657 research outputs found

    Analyzing risk-related information seeking behavioral intention and risk perception of wildfires: the High Park Fire Burn Area

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.This study assessed risk-related information seeking behavioral intention and dual-process risk perception within the context of wildfires. Particularly, the study focused on utilizing a combined risk-related information seeking model with concepts originating from the planned risk information seeking model (PRISM), a framework of risk information seeking (FRIS), and the risk information seeking and processing model (RISP). The key concepts utilized included: past risk-related information seeking, self-efficacy, response efficacy, dual-process risk perception (affective and cognitive risk perception, perceived hazard knowledge, information needs, and behavioral intention. A survey (N=432; 60.8% response rate) was disseminated to the High Park Fire Burn Area, west of Fort Collins, Colorado which experienced a wildfire in 2012. The survey revealed the importance of including dual-process risk perception in risk-related information seeking models and highlighted its influence on past risk-related information seeking and risk-related information seeking behavioral intention. Response efficacy was correlated with self-efficacy, following suit to other risk-related information seeking studies. Cognitive risk perception was correlated with affective risk perception, suggesting a bi-directional relationship between the two concepts. Individuals were more likely to seek wildfire information in the past if they did not have enough knowledge about the hazard. Moreover, individuals are more likely to base their risk perception on their emotions, particularly when facing a wildfire. The results from the survey revealed that the exploratory path had a better model fit than the confirmatory path model, yet both provided important findings related to risk-related information seeking behavioral intention and dual-process risk perception. This study reaffirmed the need for theoretical improvement related to current information needs, particularly in relation with perceived hazard knowledge and risk-related information seeking behavioral intention. There were inconsistencies with current information needs throughout the study, following suit with the literature and calls for further refinement of the concept. Implications and future research efforts are also noted and discussed such as the importance of tailored messaging and a communication campaign

    Extensive Association of Common Disease Variants with Regulatory Sequence

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    Overlap between non-coding DNA regulatory sequences and common variant associations can help to identify specific cell and tissue types that are relevant for particular diseases. In a systematic manner, we analyzed variants from 94 genome-wide association studies (reporting at least 12 loci at p<5x10-8) by projecting them onto 466 epigenetic datasets (characterizing DNase I hypersensitive sites; DHSs) derived from various adult and fetal tissue samples and cell lines including many biological replicates. We were able to confirm many expected associations, such as the involvement of specific immune cell types in immune-related diseases and tissue types in diseases that affect specific organs, for example, inflammatory bowel disease and coronary artery disease. Other notable associations include adrenal glands in coronary artery disease, the immune system in Alzheimer's disease, and the kidney for bone marrow density. The association signals for some GWAS (for example, myopia or age at menarche) did not show a clear pattern with any of the cell or tissue types studied. In general, the identified variants from GWAS tend to be located outside coding regions. Altogether, we have performed an extensive characterization of GWAS signals in relation to cell and tissue-specific DHSs, demonstrating a key role for regulatory mechanisms in common diseases and complex traits

    Epigenetic modification of the oxytocin and glucocorticoid receptor genes is linked to attachment avoidance in young adults

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    Attachment in the context of intimate pair bonds is most frequently studied in terms of the universal strategy to draw near, or away, from significant others at moments of personal distress. However, important interindividual differences in the quality of attachment exist, usually captured through secure versus insecure – anxious and/or avoidant – attachment orientations. Since Bowlby’s pioneering writings on the theory of attachment, it has been assumed that attachment orientations are influenced by both genetic and social factors – what we would today describe and measure as gene by environment interaction mediated by epigenetic DNA modification – but research in humans on this topic remains extremely limited. We for the first time examined relations between intra-individual differences in attachment and epigenetic modification of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) and glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) gene promoter in 109 young adult human participants. Our results revealed that attachment avoidance was significantly and specifically associated with increased OXTR and NR3C1 promoter methylation. These findings offer first tentative clues on the possible etiology of attachment avoidance in humans by showing epigenetic modification in genes related to both social stress regulation and HPA axis functioning

    Аналіз тенденцій рівня розвитку економічних процесів підприємства

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    Подано методичні розробки щодо визначення ймовірної зміни рівнів розвитку економічних процесів машинобудівних підприємств залежно від рівня ефективності матеріальної мотивації персоналу на період 2010 р. Імовірну зміну рівня розвитку економічного процесу визначено за допомогою ланцюгів Маркова, що передбачає реалізацію шести послідовних етапів. Ключові слова: підприємства машинобудування, ланцюги Маркова, економічні процеси.Представлены методические разработки по определению вероятного изменения уровня развития экономических процессов предприятий машиностроения в зависимости от уровня эффективности материальной мотивации персонала на период 2010 г. Вероятное изменение уровня развития экономического процесса определено с помощью цепей Маркова, что предусматривает реализацию шести последовательных этапов. Ключевые слова: предприятия машино-стро¬ения, цепи Маркова, экономические процессы.The paper presents methodical developments on determination of probable changes in the level of machine-build enterprises’ economic processes development depending on the level of personnel’s material motivation efficiency for the period of 2010. Probable changes in the level of economic processes development are determined by using Markov’s chains which provide six stages. Keywords: machine-building enterprises, Markov chains, economic processes

    Interação genótipo x ambiente em características avaliadas por ultrassom em bovinos da raça Canchim.

