382 research outputs found

    Polarization Independent Unidirectional Scattering with Turnstile Nanoantennas

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    We study the scattering behavior of a dielectric cross-dipole nanoantenna in the near-infrared spectral range when it is excited by a circular polarized plane wave. We theoretically demonstrate, for optimized geometrical parameters of the proposed turnstile structure, the possibility to simultaneously obtain a unidirectional scattering and a specific circular polarization of the scattered field. Our results open new functionalities for metamaterials and optical nanoantennas

    Comprehensive Analysis of Graphene Geometric Diodes: Role of Geometrical Asymmetry and Electrostatic Effects

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    A self-consistent Monte Carlo/3-D Poisson simulator has been developed to analyze the current asymmetry in graphene geometric diodes. The model couples ballistic transport in the graphene layer with 3-D electrostatics in the graphene and oxide substrate. Results are given in terms of transmission coefficients and currents at the two terminals of the diode. We prove that while the current asymmetry is mainly induced by ballistic transport in the asymmetric structure, the electrostatics plays a relevant role that tends to substantially counterbalance the geometrical effect

    Nano-antenna array for high efficiency sunlight harvesting

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    none5noSolar rectennas are promising devices for energy harvesting. Capability of rectennas to convert incident light into useful energy depends on the antenna efficiency, that is the ratio between the power transferred to the load vs the incoming power. In this work, we first emphasize that for the efficiency to be calculated accurately, antennas need to be treated as receiving devices, not as transmitting ones. Then, we propose an arrangement of antennas that differs from those published so far in three respects: (1) the proposed arrangement is formed by an array of nano-antennas with sub-wavelength inter-element spacing, (2) it comprises a reflecting mirror, and (3) it allows for dual polarization operation. Through numerical simulations, we show that the small lattice pitch we use is responsible for frequency flattening of the lattice impedance over the whole solar spectrum, eventually allowing for excellent matching with the antennas’ loads. Also, the small pitch allows for a smooth dependence of the receiving efficiency on the angle of incidence of sunlight. Finally, we show numerically that the reflecting mirror also allows for an almost complete cancellation of light scattered by the receiving antennas. The final result is a polarization insensitive receiving theoretical efficiency larger than 70% over the whole 300-3000 nm spectral range, with a less than 10% energy wasting due to back-scattering of sunlight.openMidrio M.; Pierantoni L.; Boscolo S.; Truccolo D.; Mencarelli D.Midrio, M.; Pierantoni, L.; Boscolo, S.; Truccolo, D.; Mencarelli, D

    Graphene-assisted control of coupling between optical waveguides

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    The unique properties of optical waveguides electrically controlled by means of graphene layers are investigated. We demonstrate that, thanks to tunable losses induced by graphene layers, a careful design of silicon on silica ridge waveguides can be used to explore passive PT-symmetry breaking in directional couplers. We prove that the exceptional point of the system can be probed by varying the applied voltage and we thus propose very compact photonic structures which can be exploited to control coupling between waveguides and to tailor discrete diffraction in arrays

    Diseño de una rectena de onda completa de triple frecuencia

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    Modern communication systems use multifrequency or broadband antennas in order to provide multiple communication services. One of the biggest problems associated to all these systems comes from their batteries life cycle. Nowadays, great efforts are being undertaken in order to harvest energy from as many places as possible. In addition, if the two cycles of the corresponding wave could be used, it would be good in order to increase the RF-DC power conversion. This paper presents a multifrequency and full wave-rectifying antenna for microwave applicatio

    Role of dispersion in pulse emission from a sliding-frequency fiber laser

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    6openopenRomagnoli, M.; Wabnitz, Stefan; Franco, P.; Midrio, M.; Bossalini, L.; Fontana, F.M., Romagnoli; Wabnitz, Stefan; P., Franco; M., Midrio; L., Bossalini; F., Fontan

    Frequency addressing of nano-objects by electrical tuning of optical antennas

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    We first analyze the equivalent circuit parameters of linear wire optical nano-antennas in uniaxial anisotropic media. We then exploit the electro-optic response of a bipolar nematic liquid crystal to demonstrate tuning of an optical antenna using a low frequency external electric field as the control mechanism