375 research outputs found

    La classificació estilística en les arts decoratives del segle XIX. Algunes consideracions

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    El artículo intenta ir más allá del habitual estudio descriptivo que se ha venido realizando de forma generalizada en el campo de las artes decorativas. Pretendemos abordar el tema del estilo como un instrumento de interpretación que nos permita comprender y analizar fragmentos de la versátil realidad decimonónica. Partiendo del debate y las polémicas suscitadas en torno al estilo, omnipresentes a lo largo del siglo XIX, no pretendemos hacer un recopilatorio o estado de la cuestión sinó, más bien, mostrar la diversidad de los estilos en el ámbito de la decoración de interiores y situar algunos elementos de reflexión para el estudio de su significación

    Seasonal variation of bacterial diversity along the marine particulate matter continuum

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    © Copyright © 2020 Mestre, Höfer, Sala and Gasol. Seasonal dynamics of ocean prokaryotic communities in the free-living fraction have been widely described, but less is known about the seasonality of prokaryotes inhabiting marine particles. We describe the seasonality of bacterial communities in the particulate matter continuum by sampling monthly over two years in a temperate oligotrophic coastal ecosystem and using a serial filtration (including six size-fractions spanning from 0.2 to 200 μm). We observed that bacterial communities in the particulate matter continuum had annual changes following harmonic seasonal oscillations, where alpha, beta, and gamma diversity increased during the warm period and decreased during the cold period. Communities in each size-fraction changed gradually over time, being the communities in larger size-fractions the ones with stronger annual changes. Annual community changes were driven mainly by day length and sea surface temperature, and each size-fraction was additionally affected by other variables (e.g., smaller size-fractions by dissolved PO4 and larger size-fractions by turbidity). While some taxonomic groups mantained their preference for a given size fraction during most of the year, others varied their distribution into different size fractions over time, as e.g., SAR11, which increased its presence in particles during the cold period. Our results indicate that the size-fractionation scheme provides novel seasonal patterns that are not possible to unveil by analyzing only free-living bacteria, and that help to better understand the temporal dynamics of prokaryotes

    Una aproximació als escenaris quotidians: mobiliari de la Casa Busquets per als Gorina i els Turull

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    Sovint resulta dificultós imaginar-se la forma de viure d'èpoques passades, i una de les maneres d'acostar-se a aquest univers de la privacitat por ser mitjançant les imatges reflectides pels artistes o bé a través de les descripcions literàries. No obstant això, una altra possible aproximació als escenaris quotidians es pot donar a partir de l'estudi del mobiliari, el qual sempre ha tingut una funció simbòlica alhora que utilitària. En aquest sentit, el terreny de les arts decoratives -àmbit en què bàsicament centrem les nostres investigacions- és el que més s'acosta als usos i costums d'una societat. Així, el propòsit d'aquestes breus línies és revelar com eren alguns dels mobles i dels interiors que dues famílies destacades de Sabadell, els Gorina i els Turull, van encomanar a la Casa Busquets al llarg del temps, amb l'objectiu d'aportar algunes dades sobre I'estil de vida, els gustos i els costums d'una època

    Les arts a escena: l'experiència del Teatre de Natura

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    Dins del moviment simbolista a Catalunya, Adrià Gual, Apel·les Mestres, Santiago Rusiñol i altres modernistes van seguir l'ideal de l'època de la Gesamtkunst (obra d'art total). Tots aquests creadors van transitar per la plàstica, la poesia i les arts escèniques, les quals no es poden entendre sense la música. Amb el projecte del Teatre líric català d'Enric Morera, que va comptar amb altres compositors, com Enric Granados i Jaume Pahissa, o l'experiència del Teatre Íntim de Gual, pretenien construir un veritable espectacle popular modern. Entre 1910 i 1914, l'anomenat Teatre de Natura és la simbiosi que ha de tenir lloc entre l'intèrpret i l'espectador. En aquest article partim del que s'ha dit fins ara sobre el tema i, oferint nous continguts, plantegem alguns elements d'anàlisi a partir de les obres Canigó de Jacint Verdaguer, Flors de Cingle d'Ignasi Iglésias i Rondalla bosquetana. La viola d'or d'Apel·les Mestres