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    Foram avaliados 1.652 animais Canchim (5/8 Charolês + 3/8 zebu) e MA (filhos de touro Charolês em fêmeas ½ Canchim + ½ zebu) para área de olho de lombo (AOL) e espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) durante os anos de 2005 a 2010. Esses animais foram separados por sexo e por região de criação (São Paulo e Goiás) e então foi avaliado o efeito da interação genótipo-ambiente por meio de análises bi-características, utilizando-se modelo animal com efeitos fixos de grupo de contemporâneo, covariáveis lineares (idade, peso e heterozigose individual), além dos efeitos aleatórios aditivo direto e residual. A herdabilidade (h2a) para EGS em fêmeas (0,28) foi superior aos machos (0,04) e a correlação genética (0,49) indica que a característica é controlada de forma diferente em machos e fêmeas. A h2a para AOL por sexo (M=0,34 e F=0,38) e por região (SP=0,37 e GO=0,47) indica que a característica apresenta variância genética suficiente para responder à seleção nos diferentes ambientes estudados

    Probing energy transfer in an ensemble of silicon nanocrystals

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    Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements of silicon nanocrystals formed by ion implantation of silicon into silicon dioxide reveal multi-exponential luminescence decays. Three discrete time components are apparent in the rise and decay data, which we associate with different classes of nanocrystals. The values of decay time are remarkably constant with emission energy, but the relative contributions of the three components vary strongly across the luminescence band. In keeping with the quantum confinement model for luminescence, we assign emission at high energies to small nanocrystals and that at low energies to large nanocrystals. By deconvolving the decay data over the full emission band, it is possible to study the migration of excitation from smaller (luminescence donor) to larger (luminescence acceptor) nanocrystals. We propose a model of diffusion of excitation between neighboring nanocrystals, with long lifetime emission being from the largest nanocrystal in the local neighborhood. Our data also allow us to study the saturation of acceptor nanocrystals, effectively switching off excitation transfer, and Auger recombination in non-interacting nanocrystals. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3622151

    Systematic analysis of chromatin interactions at disease associated loci links novel candidate genes to inflammatory bowel disease

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    BACKGROUND: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed many susceptibility loci for complex genetic diseases. For most loci, the causal genes have not been identified. Currently, the identification of candidate genes is predominantly based on genes that localize close to or within identified loci. We have recently shown that 92 of the 163 inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-loci co-localize with non-coding DNA regulatory elements (DREs). Mutations in DREs can contribute to IBD pathogenesis through dysregulation of gene expression. Consequently, genes that are regulated by these 92 DREs are to be considered as candidate genes. This study uses circular chromosome conformation capture-sequencing (4C-seq) to systematically analyze chromatin-interactions at IBD susceptibility loci that localize to regulatory DNA. RESULTS: Using 4C-seq, we identify genomic regions that physically interact with the 92 DRE that were found at IBD susceptibility loci. Since the activity of regulatory elements is cell-type specific, 4C-seq was performed in monocytes, lymphocytes, and intestinal epithelial cells. Altogether, we identified 902 novel IBD candidate genes. These include genes specific for IBD-subtypes and many noteworthy genes including ATG9A and IL10RA. We show that expression of many novel candidate genes is genotype-dependent and that these genes are upregulated during intestinal inflammation in IBD. Furthermore, we identify HNF4α as a potential key upstream regulator of IBD candidate genes. CONCLUSIONS: We reveal many novel and relevant IBD candidate genes, pathways, and regulators. Our approach complements classical candidate gene identification, links novel genes to IBD and can be applied to any existing GWAS data

    Genetic parameters for carcass traits and body weight using a Bayesian approach in the Canchim cattle.

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    Correlation between genetic parameters and factors such as backfat thickness (BFT), rib eye area (REA), and body weight (BW) were estimated for Canchim beef cattle raised in natural pastures of Brazil. Data from 1648 animals were analyzed using multi-trait (BFT, REA, and BW) animal models by the Bayesian approach. This model included the effects of contemporary group, age, and individual heterozygosity as covariates. In addition, direct additive genetic and random residual effects were also analyzed. Heritability estimated for BFT (0.16), REA (0.50), and BW (0.44) indicated their potential for genetic improvements and response to selection processes. Furthermore, genetic correlations between BW and the remaining traits were high (P > 0.50), suggesting that selection for BW could improve REA and BFT. On the other hand, genetic correlation between BFT and REA was low (P = 0.39 ± 0.17), and included considerable variations, suggesting that these traits can be jointly included as selection criteria without influencing each other. We found that REA and BFT responded to the selection processes, as measured by ultrasound. Therefore, selection for yearling weight results in changes in REA and BFT

    Análise de haplótipos em QTL associado ao conteúdo de ferro no músculo de bovinos Nelore.

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    Editores técnicos: João de Mendonça Naime, Caue Ribeiro, Maria Alice Martins, Elaine Cristina Paris, Paulino Ribeiro Villas Boas, Ladislau Marcelino Rabello