181 research outputs found

    Post-eruption morphological evolution and vegetation dynamics of the Blanco River, southern Chile

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    In this study, we analysed the morphological evolution of a channel segment in the Blanco River in southern Chile that was affected by the Chaitén Volcano eruption occurred in 2008–2009. Through a series of high-resolution satellite images from 2005 to 2019 that represents the entire pre- and post-eruptive dynamics and land covers, we tracked the geomorphological evolution of a 5.65-km-long river segment using channel form indices and also monitored the vegetation dynamics using object-based image analysis (OBIA). Discharge record for the Blanco River was also reconstructed to support the analysis of channel morphologic process. The study aims at examining whether a) the river channel is still adjusting 10 years after the eruption and if so, at what magnitude and, b) the recovered riparian vegetation plays a significant role in stabilising the river streambanks and terraces. We found that even 10 years after the eruption, the Blanco River channel planform is still adjusting, showing a simpler and stable channel configuration in the upstream reaches of the valley, where a certain degree of equilibrium appears to have been attained. More dynamic morphologies were observed in the reaches downstream that have to accommodate the arrival of large amounts of freshly eroded sediments. Our analysis showed that the occurrence of competent floods capable of reworking the river channel matches with the geomorphic indices and mark the post-eruption adjustments of the channel. Finally, the in-channel and riparian vegetation does not play a significant role in stabilising the active channel, streambanks, and terraces, reinforcing the recolonization of sedimentary active areas occurring elsewhere in the valley.This research was developed within the frame of the project FONDECYT 1170413 funded by the Chilean Government. Authors acknowledge the support of the Economy and Knowledge Department of the Catalan Government through the Fluvial Dynamics Research Group (RIUS) SGR017-459

    Legacy of wood charcoal production on subalpine forest structure and species composition

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    Land-use legacy on forest dynamics at both stand and landscape scale can last for centuries, affecting forest structure and species composition. We aimed to disentangle the history of the charcoal production legacies that historically shaped Mont Avic Natural Park (Aosta Valley, Italy) forests by integrating LiDAR, GIS, anthracological, and field data at the landscape scale. We adopted different geostatistical tools to relate geographic layers from various data sources. The overexploitation due to intensive charcoal production to fuel mining activities shaped the current forests by homogenising their structure and species composition into dense and young stands with a reduction in late seral species such as Norway spruce (Picea abies) and an increase in pioneer species such as Mountain pine (Pinus uncinata). The multidisciplinary and multi-scale framework adopted in this study stresses the role of historical landscape ecology in evaluating ecosystem resilience to past anthropogenic disturbances. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-022-01750-y

    Optical and electrical behavior of synthetic melanin thin films spray-coated

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    AbstractWe investigated the optical and the electrical conductivity properties of synthetic melanin thin films spray-coated on glass. These films showed a broadband monotonic increase of the absorption coefficient, decreasing the wavelength in the Visible-NIR range. Conductivity as a function of the temperature evidenced a semiconductor like character and a hysteretic behaviour after thermal annealing up to 475 K. Thermal activation energies extrapolated by resistance curves have been explained by using the framework of a band-model as for an amorphous semiconductor

    Electrical transport properties of microcrystalline silicon grown by PECVD

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    The dark conductivity and Hall mobility of hydrogenated silicon films deposited varying the silane concentration f=SiH4/(SiH4+H2) in a conventional plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system have been investigated as a function of temperature, taking into account their structural properties. The electrical properties have been studied in terms of a structural two-phase model. A clear transition from the electrical transport governed by a crystalline phase, in the range 1%3%, has been evidenced. Some metastable effects of the dark conductivity have been noticed

    Carcinoid tumours of the lung and the ’PEPPS’ approach: evaluation of preoperative bronchoscopic tumour debulking as preparation for subsequent parenchyma-sparing surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Preoperative bronchoscopic tumour ablation has been suggested as a beneficial treatment for bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumours, although data regarding its effects and long-term outcome are lacking. METHODS: In our case-matched cohort study with 208 patients with bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumours we investigated the role of preoperative bronchoscopic interventions before subsequent surgery and analysed the safety of this Procedure of Endobronchial Preparation for Parenchyma-sparing Surgery (PEPPS) based on metastasis and recurrence rates as well as survival data from 1991 to 2010. The subsequent surgery was classified into parenchyma-sparing procedures and classical lobectomies, bilobectomies and pneumonectomies. Data were obtained from the tumour registry and medical reports. Outcomes were the frequency of parenchyma-sparing surgery after bronchoscopic treatment as well as rates of metastasis, recurrence and survival. RESULTS: 132 of 208 carcinoids were located centrally. Among them, 77 patients could be recanalised preoperatively. After bronchoscopic preparation, the rate of subsequent parenchyma-sparing surgery methods was higher (p=0.021). The effect was measured by the number of segments removed. The 10-year survival rate was 89% (typical carcinoids) and 68% (atypical carcinoids), respectively. After applying PEPPS, long-term survival was slightly higher (p=0.23). Metastasis and recurrence rates showed no relevant differences between the bronchoscopically treated or non-treated groups, or between the two types of surgery classes or between the PEPPS and non-PEPPS groups. CONCLUSIONS: After preoperative bronchoscopic treatment, parenchyma-sparing surgery techniques can be applied more frequently. Furthermore, we detected no negative effects after PEPPS based on metastasis, recurrence and survival rates
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