4 research outputs found

    Analysis of surface integrity and formation of material side flow in dry and wet machining of aluminum alloy

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    This paper presents the surface integrity of aluminum alloy under dry and wet conditions. Bars of aluminum alloy with consistent size have been machined at different cutting speeds and feed rates at very short cutting time. The comparison between dry and wet cutting have been assessed based on the surface integrity, determined by the surface roughness value and observation of surface profiles. The result shows that machining in dry condition produces better surface finish where the coolants did not give a big impact on the surface roughness especially at the higher cutting speed. Further observation at the surface profile of dry cutting shows that more formation of material side flow appeared on the machined surface that could decreased the surface roughness value. Surface generated under bot dry and wet conditions appeared with well-defined and free from other damage such as cracking or tearing

    Instrumental Measurement, Sensory Descriptive Analysis and Consumer Acceptability of “Kaya” Supplemented with Pumpkin Puree

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    Kaya toast is a common choice for traditional Malaysian home breakfasts. Kaya, a spread made from eggs, sugar, coconut milk, and sometimes edible starch, is notable for its elevated levels of fat and sugar, contributing to its calorie content. In order to improve its nutritional content, pumpkin puree was supplemented into the kaya formulations. The objectives of the present study were to determine the sensory descriptive profile and consumer acceptability of kaya supplemented with different percentages of pumpkin puree (control: 0%, F1: 20%, F2: 40% and F3: 60%), as well as to evaluate the relationship between the instruments, descriptive and consumer acceptability data. The quality of kaya was evaluated by 10 trained (quantitative descriptive analysis) and 40 untrained (consumer testing) panelists. For instrumental measurements, the kaya was evaluated for its colour, texture and observed under optical microscope. The instrumental data of colour and texture were in good agreement to the one evaluated by the trained panelists. The colour of the kaya became more orangey (decreasing L* values and increasing a* values) with an increase in the amount of pumpkin puree. A higher amount of pumpkin puree resulted in a rougher, firmer, less sticky and less spreadable kaya. The kaya made with 60% pumpkin puree exhibited the softest texture due to the absence of eggs. Among the formulations, kaya supplemented with 20% pumpkin puree was rated the highest acceptance by consumer, thus indicates that consumer prefer kaya that quite similar to control

    New Report on the Occurrence of Gregarine Parasites in Wild Species of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii From Setiu Lagoon, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Highlight ResearchThis is the first report of the occurrence of gregarine species in Peninsular Malaysia.The information of these findings will lead to the identification of species using genetic analysis.This information can help to solve the cultured problem of the Macrobrachium rosenbergii industry worldwide. AbstarctStudies on the parasite of prawn are likely to be important due to the commercial value of the prawn. Investigation study about gregarine parasites of M. rosenbergii in Malaysia is still lacking. Objective of this study is to determine the occurrence of gregarine parasites in shrimp, M. rosenbergii from Setiu Lagoon, Terengganu. The study was done specifically to observe the prevalence and the mean intensity of the parasites which include the morphological prevalence and parasitological study. Prevalence of the parasites in this study is 42.4% with 95% Cumulative Index (CI) 25.6% to 59.3% and value of Odd Ratio (OR) is 0.74 (CI = 0.29 to 1.88). Two structures of the gregarine which is gamont and syzygy found in this study are closely related to morphology characteristic of gregarine in the previous report