2,564 research outputs found

    Novel steady state of a microtubule assembly in a confined geometry

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    We study the steady state of an assembly of microtubules in a confined volume, analogous to the situation inside a cell where the cell boundary forms a natural barrier to growth. We show that the dynamical equations for growing and shrinking microtubules predict the existence of two steady states, with either exponentially decaying or exponentially increasing distribution of microtubule lengths. We identify the regimes in parameter space corresponding to these steady states. In the latter case, the apparent catastrophe frequency near the boundary was found to be significantly larger than that in the interior. Both the exponential distribution of lengths and the increase in the catastrophe frequency near the cell margin is in excellent agreement with recent experimental observations.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Transport enhancement from incoherent coupling between one-dimensional quantum conductors

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    We study the non-equilibrium transport properties of a highly anisotropic two-dimensional lattice of spin-1/2 particles governed by a Heisenberg XXZ Hamiltonian. The anisotropy of the lattice allows us to approximate the system at finite temperature as an array of incoherently coupled one-dimensional chains. We show that in the regime of strong intrachain interactions, the weak interchain coupling considerably boosts spin transport in the driven system. Interestingly, we show that this enhancement increases with the length of the chains, which is related to superdiffusive spin transport. We describe the mechanism behind this effect, compare it to a similar phenomenon in single chains induced by dephasing, and explain why the former is much stronger

    Weak measurement takes a simple form for cumulants

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    A weak measurement on a system is made by coupling a pointer weakly to the system and then measuring the position of the pointer. If the initial wavefunction for the pointer is real, the mean displacement of the pointer is proportional to the so-called weak value of the observable being measured. This gives an intuitively direct way of understanding weak measurement. However, if the initial pointer wavefunction takes complex values, the relationship between pointer displacement and weak value is not quite so simple, as pointed out recently by R. Jozsa. This is even more striking in the case of sequential weak measurements. These are carried out by coupling several pointers at different stages of evolution of the system, and the relationship between the products of the measured pointer positions and the sequential weak values can become extremely complicated for an arbitrary initial pointer wavefunction. Surprisingly, all this complication vanishes when one calculates the cumulants of pointer positions. These are directly proportional to the cumulants of sequential weak values. This suggests that cumulants have a fundamental physical significance for weak measurement

    Motile and non-motile cilia in human pathology: from function to phenotypes

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    Ciliopathies are inherited human disorders caused by both motile and non-motile cilia dysfunction that form an important and rapidly expanding disease category. Ciliopathies are complex conditions to diagnose, being multisystem disorders characterized by extensive genetic heterogeneity and clinical variability with high levels of lethality. There is marked phenotypic overlap among distinct ciliopathy syndromes that presents a major challenge for their recognition, diagnosis, and clinical management, in addition to posing an on-going task to develop the most appropriate family counselling. The impact of next-generation sequencing and high-throughput technologies in the last decade has significantly improved our understanding of the biological basis of ciliopathy disorders, enhancing our ability to determine the possible reasons for the extensive overlap in their symptoms and genetic aetiologies. Here, we review the diverse functions of cilia in human health and disease and discuss a growing shift away from the classical clinical definitions of ciliopathy syndromes to a more functional categorization. This approach arises from our improved understanding of this unique organelle, revealed through new genetic and cell biological insights into the discrete functioning of subcompartments of the cilium (basal body, transition zone, intraflagellar transport, motility). Mutations affecting these distinct ciliary protein modules can confer different genetic diseases and new clinical classifications are possible to define, according to the nature and extent of organ involvement. Copyright (C) 2016 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Eg5 is static in bipolar spindles relative to tubulin: evidence for a static spindle matrix

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    We used fluorescent speckle microscopy to probe the dynamics of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 in Xenopus extract spindles, and compared them to microtubule dynamics. We found significant populations of Eg5 that were static over several seconds while microtubules flux towards spindle poles. Eg5 dynamics are frozen by adenylimidodiphosphate. Bulk turnover experiments showed that Eg5 can exchange between the spindle and the extract with a half life of <55 s. Eg5 distribution in spindles was not perturbed by inhibition of its motor activity with monastrol, but was perturbed by inhibition of dynactin with p50 dynamitin. We interpret these data as revealing the existence of a static spindle matrix that promotes Eg5 targeting to spindles, and transient immobilization of Eg5 within spindles. We discuss alternative interpretations of the Eg5 dynamics we observe, ideas for the biochemical nature of a spindle matrix, and implications for Eg5 function