    Trends in Ostreopsis proliferation along the Northern Mediterranean coasts

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    14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tableHarmful benthic microalgae blooms represent an emergent phenomenon in temperate zones, causing health, ecological and economic concern. The main goal of this work was to compile records of Ostreopsis at large temporal and spatial scales, in order to study the relationship between cell abundances, the periodicity and intensity of the blooms and the role of sea water temperature in 14 Spanish, French, Monegasque and Italian sites located along the northern limits of the Mediterranean Sea. General trends were observed in the two considered basins: the north-western Mediterranean Sea, in which higher cell abundances were mostly recorded in mid-summer (end of July), and the northern Adriatic Sea where they occur in early fall (end of September). The sea-water temperature does not seem to be a primary driver, and the maximal abundance periods were site and year specific. Such results represent an important step in the understanding of harmful benthic microalgae blooms in temperate areas, and provide a good base for policy makers and managers in the attempt to monitor and forecast benthic harmful microalgae bloomsThe research of the Barcelona group was financed by the national project CTQ 2008-06754-C04-04 EBITOX (Study of the biological and toxinologic aspects of benthic dinoflagellates associated with risks to the human health). We also acknowledge the support given by the CatalanWater Agency (Generalitat de Catalunya), and the facilities kindly offered by the family Aceña from the Restaurant Pins Mar (Sant Andreu de Llavaneres). The research of the French groups was supported by the national program MediOs 2 (LITEAU-Ministère de l’Ecologie, Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes, Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerrannée et Corse), by a researchers exchange program Galilée (Université franco-italienne, Egide, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères) and by the Monaco Environmental Agency. The research of the Italian groups was supported by the national project “Marine biotoxins in Italian coastal waters: characteristics, origin, actions”, (PRIN 2007), MURST, by the project “Ostreopsis ovata e Ostreopsis spp.: nuovi rischi di tossicità microalgale nei mari italiani”, ISPRA-Italian Ministry of Environment, by the project “Qualità ecologica e fioriture di Ostreopsis in Liguria” of the Genova University and by a researchers exchange program Galileo (Università franco-italiana, CRUI)Peer reviewe

    Out of Thin Air: Microbial Utilization of Atmospheric Gaseous Organics in the Surface Ocean

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    8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, supplementary material http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2015.01566Volatile and semi-volatile gas-phase organic carbon (GOC) is a largely neglected component of the global carbon cycle, with poorly resolved pools and fluxes of natural and anthropogenic GOC in the biosphere. Substantial amounts of atmospheric GOC are exchanged with the surface ocean, and subsequent utilization of specific GOC compounds by surface ocean microbial communities has been demonstrated. Yet, the final fate of the bulk of the atmospheric GOC entering the surface ocean is unknown. Our data show experimental evidence of efficient use of atmospheric GOC by marine prokaryotes at different locations in the NE Subtropical Atlantic, the Arctic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. We estimate that between 2 and 27% of the prokaryotic carbon demand was supported by GOC with a major fraction of GOC inputs being consumed within the mixed layer. The role of the atmosphere as a key vector of organic carbon subsidizing marine microbial metabolism is a novel link yet to be incorporated into the microbial ecology of the surface ocean as well as into the global carbon budgetThis is a contribution to projects RODA (CTM2004-06842-CO3-02), and ATOS (POL2006-00550/CTM) projects, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and project THRESHOLDS funded by the 6 Framework Programme of the European Union. JA was supported by a “Ramón y Cajal” research fellowship from the Spanish Government.Peer Reviewe

    Un jardí de símbols

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    Les paraules determinen la manera com interpretem la realitat i poden, per tant, canviar-la; tenen un impacte emocional, intel·lectual i fins i tot físic sobre les persones..

    La música de les esferes

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