrhea in hospitalized children in 2009–2013.Materials and Methods: 5535 children’s medical histories were analyzed, in which algorithm survey polymerase chain reaction using primers production «AmpliSens ® Rotavirus / Norovirus / Astrovirus-FL» or «OCI screen AmpliSens ® -FL», «AmpliSens ® Enterovirus-FL» production «InterLabService» (Moscow) was included.Results: we found that with using the polymerase chain reaction etiologic diagnosis was deciphered in 3241 cases (59,8%) and the part of diarrhea of viral genesis of decrypted acute intestinal infections was 77,35 %. Results have shown that the virus diarrhea predominantly affects children under 3 years old (45%). Revealed the prevalence of rotavirus infection (40,44%) also a high proportion of norovirus gastroenteritis (21,18%) have been founded. We found that rotavirus have the first place in importance in the age group of children up to 6 years (56%); however in patients of school age the first place was the norovirus (45,2%). The incidence of rotavirus infection remained high throughout the study period (44,6-58,9%), incidence of norovirus gastroenteritis increased from 24 % in 2010 to 32% in 2012 . In most cases (82%) of viral gastroenteritis was moderate, major complication was dehydration syndrome of 1–2 stage.Conclusion: results have proved that using of modern methods of diagnosis help to decrypt at least 60% of cases of infectious diarrhea, and the main etiological agents are rotaviruses and noroviruses . Our results are fully consistent with the data on the epidemiology in foreign sources of acute intestinal infections in children prior to mass vaccination rotavirus.Вирусные кишечные инфекции играют важную роль в инфекционной заболеваемости у детей различного возраста.Цель: изучение этиологической структуры и особенностей течения вирусных диарей у госпитализированных детей в 2009–2013 гг.Материалы и методы: проанализированы истории болезни 5535 детей, в алгоритм обследования которых была включена полимеразная цепная реакции с использованием праймеров производства «АмплиСенс® Rotavirus/Norovirus/Astrovirus-FL» или «АмплиСенс® ОКИ скрин-FL», «АмплиСенс® Enterovirus-FL» производства «Интерлабсервис» (Москва).Результаты: установлено, что при использовании полимеразной цепной реакции диагноз был этиологически расшифрован у 3241 (59,8%), а доля диарей вирусного генеза среди расшифрованных острых кишечных инфекций составила 77,35%. Показано, что вирусными диареями страдают преимущественно дети до 3-летнего возраста (45%). Выявлено преобладание ротавирусной инфекции (40,44%), также была высока доля норовирусных гастроэнтеритов (21,18%). Установлено, что ротавирус является первым по значимости в возрастной группе детей до 6 лет (56%), у пациентов школьного возраста на первом месте оказался норовирус (45,2%). Заболеваемость ротавирусной инфекцией оставалась высокой на протяжении всего периода исследования (44,6–58,9%), частота выявления норовирусных гастроэнтеритов возросла с 24% в 2010 г. до 32% в 2012 г. В большинстве случаев (82%) вирусные гастроэнтериты протекали в среднетяжелой форме, основным осложнением был синдром дегидратации 1–2 степени.Заключение: доказано, что при использовании современных методов диагностики расшифровывается не менее 60% случаев инфекционных диарей, а основными этиологическими агентами являются ротавирусы и норовирусы. Полученные нами результаты полностью согласуются с данными зарубежных источников по эпидемиологии ОКИ у детей до начала массовой вакцинопрофилактики ротавирусной инфекции

    Особенности течения менингоэнцефалита у ребенка со смешанной бактериальной инфекцией (клинический случай)

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    In the past decade the proportion of mixed infections has increased. The clinical aspects of mixed infections can be atypical, and the course of the disease depends on the type of pathogen-associants, their biological properties, relationships with each other and with the host. A clinical case, showing the possibility of mixed associations of Yersinia ana Listeria infections, caused the meningoencephalitis, is given. It is described the experience of the authors on neuroinfection diseases, according to which, a parallel study of blood and cerebrospinal fluid in molecular-genetic, serological as well as immunohistochemical diagnostic methods is required for the detection of mixed infection or co-infection in order to clarify the etiology of the disease.В последние десятилетия увеличился удельный вес смешанных (микст-) инфекций. Клинические проявления микст-инфекций, как правило, нетипичны, а течение заболевания зависит от вида возбудителей-ассоциантов, их биологических свойств, взаимоотношений друг с другом и с организмом хозяина. Представлен клинический случай, свидетельствующий о возможных микст-ассоциациях иерсиниозной и листериозной инфекций, вызвавших менингоэнцефалит. Описан опыт авторов по нейроинфекционным заболеваниям, согласно которому для уточнения этиологии необходимо параллельное исследование крови и цереброспинальной жидкости как молекулярно-генетическими, серологическими, так и иммуногистохимическими методами диагностики для обнаружения микст-инфекции или сопутствующей инфекции


