651 research outputs found

    The syntax of existential sentences in Serbian

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    Freeze (1992) argued on the basis of data from several different languages that there is a close relationship between existential sentences (stating the existence of an entity) and locative sentences (stating the location of an entity). Freeze (1992) proposes that they are both derived from the same base structure and that the surface differences are rather due to the distinct information structures.This paper argues against this position with the data from Serbian existentials, which show clear syntactic differences from the locatives. Thus, the close relationship between existential and locative sentences that Freeze (1992) observes is conceptual, but not (necessarily) part of the syntax of the language. In order to account for the data, we propose that existential sentences originate from a different syntactic predication structure than the locative ones. The existential meaning arises, as we will show, from the interaction of this predication structure with the structure and meaning of the noun phrase

    An explanation of humour by the principles of the associative S-R theory of reinforcement

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    Pleasure experienced in humour is not simply reinforcement due to performing a reaction followed by drive reduction. Gratification in humour is, primarily, in not performing a reaction that is not followed by reinforcement. At the operational level, humour is a close contact of two distinct, interfering reactions (humour as intervening variable). Deductive coverage of this empirical law by a broader theory is achieved by subsuming the contiguity of two reactions into a form of dissipation of reactive inhibition. This is also the main hypothesis of this work: humour is gratification caused by sudden dissipation of reactive inhibition (humour as hypothetical construct

    The attitudes of students of psychology in grading knowledge and creativity

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    Starting from Gilford’s differentiation of thinking into convergent and divergent, research was carried out into the attitudes of the students of psychology towards quality and the objectivity of professor’s gradings, representation of certain elements of grading, as well as the ways of forming the final grade on an exa

    The layered crisis of the primary care medical workforce in the European region: what evidence do we need to identify causes and solutions?

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).Primary care services are key to population health and for the efficient and equitable organisation of national health systems. This is why they are often financed through public funds. Primary care doctors are instrumental for the delivery of preventive services, continuity of care, and for the referral of patients through the system. These cadres are also the single largest health expenditure at the core of such services. Although recruitment and retention of primary care doctors have always been challenging, shortages are now exacerbated by higher demand for services from aging populations, increased burden of chronic diseases, backlogs from the COVID-19 pandemic, and patient expectations. At the same time, the supply of primary care physicians is constrained by rising retirement rates, internal and external migration, worsening working conditions, budget cuts, and increased burnout. Misalignment between national education sectors and labour markets is becoming apparent, compounding staff shortages and maldistribution. With their predominantly publicly funded health systems and in the aftermath of COVID-19, countries of the European region appear to be now on the cusp of a multi-layered, slow-burning primary care crisis, with almost every country reporting long waiting lists for doctor appointments, shortages of physicians, unfilled vacancies, and consequently, added pressures on hospitals’ Accident and Emergency services. This articles collection aims at pulling together the evidence from countries of the European Region on root causes of such workforce crisis, impacts, and effectiveness of existing policies to mitigate it. Original research is needed, offering analysis and fresh insights into the primary care medical workforce crisis in wider Europe. Ultimately, the aim of this articles collection is to provide an evidence basis for the identification of policy solutions to present and future primary health care crises in high as well as lower-income countries.publishersversionpublishe

    Application of behavioral theory in music

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    This paper presents an explanation of some laws of perception with regard to S-R principles of learning psychology. The possibility of connecting two great schools in the science of psychology − behaviorism and gestalt psychology – which are often presented as opposite

    Dual resonance mechanisms facilitating enhanced optical transmission in coaxial waveguide arrays

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    We experimentally and computationally demonstrate high transmission through arrays of coaxial apertures with different geometries and arrangements in silver films. By studying both periodic and random arrangements of apertures, we were able to isolate transmission enhancement phenomena owing to surface plasmon effects from those owing to the excitation of cylindrical surface plasmons within the apertures themselves.This work was partially supported by the Office of Naval Research. The support of the Australian Research Council through its Centers of Excellence, Federation Fellow, and Discovery Programs is acknowledged

    Reconstruction of the erythemal UV radiation data in Novi Sad (Serbia) using the NEOPLANTA parametric model

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    This paper focuses on the development and application of a technique for filling the daily erythemal UV dose data gaps and the reconstruction of the past daily erythemal UV doses in Novi Sad, Serbia. The technique implies developing the empirical equation for estimation of daily erythemal UV doses by means of relative daily sunshine duration under all sky conditions. A good agreement was found between modeled and measured values of erythemal UV doses. This technique was used for filling the short gaps in the erythemal UV dose measurement series (2003–2009) as well as for the reconstruction of the past time-series values (1981–2002). Statistically significant positive erythemal UV dose trend of 6.9 J m−2 per year was found during the period 1981–2009. In relation to the reference period 1981–1989, an increase in the erythemal UV dose of 6.92 % is visible in the period 1990– 1999 and the increase of 9.67 % can be seen in the period 2000–2009. The strongest increase in erythemal UV doses has been found for winter and spring seasons

    Academic policy advice in consensus-seeking countries: the cases of Belgium and Germany

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    Research on policy-advisory systems worldwide has shown that historically dominant sources of advice traditionally located in-house to the government have been increasingly supplemented by other actors and outside knowledge. However, the vast majority of research has concentrated on the anglophone context. Yet, countries with a consensus-seeking, neo-corporatist tradition provide a special case in terms of policy advice and merit more scholarly attention. What counts as evidence in these countries is the expert rationality of institutional representatives. The position and role of academic research in consensus-based systems is unclear, and is the focus of this article. Can we observe commonalities across consensus-style countries, or do differences prevail? We investigate two typical consensus-seeking countries: Belgium and Germany. To examine the supply side of policy advice, the article reviews current evidence regarding their policy-advisory systems. For the demand side, we present insights from a survey among federal ministerial officials. We find common trends between the two cases but their nature and extent are idiosyncratic. In Belgium, the supply of and demand for academic policy advice is comparatively lower, while the German case exhibits more change in the advisory landscape and institutionalisation of the supply of and demand for academic research. The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Heterotopic pancreatitis causing confusion in small bowel tumor.

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    A 39-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for acute epigastric pain with nausea and vomiting. Physical examination was suggestive for acute abdomen without peritoneal irritation findings. Blood tests results were as follow: alanine aminotransferase (ALT): 87 U/L, aspartate aminotransferase (AST): 55 U/L, amylase: 135 U/L, lipase: 69 U/L, total bilirubin: 11,6 mg/l, creatinine: 9 mg/l, C-reactive protein (CRP): 108,4 mg/L, and white blood cells (WBC): 14640/mm