    On Nonzero Kronecker Coefficients and their Consequences for Spectra

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    A triple of spectra (r^A, r^B, r^{AB}) is said to be admissible if there is a density operator rho^{AB} with (Spec rho^A, Spec rho^B, Spec rho^{AB})=(r^A, r^B, r^{AB}). How can we characterise such triples? It turns out that the admissible spectral triples correspond to Young diagrams (mu, nu, lambda) with nonzero Kronecker coefficient [M. Christandl and G. Mitchison, to appear in Comm. Math. Phys., quant-ph/0409016; A. Klyachko, quant-ph/0409113]. This means that the irreducible representation V_lambda is contained in the tensor product of V_mu and V_nu. Here, we show that such triples form a finitely generated semigroup, thereby resolving a conjecture of Klyachko. As a consequence we are able to obtain stronger results than in [M. Ch. and G. M. op. cit.] and give a complete information-theoretic proof of the correspondence between triples of spectra and representations. Finally, we show that spectral triples form a convex polytope.Comment: 13 page

    Mitosis: New Roles for Myosin-X and Actin at the Spindle

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    SummaryRoles for actin and myosin in positioning mitotic spindles in the cell are well established. A recent study of myosin-X function in early Xenopus embryo mitosis now reports that this unconventional myosin is required for pole integrity and normal spindle length by localizing to poles and exerting pulling forces on actin filaments within the spindle

    Prc1E and Kif4A control microtubule organization within and between large Xenopus egg asters

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 29 (2018): 304-316, doi:10.1091/mbc.E17-09-0540.The cleavage furrow in Xenopus zygotes is positioned by two large microtubule asters that grow out from the poles of the first mitotic spindle. Where these asters meet at the midplane, they assemble a disk-shaped interaction zone consisting of anti-parallel microtubule bundles coated with chromosome passenger complex (CPC) and centralspindlin that instructs the cleavage furrow. Here we investigate the mechanism that keeps the two asters separate and forms a distinct boundary between them, focusing on the conserved cytokinesis midzone proteins Prc1 and Kif4A. Prc1E, the egg orthologue of Prc1, and Kif4A were recruited to anti-parallel bundles at interaction zones between asters in Xenopus egg extracts. Prc1E was required for Kif4A recruitment but not vice versa. Microtubule plus-end growth slowed and terminated preferentially within interaction zones, resulting in a block to interpenetration that depended on both Prc1E and Kif4A. Unexpectedly, Prc1E and Kif4A were also required for radial order of large asters growing in isolation, apparently to compensate for the direction-randomizing influence of nucleation away from centrosomes. We propose that Prc1E and Kif4, together with catastrophe factors, promote “anti-parallel pruning” that enforces radial organization within asters and generates boundaries to microtubule growth between asters

    The time-profile of cell growth in fission yeast: model selection criteria favoring bilinear models over exponential ones

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    BACKGROUND: There is considerable controversy concerning the exact growth profile of size parameters during the cell cycle. Linear, exponential and bilinear models are commonly considered, and the same model may not apply for all species. Selection of the most adequate model to describe a given data-set requires the use of quantitative model selection criteria, such as the partial (sequential) F-test, the Akaike information criterion and the Schwarz Bayesian information criterion, which are suitable for comparing differently parameterized models in terms of the quality and robustness of the fit but have not yet been used in cell growth-profile studies. RESULTS: Length increase data from representative individual fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) cells measured on time-lapse films have been reanalyzed using these model selection criteria. To fit the data, an extended version of a recently introduced linearized biexponential (LinBiExp) model was developed, which makes possible a smooth, continuously differentiable transition between two linear segments and, hence, allows fully parametrized bilinear fittings. Despite relatively small differences, essentially all the quantitative selection criteria considered here indicated that the bilinear model was somewhat more adequate than the exponential model for fitting these fission yeast data. CONCLUSION: A general quantitative framework was introduced to judge the adequacy of bilinear versus exponential models in the description of growth time-profiles. For single cell growth, because of the relatively limited data-range, the statistical evidence is not strong enough to favor one model clearly over the other and to settle the bilinear versus exponential dispute. Nevertheless, for the present individual cell growth data for fission yeast, the bilinear model seems more adequate according to all metrics, especially in the case of wee1Δ cells