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    Specific features of the course of acute intestinal infections of viral and bacterial etiology in children are described, features of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication in children carrying infectious diarrhea are characterized. As a result of the study, the efficacy and safety of gelatin tannate (LLC «YADRAN», Croatia) with intestinal infections of bacterial and viral etiology in children has been confirmed. Установлены особенности течения острых кишечных инфекций вирусной и бактериальной этиологии у детей, охарактеризованы особенности синдрома эндогенной интоксикции у детей, переносящих инфекционные диареи. В результате проведенного исследования подтвержена эффективность и безопасность желатина танната (ООО «ЯДРАН», Хорватия) при кишечных инфекциях бактериальной и вирусной этиологии у детей.


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    Recently the actual direction is development of programs of rehabilitation of the second stage of recovering of infectious diseases children. The purpose of this work is justification of need of the organization of offices of rehabilitation in a children's infectious hospital according to Order of the organization of medical rehabilitation. The retrospective analysis of clinical records of the patients who have arrived on treatment in clinical divisions of Federal State Budgetary Institution of Research of Children's Infections of Russia in 2011—2012 is carried out. It is established, that among surveyed 14 363 for 2 years of patients (in a year on the average more than 7000 children) — about 40% (2800 patients a year) children for whom rehabilitation actions of the second stage in the conditions of a hospital, including carrying out a diet therapy, physiotherapy exercises, physical therapy and pharmacotherapy are necessary. On a profile of infectious patients for rendering the rehabilitation help it is expedient to organize 2 offices on 30 beds: for treatment of children with consequences of neuroinfections and children with somatic pathology. The organization of two offices for carrying out medical rehabilitation of the second stage to recovering infectious diseases children taking into account recommended standards on equipment, according to the Order of the organization of medical rehabilitation, will allow to give high-tech help to patients and to prevent development of complications.В последнее время актуальным направлением является разработка программ реабилитации второго этапа детей-реконвалесцентов инфекционных заболеваний. Целью данной работы является обоснование необходимости организации отделений реабилитации в детском инфекционном стационаре в соответствии с Порядком организации медицинской реабилитации. Проведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни больных, поступивших на лечение в клинические подразделения ФГБУ «НИИДИ ФМБА России» в 2011—2012 гг. Установлено, что среди обследованных 14 363 за 2 года пациентов (в год в среднем более 7000 детей) — около 40% (2800 больных в год) детей, кому необходимы реабилитационные мероприятия второго этапа в условиях стационара, в том числе проведение диетотерапии, ЛФК, физиотерапии и фармакотерапии. По профилю инфекционных больных для оказания реабилитационной помощи целесообразно организовать 2 отделения по 30 коек: для лечения детей с последствиями нейроинфекций и детей с соматической патологией. Организация двух отделений для проведения медицинской реабилитации второго этапа детям — реконвалесцентам инфекционных заболеваний с учетом рекомендуемых стандартов по оснащению, согласно Порядку организации медицинской реабилитации, позволит оказывать высокотехнологическую помощь пациентам и предупреждать развитие осложнений

    Педиатрический мультисистемный воспалительный синдром, ассоциированный с новой коронавирусной инфекцией: нерешенные проблемы

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    Since March 2020, the first reports have appeared about the increasing, almost everywhere, number of children who have undergone a new coronovirus infection caused by SARS-Cov-2 with a symptom complex resembling the manifestations of Kawasaki disease. A special feature of the clinical manifestations of this syndrome, which is called “Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19”, is the high incidence of life-threatening conditions caused by the sharp development of arterial hypotension against the background of cardiogenic or vasogenic shock.In St. Petersburg, since the end of November 2020, there has been a sharp surge in admissions of children to the ICU of various hospitals with the clinic of Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome, who have laboratory confirmation of the transferred COVID-19.The purpose of this article is to attract the attention of doctors of various profiles, to combine efforts to study this pathology, to determine the criteria for verifying the diagnosis, optimal treatment regimens and dispensary monitoring of patients who have been ill.С марта 2020 г. появились первые сообщения о возрастающем практически повсеместно количестве детей, перенесших новую короновирусную инфекцию, вызванную SARS-Co2v, с симптомокомплексом, напоминающим проявления болезни Кавасаки. Особенностью клинических проявлений при данном синдроме, который получил название «педиатрический мультисистемный воспалительный синдром, ассоциированный с COVID-19», является высокая частота возникновения жизнеугрожающих состояний, обусловленных резким развитием артериальной гипотензии на фоне кардиогенного или вазогенношого шока.В Санкт-Петербурге с конца декабря 2020 г. наблюдается резкий всплеск поступлений в ОРИТ различных стационаров детей с клиникой педиатрического мультисистемного воспалительного синдрома, имеющих лабораторное подтверждение перенесенного COVID-19.Целью настоящей статьи является привлечение внимания врачей различного профиля для объединения усилий по изучению данной патологии, определения критериев верификации диагноза, оптимальных схем терапии и диспансерного наблюдения за переболевшими

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristic viral diarrhea in children

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    Viral intestinal infections play an important role in infectious diseases in children of different ages.Aim of this study was to investigate the etiological structure and characteristics of viral diarrhea in hospitalized children in 2009–2013.Materials and Methods: 5535 children’s medical histories were analyzed, in which algorithm survey polymerase chain reaction using primers production «AmpliSens ® Rotavirus / Norovirus / Astrovirus-FL» or «OCI screen AmpliSens ® -FL», «AmpliSens ® Enterovirus-FL» production «InterLabService» (Moscow) was included.Results: we found that with using the polymerase chain reaction etiologic diagnosis was deciphered in 3241 cases (59,8%) and the part of diarrhea of viral genesis of decrypted acute intestinal infections was 77,35 %. Results have shown that the virus diarrhea predominantly affects children under 3 years old (45%). Revealed the prevalence of rotavirus infection (40,44%) also a high proportion of norovirus gastroenteritis (21,18%) have been founded. We found that rotavirus have the first place in importance in the age group of children up to 6 years (56%); however in patients of school age the first place was the norovirus (45,2%). The incidence of rotavirus infection remained high throughout the study period (44,6-58,9%), incidence of norovirus gastroenteritis increased from 24 % in 2010 to 32% in 2012 . In most cases (82%) of viral gastroenteritis was moderate, major complication was dehydration syndrome of 1–2 stage.Conclusion: results have proved that using of modern methods of diagnosis help to decrypt at least 60% of cases of infectious diarrhea, and the main etiological agents are rotaviruses and noroviruses . Our results are fully consistent with the data on the epidemiology in foreign sources of acute intestinal infections in children prior to mass vaccination rotavirus

    Fermented dairy productsin children’ diet: Preventive and therapeutic possibilities of their use

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    The article analyzes the preventive and therapeutic possibilities of using probiotic fermented dairy products (baby curds, yoghurts, biolacts) in children with various pathological conditions. It outlines their effect in preventing respiratory and intestinal infections in children of different ages. Incorporation of probiotic strains with proven efficacy (including those as probiotic fermented dairy products) into the combination treatment of pathological conditions associated with Helicobacter pylori is shown to significantly increase the efficiency of eradication therapy and to prevent the development antibiotic-associated diarrhea

    Features of a current meningoencefalitis at child with the mixed bacterial infection (clinical cases)

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    In the past decade the proportion of mixed infections has increased. The clinical aspects of mixed infections can be atypical, and the course of the disease depends on the type of pathogen-associants, their biological properties, relationships with each other and with the host. A clinical case, showing the possibility of mixed associations of Yersinia ana Listeria infections, caused the meningoencephalitis, is given. It is described the experience of the authors on neuroinfection diseases, according to which, a parallel study of blood and cerebrospinal fluid in molecular-genetic, serological as well as immunohistochemical diagnostic methods is required for the detection of mixed infection or co-infection in order to clarify the etiology of the disease

    Effects of EEG-vigilance regulation patterns on early perceptual processes in human visual cortex

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    Objective To investigate influences of EEG-vigilance regulation patterns on perceptual processing during sustained visual attention in early visual areas. Methods We compared a subject group with stable vigilance regulation to a group with unstable EEG-vigilance regulation. A rapid serial visual presentation stream (RSVP) elicited a 7.5 Hz steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), a continuous sinusoidal brain response as a measure of attentional resource allocation during sustained attention in early visual cortex. Subjects performed a target discrimination task. 150 trials were divided into two parts (75 trials each, trial duration: 11 s). Results A significant interaction vigilance group by experimental part provided significantly greater SSVEP amplitudes for the unstable group in the second compared to the first part of the experiment. Both groups showed training effects with increased hit rates and d′-values in the second part of the experiment. Conclusions The unexpected finding of SSVEP amplitude increase for the unstable group might be due to competitive interactions for neural resources between the alpha response and SSVEPs. Significance Individual patterns of EEG-vigilance regulation have a moderate impact on early sensory processing during sustained visual attention that is not paralleled in task performance